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tv   [untitled]    December 9, 2012 3:00am-3:30am EST

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the latest news on the week's top stories egyptian president gives up his controversial new powers but stands firm on a draft constitution referendum this as the opposition refuses to back down. as fears mount among western nations that syria may only shoots chemical weapons to quash the rebels many wonder if it's all just a pretext for an iraq style invasion. israel's drawn the wrath of the international community this week was the major powers in the u.n. lambasted illegal decision to stand settlement building on palestinian land.
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you're watching are you coming to live from moscow i'm marina joshie egyptian president has scrapped a decree that gave him sweeping new powers and effectively put him above the law of the land by the opposition says it's not enough as a referendum on the controversial draft constitution is still scheduled for next week while for the latest on these developments here journalist bell true in cairo . it does come as a bit of a surprise at the moment is people really thinking the president wouldn't move on his stance against the opposition forces demands yesterday saturday they had a meeting which was dubbed the national dialogue meeting between political party leaders the president and his cabinet notably some of the key opposition forces that are full of the national salvation front that are behind the protests and sit ins in the last few weeks not present the results of the controversial constitution decoration would be revoked which of course is president morsi sweeping powers which is part of one of the demands of the opposition forces and widely seen as
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a good move however they run them on the constitution which the opposition forces see to be illegitimate as it was drafted by islamist contusion the creation constituent assembly would go ahead on the fifteenth and this is why the problem lies the opposition forces replied yesterday saying that the results of the meeting with meaningless as the president hasn't seen to move forward with that demand against this referendum the group said that it was really just another form of deception this comes after the military stepped up security around the presidential palace behind me in the last two days that you see to statement yesterday saying that they were calling for dialogue and this was the only way to get the nation out of its crisis implying that perhaps they were willing to take a role in the ongoing situation in egypt we've seen quite a lot of violence on the streets since this twenty second of november when this concert of the cream was announced by the president as rival groups have met in class which is actually the deaths of at least seven people on wednesday we have
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yet to see really what will happen in the coming future the president keeps by this referendum and i'm sure that the opposition forces will move on to really even though we had this development yesterday at this meeting they're still looking at a divided egypt political deadlock. now with the opposition unwilling to back down some observers say president morsi is facing a new revolution that could spiral into civil war he believes that if the vote goes and you get more sure forces you get the constitution pass. and i think the opposition knows that he didn't do there who are they want to stop. they're going to prove a series of leadership it was once here is that they want to start the process all over again that was zero actually they want a new election maybe one new harlem and new things to change the new constitution so what are you going to do you're going to try to kick them out
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of power if you try to change good match for your new miss a civil war you risk were you in the islamist into the streets as long as population who makes up. i don't think goes for bush. so we're it's a very very dangerous situation especially for my own situation. what's concerns arising in the west that the syrian regime may use its huge arsenal of chemical weapons and now there are troubling video appeared earlier this week on the web it shows why this claim to be chemical weapons being used on lab rabbits after the test a masked man and threatens to use the poison on syrian civilians. for them honestly you will die like these two rabbits you enemies of allah do you see them they were killed by a chemical and biological weapons that he will be like them because you are
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supposed to. god is great and. all this comes as rebel groups from across syria are uniting under one command at the latest western backed effort to topple president bashar the loss and meanwhile nato has approved the missile systems to boost turkey's the fancies on its border with syria parties guy next to count looks into whether all the chemical fears of the west are really a prelude to foreign intervention. u.s. officials said intelligence agencies have detected that assad's government has been preparing its chemical weapons stockpiles will possible use the obama administration's message to syria the u.s. is ready to act if you make the tragic mistake of using these weapons there will be consequences and you will be held accountable there will be consequences. there will be consequences we have sent a unmistakable message that this would cross a red line how does america the media quickly picked up on the alarming news of the
