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tv   [untitled]    December 10, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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yes moscow time a badge of peace for a region in turmoil the e.u. sits nobel prize but hundreds of protesters joined the voices saying it doesn't deserve the award. egypt's opposition calls for more protests across the country of rejecting the referendum on the new islamist base constitution there. on the ruling regime of the opposition in bahrain say they're ready to sit at the negotiating table but many believe the divisions run too deep to end the twenty months uprights . kono in here r.t. tonight could have
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a company the european union has three presidents have received this year's nobel peace prize on behalf of the group it's been given to commend the e.u. for fostering peace but now everyone agrees hundreds marched through the norwegian capital in protest but his paper all of a look at why many believe the e.u. doesn't deserve the prize and why the whole nobel institution may need to rethink. mark for level. one day eleven a day will not be deterred by but all about him but by the content of back character our time he won it can be probably would have become a glorious to keep him in the south elated however the nobel peace prize is only awarded to a living person at this year's when in text search criteria especially when it comes to finances the announcement the european union was to pick up the twenty twelve gongs sparked heated debate the award was being discredited particularly
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after the outrage it was picked it up recently well to be frank inside the united states i don't think very many people pay attention to the. peace prize anymore large numbers of americans were stunned when yasser arafat received the nobel peace prize many years ago president obama was given a prize for reasons that no one understood. the done over the last twelve months to convince the nobel committee it's worthy of such a prestigious award. it supported regime change in foreign countries and several member states indulged in violent crackdowns on demonstrators outraged by the failure of the government's. skeptics. think it devalues the whole concept of the peace prize and what's really happening is that the european union is having its worst year ever but it's mates in the international community are coming to it's a brit to have been awarded of the announcement to be made in the very week that
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angela merkel went to athens and was greeted not just by tens of thousands of protesters but people dressed up in swastikas and giving it the salutes frankly i grew up in a europe that was divided from east to west and i'm now living in a europe that is divided from north to south and never at any point of the history of this union has there been more discord of rancor that we currently got among more moderate voices there are concerns the peace prize is being used as a political football i think this award basically does a lot kind of discredit past people who've won this prize i mean it demonstrates a sort of heavy politicization of the use of this war and now it's been suggested that this year's winner of the peace prize picked it up more for not having done something as opposed to having food the peace around the globe it seems like they got the prize more because there hasn't been any war in europe for many decades
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rather than having done anything specific i think as long as civic institutions like the nobel prize continue to lose their legitimacy and their spirit through political fate. these prices are always political but such a blatant and obvious political favoritism and maneuvering i think it actually takes something away and i think it's actually damaging the leaves the whole institution of the primaries for you see the question of whether the nobility is being drained from the new peach all of our tea for the. so unstable situation of you markets to italy's technocrat leaders says his time in office will soon be looking cajuns of the way to look at what's in store than for the ailing eurozone with seemingly still no way out of the crisis. egypt's military has taken over the country's security and given powers of arrest in the run up to the referendum next week's vote speed rejected by the opposition isn't representative of calls to stage must nationwide protests getting louder
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president morsi is trying to make some more concessions but that doesn't ease the tension either as journalists held true reports now from cairo early this morning president mohamed morsi retracted his son the decision to increase tax burdens on the country is a sales tax on consumer goods and services this is seen to be quite popular for him in the face of much to say that the increased tax burdens were supposed to be part of i.m.f. loan international monetary fund loan four point eight billion dollars loan the country's been trying to secure recently definitely these reducing these tax burdens will perhaps make it more popular among the street car but yesterday of course the national salvation front become a nation of opposition forces wanting many of these protests and it's into completely reject the concept of a referendum set to be next week and of course to protest they say the constitution will only enforce a presidential dictatorship i mean it's. key social economic demands as well as big
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percentage of the country as it was drafted by islamist dominated constituent assembly to here in cairo really expecting big crowds on tuesday against the president. by a new coalition of islamic rebels the president on tuesday they say they want to have a million people on the streets in support of the president of course with the background of violence on wednesday between rival protest groups right here at the presidential palace which. bloody scenes in the streets of cairo that she reasons we've not been told the president has also been a tree to step in and secure the nation in addition to giving them power to arrest citizens this has been met with much criticism from the protesters who feel that the military will take a heavy hand this comes off the minute you of course egypt off to hosni mubarak stepped down last last year which witnessed quite a heavy and bloody crackdown on protesters during the last two in that transition
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period last night at the protest in front of the presidential palace protesting screens footage of minute trees human rights violations towards protesters on the screens of the presidential the presidential the wombs of the presidential palace they said to remind people what the minute you are capable of right now the republican. side the policies of the rector twelve. which the protesters did manage to push through it is still a sign that maybe we see more tanks on the streets as that dissent continues in the lead up to this controversial referendum. coming up what are your standard c. cups are affecting people's health in the united kingdom. up public health service undepressed the n.h.s. faces continued austerity cuts and now reports are available but the u.k.'s number of tuberculosis cases is why things like is the n.h.s. equipped to fill this latest threat to our health we need all we have the nation
