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tv   [untitled]    December 10, 2012 1:00am-1:30am EST

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freeboard video for your media project free media are to. eager faces more opposition protests out of boycott of the draft constitution just by the president giving up his recently extended powers. these new is set to receive the nobel peace prize and made it mounts protests and speculation over the award losing credibility. and the opposition in bahrain that pledge talks without preconditions amid the ceaseless crackdown on any display of just seven. ten am in the russian capital you're watching r t with me lucy catherine of well the opposition in egypt is gearing up for more protests and says the bellboy call
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it a referendum on the draft constitution president morsi has already given up his sweeping powers but failed to appease opponents as he maintains the poll on the new charter will proceed next weekend journalist bell true is in cairo with more. but national salvation front which is the coalition of opposition forces how the press conference they express their complete rejection of the referendum of the constitution which they say enforces dictatorial tendencies and the key economic and social rights they've called for more protests on choose to against this document and said that basically they will not stand down how this will be responded to by the president is yet to be seen and all of the speeches by the president and all of the statements he's made he's firmly back the referendum on the street speaking to the protesters behind me as you can see that in front of the presidential palace they believe that his initial confusion that gratian which awarded him stooping power as they said to me this evening was really to ensure
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that the constitution was drafted and put to referendum so the president's main aim really is they say how this constitution puts in place how he reacts to the to the boycott by the opposition forces i guess it is rather not is a huge boycotts nationwide or whether it is not large enough to make an impact behind me the republican guards have had a tank stationed outside the presidential palace they've also built a twelve foot concrete barricades however the protesters on friday in quite extraordinary scenes century overwhelm the republican guards and pushed through in front of the presidential gates where they are now people on the streets of the republican guard essentially stepped aside and so many people leaving many to believe the military perhaps not backing morsi to the same extent that he is saying they are he has called for them to secure the streets there are fears the violence will escalate this bloody scenes on wednesday when rival groups clashed here just at the presidential palace between pro brotherhood pro presidential supporters and
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protest is leaving at least seven the national salvation front themselves in this press conference said this referendum will really just simply increase division in the country and possibly to further violence as these protest groups maintain their positions so definitely the military may well we may see more tanks in the streets here in egypt as this is the crisis deepens. while analyst william and all things the egyptian is the mr being backed by foreign patrons with their own agenda. you have the brotherhood which is being supported by the state department in the obama administration as it as an analogous vehicle to create a if you will an islamic dictatorship in egypt but they're pushing a block agenda a secret agenda much much like. masonry organization for sequences side where the triads are the the who's in japan and so forth they're pushing an agenda on the population and the population rightly so spouse is gone and i think this is the
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coptic christian groups are threatened if the book brotherhood gets its constitution and imposing sharia law for. other groups of muslims for example sophie their places of worship are under attack in egypt and likely will be increasingly so and this is probably one of the most major. intelligence projects of the last fifty years and since the u.s. government support of the muslim brotherhood to create islamic fascist regime if you want to use that term across the islamic world across the muslim world from afghanistan down through turkey into saudi arabia qatar and of course egypt the epping in at the analyst william angle there well one of them r.c. is former rivals for the presidency our most is now a prominent opposition leader he says the nation needs to move forward here's a little preview of the full interview that's going to be on air at six thirty pm g.m.t. . the situation in egypt generally stands because
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of the fact that nothing has really changed the change that we wanted that people hoped for dealing with. the services the education they had that iced of the tides but dating to the life of victims have not to be produced and i think you will have to move on that is the essence of the message. they move on but i suspect the respect the rule of law let us move together. the president of the european union's main body the nobel peace prize that the crown ceremony and all slow before the prize was even handed out hundreds marched in the center of the norwegian capital in protest that came on the heels of several previous winners issuing an open letter to the noble foundation claiming the e.u. doesn't deserve the award. peter are found out these aren't the only issues
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undermining the credibility of the prize. mark. one day live in. a while not being sure about. the one that can be probably would have to become a laureate to keep from being assassinated however the nobel peace prize is only awarded to a living person this is when it tastes trying to especially when it comes to finances the announcement the european union was to pick up the twenty twelve gongs sparked heated debate the award was being discredited particularly the outrage it was picked up recently to be frank inside the united states i don't think very many people pay attention to the nobel peace prize anymore large numbers of americans were stunned when yasser arafat received the nobel peace prize many years ago