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syrian government's alleged plans citing secret intelligence for fox news confirms that syrian troops now have the deadly nerve agent sarin gas weaponized and at the ready the syrian government flatly denied the possibility saying it would not use such weapons against its people. we would not commit suicide we feel there's a conspiracy to provide a pretext for any subsequent interventions in syria by these countries during creasing pressure syria the syrian government sure knows that if they use chemical weapons it would give nato and some of their arab neighbors who are itching to intervene in syria the green light to go ahead with their plans damascus itself says it would be suicidal for them to do so but with the fear and the hype building up over the use of chemical weapons against civilians in syria it seems the u.s. might be preparing grounds to jump the gun on this one the jumping the gun scenario is not new for the u.s. almost ten years ago the bush administration confidently presented false evidence
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to invade iraq america's cited bogus intelligence on saddam hussein's chemical weapons that never existed the invasion triggered a civil war that killed more than one hundred thousand innocent iraqis and years later all washington had to say about this was the president thought it was correct congress thought it was of course i regret that it turned out a lot of it was wrong in the run up to the iraq invasion the us media was instrumental in selling the case to the public the congress never had any proof ever present ever of weapons of mass destruction all came from tony blair cheney and bush and congress who writes now that the us has drawn a red line on syria it has made it clear it's ready to take action but how i'm not going to telegraph in any specifics what we would do in the event of. credible evidence that the assad regime has resorted to using chemical weapons
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against their own people but suffice it to say we are certainly planning to. take action if that eventuality were to occur to american warships are already near the syrian coast with some ten thousand. u.s. marines and dozens of fighter jets on board on top of that nato is sending american german and dutch batteries of patriot anti-aircraft missiles to turkey's border with syria meaning hundreds more u.s. and european troops will be deployed to the frontier nato says deploying patriot missiles along syrian borders is a defensive step to prevent syria from attacking turkey i don't think there's any requirement whatsoever for patriot batteries on the ground in turkey again the patriot missiles are designed to really protect primarily against incoming theater ballistic missiles or aircraft the syrians are not going to attack the turks the turks of the most powerful military establishment in the region the largest army in nato and intervention in syria will be as bad if not worse than what we experienced
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in iraq the pentagon said they would need seventy five thousand troops to secure syria's weapons of mass destruction the question on everyone's mind is are they seriously considering that kind of a mess of intervention because that could mean another you rock coming soon and invasion that could be followed by years of bloody civil war in washington i'm going to check on. the german parliament insists the strengthening turkish era to fancy on the border with syria is purely defensive measure but business consultant christopher horsnell says berlin seems to content to turn its back on public opinion. chancellor mrs merkel is over fulfilling and prematurely fulfilling washington's wishes which is completely against the will of the people and sixty percent by the way is i think not the correct figure this is a regular tradition that the parliament overrides the wishes of the people so many
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people here do not trust the parliament they do not trust the government and they do not trust the media and what we have here is you know eighty percent who are against the effort on this issue and we sent our troops against their wishes then you know paying into the bankrupt euro currency to get it going against eighty percent of the wishes of the people and sending these bets with systems and that very bad situation. and just to have free in this united states we report on the growing separatism sentiment in american society that's already made up ten million people go online to vote for secession from washington. fox the latest figures suggest that you case multi-billion pound program to provide long term jobs is failing the unemployed details coming out.
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a forty nine year old southern california man was thrown in prison and charged with possessing materials to make an explosive device all because of his rather unusual wristwatch despite the bomb squad saying that his watch was not a weapon he read it custody for twenty four hours and was charged with the crime anyways a spokesman for the el meter county sheriff's department said that the man's watch had all the components to make an improvised explosive device minus the explosive material you know having a lighter in your pocket is also everything you need to self exposure minus the gun powder but. we make a victim out of this watch where i have to point out one thing the watch she was wearing was designed to look like some sort of bomb with fuses and wires and switches so who's more idiotic someone who wears a device that looks like a bomb on an airplane or a government who can fix someone for having the components of
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a bomb without that bit of the bomb that makes a blow up i'd say both are pretty dumb but that's just my opinion. please speak to language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world talks about six of the ip interviews intriguing story to tell you. the. arabic to find out more visit arabic don't go to call.
