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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EST

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say syrian rebels have seized control of a northern army base in a deadly assault fears mount that the country's chemical weapons could fall into militant hands damascus says it's being framed by the way it which is trying to create it correct as a pretext for intervention all the details coming up. stirring up trouble for the tax avoiders the british public buy back against the giant corporations who cream off profits instead of paying a fair share. rival rallies in egypt are set to escalate ahead of saturday's referendum on the new constitution after gunmen attacked opposition crowds in cairo's tahrir square.
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international news and much more this is r.t. reports claim syrian rebels led by the islamist radical front have seized control of an army base in the country's north killing thirty five soldiers the u.s. backs the opposition movement but has placed the militant group on a terrorist list and explains their increasing fears syria's chemical weapons could fall into the wrong hands some of the images in this report of a graphic nature. now this comes as the damascus regime increasingly accuses both the e.u. and the united states of conducting a smear campaign against it in terms of falsely accusing damascus of using chemical weapons the syrian foreign ministry has written a number of letters to the united nations in which it says that it is afraid that countries backing both terrorists and terrorism might themselves provide those
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countries with chemical weapons and then shift the blame and point fingers towards syria there is of course growing concern that the chemical weapons stockpiles within syria could land up in the hands of extreme militants in here we've been hearing reports of both al qaida as well as has been in the south operating in lending their support to the insurgency and so it is concerned that these weapons could land up specifically in their hands the united states for its side says it has intelligence that the syrian army may be preparing to use chemical weaponry and again the u.s. has pushed the line that this would be a red line if indeed it was proven and that this would bring in the ship the reaction and the immediate involvement of the united states we are hearing from a u.s. official as well as senior administration officials that the u.s. and the european union are training rebels both within jordan and turkey in terms of trying to secure these stockpiles of chemical weapons within syria now it is
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important to make note that none of these reports in terms of chemical weapons can be verified what we do know is that so your has one of the world's largest chemical weapon arsenals so it has never joined the chemical weapons convention and as such it is never given any kind of information in terms of the extended to and the declaration of its chemical weapons and this is why at this stage it was unknown exactly what is the extent of the chemical weapons and indeed in whose hands they're all they said he is an information war out there and we are witnessing an increasing number of videos be. posted on you tube you have a situation where both sides the damascus regime as well as the rebels are accusing the other of blood chilling atrocities as well as war crimes and let me just warn our viewers that the videos you're about to see are disturbing there is a video that is circulating on you tube that shows that assad troops are using chemical weapons and when you look at this video you see disturbing pictures of
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both adults but also children with disfigured face faces as well as limbs and incredible lose to the bodies there is of course also videos of rebels reportedly using chemical weapons on bunny's as almost a great against the assad regime that this is just what they planning on doing the rebels have also been posting videos of innocent victims of aerial bombings as well as share means while at the same time close aside activists have been posting on you tube videos of rebels making a child behaves a number of prisoners now according to the information in this report it really did happen in homes what we do so you know the video is a number of the hated victims we see the child actually beheading this person but again no way of indicating all verify exactly the truth of this although some sources say that there were people with saudi accidents being heard inside this video all of this is extremely disturbing footage again no way of verifying its authenticity but it certainly does show that tensions on the ground are increasing
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and increasing and alarming rate. for the u.s. sources saying washington is training rebels to secure and handle chemical stockpiles if the syrian government should fall but the commentators like antiwar activist ken stone believe it's just another step towards intervention. this period right now and the talk of weapons of mass destruction chemical weapons in syria is very reminiscent of the run up to the anglo-american attack on iraq in two thousand and three one of those videos purported to show syrian insurgents funded by the west preparing chemical weapons which were used on rabbits but could be used on syrian civilians and then blamed on the syrian government the assad government is not suicidal it has been playing its cards very carefully and there is no basis in fact for the use of chemical weapons by the syrian government that would be
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counterproductive the weapons of mass destruction argument used so effectively in two thousand and three and later found out to be a complete hoax they've just they've tried it out of the dustbin and their plan to rerun it again. there's a financially frosty christmas ahead in britain with bumper taxes and welfare cuts but not everyone is feeling the pinch profit churning multinationals like imus and starbucks managing to explore with tax laws to the fullest the public wants payback sarah ferguson reports they're telling the government it's not doing enough. people from all of the tend not to put this conference with this company it's like starbucks and apple google at the moment it's really part of a much larger picture welcome to the world of tax avoidance illegal but morally suspect way companies and the wealthy have been dodging paying their fair share