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problem coming up short they. also your billionaire mayor michael bloomberg has said now his site so britain's financial times after the break we are sco that might affect the steam newspaper. looters that takes your breath away few tourists travel to these parts no prepackaged comfort but they joy is a while this is guaranteed if gagne's a zoology professor he works in the u.s. and travels to these remote areas in russia every summer as he says he can't find untouched landscapes like this anywhere else in the world. we're going off the list below sea line if i go wrong the wrong and surprise you you'll go straight to the water and so we did. one animal whose par you
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definitely wouldn't want to shake here is the brown bear you can literally spot agrees the here by every small river. where the bears are fishing but they have a very concise well to be able to see that we have to keep an eye on wind direction and the distance between them and also told us could be dangerous so we're going to move just a shell but the record. and quiet we went but the wind was not on our side and the bear got away another local resident who hates his piece being disturbed here is this. kalar is sea eagle it has a wingspan of two and a half meters it ness only here in washington far east because of the bundles of salmon and seagulls which feed the giant bird in his studies if gagne focuses on birds so he took me to one of his favorite places here the island it has the
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biggest colony of seagulls in the region. the climb back up was tough but the prize was worth it. maybe for the wildlife here is the lack of physics for the better but when you stand on top of phenomena like this you just can't help wanting to share the beauty . well. it's technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future covered.
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wealthy british style. markets. can find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to name two kinds of reports on our. american billionaire new york michael bloomberg supported looking to buy one of the world's most respected newspaper britain's financial times not the deal would also include a stake in the economist which is a secular nation grow during the past few rollercoaster years and to national finance expert mugs for a while so long for new york but this and it's
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a possible ramifications much evening bluebooks apparent avid reader of the financial times about the be pleased but given that newspaper's a struggling everywhere why would he want to poyet what's the plan if you think the savings. well i mean to some extent the bloomberg constellation of companies has done a pretty good job snapping up print assets with excellent names and prestigious think businessweek a recent acquisition among many that they've made the price that we're sort of hearing bandied about would be very well within the range of an institution as wealthy as bloomberg their bloomberg news and it would be another distribution channel another way for them to sell those terminals and what he's doing is using all these other assets to keep people inside the incredibly lucrative world of buying an operating his terminal the cost of the early two thousand dollars per terminal two per month ok that's what's in it possibly for the bloomberg side what's in it for the s. t. and its rate is well a shot of cash in the arm a deep pocketed patron
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a chance to use the very well established bloomberg system to distribute its content and perhaps a lifeline the print publishing business particularly here in the us but very much globally has been very seriously damaged and the kind of bottom line is a lot of people love the content very few people love the business model so this gives them a chance to survive to push the brand out to piggyback off a very successful business because think of all the other day. not going to change a thing. but one would hope not bloomberg has a pretty good record of letting people do what they want to do and let's be honest here i also love and read the financial times but it's not exactly a maverick publication calling people to the barricades to protest injustice capitalism inequality those kind of things and nobody was criticize me last year for his handling of the occupy wall street protests new york accusations which included tons blocking the media from reporting on it do you think you'd want to use influential paper in the u.k. to push his agenda that way. well i highly doubt that he would be willing to spend
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several billion dollars on an asset that doesn't do things for him or that's overly critical of him that being said the bar has been lowered quite a bit by rupert murdoch's takeover of the wall street journal the kindest traditional standard-bearer competitor of the english language which has felt some of the influence of mr murdoch and i don't think anybody even the sort of most skeptical folks would think anything like that would happen under bloomberg if they do purchase the. the f.t. closes german paper last week because it was losing so much money let's just clarify if the f.t. isn't bought by him what would his future be when there's a lot of talk that reuters the thomson reuters international group would look at it it's also possible that it's a prestigious as is the economist there's a lot of things that are very interesting and compelling going on appears in sweden a group which owns it i do think the company has a possible stand alone future i think the bigger existential question is do we want really good journalism or do we insist that everything in our society including
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every newspaper with the important roles that the me the media have have to make money or perish. international finance expert wolf on the line from new york. missing in u.k. next to tuberculosis is on the rise in britain faster than anywhere in europe a leading u.k. doctor is warning the country will be swamped unless immigrants get blood tested properly doug knows them whether they've got it in up almost three quarters in fact of the people suffering from the disease the people not born in the u.k. . austerity is fighting pretty much every sector and it's a time of year when the n.h.s. already incredibly eva stretches to even further by everyone's costs and sniffles and i think that's really positive what's made this recent study that showing that the number of cases of t.v. in the casing continually rising over the party decades so alarming knowing
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thousand cases last year that's up five percent from the year before and i think a real question here over whether or not the n.h.s. that is facing these huge cuts to the services with these austerity measures is actually going to be equipped to deal with this threat to our health and that's help me out so that i caught up a little earlier with dr addie's story he works on the very front line here in london with identifying and cheating people who have tuberculosis and he spoke to me about some of the dangers of this current situation this is something that it's right back to the 1980's has been going on a long time why have we been able to bring our system up to date to do with the subject of play well i think. there's been a number of challenges. but certainly no challenge that could be overcome many of our european partners move on north american partners have successfully. controlled tuberculosis facing the exact same challenges that we face those big