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holcombe back you are watching r t now israel said earlier in the week it will continue its settlement expansion and that's despite a recent u.n. vote that upgraded the palestinian ministrations diplomatic status as rules announcement drew widespread criticism from the un and other major western nations including its main ally the united states meanwhile thousands of people in gaza have joined celebrations marking the twenty fifth anniversary of hamas the leader of the islamist group khaled mashal who has vowed to liberate palestine inch by inch called for arab countries to keep on the finding israel british m.p. jeremy corbyn says israel's risking losing international support. netanyahu seems
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simply to have not cottoned onto the fact that the vast majority of the rest of the world support the right of palestine to exist support the right of palestinians and therefore not have occupation of the west bank two state solution is something that everyone is wonderful signed up to but the reality on the ground of still not having complete free movement in and out and the huge number of settlements across the west bank on the circular roads and of course the problems of east jerusalem suggests that it's quite difficult to achieve it unless there's a real will to withdraw the settlements or palestine to develop and i don't see that will at all with netanyahu if he can't even rely on governments that are basically quite sympathetic to israel and israel's claims then he's losing out big time all around the world and he just needs to wake up i think the washington support will weigh in very quickly obama has been reelected on the reelected
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president into a second at his most powerful and i think the lesson here who might do well to remember that he also very much involved new self in the internal politics the usa during the election campaign that can't even did himself very much the administration the movement around the world for palestine for palestinian people is unprecedented netanyahu should wake up and recognize that and staying with israel every year either countries import tons of products from the country yet a lot of these products actually originate in illegal settlements on palestinian lands artie's peter oliver has been finding out more and calls within the block to ban the trade. produce of israel except this isn't israel this is the jordan valley in the west bank and this farm is deemed illegal under international law the european union imports around three hundred million dollars worth of products from here each year now a group of twenty two n.g.o.s from across europe is looking to highlight the issue
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and it's published a report in which it claims e.u. imports make the settlements viable because they are produced in illegal settlements which are contrary to international humanitarian law should be banned out of the european union now if this is not possible at least the consumers have to have the possibility to. to decide for themselves if they want to buy products which have been produced in the legal segment your c farmers this land is much concerned by the thoughts of european n.g.o.s he says he's here because his government told him it was ok to be here. i was told here you can hear you can and so i circled where i was told they could do it to morrow the state of israel told me time to go i'll go i'm told i'm an occupier when i got there was nothing if you and we made it. in denmark and the united kingdom goods coming from
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settlements in the west bank already has to be marked differently to denote that it's not from israel the collective n.g.o.s want to see this implemented europe wide here in europe there are many people with ties to the middle east region and they want to make sure they know exactly where their produce is coming from. are you sure this comes from spain. renee is a palestinian living in germany she has family in the west bank and says the israeli checkpoints mean palestinian farm is losing out to the surplus even even the few things they get to jordan they really checkpoints keep them at the checkpoints for days in the sun. and then you can't eat your vegetables anymore those behind the report into trade between the settlements in europe say they own trying to organize any kind of witch hunt but we're not talking about boycotting jews over here we're not talking about even boycotting israel itself we're talking
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about making a difference differentiation between. legal israeli products which should be bought. by european citizens as much as the course issue and certain products which are totally illegal and should be banned and people should not be. belgium is a high terrorist alert as we report online that's ahead of the release of a highly provocative film exploring as long or at least made in cooperation wasn't a tory is a rock burning u.s. pastor terry jones. and tens of thousands and kuwait demand the dissolution of the newly elected parliament of the pictures added to the. americans in their hundreds of thousands in all fifty states have gone to line to say they want their state in the pan out from washington artie's marine a fortnight tried to find out why more and more u.s.