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most people are due to discuss these companies do not the very taxation which is a criminal offense but are void taxation basically use existing facilities and legal loopholes in the different regulation and taxation between different countries to their advantage companies like. the head office is based in luxemburg which they claim is the center of the economic operations which is handy as luxembourg the well known tax haven where companies can enjoy a low tax rate but hang on a minute here one of alison's massive this. in the u.k. in fact the reality is that many of our customers are their employees and many will distribution centers like this what are in fact based here in the united kingdom so it's not hard to see that the relatively small luxembourg office is nothing in fact
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is they say at the heart of their operation and yet the u.k. tax system doesn't seem to recognise it as ordinary british taxpayers who are losing out that's entirely legal on the face of it to run because you could register your transaction in different country and the place of destruction is the place of taxation whereas you can have your activities actually taking place here is legal. surely then in the midst of a flat lining economy ek government would be eager to plug the holes billions of much needed tax plans you can't. put in the chancellor's autumn statement last week and it was the pelisse on welfare he weighed in the government's firing line why has this government decided to clamp down on benefits for clamping down on
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multi-million pound tax avoiders. well i think that the government is clamping down on that there's been a lot of money allocated by him but there are now that people know that. or doing. it now that people know that they've been avoiding paying that amount of tax i mean it's no good doing it are not pay and there's a difference between people. who voiding tax to legitimately. and those who are illegally doing it there is a to do when we were. still avoiding paying where interested me again. let me actually answer the question once before you actually believe tax avoid is ok to legally starbucks and amazon and google have been doing is ok's that we're saying there's a difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion tax evasion is illegal tax avoidance people using the law to their benefit now if the law is wrong we need to
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change the law but for now the law continues to allow an exodus of profits made in britain meaning companies like amazon can keep getting away with paying less than the tax payers they're profiting from sarah firth r.t. london. egypt is on tenterhooks way if we're going to go back to bahrain first of all leaving bahraini human rights activist now bill roger how does prison term cut from three to two years russia has been imprisoned since august on charges of organizing illegal gatherings inciting violence the activists lawyer was demanding his release uprising in bahrain has been ongoing for almost two years now the shia majority demanding democratic reform from the sunni ruling family let's discuss this if we can with you political analyst patrick henningsen thanks for joining us here on r.t. today bahrain is under international pressure isn't it to stop the persecution of
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political activists or could the reduction of sentence be any kind of sign that the regime is starting to listen. any anything that the regime is going to give way on will be a positive thing in my opinion a lot of this pressure has come to bear because of the amendment which was just passed in the states which was an amendment to the m.t.a. the national defense authorization act it's inferring that washington should now have to react to any human rights reports coming out of a country like bahrain which is a stark change we've seen in the last year or two and on sunday the u.s. state department voiced their concerns calling on bahrain to drop charges against those accused of offenses involving known violent political expression i mean do you see the ruling family listening to the u.s. well this is the conundrum the moral couldn't we have between east and west right now it's a question of having a closed society versus an open society and we can all agree just based on
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bahrain's human rights record recently that it is a closed society however you know the problem with the u.k. and the u.s. taking a moral high ground on this issue is that they themselves are closing in societies only this week the u.k. is kicking around legislation about spying on its own citizens listening to emails phone calls using mobile service providers in the u.s. has similar provisions of its patriot acts so that this is a real debate that i think people should rise to the occasion right now and really debate this because it's relative in comparison. i don't think it is the opposition in the regime said in recent days that they're ready for dogs is there any chance of a peaceful resolution to the ongoing uprising in your pain. it's going to be very difficult i have been on this program in the past and i said the reason it's going to be very difficult is because we have any genuine democratic reform in
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a country like bahrain that is housing the u.s. naval fleet and at the same time washington and london are talking and television were talking restively baiting iran into a military conflict perhaps makes it a huge problem to see any real reform happening now in bahrain but you know the opposition movement has been for the most part peaceful the danger is that a radical element could see through like we've seen in countries like syria and that's normally done from the outside you mention the word radical there bahraini authorities blame radical hardliners for inciting violence that's justifying the recent ban on public gatherings and who are these radicals or is it just an excuse for a crackdown on dissent these radicals we we're not sure. you won't be able to tell because again a bahrain is not an open society there's a lot of foreigners running around countries like syria and certainly libya during
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the nato campaign there are a lot of foreign fighters in that country stirring up trouble so again if it's not an open society in the media's control and the government is not open about what's going on and jailing protesters for just showing up in some cases peaceful protests you're going to have a massive problem and separating the wheat from the chaff as it were finding out what's what in the country came. out of this to henningsen talking to us said that from london thank you thank you kerry. egypt is on tenterhooks more rival protests are expected between those backing and president most newsgroups we examine why the country launched into civil war is deeply divisive constitutional referendum. and. the story of an american woman who was forcibly sterilized as a teenager as part of a government program build the nation so him compliments.
