tv [untitled] December 12, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am EST
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a miss. sixty years ago there was only one person who could ride out of the kremlin specif tower gate in an armored sice one one five soviet limousine he had power that any emperor would envy. this car belongs to joseph stalin driving home from work was no simple affair for the leader stalin used to sit on a special converted seat protected by guards on each side he trusted no one. the soviet leader strictly instructed the driver which way to go in the car would often turn abruptly from the white when he was on to moscow's side streets weaving along and confusing. to you is ready to kill people and he did kill them
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and if he could do it he thought they could also act this way and that scared him to death. stalin's limousine eventually reached a narrow and strictly guarded highway. many years ago nobody was allowed here local residents had no clue that it hit a facility known only to top officials. this is the comfort of a country house stalin's personal residence even though sixty years have passed since the death of the soviet leader his remains top secret filming has only been allowed here on rare occasions stalin spent his last twenty years and consider right up to his death. historians still puzzled over his mysterious demise did he die a natural death always someone else involved. he's
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upstairs with our family whole war it's not appropriate to talk about one's pride like best and i knew i was bright years i raised so on and so forth look at events at least to the first base. theater director at example has frequently been offered the role of stalin and he's flatly refused every time. he prefers to work with the classics looking for parallels with the time of stalinism you know people. are full of it i can't understand how he can love any of. us. all his life he's avoided mentioning stalin in relation to himself few people know that alexander is not just a theater director he's also of joseph stalin grandson. standing
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boom get the ball yes that was stolen from me just for like any ordinary man he was i'm betting i had nothing to do with him the butt of the good then when i saw him during the may november parades and i looked at him from the stands he built i mean when you i only saw him close at the pillar hole of the house of the union where he was lying in state. in march nine hundred fifty three of the soviet people been farewell to stalin for three days an endless stream of mourners came to see him lying in state. the first to shout claims that stalin had been murdered was his son by sulu. stalin circle would not forget the outburst and would soon try to get rid of him. but before doing so a magnificent funeral was organized for the former leader. many died in the crash as crowd lined up to see his coffin. is possible to express their grief. the party and the people of our country
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a suffering. romney. for many years the soviet people were led to believe that stalin had died in his kremlin apartment while his country house remained a secret only stalin's inner circle was aware of the circumstances around his death . the leaders descendants of only been able to come here after sixty years. alexander bodansky and step on mickey and have not seen each other for many years. as the son of stalin's closest colleague. for the first time they were invited to stalin's country house to see with their own eyes where he lived and died good day to you hello glad to see you here we have you been here before many years ago. i have never been here my father used to be here quite often.
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showing them around stalin's residences historian tough he co-wrote a book about conservation and knows the place like the back of his hand. you know. i now understand why start in the had given the older not to clean the way the snow under the windows but you want to be able to see footprints as the windowsills were very little. there were no such instructions. well he could have merely said it well actually all his words were written down as a rule. let's start our tour let's begin with the small dining room the room. stalin was particularly fond of this room which doubled as his study. there's a fireplace here stalin enjoyed spending time in front of it on long winter evenings hunting rifle sent close by stan and love to shoot and scare away the
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crows. on the first spring night of nine hundred fifty three he decided to sleep in this very room. the leader was so terrified of assassination attempts that he had several beds prepared for him around the house. not even his bodyguards knew where he would sleep each night a decision that was to prove fatal. the. way slept on different couch a. chair and a lamp next to the couch where he was going to sleep because he usually read a book for falling asleep but i would be. on that night stalin went to bed at about four in the morning he had stayed up late with guests from his closest. nightly feasts were a regular affair. the bodyguards knew that there muster would not be up before noon
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. but at midday the bell in stalin's room remained suspiciously silent by three pm he still had not emerged. gods weren't allowed to call on him uninvited that was strictly prohibited. later in the afternoon duty offices became seriously concerned. only by seven o'clock in the evening having received a letter from the kremlin to the officer on duty decided to take it to stalin. he found the soviet leader in the doorway of the next room lying unconscious on the floor. with you this is where he was found on this carpet between the table and the couch . it is still unclear what happened to me you know there was a glass of mineral water here. he was stellar it was lying a barrel most likely he stood up and failed to get to the couch feel the.