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nationals are eager to read the stars and stripes a part. so that. for two hundred there is that for a former colony won the right to determine its own best of the. test a perfect thing or you move forward. four weeks following barack obama's reelection nearly one million americans have moved forward by campaigning to break apart all fifty states have filed online petitions with the white house requesting to peacefully secede from the so-called perfecting union a movement that's garnered more than thirty thousand signatures in north carolina where many like michael toggled. see independence as a symbol may twentieth a consistent one is the day that north carolina sated from the union and america's stars and stripes ripping at the seams there's no doubt in my mind that it is
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inevitable i mean something like this with the the debt this country has the growing disunion among in the among the people they can't last forever and that's through the lesson of history big empires always collapse in their own way. secession supporters like bernard first some say washington's weight of growing debt and lists wars government intrusion and a broken immigration system has become a bipartisan destructive force it's beyond reform you can't reform that federal government whether it's the republicans in charge or obama basically the republicans are just as bad as far as we're concerned they're corrupt and are out of touch in southern former confederate states like north carolina culture and social issues play a big role for those like harold cruz who believes the u.s. is too big and thus destined to fail and the south general. were different country already and the united states we simply need our own government
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we have different values different belief systems critics have dismissed secessionists as disgruntled voters angry over president obama's second term however in the two thousand a presidential election obama became the first democrat in more than thirty years to win north carolina a red state turned blue with the promise of change four years later tens of thousands of voters in the very same state believe they'd be better off on their own us the average american the things they believe in and they're tired of the endless wars and here we are talking about invading iran now i can't think of anything more the white house meanwhile promises to review and issue an official response to all petitions with twenty five thousand or more. signatories at least seven states fit that category that we used to be on the interstate driving along at thirty five miles an hour by ourselves with the session as a goal now would be impaired on both sides and lanes by people going faster than we
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are and it's amazing because here we were thought to be radical fifteen or twenty years ago and now we're mainstream. a mainstream movement to move apart marina porton i r r t. now the u.k. government's flagship work program aimed at lowering britain's long term unemployment rate is failing to get people into jobs the five billion pounds scheme has so far only got around three percent of job seekers off welfare sarah ferguson has a story. for months now twenty five year old jay paxton's being keeping a video diary about his experiences on the government's work program today we're going to see usually the work programs the government's flagship scheme that pays private sector organizations to place people in work and they called it a revolution in welfare but the first figures released since its launch revealed a resoundingly failure something that has a surprise j.
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. so first aid to going keep his appointment now it seems pretty tightly regimented we've watched people running in all morning to keep that appointment been coming to this job center once a fortnight for the past six months that he's been on the government's work programme in that time he hasn't found a single job and unfortunately that's not uncommon the latest figures released by the department of work and pensions say the job is just one of hundreds of thousands of people signed up to that work programme skein he found absolutely nothing. in fact between jean two thousand and eleven and july this year of all the people who were signed up to the work programme only three point four percent were found work far below the target of five point five percent which is the number of
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people who find work without any sort of programme it means that people like you and i detest stickley less likely to find a job than is their own no work program whatsoever can you talk as he is sort of the last six months what has the experience been on a on a daily basis with this work program well. einstein once said that the definition of insanity is to do one thing to repeat that action and expect a different result and after doing the same thing and getting the same results for six months i'm starting to feel pretty insane that it is maddening the frustration be anguish despair most of the time in the experience is having serious effects are actually gone to the doctors a couple of times because of our sleeping cycle problems i'm sleeping way too much and i should be at the doctor's them sounds interesting from what sounds pretty
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horrific when you feel in this tracklist so i filled in the chart listeners like on you got clinical depression. figures. i was like yeah draw on science i'm going to be the next greatest thing show the world it's like i don't want to take these pills i'd rather do something more constructive so things are pretty much where it's gone. tells us that the one size fits all formats is the work program is stifling the individuality of young. people i speak to quite intelligent quite bright some of them have to. some of them are quite well skilled and they hate being told what to do and they like to take appropriate action for themselves and usually quite good at finding work for themselves. in these difficult with a work program what we see now is that in fact when you get the best of the private sector involved when you pay them lots of money they actually do worse than doing nothing at all we asked the government why the program was pretty things such poor
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results and why the figures they really seem designed to musk the chilly extent of the faith. they responded saying. it's ridiculous to suggest the work programme is not helping people into work despite being faced with their i'm sure cummings it seems the government still doesn't want to listen to people like a telling the loud and clear i regret to inform you that on this occasion you have been unsuccessful surf city london while they are in the program brutal taxation frustration blinding in britain morris some citizens are losing more than two thirds of their monthly income in taxes while davos a much needed benefits and return. value once a slice of the look at a boiling gas reserves over the south china sea but was beijing being their region's powerhouse we explore if there's enough room for the two to grow.
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while the true science technology innovation all the moves developments from around russia we've got the future covered. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are on the day.
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