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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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free broadcast. media projects free media. in egypt. might be giving into position pressure off the tens of thousands converged on the presidential palace. a distant prospect. i would be highly skeptical of any intelligence rendered by the one hundred forty plus billion dollar us intelligence community as to weapons of mass destruction in the possession of another country. the u.s. and britain are increasingly building up a case against syria claiming it's preparing to use chemical weapons we look at whether the iraq has been learnt. to change that. help for the rebels despite fears that aid could fall into the hands of radical islamists. in the coverage of the u.k.
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pregnancy with the suspected suicide of a focus of a frenzy which some say has gone too far. around the world onscreen online international news and comment from the egyptian opposition is growing pressure on president morsi is still missing to yield results following days of protests ending with friday's massive march on the presidential palace sons of appeared that the islamist leader might give in to one of the key demands the controversial referendum on the islamic led constitution could be delayed but that still would not guarantee a resolution to the standoff. reported true explains. the president may see the referendum here in egypt provided the opposition forces open dialogue with the president's without preconditions which people see on the streets
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as meaning without the respite demands here the presidential palace doesn't say spontaneous sit in overnight in protest of this controversial decrees that president morsi released two weeks ago which they see as a power grab and of course the constitution which is going to return the next week to stacey's dismissed as it was written by an islamist dominated constitutional assembly overnight scenes here with tanks as the mission brotherhood's gathered in nearby mosques to the presidential palace and the room is made with marks on the sit in however that never happens the scenes were very calm after we witnessed extraordinary scene yesterday when hundreds of thousands of protesters just outside the presidential palace in front of republican guard barricades storms the republican guards who essentially stepped aside and let the flow of protesters through to the gates of the presidential palace to continue their protest right in front of the gates shouting leave morsi leave and against the constitution very
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emotional scenes here on the streets meanwhile the opposition forces in the national salvation front have said they will not budge they have a list of key demands which includes the referendum being stopped and also because of this contentious decree being revoked they said they will not speak to the president and until he listens to the demands of the moment the president is sticking by his guns to really we're still seeing a deadlock here in egypt. bill truth keeping an eye on developments in the current recent in one of the. she tells how the military is again making a concrete barricade outside the presidential palace but this time even higher and you can follow her tweets right now on t.v. on the school called. me is back in the picture in its first statement since the protests erupted the military warned of disastrous consequences if the crisis is not resolved involved not to let happen but some analysts fear the
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army is closer involvement would mean the country plunging deeper into political chaos. at this point he should have known that gathering the frost and good will of the egyptian people is more important than any specific action he wants to accomplish so things are really very dangerous in egypt now and and i hope the violence will not follow these kind of confrontations in front of the presidential palace my fears are that the military may step in and clear clear the deck for himself i don't think it's dangerous in terms of morsi using tremendous power to crush and kill thousands and thousands of egyptians i don't think he will go that route so my fear is only from the military and military have a history of doing those things in egypt or elsewhere. and public outrage is also spilling onto the streets of q wait later the sound we report from what was once
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thought to be one of the more stable gulf monarchies we can assume to be swept up by the next chapter of the arab spring that will get live analysis on those to the . right. because british police are still giving no details about the death of a nurse who was fooled by a prank telephone call about the pregnant duchess of cambridge the uncertainty only had more speculation over the already headline grabbing story of britain's royal baby which has now taken a tragic twist because it is pretty bold to rip reports some are suggesting the media frenzy had already reached a feverish level of coverage. all this taking place against a backdrop of intense media speculation a real media circus the whole pos week news that kate middleton is pregnant we've seen discussions about whether or not kate could be having twins if kate has twins which of the babies potential babies would be the ones succeeding to the throne if
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it was if they were delivered by c. section it would be the physician potentially deciding is the successor to the british monarchy we've seen bookmakers taking bets on what this baby might be called predictions that this will already be the most popular name in britain as soon as the name is announced all this you know when we've got real news taking place in syria a political crisis in egypt and. the press much more interested in kate middleton's acute morning sickness i'm joined by cost curve in the studio here with me here is that london journalist who's been following the story cause a tragic wake up call to the british media. it certainly should be. a very very tragic circumstance under which are still under investigation by the police but the real issue is of course the media which proved itself out of proportion i believe because we're still going to take a story broke the daily mirror devoted fourteen its first fourteen or thirteen pages of the newspaper one of the most read newspapers in the country to the royal