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stalin had suffered a massive stroke and there was no one close by to give him a. they were soon rumors that stalin had not just died but was murdered. you know nor when a tyrant of such caliber dies these kinds of assumptions are always made me think of them when a tyrant lives behind high walls there is always the feeling that his own circle might plot against him. stalin's worst fears of conspiracies and assassination may have come to pass with his sudden death he distrusted the people close to him so much that he fired his bodyguard nikolai vlasic who had headed his security service for twenty years and was one of his most loyal and reliable people shortly after his dismissal classic ended up in jail. from one of y. sequels the official reason for of last six imprisonment was that he misbehaved and
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fooled around at the expense of the state the stella never blamed anyone for that he decided to get rid of him because vlasic had held office for too long and have become unreliable so you. would stand beside the leader during all publications he was a general who had finished only three classes of secondary school and had been decorated without having performed a single feat. stalin never knew that his personal bodyguard kept a secret diary of his time but the leader no one else did do so as stalin himself would decide how and by whom he would be remembered in history. for many years of last week's unique record of the stalin era was classified just recently as it be made available to the general public. it's the only unofficial testimony of a man who had been with stalin old time. used to wear an old shabby coat
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over his wife and of years to to make him a new one but she needed to take his measurements to do so she could have taken his old clothes and made a new one of the same size of a tailless she failed to take his measurements as he flatly refused to say he did a new coat but we still managed to make him a new coat we changed it for a new one when the chance arose stalin pretended that he hadn't noticed a thing lisak. elastic protected stella and was by his side for twenty years and of course he was deeply attached to style rules. in the evenings when we were on vacation we always had dinner together with secretary description and stone and joseph's only one of its jokes a lot and shared his memories from his ponced he told us about his life in exile in the tora hunt screeches those hours of leisure spent together with the leader will always remain the best hours of my life he was so likeable i always felt easy and
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free together with him. the diaries produced the impression that like many other people formed an impaired judgment of what was going on instead of taking a critical view of the situation his mind was obscured with the ideology finally crafted by the leader who was the. classic was the only person allowed to take pictures of stalin and his family at their country treat in these photographs stalin is not the grand figure of a propaganda poster but i know a great bad spending time with his family. in the one nine hundred thirty s. he trusted implicitly even allowing him to look after his children. but then a great tragedy struck from which he would never recover.
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alexander bodansky visits the nobody ever she cemetery and moscow every year here the soviet and russian elite such as author nikolai gogol and boris yeltsin are buried. the grave of stalin's wife and alexander's grandmother there dazed a little you have a is also here. i was made to do you know the story of the monuments and do you know why her hand is an opposition. deal with a very talented sculptor should don make this monument. and that's how he depicted the hand of someone who takes their own life. on the night of november the ninth one thousand nine hundred thirty two stalin second wife additional island we have shot herself after a fight with her husband. stalin did not attend the theater. when it could
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have i think she had no other way out yet and there was no way she could escape stalin as knowledge of who died on the list and she knew what a blow it was going to be for him yet do most of you know that's why she did it i think that he did have a sense of guilt and the will it may have blamed the circumstances on her nature and the but he certainly did have a sense of indirect guilt with. the man who was said to have a heart of steel hardened even more just a few years later the country was swept by a wave of repression taking willetts the old bolsheviks the cream of the intelligentsia generals of the armed forces and all surviving relatives of both stalin's wives. often a dazed as death stalin would never marry again. well. he believed that she. put it down
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betrayed him. with well it's human not to blame oneself. distanced himself from his children and move to the consumer countries residence leaving his daughter and son of his former home with a babysitter and make a level his chief of security. stalling was deep in grief after his wife's death who was also his different his children were little at the time being a very busy person stallman could not afford to give them a lot of attention so we had to entrust them previous kids to housekeeper carlina she was a well bred woman who was very fond of his children when both of them grew up and started school most of the responsibility for them also for me. which he sank into solitude deep in his heart he was lonely even before that just like any person striving for power but after his wife's death he became a lonely in every sense of the word no one could ever replace his wife went to bed
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later and later every night inviting people round to keep him company to deal. before his wife's death stalin's in a circle is to visit him with their own wives but often that is to a little of a passed away it became a bed only affair. the large dining room in the consequently house was the center of the famous night feasts. stalin made his guests dunce the dining room still as the gramophone presented to him by churchill and when stalin played the records of his favorite songs. he was taken there from the small dining room after a stroke. in an improvised medical center was organized here people were trying to figure out what to do with human dignity by the third of march it was clear that his brain had suffered irreversible damage more than insult
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. doctors came to stalin's bedside too late at least twelve hours had passed before the unconscious leader was found. when the guards reported that stalin was on his deathbed those closest to him were too afraid to go to his country home. minister was bizarre was this the minister of state security sim yawning match if it was scared to enter when he arrived the minister of state security someone that everyone in the country feared him was too afraid to come in i would imagine he would see stallin sick in his own bed in open his eyes look at him and say why are you here saw that. one of the most sinister figures of stone and in a circle turned out to be brave enough levante beriah he knew too well that all of his ministry of state security predisposes and ended up in front of
