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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2012 10:30am-11:00am EST

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and look at some top secret programs of the pentagon notorious black budget so without further ado let's break. all right guys let's talk some more about america's longest war afghanistan now there's been a lot of news recently about the failing war and ongoing occupation in the recent reports of the u.s. hosting tens of thousands of special operations troops on blackwater bases in the country after the two thousand and fourteen deadline it just came out that u.s. troops in afghanistan routinely target children on the battlefield yes you heard me right children according to one senior army officer children with potential hostile intent are now considered threats because the taliban sometimes uses them to assist with attacks against coalition forces on top of using the ambiguous term militant
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to describe the killings of any military age male that happens to be in the vicinity of a drone strike apparently whatever is now characterized as hostile intent gives the u.s. military the authority to target and kill kids now whether or not the taliban has user manipulated children to help them carry out attacks is a relevant children are granted protection in war zones and targeting kids is completely immoral illegal and disgusting there's a reason why children are not held to the same standards of prosecution as adults they don't have the same cognitive ability as adults and most likely their decisions are most heavily influenced by the adults around them not only are u.s. troops admittedly targeting and killing children they also just recently admitted to imprisoning hundreds of afghan children as quote enemy combatants during the eleven year conflict in conditions tantamount to guantanamo bay. well the u.s. military claims the average age of those rounded up in prison is sixteen human
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rights advocates and reports by the u.n. claim that children much younger than that are regularly detained many for more than a year but this is not unique to afghanistan thousands of children have been rounded up in a prison in iraq during the war on terror as well but it all begins to make sense however when you look at them and tell the of those officers involved in such scandals major general walter koski the second highest army general in iraq at the time told the b.b.c. quote i don't care for holding fifteen thousand innocent civilians we're winning the war. when in the war you say right yeah yeah who cares about duped thousands of human beings who are nothing more than innocent pawns in this imperialist chess game. under center six michigan state legislators rushed right to work legislation
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through it would make michigan the twenty fourth right to work state in the country now in face value a right to work law sounds like a great thing who would want the right to work in any given state but in fact right to work bills are just another old push to limit the rights of workers it's a statute that prohibits employers from being able to dictate that employees must associate with a union or pay union dues as a condition of hiring for a union state like michigan this is a big blow to union workers rights the wages in health care currently afforded to employees will negatively go down as the strength of the union becomes compromised in fact and right to work states wages are on average lower the states have higher poverty rates and according the bureau of labor statistics workplace deaths are forty one percent higher now this is just the latest assault on the workers in the burgeoning trend of the union busting happening nationwide so to help me break down what it all means and what else michigan is on the cusp of i'm joined by carrie
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mosse executive director of a.c.l.u. michigan carrie thanks so much for taking the time thanks for having me let's talk about the right to work law in michigan that i just went over what is the seeing right now and does it look like for sure this is going to pass tomorrow. it's hard to say there's a very big protest tomorrow we're expecting between seven eight thousand people this legislation has been rushed through with no time for anybody to really study or hate it so we're expecting that be it pretty chaotic and we are still hoping that the governor well that signed it after all how did it all happened so quickly is an interesting point that it kind of just seems like just in a couple days it all just is at the forefront. but that is one of the million dollar question spirits that is. kind of came it's been percolating out there but it held back at hugh where upon a time in early november
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a ballot proposal that would have made collective bargaining part of our two cent defeated and i think that that hole to the far right. on this bill it's very upright we're stuck on it for a lot of time. who are the main groups pushing this through. well the device family is it's obviously a proponent a lot with we suspect the cut koch brothers. and. you know the chamber of commerce. and alec i don't know if you mention that i can hear on for a second you know the have a large stake in this as well what can be done if this is passed and has any state repealed a right to work law that does pass. well people are so angry about how this bill the legislature this the. way the whole legislative process was