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president obama was given a prize for reasons that no one understood say what's. done over the last twelve months to convince the nobel committee it's with the of such a prestigious award. it supported regime change in foreign countries and several member states indulged in violent crackdowns on demonstrators outraged by the failure of their governments. skeptics can't get enough but it devalues the whole concept of the peace prize when you find out that the chap in charge of the committee is actually fully paid up paid a big salary and promised a big should by the council of europe you begin to think what's going to go live among moderate forces there are concerns the peace prize is being used as a political football i think this award basically does a lot to kind of discredit past people who've won this prize i mean it demonstrates
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a sort of heavy politicization of the use of this award now it's been suggested that this year's winner of the peace prize picked it up more for not having done something as opposed to having food the peace around the globe it seems like they got the prize more because there hasn't been any war in europe for many decades rather than having done anything specific i think as long as civic institutions like the nobel prize continue to lose their legitimacy and their spirit through political favoritism and these prizes are always political but such blatant and obvious political favoritism and maneuvering i think it actually takes something away and i think it's actually damaging leaves the whole institution of the prize facing the question of whether the nobility is being drained from the new. for the. greek prime minister and some heiresses this little bar varia in an attempt to restore some faith and athens his trip to the german region comes after
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greece seven motion a complex financial operation to buy back some of the country's debt at reduced prices well the goal is to cut the national debt by around twenty billion euros in order to qualify for more financial aid from the e.u. and the i.m.f. summers's visit comes less than two weeks after greece's creditors agreed to extend billions in additional financing constitutional law professor george. must have but heard that name part of me believes the way the you can chew. to deal with a crisis as unsustainable. so much as cause me to stone well. listen. but unfortunately. it isn't easy to. control just that you go to example even to the international monetary fund. but of course it's real easy for you to so such
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a policy to the german taxpayers so. simple you serious usual. self and for people with. such. as the e.u. pushing the goal of a united europe at the expense of individual nations on the issue take center stage at the latest round of peter lavelle's crosstalk coming up. of the european union has to be based on subsidy or its principle which means that the decisions are made close as possible to the set a sense on the other hand the only is that in the case is that the case on sure thing is that the case let me finish all right go ahead yeah yeah of course but about dontcha think that. in a case that a federal union existed with a federal strong budget that the sovereignty of the european citizens overall would be better than we have now in that crisis we are all victims at the moment because we do not have a fully fledged my prescription my quote i question is that people join to create
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something like the united states yeah i mean they are basically going to join it to create a united states of europe. that it has to be discussed i'm so i'm saying yes there is no alternative to that and they're very don't want to be. bound to a federal union or european union or state the united states of europe very can of course leave or negotiate the treaties. they can catch the full show here are teen about twenty minutes also ahead this hour a fight for freedom. and they did not hesitate to shoot us directly into their heads i've been sure you did one hundred ninety two pellets scattered all over the mobility in the head face arms and legs the most dangerous ones are going to flood my lungs always speak to victims of alleged police abuse in bahrain where a violent anti-government demonstrations have become an almost daily occurrence.
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i never thought i could earn a living this way. natalee a shell of i. should test small arms so that's what i was to machine building plant the source count of all the weapons she's fired over the past twelve years. i got so used to it sometimes my friends ask me to join them at the rifle range and i say no way i'm so tired of shooting. the plot and history goes from making firearms doing world war two to ballistic missiles from nuclear submarines during the cold war the bulk of the soviet industry was moved here in the 1940's to flee the advancing germans so i was here also became the heart of soviet military production closed off to four in this century it thrived on the massive moods of the soviet
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military when the u.s.s.r. collapsed the life here was shaken to the core but some adapted to better than others. this is the truck factory russia's number one truck made our girls go to look at how well the workplace is organized everything's done to make sure the workers don't waste time waiting there was production is booming the factory has largely managed to get on to civil rails these johnsons sold around the globe hit a base a brand new would be no way to be delivered to a clients seventy trucks like this once roll up the plants conveyor belt every day look at this things that absolutely huge. well i'm no formula one pilot but hopefully it if i can get up that. i can go for a test drive.
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oh that was fun so she get one of these to travel to walk every morning was with a cost of about forty thousand dollars i should start saving money.