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principally increasing gratian increasing rates of tb internationally due to the nature of the pandemic and in many cases increasing problems of parts of the community that are suffering extreme social deprivation due to that or to a. lot of our viewers going to be watching this and saying you know we're hearing all the time about these cuts to the n.h.s. about your thirty minutes is affecting you know our health sector and yet we're seeing these you know incredibly high numbers of tuberculosis cases it's quite a scary situation i think for the high. selected to be might now is a scary situation to be index linked to poverty if you look at the disease groups you are the most important correlating factor is poverty. tb is a disease that finds its niche in pockets of the community who are down on their luck comically under immunologically we're going to be we're going to have to get out of the hospitals into the community service to be free to communities and
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ensure that they can start just diagnostics and good schools through treatment which is a minimum of six months when i was speaking to dr ali he do think the sufferers here in london working every day on the front line and he created public health is posts just simple and that really sort of sense down your spine because you know at the moment what we're seeing is the economy as a whole here in the u.k. is sick and unfortunately the government's kill for that is austerity measures and we're going to see we're already seeing the implications of cutting to a health service at a time when it's time to say much pressure and you know these stories i think they're really going to keep on coming as we see the effects of. you can follow the website as well r.t. dot com while you're there too were reporting that moscow is preparing now for the list of americans accused of human rights violations that's in response to washington's magnitsky pill accusing russians of the say also as this for
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a killer they complaints about it at apple's new tourist new i phone apps have been labeled life threatening now and a stray apparently have been misleading travelers to phantom sound sometimes up to forty kilometers away from where the should be all that in the scorching outback break down that part of the well would she got some problems out in the bacon sunshine and more stories on the party dot com. a court in bahrain is jailed the daughter of a prominent opposition activist for a month for taking part in a demonstration in its. third conviction in the past six months with her father serving life for plotting against the ruling family the uprising in bahrain has been going on for almost two years now although the opposition of the regime are now saying they may be ready for dialogue but there's alexia's esky reports the fear is that divisions might run too deep for any lasting peace. said deeks as his life was shattered his sits on a municipal council in bahrain and several months ago he was shot by police during a peaceful protest looking at his injuries his lucky to be alive but online more
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and i was with many of the protesters when we were faced by riot police they did not hesitate to shoot us directly to the head with the bullets the police are using for hunting birds and animals i've been shot with over one hundred ninety two well it's scattered all over my body in the head face arms and legs the most dangerous ones are those inside my lungs. is just one of hundreds who have suffered in the anti-government protests that started around twenty months ago when revolution fever was sweeping the middle east and north africa the descent in bahrain differs little from that in nation swept by the arab spring. never stop it is a daily in many different areas against the regime against that dictatorship by gains that the situation. one thousand five hundred present. we have. every day we have
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a lot of. security forces surrounding the areas attacking the people like that in their houses given the outcome of the arab spring and he will spur rains ruling elite is doing its best to stamp out revolt the government recently slapped a ban on public gatherings bahrain's chief of police says it's not permanent but it is necessary we have introduced a temporary restriction on gatherings and protests and that is. one reason because lately we have seen that these gatherings and protests have been taking more violent. methods and one year we had over four hundred protests in bahrain that's more than one protest today and we have tried to solve the problem however they didn't seem to be able to control protests and the gatherings despite the ban and the risk of arrest people are still gathering the hard core of the protest comes from poor neighborhoods as soon as we reached one remediate he encountered
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a small and peaceful antigovernment all rally. some a simple salute to estimate how many people were actually taken by them just a moment then by the way in fact is that these protesters are being supported by the local shia community which make up to seventy percent of this country's population. the ruling elite are sunni muslims and this may look like a sectarian war but the authorities firmly reject their actions are religiously motivated there is a radical movement in the opposition party they are hardliners they want to see regime change they want to implement their own style of government they seek a secretary in theocracy and that is unacceptable so all because i feel out of desperation they know that they don't have the support of the rest of the population of bahrain they have turned to these violent means the protests are gathering momentum and allegations of torture in prisons are leading to serious
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international pressure being put on monarch so bahrain's rulers find themselves in a tough position they want dialogue with dissenters but the question is whether they will be satisfied with what the king has to offer let's hear a shift key r.t. reporting from the kingdom of bahrain. there's unrest in the markets softer italy's technocrat prime minister mario monti announced his plans to leave but the former pm silvio berlusconi's thrown his hat. to the ring as well again after he withdrew his party's support for the government but he says i'll go after next year's budget impasse which could see it election in february earlier than expected elsewhere the greek prime minister is trying to secure more support from germany's wealthy and conservative region of barbaria earlier credit has agreed to prop greece up with another forty four billion euro script attorney george felos believes real solutions though are still a long way off. so most cause me to stone walling says listen you soon.