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treated the fact that the republicans shut down the capitol building last week out hundreds of people that they didn't let this have a committee hearing or beta. or people are so upset about it that at this very well could propel definite mandate and the next round of elections including the governor's office it'll be very soon and see how the politics of this plays out over the long run. and do you think there will be a chance that you know if the democrat does indeed when the leadership next would is there a chance of that he could repeal this law i mean how often do we see that ever retroactive. i guess just to scaling back what these laws have done. generally know there's there's not that it would help but you know right now that state legislature is felt by them the house or by the republicans the governor's office or by the republican senate by the republicans if people are angry enough
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and they get out in both of those and that dynamic change it or it could be you know i think it would be the first thing on the democrats' agenda and michigan is one of the first highly united states that will be passing this law is there worry that this legislation will. spread to other united states like ohio. well i think that it's dark and it is past and why. supporters up a little bit but if they did that it could couple other states like topple and i think they grossly underestimated. the support of the state just this morning with diet or chrysler factory where engines are speaking so you're right number of workers and they're smart they know what it means to be a right work state they know what it they understand how their benefits they're out
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of the page and it and their ability to you know make american history how did it. so. you know i think that the supporters that really underestimated they poke at the sleeping giant. indeed i want to talk about something else that's putting michigan in the news lately that's the groundbreaking bill passed last week and regards the end da's indefinite detention clause which prevents state cooperation with federal for authorities who may attempt to enact this how. this get mobilized . this was actually a bill that they wanted and we found a slate republican who also supported it and really liked her mcmillan carefully shepherded it through the back to the house of representatives last week so we're very pleased that bill that cut it. and i mean how did it get mobilized on a grassroots level was it just initiated by the legislature and then just passed i
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mean it just seems like this is a great blueprint that other states can follow to really kind of bypass that the federal authority on this indefinite detention stuff i mean it you know in a legislature that it's dominated by my party it really took somebody from that party to eat it and he spent a lot of time talking crowley it but you know if respect to the particularly at impulses and yeah we were just very very happy to see this issue taken our leader and shepherd through the house what will it mean for the n.d.a. two thousand and thirteen with the new feinstein amendment if and if it does indeed pass and obama's threatening to veto it but if it does pass will this apply to consecutive and days that might have the indefinite detention cause within it or is this kind of for the last year has been i guess i'm not really clear on that. well this is really speak to what state on the right so should get it.
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you know to get the birds inspired others to pass similar measures i think a lot of pressure on congress to be is that they're you know. their whole approach that it's so it's really it's grating as well or. that that will pressure congress well hopefully other other representatives follow suit and a lot of civil libertarians realize the importance of this issue thank you so much for coming on breaking it down explain a little bit there the rhetoric is kerry moss thanks for having. all of you like what you see so far go to our you tube channel and youtube dot com breaking the set and scribe check our facebook page at facebook dot com breaking the set if you want to read what i'm doing when i'm not on air only on twitter and out in martin stay tuned here for the latest coming out of egypt next.
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can tell from the russian side. more news today violence has once again flared up the fall these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china corporations are today. what. were you ever seen anything like. on november twenty second egyptian president mohamed morsi issued a constitutional declaration in which he expanded his executive powers beyond judicial oversight morsi portrayed his decree as an attempt to protect the
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transition to a democracy but tens of thousands of egyptians were outraged and they took to the streets widespread protests this past week the violence heightened when seven people were killed and hundreds more wounded in direct clashes between the muslim brotherhood and its opposition morsi took a surprising turn this past weekend and ellen decree which would have granted him such sweeping powers however he maintained his refusal to postpone the december fifteenth constitutional referendum that his political opposition claims does not safeguard individual freedoms so are we seeing more sees opposition strengthen and is it possible that egypt could even evolve into a civil war to talk about all that and more i'm joined by a doll is condor media an arab studies professor at georgetown university and author of the forthcoming book egypt in flux essays on an unfinished revolution thank you so much for coming on thanks for having me so let's talk about this opposition that's forming in the country what different groups are involved and what are some major concerns they have of morsi presidency there for the most part