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an artist was arrested for putting up posters critical of drone usage all over new york city the poster show a menacing drone shooting a missile at innocent children with the words drones protection when you least expect it written at the bottom these posters definitely reflect a lot of americans fears that a big brother skynet will completely eliminate the very concept of privacy and free speech so to prove that americans live in a free country without any government spying the n.y.p.d. hunted down the anonymous artist and arrested him for expressing himself having arrested him at his residence they charged him with fifty six counts of criminal possession of a forged instrument grand larceny possession of stolen property and weapons
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possession for having a deadly terrorist weapon and unloaded twenty two caliber pistol although being in jail won't be pleasant perhaps arzt as some actually in the end got what he wanted he proved to the world that big brother surveilled him and arrested him all for throwing up a few posters looks like he proved his point but that's just my opinion. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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world. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered. for international stories for you now here r.t. egypt is braced for more rival rallies between opponents and supporters of president morsy ahead of saturday's referendum on the new constitution at least nine people were wounded on tuesday when on their own gunman fired shots into petrol bombs at protests camped out in cairo's central to one square where military has been granted a temporary right to rest civilians in the run up to the controversial quote. extensive new powers last month but quickly backtracked to the face of rising
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public anger its fear the upcoming referendum on the road civil liberties and turn the country into an islamic dictatorship where journalist el shamming says egypt's courts are powerless and that most is a draft is approaching the nation and think of civil war. as far as judges and the judiciary system is concerned this. is existing. in egypt and that's why he retreated because he knew the. court cannot actually make any judgment. he insisted on the referendum on the tuition draft and that actually has not been discussed. by the people of egypt. after that actually the country in a. civil war will not fall invasion or.
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speed for the first time ever in the history of egypt but the country is on the edge of the unknown at this point we don't even know you've been will be ready for in them because many judges are still refusing to supervise it which will make it illegal if it happens with full judiciary supervision there's no point to. be spoiled if he's insisting on the. real threat to the unity of the people. to the people of egypt feel that i didn't i didn't to be. online for you now droning on america reveals a futuristic new weapons fight against terror. unveils the next generation of unmanned drones fitted with a so-called death training. never out of ammunition find out more.
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also on our website the real cost of education the u.k. skyrocketing prices for buying occasion some one hundred thousand pounds. europe's drawn out efforts to put itself out that you cannot mile well documented but it's not alone japan has now entered its fifth recession in fifteen years it comes just days before the country's election which is expected to sweep the current prime minister from power but current affairs journalist james corbett he was the change in power can see a moment to rise japan in a region where tensions are already high it seems that almost inevitable that the l.d.p. is going to be put back into power next week and with that comes not only big changes in the economic policy but i think there's going to be some some very big changes geopolitically speaking as. the leader of the l.d.p.