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but unfortunately. and now and in that interview it didn't it isn't easy to go. comes from greece does that you're going to example even to be the only of the international monetary fund because according to the assets they know. but of course it's really easy for these mature to so such a policy to the german bacterias so we're going to tell you this simple are you serious as usual more of more cell phone for people with. access. for those making headlines this hour a taliban assaulting a police station in northwest pakistan left at least eight dead three attackers reportedly five rockets and grenades in a battle lasting over an hour to insurgents detonated suicide vests during the clash the local taliban say the attack was to avenge the death of a relative of the former commander. an earthquake measuring five point six of the
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richter scale hit the philippines which is a really trying to recover from the devastation brought on by last week's deadly typhoon nearly a thousand people are still missing after that cycling was survivors in the worst hit areas are suffering severe food shortages landslides and flash floods killed more than six hundred people on the left more than four hundred thousand homeless. this is the funeral of a problem an official responsible for women's affairs was assassinated this early on monday in afghanistan and shot dead by two unidentified men on a way to work it comes just months after a previous sesar also one woman was killed in a bomb attack. twenty five an hour and it's past eleven o'clock moscow time thanks for being with us review watching around the world in a few minutes people and crosstalk. the legacy no one should be proud. of scrap metal littering pristine arctic
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landscape building stilton over their foundation pipes spilling black smoke over the snow covered peaks the traces of the soviet industrial activity on the bergen archipelago don't make a pretty picture the guiding principle here is the worse the better locals like to tell the story that back in soviet times where norwegians were visiting barons were they also expressed. at how prosperous this was well times have obviously kenge by this so it lags say still attracting the region tourists or barons work i would then cons watch native cash that's why while. our goal is common as was uncovered here a few days ago instead of throwing it away the local administration decided to paint the bin you and put it at variance with central square that in the nine hundred eighty daryn's work was a burgeoning mining community the soviet union was determined to maintain its own
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costs. are located halfway between north america and western europe bergen archipelago is part of norway but the special status that allows other countries to set up industrial bases here in the middle of the cold war it served as the use of western most outposts now it's one of the soviet union slask preserved relics. of the soviet union if it was cut off from any financial support for two decades. for western tourists and i think it could be even more appealing for russia's trying. to keep its presence on spitsbergen russia still maintaining a coal mine here but in terms of profit is far behind local shops so between. bill it is a big hit the defunct aren't curtain still helps keep the money flowing guys it's the russians doing your show but you can't play rivals for almost enough to. your
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local administration is increasingly under pressure to bring the infrastructure up to more than standards these modernization efforts are not very popular with tourists if you come into a very authentic place like non-sport it should stay the way it is that would be my wish i mean that's the part of the let you know authentic tradition here. i should not i would not like to have it in a shiny condition to be on those they tend to change even for the better is not always good for business something that even a local band has become attuned to when they try to add morning russian songs to their repertoire the audience called the wanted to hear it was a song comfortably familiar.
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and. following welcome to cross talk i'm peter lavelle separate but equal more and more europeans are rethinking the pillars of the modern nation state there is wide agreement that the sovereignty of states must be respected but what about the growing issue of self-determination if a population wants to create their own state why should they. take. to cross out the modern nation state i'm joined by christian winning in berlin he is the secretary general of the union of european federalists in belfast we have anthony rosato he is a political commentator and a former irish political activist.


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