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it looks like the opposition is comprised of the few sort of parties and political groups that are in natural opposition to him so for instance you've got various liberal groups various secular groups and then you've also got you know sort of nondescript you know groups that are the remnants of the revolutionary movement revolutionary movement that's basically lost sight of its bearings if you will or doesn't see the progress in the country materializing in such a way that would benefit their goals and their ambitions so with his do you really of the of the democrat. the process by. basically acquiring significant an absolute powers and then rescinding them ever so slightly and then also basically consolidating the constitutional draft in such a way that it becomes solely in the hands of the islamists he's effectively basically ruled the country from the standpoint of the muslim brotherhood he's not a president for all egyptians he's become the president for the muslim brotherhood
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alone and all any and all opposition forces that have taken a stand against him have had to basically bear the brunt of his anger and his frustration with the process he's also broken a lot of promises along the way which is frustrated a lot of these various groups one promise for instance was to appoint a woman vice president and a coptic vice president that hasn't happened he's also said that he wouldn't take the constitution to a referendum on less there was widespread consensus on the on the draft and of course given the huge protests against it in the past week or so there it's fairly evident that the egyptian society is has been divided it's not fragmented over this decision absolutely why do you think that he tried to make a power grab i mean coming off of mubarak you know dictatorial rule for decades it just seems interesting that he would try to seize so much power given that i think it's a combination of different things one aspect is the fact that there's a little bit of a sort of a victim of victimization logic within the muslim brotherhood they've been
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oppressed for decades under various tyrannical rules the last of which being the mubarak regime this is an opportunity for them to really capitalize on monopolize on you know the door the door is ever so slightly open and if you don't grab it now it may not repeat itself again in addition to that they also feel as though they really have a project you know the muslim brotherhood really have a project that they've been working on for over eighteen years that they want to bring to fruition and they trust their own judgment in such a way so as to keep everything within the camp or within the tribe or within the client and then i think. it's a major problem they don't trust in the opposition and their adversaries and i think last but not least is also partially the economic and financial system internationally for egypt to get back on track if you will it has to be able to receive loans from you know intergovernmental organizations such as the international monetary fund and those are conditions and their conditions are in
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such a way that he will have to use his coercive power to contain opposition and to ensure that the policies move forward including reducing subsidies on basic necessities even though egyptian society is fairly impoverished about seventy percent live around the international poverty line so at the end of the day i think maybe morsi has you know he chooses to be a dictator but at the same time he may have very few options and is disposal if you want to continue the process forward and opposition is not letting him get away with it. what about the the process of this this constitution i mean you mentioned upon some of the. the flaws in the process so far but what about the fact i mean forty percent of the country's a literate so i mean how can anyone even really read the constitution that's been prepared and also i mean him given the power of the army on the dave the constitution is actually voted on i mean how is this going to play a role and just talk about those factors i think it's basically
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a reminder that what morsi has crafted in a very short time period is a return to the same tyrannical dettori old processes that egyptians have grown accustomed to in the last period and he's actually promised to not do everything that he's done thus far for instance allowing the military to detain at will anyone who obstruct the referendum this is something that he he had stated publicly to opposed before his election he had also promised that egyptians would have at least two months to review the document i mean you are talking about hundreds of articles and you can imagine any. constitution there needs to be sort of an open dialogue almost like in a national convention if you will to discuss the articles in the constitution the majority of egyptians even those who do have the wherewithal and the knowledge to understand it have not had an opportunity to read it it takes hours and hours to process and of course you need constitutional experts to really sort of parse out the details to figure out what's right from wrong how this materializes what what
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it produces and for the most part every international human rights organization and domestic organizations of the sword and civil society groups have come out and condemned it for variety of different reasons not the least being the fact that it violates human rights so you can imagine the first constitution for a country that had a sort of a glorious uprising a glorious revolution is one that in trenches more territory as opposed to you know as opposed to dismantling it entirely specially with its predecessor being set in tory's human rights abuser. you know is it naive in a sense for the world or just anyone really looking at egypt to just encourage this revolution you know just short of two years and to really just see you know injecting democracy into a country that is an entirely different political evolution democratic process and a totally different cultural perspective than we might think i mean how is that playing a role and is it naive to think that this should be such a smooth process there should be an ebb and flow of things and nouns and we can
