tv [untitled] December 11, 2012 2:30am-3:00am EST
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genius of this particular central bank enabled bubble and they really over a debt of gratitude to bernie made off because the genius of bernie made up is that he offer ten percent a year in interest very predictably he didn't offer huge rates of return so people assume that it was safe people assume that because bonds are yielding so low that they must be safe because people don't understand that a. bond is a high priced bond but they don't understand the relationship between interest rates and bonds asked ten of your friends the interest the relationship between interest rates and bond prices and i guarantee you ten of them will get it wrong this is how this is being set up for again the biggest one is confiscation and mystery part of the problem is as they mention it's insurance funds and pension funds that have the money that they have to invest by law they've got to invest it somewhere right and then they go on to mention that because of the zero percent
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rates. they need a return somewhere so they're looking anywhere even if they're not being compensated for the risk they're taking this echoes events from two thousand and six to two thousand and eight when the quote unquote savings glut flooded the world with cheap capital compressing yields and putting pressure on insurance companies and pension funds to buy mispriced greek or us icelandic debt for a few extra points of ilda in order to match their future liability side this is the problem of big banks like goldman sachs or j.p. morgan or deutsche bank as being the conduit between the government's money printing activities and the real autonomy they tend to guide that money into areas will advance make the hugest profits and those are typically areas that are not economically sound but they can package and huge huge credits or commissions and they've done this on a gargantuan scale and totally destroyed the global economy you know back in two
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thousand and seven the bank of international settlements released a similar report warning about especially iceland and the carry trade going in there and what was going on there in iceland to explain this magical bubble in their economy was explained to them by coutts and bank chief economist oscar johnson in a paper called the icelandic economic miracle where does the money come from this is where in the march two thousand and six max and he highlighted several things that were all magical that they you know that their economy because of the reforms they brought in because of the great investment banks they have they're all sorts of things explain why a thirteen billion dollar economy was able to buy up much of the u.k. high street and one of the things he also knows is that iceland is a european country with an american labor market the nation may not have more than three hundred thousand people but in terms of the labor force it works like a population of five hundred thousand and that was the myth of the time. they were
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super men and when markets get out of hand people develop these god complexes even lloyd blankfein said he's doing god's work because he was being rewarded to commit massive fraud and it took me a match in the carry trade this is you know based on the fact that the japan japanese economy had gone into a zombie economy thanks to pressure from the central banks and people can borrow money from the zombie at near zero percent and then put it into a country like iceland and make the difference in the interest rates the interest rate arbitrage has its call but no lessons were learned from the mistakes from having central banks create zombie countries and zombie economies and creating malinvestment and enormous bubbles it's become much worse and the way that they get away it doesn't justify this is saying we have much better quantitative analysis now we have better algorithms we have more firepower and we have a cheaper cost of capital and this mount vesuvius or mount hecla of global bond
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catastrophe is here it's now and it's going to be spectacular and probably no country worst then loved. well at that time it was only japan and switzerland that had altered low interest rates and a quote from that time two thousand and seven when max and i made a film called money guys or to go up there to iceland to look and see what was happening in their economy a quote we read in our film was from glenn stevens who is the governor of the australia's reserve bank he said there is something very strange about teeth three country referring to japan giving out free money this has an effect on global markets it is by no means clear that it is a healthy state of affairs to persist so as we see right now what happened across much of the world was part of that carry trade that collapsed around the world and sent shock waves of debt collapse around the world right the credit froze when it became clear that this was