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good leverage or kirby was able to build the needs most sophisticated rowboats which all unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything mission to teach creation and why you should care about humans. this is why you should care only. you're watching our team behind opposition groups say they're ready for open dialogue with a government without preconditions but they also want any results to be put to a referendum and this comes after a recent appeal for a face to face negotiations by the monarchy seen as essential to quality rest that is all exterior chef ski reports it's unclear if the turbulent gulf state is any closer to getting on the road to peace. subject says his life was shattered his sits on a municipal council in bahrain and several months ago he was shot by police during
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a peaceful protest looking at his injuries his lucky to be alive they had been online while i was with many of the protesters when we were faced by riot police they did not hesitate to shoot us directly to the head of the bullets the police are using our hunting birds and animals i've been shot with over one hundred ninety two pellets scattered all over my body in the head face arms and legs the most dangerous ones are those inside my lungs. is just one of hundreds who have suffered in the anti-government protests that started around twenty months ago when revolution fever was sweeping the middle east and north africa the descent in bahrain differs little from that in nation swept by the arab spring but the stories never stop it is a belief in different areas against the regime against that because of the action against the situation. one thousand five hundred present otherwise we have.
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every day we have a lot of. security forces surrounding the areas attacking the people at that in their houses given the outcome of the arab spring of evils bahrain's ruling elite is doing its best to stamp out revolt the government recently slapped a ban on all public gatherings bahrain's chief of police says it's not permanent but it is necessary we have introduced a temporary restriction on gatherings on protests and that is. one reason because lately we have seen that these gatherings and protests have been taking more violent. methods and one year we had over four hundred protests in bahrain that's more than one protest a day and we have tried to solve the problem however they didn't seem to be able to control protests and the gatherings despite the ban and the risk of arrest people are still gathering the hard core of the protest comes from poor neighborhoods as soon as we reached one we immediately and counted
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a small and peaceful anti governmental rally. some a simple small to estimate how many people are actually taking part in protests now many in fact is that these protesters are being supported by the local shia community which make up to seventy percent of this country's population. the ruling elite are sunni muslims and this may look like a sectarian war but the authorities firmly reject their actions are religiously motivated there is a radical movement in the opposition party they are hardliners they want to see regime change they want to implement their own style of government they seek a secretary in theocracy and that is unacceptable so all because i feel out of desperation they know that they don't have the support of the rest of the population of bahrain they have turned to these violent means the protests are gathering momentum and allegations of torture in prisons are leading to serious
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international pressure being put on the nama so bahrain's rulers find themselves in a tough position they want dialogue with the dissenters but the question is whether they will be satisfied with what the king has to offer a legacy or shift key r.t. reporting from the kingdom of bahrain. the militant group hamas will not give up an inch of palestinian territories that's according to the organization's political leader khalid meshaal speaking on his last day of the trip to gaza he also slammed israel for the occupation of palestinian territory and refused to recognize the country's legitimacy israel responded that it would never unilaterally withdraw from the west bank saying that this would undermine its security of the country criticize the recent u.n. vote upgrading the diplomatic status of palestinians and devout to keep on building new settlements which are considered illegal under international law journalist to get in levy weighs in on the standoff. the israeli public will be in it doesn't
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seem to be. very troubled by the un resolution and by the fact that the israel saw. the government is known as the united states school to support and to back. the. less be. the the state in the last vote in the un but still. use the europeans supporting basically supporting israel. and say in the middle east moscow believes that there's no in evidence partly the syrian government will use chemical weapons and says that the biggest threat to the country is if the militants get their hands on the arsenal. this comes after a video was released last week of an alleged rebel fighter threatening us with chemical weapons the source for that video is unconfirmed meanwhile activists so forty five people were killed in syria on sunday with battles raging in the capital
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of damascus and in aleppo rebel groups are also uniting under one military command in the latest western support of the effort to topple the assad regime we spoke to a political activist who says rebel militias could stage a chemical attack to discredit the government and to his opinion pave the way for military intervention. the danger is that the west is aware of such materials in syria but at the same time it's going to be used against the syrian government as a great text for intervention united states has recently started listing parts of the syrian on the opposition all of the armed opposition in syria as terrorist organizations that say something but probably aware of the park or the of the armful of position in syria probably they seem most powerful on the position of the mr prong probably aren't possession of such materials and probably are planning to use them. north korea is expected to launch a rocket that it says is carrying
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a scientific satellite month this despite a suspected technical delay according to a report in the south korean newspaper they appear because of problems with a third stage rocket a new component is being moved to the test site to replace the fault faulty part the launch has been condoned by the south as well as japan and the u.s. who believe that this is the skies test of a long range missile being developed to carry nuclear weapons. dozens of u.s. national security professionals have published a report suggesting america should ease sanctions on iran and apart from independent exports the paper was also signed by a number of foreign us policy the u.s. foreign policy makers as well as military generals the latest round of economic sanctions against iran was implemented less than two weeks ago a washington and its allies imposed restrictions in an attempt to curb iran's nuclear program which tehran maintains is peaceful. a five point six magnitude earthquake has hit the southern philippines no immediate reports of casualties
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following the tremors this comes just days after the country was devastated by a deadly typhoon the storm claimed the lives of more than six hundred people leaving nearly four hundred thousand homeless more than one thousand are still missing. you know nations says south sudan's army has killed ten protesters during demonstrations against a relocation of the local council headquarters the u.n. spokesperson said it was not clear if any people in the crowd were armed or if the army had been provoked south sudan declared independence from its northern neighbor last year and the decades of civil war. don't go away peter lavelle and his guest who are going to be discussing the future of the european union as well as its parties on cross-talk right here on our team.