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accommodate i think for the most part the fact that there was sort of a glorious revolutionary movement that everybody sort of knowledge to as a turning point for the country left people feeling tremendously optimistic and you had about eighteen months of military rule that effectively derailed the process entirely and allowed certain groups predominately the muslim brotherhood to monopolize power now of course they were elected or at least in the case of mohamed morsi the current president he was elected democratically it's a very razor thin majority at fifty one percent or so but he does have. a mandate to rule in egypt but the problem is that everything that he's done thus far is in immediate contravention to everything that he had promised and in the vision of a democratic egypt a second republic if you will so the second republic has been like that it's in a major u.-turn and and i think the pulse of the street sort of speaks for itself the opposition groups and the sort of collectives that i've described have called for a major protest tomorrow some of them have called for
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a complete boycott of the referendum that it's negligible wasn't drafted by by them or anyone from their constituency so it doesn't represent them and so we'll wait and see what happens some have called for a boycott others of called for a no vote but either way it looks like egypt is very sharply divided and it's not the way a sort of a post revolutionary government should be to be one of unity and bringing everybody to the table looks like morsi has not made enough concessions to allow for the opposition which has very viable criticisms to actually negotiate at the same table instead turning to his base and turning to those who support him wholeheartedly and in and some cases even blindly do you think that we we might see a civil war unfold and injury about thirty seconds on my word civil war is very complicated i think addictions are naturally inclined against violence but nevertheless anything can grow out of this if so it would be the first constitutional civil war that i'm aware of in the arab world but it just speaks to
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the fact that there's a real genuine consciousness as far as they're concerned as far as it pertains to the future of their country so i hope not but you never know a lot of dynamics at play definitely a very complicated situation thank you so much for coming on shedding some light on the situation at dulles kandor professor of arab media studies at georgetown university. well it seems like this year the hot christmas toy in the drone kings wish list is you guessed it drones like the sentinel drone that's being used to spy on iran for example even though the u.s. doesn't like to admit it makes sense to know that everyone seems to have drones for the u.s. military to be extra secretive about how they development that develop them sorry that's where the black budget comes in how the u.s. came to develop cool work toys like the f. one one seven stealth fighter in the b.
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two stealth bomber under complete secrecy during the cold war the only difference is the cold war is long over we're still spending a lot of money to protect these secret weapons. and although ten percent doesn't seem like a lot think about it this way the u.s. spends more on defense than the next ten and dust realize countries combined that means are spending more on developing top secret be has that will never get to see them countries like france germany japan are spending on their defense all together and you know what i'm pretty sure the existence of a black budget is unconstitutional anyway article one section nine clause seven of the us constitution reads quote a regular statement on account of receipt and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time oh but i guess the government does provide us with that information you know i found from the department of defense comptrollers website a bunch of lists of different names i mean i guess this is transparency if you don't mind the omission of details beyond programs code names names like chalk
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eagle or tract maple link plumeria elegant lady or tractor rose you know what i have to give credit to the dio de at least they gave us something to look at you can forget about getting this type of information from the national intelligence program what job or sees spy agencies like the cia there's a black budget is in the tens of billions of dollars a year with no disclosure whatsoever all right fine i get it certain things are top secret for national security purposes but we're potentially talking about hundreds of billions of dollars being spent here spent under a cloak of utter secrecy all but a handful of congressmen actually see these budgets in action and were expected to front the bill without asking any questions police specially when you know about things like the national reconnaissance office who was caught hoarding funds under their black budget and they were caught having secretly spent three hundred million dollars building a new office complex in virginia this year the military is black budget range
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between fifty one to fifty two billion dollars allegedly down from the fifty six to fifty seven billion spent over the last two. years give or take a billion since there's no way to really tell or know any more so check this out our country is running you deficit yet we're still at work yes then we have counter-intuitive drone wars happen in yemen somalia pakistan and elsewhere and we're sending a two billion dollars space drone into orbit tomorrow for no publicly available reason by the end of the year our government will be more likely to cut out funding for food stamps and welfare education social security medicare medicaid before they dare to willingly cut defense what does that say about this country's priorities.
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you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom hartman.


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