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a firing squad he also fell out of stalin's favor and was very likely to be arrested soon the supporters were also being prosecuted. varia was the one who understood the situation in the higher echelons of power so he could not allow this to happen. moreover my grandfather told me that barrier had even posted that it was him it was responsible for stalin's death barry used to say that he saved everyone from the repression by the unpredictable insane dictator. or did the. area immediately realize just how serious stunts condition was but he bugged doctors from being called and left. the most dangerous thing was the fact that there was a traitor among the people close to stalin it was barium he was experienced and coming in to me cleverly disguised his motives and stomach trusted him that was his
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big mistake barry had long been striving for our. resorted to all possible ways one could think of he was capable of and. it was not just beriah but every one of stalin's associates who had reason to see his demise just left molotov an honest does make a particularly fearful of arrest. terrified of conspiracy against him decided to completely restructure his circle and at the same time to intimidate the people of his country once again. it doesn't seem yeah does that all families friends colleagues hundreds of people could have been affected so now it is even how to imagine that it could really be the case i won't be when he was given the list to remove the image of three people but their wives me when i was he's already signed that list and ordered them all to be shot how could a person be so cruel or. just left molotov the man who had signed the secret
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protocols of the division of europe with the nazis and further reason to hate the head of state stalin had sent his wife. to england. himself was deprived of any real power preparations were already being made for his arrest while the tough grandson owes his own to stalin's death. the future both mullets of the same choosing were great at surviving really spear weapons when they saw the first signs that my grandmother was going to be arrested certainly they come up with a plan it was actually they got divorced and passageways it was their only chance for survival rates and the plan worked. that's how my mother stayed alive and gave birth to me. many people surrounding stalin had motive for murdering him however some didn't have the courage while others like the opportunity. stalin always replaced people his cabinet before they had the chance to have lost. the
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leader deprived himself of family friends and. relatives he replaced them with a party member of the raid. but just as he died suddenly it seemed to them that he had opened his eyes and raised and so they kneeled down in fear immediately they thought he would ask them why they had gathered at his bedside where the stalin had fallen victim to the very system he had killed in which everyone was mortally afraid of him including the people closest to him so. while still in teetered between life and death those around him were already dividing up. stalin for the inevitable for four days soviet leader was pronounced dead on march the fifth one nine hundred fifty three. on the kotori so this is the couch that style and died on the lines didn't you mean
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there they were no the doctors asked to move them here and vats where he died they were. by the end of his life stalin's children had become a disappointment to. his daughters went alone or was married twice both were unsuccessful. and did not approve of either of the husbands and she left for the united states and died in a retirement home all alone. the son vassily a drinking problem. his grandson alexander bodansky chose to take his mother's maiden rather than bearing that of the steel hearted serviette leader. when you know i can't say that i loved my brother i was afraid of him who did it was the greatest feeling i had towards him. that store in my haze or when he took us to some parts together with him or wanted us to do some sports to the father.
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most of the press that i never loved was a loon who was often drunk yet i didn't understand it then when he was drunk he was a very difficult sometimes pleasant man beyond which into. serious doubt it was called the first soviet prince for a reason. at the age of twenty one he became an air force colonel commander of the military aviation regiment a twenty six he commanded the most district a twenty nine he was made left in a general. after his father's death silly stalin was stripped of his rank and awards a month later he was arrested and sentenced to eight years in jail. the once powerful soviet prince was hidden behind bars in solitary confinement under the false name of assyria. after serving his term he was sent into exile and. one year later he died. thank you and he more three years i couldn't forgive him many
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things i couldn't forgive him for what he done to my mother i couldn't forgive him the horrible childhood my sister and i had her but i shall. but as i grow older. you know now i feel very sorry for him but at the same figures he was a very talented person which with a crippled life. stalin died alone in a huge an empty house there was no one there save for the servants and bodyguards. he had eliminated everyone who was loyal to him people who had helped him with the revolution and with his repression people who had gathered at his home for holidays . the pictures of children on his walls had been cut from magazines just as his own sons and daughter had been cut from his life. is in a circle became his family the close of a country house was his new gremlin. was new to use names to the
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good we don't know how it must feel to be installment serious that many think about it but i think it's ridiculous to be made because no one has ever found themselves in such a position you could not even a single russian emperor. this is loneliness which is because this is the tragedy of so jewish that. even though stalin lived for a short while after his stroke his inner circle had already betrayed him. historians believe that they deliberately prevented the doctors from attending to stun him. whether or not he could have recovered if help of being offered immediately remains a question no one can answer that. blue book witness some of the bulletins to it is curious that there is an assumption that stalin's close associates from the central committee presidium and soviet leaders and were criminals who could easily kill their chief i don't need to warn you this is very interesting and no one doubted
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that he had usually quit them some the way. stalin's death put an end to the repression just a few days after his funeral the rehabilitation of stalin's victims began in the past sixty years more than ten million people have been rehabilitated. while many have been terrified under stalin rule there was still some left him. after being released from prison his former personal bodyguard nikolayev last week continue to write his diary. i was badly hurt by stalin after twenty five years of excellent work without making a single mistake receiving any rewards in acknowledgment i was thrown into jail despite my endless devotion he threw me into the hands of enemies but never not a single minute in my life no matter what state i was in did i have a grudge against all.
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