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baby they've just had the leveson inquiry a damning report about the state of the british media and now this you know is this more criticism for the british media in the way it's following these stories while there is other news taking place into internationally well again it should be but it isn't because the media is trying to deflect attention away and is calling for the hanging of the two straight in great radio deejays the media is not questioning the monochord coverage they are devoting to your family and want consequences that this may have been in the individual's life if we had. a media which was more reasoned with this when that happens if the suicide is actually proven to be related to you to what happened today you have it now the juke and duchess of cambridge have said that deeply saddened by the news of the tragic news of this the death of the royal not so what should have been a joy for the pregnancy announcement has been you know some say because of the
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disproportionate media coverage turned into a very tragic news story. including a massacre. come up with a way to get rid of the insects unleashing a swarm. of bungling burglar takes to his heels and calls nine one one to be cool and suffering the loss of the. britain has joined the u.s. in claims they have intelligence suggesting syria might be preparing to use chemical weapons western countries have said the use of such weapons would trigger foreign military intervention the situation is increasingly drawing parallels with
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the run up to the invasion of iraq ten years ago he has spoken to former u.s. state department chief of staff lawrence wilkerson who was behind the report laying out the case for the iraq will analyse what he thinks is next for syrian help justifiable to fiza about its chemical loss. i would be highly skeptical of any intelligence rendered by the one hundred forty plus billion dollar us intelligence community as to weapons of mass destruction in the possession of another country period i'm not violating any great confidence or any great prohibition in the intelligence community to tell you that we've known for years years that syria has chemical weapons stockpiles just as iraq had chemical weapons stockpiles for a while but the fact that president assad would be moving them around and preparing them for use against his own citizens within his own territory i frankly find for
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posterous i think that if we were to intervene in a substantial way that is to say we were to put troops on the ground marines soldiers and so forth and we were to do in syria what we began to do in march of two thousand and three in iraq it would be even worse than iraq i think also that it would be again a back door as a war into iran which is the as you well know the real threat that we've been putting out there for years now so i think you're looking at a combination here not just syria i think ultimately the target is iran. in further efforts against present britain is looking to press its european partners to review the arms embargo on syria and says it wants to help rebel groups more. shipments of military gear but it's not the sort of first explain european military aid could end up in the wrong hands with the u.k. foreign office is concerned that this week britain is going to be thinking an amendment to the arms embargo on syria making it easier to help the opponents the
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syrian president bashar al assad now a foreign office official has said that the practical support is likely to include training and non-lethal equipment britain want to play a role in syria after the other side regime falls because. they would like to be involved. so therefore britain wants to back the winning side. never will provide. weapons but the trouble is they can't identify the eventual winners. what will be the interests of the militia. here when they take part because the danger is there is new. leader of the opposition. twenty. therefore if bashar al assad leaves power. in syria then.
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apart. from one another at the end of the day it's going to be the saloon who's going to decide not britain france you managed to now currently items such as body armor and night vision goggles of course up in that arms embargo and say the amendment would allow items like that to be supplied of course throughout the conflict in syria we've seen an increasingly fragmented opposition and say there is a lot of concern that the supply of any weaponry could well end up in the wrong hands numb the last person will be pushing ahead this week seeking that amendment. still ahead the tens of thousands of palestinians welcomed their hero the leader in exile the masses in gaza and calls on his supporters to keep up the resistance we also what this means for the region and the world. plus the russian city of sochi is going to host the next winter olympics with preparations now in full swing
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coming up after this short break. means in this story even for specialists a voice can produce several sounds it warms. the heart of throat singing comes naturally picked up like a language. a language of communicating with nature it said that's where throat singing originates from. believe not only animals but also surrounded objects like reverse forests and even stones souls imitating the sounds they believe to capture the power of nature.