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a ponzi scheme of bernie made off like ponzi scheme and not actually the nomics. the difference between two thousand and eight today and today is that the rich people the sixteen hundred billionaires the six hundred thousand multi hundred millionaires with cash on hand are buying gold and barclays here in the u.k. some of the biggest gold storage vault outside of fort knox and the people buying gold are buying it for one very simple reason they're scared to death and they should be because they're about to watch the biggest global catastrophe in history they're buying gold out of fear so now here's the conundrum both bonds and gold are all you know bonds an all time high gold trading and i one of these two is not going to make it over the mountain and that one that's not going to make it has bonds so i referred to this film we made money guys are about iceland and i want to show you the actual how this trickle down magic thinking from the economist there in iceland was all screwed johnson in our economy says people like paul krugman who explain why the stock market is so high right now because it's a miracle it's
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a miracle economy in obama's economy right here going back to two thousand and seven when we were in iceland here is what the teenager who had just graduated from high school which is why they dress like they are this is what they had to say and what you're going to. write how is not possible you only have three hundred thousand people it's. that all those nails corrupting children you know they get the children to buy into the mythology and they're the ones that are sent off to wars to to die for the broken myth of mythologies or to buy into economic mythology and of course paul krugman is a witch doctor with shrunken heads are surrounding him in a necklace of old economist studies destroyed any bases his entire thinking on the
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methodology and philosophy grounded in which doctoring. i want to also point out that after the collapse of iceland up to iceland when michael lewis of vanity fair he wrote a piece and it got a lot of attention that the icelandic people some of them believe in something called little people they do believe in elves but they also believe in a people which many westerners refer to as little people but are actually called folk which means hidden people their hidden people much like our hidden economy our shadow banking system where all our wealth is allegedly stored and this is a recent story from iceland for example max icelandic town hopes angry elves have been sued by songs it is hoped that elves and hidden people around the northwestern icelandic town of boken bark will start to calm down again following their recent dangerous pranks and humans subsequent effort to appease them so apparently some rocks fell onto a village and it was because of construction but the local thought it was because they didn't ask permission from the the hidden people to build their love they're
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the only ones of paul krugman people of iceland that live in cracks and crevices of the volcano they believe in the invisible economy again james daniels packages well what happened is this the rock stopped falling once the school kids were let out of school and they sang this song to them so they believe that it stopped because people sang the song to them so get a look at our shadow banking system that keeps throwing rocks at us financial rocks with the flash crashes and sudden tumbles in the market and and threats of all our wealth of operating the manchurian coin trillion dollar cooling this is a tweet from ed harrison and he's referring to this notion that's now happening in america to deal with the fiscal cliff you know things being thrown off the cliff by the hidden people right so there's supposed to be a platinum trillion dollar coin that will magically solve our problem no it's called monetizing
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a debt with precious metals which is going to happen. anyway so you can call it the magical trillion dollar coin or a return to gold standard or a de facto return of the gold standard when the people in countries around the world simply trading gold and silver and platinum and ignore the paper money volcano governed by invisible people in iceland q e three treasury styles how credit write downs dot com calls it the treasury mints the trillion dollar coins the treasury deposits the coin into the treasuries account at the fed the fed's asset the coin and liabilities treasuries account increased by the same amount future deficit spending by the federal government could thereby continue to be carried out by minton koreans and depositing him them in the treasury's account at the fed this is the equivalent of us singing around the hidden people now do be do you we don't kill. us. it's a back door gold or silver standard you know they're saying where you get there by continuing the current situation but backing it up by telling dollar platinum coins oh by the way why don't we just go back to a precious metal standard oh yeah why don't we just do that all right stacy hammer
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thanks much being on the kaiser report thank you all right stay tuned for the second half i'll be talking to david smith of geneva business insider dot blogspot dot com about alice in switzerland. economy foreign policy descends home of. president putin's federal assembly address on and on t. dot com. sigrid laboratory to mccurdy was able to build the most sophisticated robot which all unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach creation why it should care about humans and worry that this is why you should care watch only on the dot com.