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is quite a hard liner on a number of issues and is even thinking about revising the japanese constitution to allow for greater military use of the japanese military overseas this is his second kick at the can as prime minister if he does get it in fact elected next week and while the first time around he was interested in revising the japanese constitution it's a deeply deeply unpopular policy here in japan which seems to have even mostly pacifist population but because of these rising tensions in east asia generally speaking with north korea and with china and some of the other tensions flaring up it's definitely an idea whose time seems to have come geopolitically speaking and i think the united states will be quite happy to see more hardline japanese parliament getting into power we could expect to see some some of the change that i think will have to take place culturally here as well as its population that since the end of the second world war has been trained into passivism will likely have to
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be trained into militarism if he gets is when. some of that well news. opposition activists in bangladesh's capital have detonated homemade bombs while bonking forcing a day long general strike police in the car had to forcibly disperse protesters who smashed vehicles and held rocks the rest erupted after accusations of government sponsored killings to recent protests against unpopular school reform. there's been a further street violence in northern ireland a group of people thought to be honest through a petrol bomb into a car belfast i'm sitting officers are treating it as attempted murder or sporadic incidents across the city saw gangs use follow works roads and lease vehicles. in a week of trouble since of the sit in to a street flying from belfast city home. thousands of american men and women were denied the chance to have children on government orders
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it was a decades long program of in forced sterilization of those thought unfit to be parents. met some of the victims now being considered for compensation but who say it's too little too late you won't want to see eighty four year old virginia brooks was just fourteen years old when north carolina's widespread eugenics program would forever alter her future then why don't i have the go to the hospital i'm not saying. rocks was with two other girls when a social worker picked her up she said we've got to take you. there and they did surgery. i didn't know what he was doing to me eugenics is a pseudo science aimed at improving the so-called quality of the population by forcibly preventing reproduction by people thought by some to be inferior in america it targeted mostly young poor minorities the mentally disabled or those
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otherwise deemed unfit to raise children like brooks who was an orphaned teenager she came in my chart was on the phone and. she says well. now you know but and you won't have no bread they. said what a way to make it one day you mean she said you won't know her. and that's when i want to head to me this is an angle of this that they ran brooks went on to adopt a little girl and mary howard her husband of forty two years between them they have four grandchildren five great grandchildren and the unfortunate legacy of suffering under the shadow of mandatory sterilization. or order way she was free from modern should be. a fresh day that anything. they should
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base for one thing. probably one of the most infamous uses of this theory was the radical purity programs in nazi germany. while north carolina's eugenics program reportedly claimed seven thousand six hundred victims before being dissolved in one thousand nine hundred seventy seven north carolina was one of thirty two american states that practiced eugenics and this year it was on track to be the first state to compensate living victims like brooks with a payout of up to fifty thousand dollars they were kind of. except that they were born this kind of genius they. can do better than this. shame. to this day not one victim throughout the united states has been compensated for their lifelong suffer in june north carolina state senate rejected proposals to allocate funding for the compensation program some argue that paying victims for
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what was illegal program could lead to subsequent payouts tied to america's other historic atrocities such as slavery seven decades ago this building served as baker senatorial it's where state officials took virginia brooks and dozens of other young girls to undergo mandatory sterilization surgery today it serves as an apartment complex where families are living routine lives this as others still bear deep scars over how their lives were forever changed here they had a baby. the people might be like. a life changing question that u.s. state officials refused to answer for marina port archie north carolina. or off to russia's second city in a few minutes for an extremely grand tour stay with us.
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if you just saw often enough and knows that to ride a horse you've got to catch it first. for him it's a daily routine that your software's of course are on the island of a horn at the heart of. his life on an isolated farm is about blue sky green grass and his horses what they're sometimes it gets lonely here horses have become part of me now i've fallen off so many times sometimes. it's part of my every day life. i home suburban home to
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a rats like you just saw for centuries most still live off the land cattle and fish. by coal is often called the pearl of siberia horn is said to be the pearl of. its all end of think forests. and vast stops. virtually undiscovered by tourists until some twenty years ago i haunt us quickly become a magnet for nature lovers and fuel cigars you're quite some way from civilization here accommodation on the island is very basic so you can forget about a t.v. or even run in water for most people a tent is the on the eruption but for those who come here it's exactly what they're looking for. in journey to buy coal can be unique trip of
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a lifetime and the local. seen it coming back again and again. evening the perfect time for a bull. and even the himself were ready to waltz but the grand a-k. soon interrupted by terrible news. that invaded russia. this is peterhof home to russia's most beautiful palaces and every autumn a glorious celebration marks the end of the fountain season today's event is dedicated to the war of eighteen twelve hour this magnificent of museums and fountains is more than just a remnant of.


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