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an artist was arrested for putting up posters critical of drone usage all over new york city the poster show a menacing drone shooting a missile at innocent children with the words drones protection when you least expect it written at the bottom these posters definitely reflect a lot of americans fears that a big brother skynet will completely eliminate the very concept of privacy and free speech so to prove that americans live in a free country without any government spying the n.y.p.d. hunted down the anonymous artist and arrested him for expressing himself having arrested him at his residence they charged him with fifty six counts of criminal possession of a forged instrument grand larceny possession of stolen property and weapons possession for having a deadly terrorist weapon and unloaded twenty two caliber pistol although being in jail won't be pleasant perhaps arzt s m a t actually in the end it got what he wanted he proved to the world that big brother surveilled him and arrested him all
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for throwing up a few posters looks like he proved his point but that's just my opinion. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm trying hard welcome to the big picture. do we speak your language or not a day of. school music programs and documentaries in spanish matters to you breaking news a little tonnage of angles kidneys stories. you hear. detroit
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all teach spanish to find out more visit. culture is that so much i was about to feel and i think i'm going to give it a real man because i would feel separate body more and more europeans are rethinking the pillars of the modern nation state there is wide agreement that the sovereignty of speech must. be well into the. science technology innovation all the least of melons from around russia we've got the huge you're covered. limitation and free credit take should be free from storage charges free arrangement free. free spirit three little download free broadcasts live video for your media project for free media oh don darty dot com
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you. can. listen to the old. fellow in welcome to cross talk i'm peter lavelle separate but equal more and more europeans are rethinking the pillars of the modern nation state there is wide agreement that the sovereignty of states must be respected but what about the growing issue of self-determination if a population wants to create their own state why should they. take a. little. to cross out the modern nation state i'm joined by christian winning in berlin he is the secretary general of the union of european federalists in belfast we have anthony rosato he is a political commentator and a former irish political activist and in munich we crossed the jose newness he is a professor at the department of modern american history at the university of
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santiago de compostela all right gentlemen cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want christian if i go to you first so we're returning to an age of nationalism a new nationalism considering what's going over going on in europe. we are talking about the separatism that we see the so-called vulcanization of europe and all over the world we have these strivings but i believe that we are getting into a concert of days and of special of the european union as as the other regions in the world see they can't cope together. there are only two or three states but they have to be a real region to count in the world on a global scale ok so that means everything's fine in the european union well everything's fine so far in the european union we know that we have a development going through at the moment we have to overcome a crisis we have separatist movements but they all agree that we have to solve the crisis on the european federal level and i think we'll hold onto that for a while tony what do you think about that is there agreement. well i would disagree
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with relates to both britain and ireland for example in scotland at the moment is not quite clear what the study should separate us what with relation to foreign policy and in particular the security policies that britain is associated with because as you may well know britain has its polarised fleet. in scotland itself and the majority of scottish people by tradition would be left wing and are certainly not party to the british foreign policy at the moment so there's a serious political issue there ok jose what do you think about this i mean where is the continent going is it going to get stronger and stronger because it looks like there's a lot of people are not very happy well the thing is. this may be allies for a normative point of view or for and it's already open to view me for another matter there is nothing against the creation of a new nation states provided that a majority of folks relation with that i mean if the independence referendum is.


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