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business insider dot blogspot dot com david we recently spoke to you about that swiss currency pegged to the euro what's the latest on that bank well the peg was established if i remember correctly about it took over last year so we were just through the first verse free of this decision but if you look at the situation today with the pag in order to maintain the relative weakness of the swiss franc interest rates have been lowered to virtually zero the central bank has embarked upon a major. acquisition purchasing plan all of europe was in particular the end result of all of this now is that switzerland is holding about four hundred fifty billion of foreign exchange reserves now to try to turn number that in some kind of perspective we are talking about you could buy two thirds of apple the biggest corporation in the world for that you could buy general electric twice over
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and goodness knows how many times you could buy general motors so the question then is how to. how do you deal with this large amount of money and some ideas have been say set up a sovereign debt fund would be one of the biggest in the world already capitalized four hundred billion it would be four times bigger than the one that everyone was gasping at with libya for example but otherwise what we're doing is we're sitting with a pile of paper and government bonds and countries were those holmes is in question and we know that the countries involved are printing ever more money i want to talk about these sovereign wealth funds for a moment david you have of course one in norway which is very very big which is serving the country well you have one in carter believe which is a very large and they're able to use that for strategic investments around the world and you're suggesting that's what's real and could have won maybe if they
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played their hand a little bit differently why don't they have a sovereign wealth fund it sounds from what you just said as if they could set one up isn't one that be strategically in their favor well i think that in stead of just really reacting to market conditions the is no real strategy i don't think in this other than trying to maintain the currency peg and no one really thinks much beyond that and the other thing that i'm staggered about is that although switzerland is a country which has many good qualities and you can vote on everything from up to what time of night your neighbor can allow his dog to bark when someone goes and spends four hundred to five hundred billion of taxpayers' money there is no consultation to toll because of course the central banks independent and the only thing is no it is independent in what it is it's actions but it's not independent in the consequence of those actions fall upon the citizenry now as a percentage of g.d.p.
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of switzerland what does that number represent we're getting pretty close to one hundred percent of the country's g.d.p. what about. percentage of debt held on private bank balance sheets as a percentage of g.d.p. and also the public g.d.p. our those numbers of switzerland these days to the public that is. about the lowest in the o.e.c.d. countries i think from memory it's about sixty percent and as far as the private banks. are not too sure i don't have access to that information course that number would be hard to get because of the swiss banking secrecy laws i would imagine would be part of the reason why that number is not widely known however these laws are being challenged from countries like the u.s. for example which has gained entree into switzerland and is now completely changing the banking environment there by exposing previously secret accounts and usurping the laws that would make it illegal to bypass the secrecy
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laws but nevertheless the u.s. is seemingly almost targeting sorts a little while maintaining in the united states of course is now the biggest country in the world in terms of the ferias black market shadow banking operations and money laundering we know. banks in america now having like wachovia which is now wells fargo half a trillion dollars of the mexican drug cartel money laundering was there a big kind of scramble for that kind of money laundering business that the u.s. wanted from european banks and as such targets what's the one you know i think a convenient target i think that's the first thing politically it's very easy to sell the idea that switzerland is all bad i read the moment into the development there u.b.s. where they have decided to cut back i think they have understood the american environment will be made impossible for swiss banks and the indeed the number of
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other supposedly too big to fail banks. because at the end of the day there is yet another inner circle of even more protected too big to be to fail banks who benefit from the protection of the i.c.c. the c. f.t.c. and other many other institutions which are designed to basically monitor and control what goes on but they also decide who lives and who dies and if you look at u.b.s. his decision to withdraw virtually from the fixed income business or the because you know banking business i think they've done that one sort of prudence and the other because they realize that that game is not going to work for them very much longer because the powers that be want someone else to be playing that game where you're describing there is a hierarchy that one sees in the mafia so the low level thugs get busted but the captains of the mob continue on now what about the accounting firms because. of