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to get to one of the five main stars of the group's engine it imitates the gentle breezes of summer. whose name means great hunter says he suspects adopt. there are special instruments that accompany the singing if danny says there is even a legend about his instrument a gill it says it wants to live to poor shefford who had the best horse that won every competition but jealous people killed the horse was revived as a name. book at the residence up to full is because of the spirit of the horse came to his dream and said make an instrument from the tree the sounding board from the leather of my face the strings from my tail and to remember me make an engraving of my head part of the instrument he did so we called the instrument again which means
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come back and this melody only instrument is called cry in. news continues here on r t tens of thousands of q.a.t.'s are rallying in the capitol against a parliament elected last week in a disputed amendment to electoral law protesters say the amendment changed voting rules to favor pro government candidates one of the oldest gulf monarchies it's been shaken by a series of political crises with the rulers cracking down on protesters and blocking the opposition's political news but all of this is energizing the resistance even more as artie's lucy coming off reports. and you don't. eat
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it tensions are simmering beneath the calm as those seeking political change are forced to wait another day. community into a powerful nation although it's been ruled by the same family for more than two centuries who wait is widely seen as the most him aquatic of the gulf monarchies get some young kuwaitis beg to differ there is a few countries. it's just. the government says that it is doing all it can to maintain stability supporters of the ruling family point out that a boast a robust public life with electoral traditions and a vibrant parliament for youth activists. that's not enough the opposition consists of an unlikely alliance of youth groups hard line islamists and local tribes who are ramping up their calls for reform increasingly they've taken their message to the street where peaceful demonstrations have been met with an iron fist. by.
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the special forces. and after the march. critics of kuwait's government claim it turns a blind eye to allegations of widespread corruption and the use of security forces to crush dissenting voices ask for the rule of law so we have a law that is. the government feels like the ritz here began years before the arab spring protests but have intensified over a series of political crises the opposition dominated parliament was dismissed earlier this year following a row with the ruling establishment the electoral law was then changed prompting many to boycott kuwait's most recent parliamentary vote the resulting divide is unlikely to be bridged anytime soon and it leaves the monarchy with an energized opposition eager to make itself heard. left out. it's bringing these three more
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clearly points. down what people are trying to make the street there are people in the couple system they want more freedom more rights and. rights activists when shellac that alone isn't enough to him a. greater say in the future how that future plays out well write the next chapter of the arab spring you see kathy kuwait. let's not talk to geo political analyst eric draitser he's speaking keeping a close saw i own developments in kuwait area with the protest mood showing knows son of dying down is kuwait's want to key under threat. well the threat would have to be sort of quantified we saw in egypt for example an uprising in two thousand and eleven in tahrir square but the actual deposition of the mubarak government was not carried out by people in the streets it was carried out
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by a maneuvers behind the scenes politically and that was of course because it was in the interests of the united states to replace mubarak with some other entity that could be controlled in kuwait we have a very different situation one in which the united states and the other powers that would have vested interests in kuwait are not so sure that they can control the opposition as was reported in that report the opposition is complex there islamist elements but there are also leftist elements and youth groups and so forth so whether or not they can actually oppose the government i think remains to be seen but they do have the ability as we've seen the show of strength on the streets to make a statement and to make a statement on the world stage and that is of course incredibly important in the context of what is happening around the region for rain saudi arabia and elsewhere explain a bit more why western interests want to see the kuwait morning not being under threat. well the quit monarchy is entirely dependent upon the united states and the other powers which need kuwait and other countries like it to maintain control on
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the oil dominance in the region so if the if the government or for that matter the house of saud or the regime in bahrain if any of them work to fall it would create severe economic shock waves for the united states and the other powers and of course they're not able to execute their geo political agenda unless they have a gemini in the middle east correspondent reported just a few minutes ago that q.h. opposition is a diverse mix does it have the unity and support to challenge the government. well it depends on what we mean by challenge the government i think there currently challenging the government by boycotting the elections and said surely in falla dating the entire process making a parliament that has absolutely no real power within the minds of the people i think that is a way of challenging the government but i think to your point whether or not they are able to depose the government that is something very different remember
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revolutions are not simply about showing strength on the streets they're about seizing power and it still remains to be seen whether or not we're seeing a revolution in the making in kuwait and they could be too many interests at play once the opposition is full and perhaps and seem to be making some sort of progress as we see in other countries where there are too many different factions vying for power. right but again it's important to make a distinction between the kinds of many factions that you see in a place like syria which is totally manufactured and is being used by the western powers to destroy that country and the many factions that we see in a place like egypt where we actually see a real grassroots movement that is attempting to upset the balance of power in that country remember the muslim brotherhood was brought into power democratically but they had a political machine in place a political machine that allowed them to seize power through the ballot box in kuwait we don't have an organized political force like that so the process might be