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course after the enron scandal arthur andersen was put out of business because their involvement in that scandal but of the remaining big four they don't seem to have learned the lessons we've got another major scandal with h.p. and their deal with. autonomy a software company where the accountant in charge of that deal a gross negligence failed to spot major inadequacies to the point of outrageous. transgression of anyone's idea of what a accounting standards should be how could how the accounting these big four of them remaining accounting firms as scaped. any scrutiny at all they seem to have completely the lighted thrill this conspiracy that they're involved with defrauding millions of people around the world as part of that financial crisis i think basically they're like screen of fish following the whales in the whales of the major banks and they make huge amounts of money out of the financial sector there
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are only four of them and all of them good sweet deals the senior partners are paid an absolute fortune and you know it's not quite on the scale of the top bankers but it's very very very nice living and the basic messages you know don't rock the boat too much and. i originally was a chartered accountant for way back when things were done a bit differently but i've seen in my career you know the kind of firms and partners being put under pressure or partners who are being a bit too difficult being edged out and put on different cases so it is not immune to let's call it political pressure i don't think there are overtly dishonest but. they also have an issue that. they have a kind of organization chart which means you've got lots of very junior people who don't understand too much you know processing and filing papers and basically
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providing great big files with which to protect the firms from being sued so that is done and then the if you look at the overriding monitoring agency for the accounting profession it is of course that front of honesty integrity and professionalism called the i.c.c. so one can hardly be surprised that these guys are kind of bent around the little fingers of the very big clients ears phrase overtly dishonest now what we've seen over the past ten fifteen years. i guess you could call it a game of honesty limbo. in that every six months every twelve months the standard of what qualifies as overtly dishonest is lowered and then you have the bankers and the accountants and the fund managers do the limbo or they get underneath that new bar and the ones that get through are considered to have not
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committed any overtly dishonest acts but the bar keeps changing and they keep rewriting the laws they keep pressuring politicians to give them exemptions so how far how far into all this idea of honesty is a race entirely from the financial markets and by that i mean at the central banking level if there is no need to possess any collateral at all on their balance sheets if there is no end to quantitative easing if there is no accounting standard whatsoever what professions the global economy from becoming an institutionalized kleptocracy run by technocrats and a valid larcenous thick wall street criminals. i think the answer is nothing you know that if you if you take the role of the accounting profession they have already accepted that things can be marked to market in any other walk of life other than in the banking profession that would be laughed out of court they're
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also having to the banks are going concerns because if any of these assumptions were actually challenge them taken to the logical conclusion. to my belief or all of these major banks would simply collapse overnight so you know the lie has to be continued. and it's in some ways it's not for the accounting profession to pull the whole system down is that they are the observers after the fact of what has been done the people who are actually responsible for their very clearly and clearly the banks the central banks in the politicians and the kind in professional the very best. is an observer in a rather group tests. the development in the financial world you said recently that bank regulation is being used as a tool of foreign policy soon after you said that david cameron is a foreign policy speech to promote exporting city of london fraud in a lab right on this notion of banking regulation and. deregulation you just in this
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matter the difficulty with the you know the various applications of regulations are that nobody in the system actually trusts anything anymore and they realise everything comes down to personal issues of you know does this guy like you does that company like you are we playing the game correct played so on let me let me stop you right there david start because what you just driving is a royal courts of courts and the sec offense that's going back to the middle ages now so everything from the enlightment going forward we're getting rid of no i think we go back to the emperor nero it's come to the point where. there are people in the financial sector who can just put the thumbs down and destroy major institutions i mean lehmann was a classic example of the fact that an institution can be destroyed by a very small number of extremely powerful people and everybody is well aware that
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another limon event could happen at any moment and he specially all the banks and institutions and insurance companies and others who who know perfectly well that they're fundamentally flawed and probably bankrupt they can be the next woman to go down so the old the old play the game it's like alice in wonderland they keep dancing you know waiting for been to come and hoping that midnight doesn't come sounds like alice in switzerland economics david smith thank you for being on the kaiser report it's been good to be here again thanks a lot and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert i think my guest david smith got to say i mean email please just so it kaiser report it r t t v dot are you the next time x. guys are saying but you know.
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