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different but again i mean it would be important to note that the end result what we would like to see is corrupt monarchies depots and real democratic governments take their place and not just in kuwait all throughout the gulf area thanks for that interesting here thoughts eric draitser joining me live there from new york thank you. in gaza more than a hundred thousand people join celebrations marking the twenty fifth anniversary of a mass the crowds were addressed by the exiled leader of the islamist group michel who's on his first visit to the strip for decades michel reiterated the mission of liberating palestine and defying israel and urged arab countries to support the resistance in his speech he also stressed the importance of reconciliation with hamas his rival party fatah and its representatives invited to the event the celebration include a military dimension with a massive model of a medium range rocket a centerpiece of the event political on the show me no wani told about the significance of it. i think the rockets are sign of two things one that all options
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are back on the table that the military option per propel seems to resist militarily is now a possibility again the second reason the rocket counts is i think it's a sign that deterrence has been reestablished of course it makes the israelis nervous they don't like to be sitting there and and they don't like to be told that they are the defeated party this is you know fairly unprecedented except for of course hezbollah's defeat of israel in two thousand and six they'll be dying to prove themselves but for once they can't because every day that the conflict went on and of amber it made in iran and palestinian islamic jihad and hizbollah look better and. the tare the us you came france worse because you know these are people who are time but arming the resistance in syria and pushing forward but not willing of course to arm the resistance in gaza so israel
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has had to sit tight or risk a lot more potentially. other news from around the world in brief egypt has arrested a suspect accused of involvement in killing the u.s. ambassador to libya in september egyptian intelligence sources say the man is believed to be a member of a militant group the suspect has also been accused of transporting weapons from libya to egypt. around two thousand british protesters rallied outside belfast city hall in northern ireland over the local councils vote to remove the u.k. flag from the building a police officer has been injured in the clashes trouble when the vote was first announced last monday on friday when police officers were injured and at least thirteen people detained after riots politicians have appealed for the protests to start. former italian prime minister silvio berlusconi has announced he is to run for office in next year's parliamentary elections the flamboyant seventy six year
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old tycoon says he wants to lead the debt ridden country out of the financial crisis he stepped down in disgrace last year with italy on the brink of financial disaster and since been convicted of tax fraud. well this weekend the world's best figure skaters are testing the olympic ice in russia's resort city of sochi the countdown is in full swing with just over a year left until the winter games. reports now from the next olympic city. there is just over a year until the actual winter olympics get under way but still this toss competitions give us a chance that the construction is almost over and that the city will soon transform into the world capital off the winter games now this weekend is all about pushing the new venue through their paces of course all eyes are right now at this ice berg arena ice rink which is right behind my back it's a new twelve thousand rink which is part of a cluster of ice sports venue suites have been or are still being built along the
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black sea coast now its brand new sparking doors have just been opened for numerous competitors from around the globe and it seems no matter how they would actually do at the event they will sure go back home pleased with all this new facilities now an offer this weekend is all about testing the new venue is however it also provides an exciting taste of what's still to come well just ahead here nor to you we have the all new for us unemployment figures that's coming up on couple account with lauren list that's from washington i'll be back with more news here in moscow in thirty five minutes from the one.
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wealthy british soil. that's the time to write for the. markets why not. come to. why not what's really happening to the global economy with mike scott brown no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on r g sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harkin welcome to the big picture.
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good afternoon welcome to capital account i'm lauren mr here in washington d.c. these are your headlines for friday december seventh two thousand and twelve it's
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jobs day u.s. jobs numbers for november came in better than expected with the b.l.s. report showing one hundred forty six thousand jobs were added much more than expected and the unemployment rate fell to seven point seven percent but why did the rate went down because more people left the labor force and when you look at the lack of exciting increases in wages that also comes out in this report what should we really make of it all and what does it portend for housing which our guest barry habib mortgage exact thinks has been a bright spot for the economy we'll hear from a plus brace yourself the f one c meets next week and some are forecasting the fed may announce more bond purchases after they do so so what is the antidote to unhinge money printing and centrally planned price fixing could gold play a role john butler is here to counter some claims we heard on this show earlier in the week and our trip down memory lane with author kevin phillips on his account of seventeen.


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