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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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syrian rebels are threatening to execute a kidnapped ukrainian journalist if a ransom isn't paid reportedly saying russian and ukrainian citizens should not be allowed to leave syria alive. britain says it has evidence of russia's involvement in the death of former spy alexander litvinenko after six years of failing to
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provide any tangible proof. debt ridden greece gets its latest installment of bailout funds needed to keep the economy afloat in exchange for a debt buyback scheme which many see as counterproductive. and as the u.n. atomic watchdog resumes talks with iran and we look at why many iranians consider acquiring nuclear energy as not just a matter of necessity but of national pride. world news live from our moscow headquarters i'm lucy catherine of and you're watching our t.v. well a ukrainian journalist kidnapped by syrian rebels faces execution on thursday unless a fifty million dollar ransom is paid and car has been working in syria during the conflict helping international news outlets including our team. now the world's
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main groups defending journalist have strongly condemned this attack as well as the general targeting of reporters our middle east correspondent paula slayer has been following those developments for us the journalists unhappy coach never was taken hostage in october and holmes the free syrian army has held her for nearly two months they've accused her of being both a russian and a syrian spy she has a kid into you tube videos that were released earlier by the free syrian army and in one of those she appealed to the embassies ukraine and russia as well as to the syrian government to meet the demands of the kidnappers it's very difficult to say whether in fact these demands will in fact be made she read a text in those videos in arabic in which admitted to having participated in the fighting and having worked as a military interpreter with syria and russian officers but the authenticity of these videos believing that they were made while she was under do wrists now the ukrainian foreign ministry has also released a statement released last month saying that officials were negotiating for her
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beliefs but they did not offer through the details. some syrian rebels are reportedly threatening to make russian and ukrainian citizens in syria their target and prey saying that they should be allowed to leave the country along if meanwhile moscow is warning that the opposition may win the conflict but at an honest subtable price or chef skiing has those details the russian foreign ministry would not exclude the possibility of the syrian opposition forces being victorious in the military call think in this country that is according to the deputy foreign minister minister but he stressed once again at what price a completely unacceptable price according to the russian foreign ministry this victory may come he said that for now it has been claimed that sixty percent of syrian territory is being controlled by the pro opposition forces wells forty percent of the territory remaining under the governmental control and if the opposition will be willing to push further this may lead to more casualties with
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forty thousand people about forty thousand people already killed the death toll could rise to hundreds of thousands of people and this is something russia finds us completely unacceptable and believing that this price is way too high this statement comes shortly after a conference in morocco finished with around one hundred countries pledging their support to the syrian opposition the same time of violence is still taking place in the country with several terrorist attacks rocking damascus and the neighboring outskirts of damascus in the last forty eight hours. washington is accusing damascus of deploying weapons banned for use in populated areas in its fight against the rebels jacob hornberger from the future of freedom foundation says that the united states is deliberately demonizing the syrian government and we've heard this stuff before about you know saddam hussein's debbie m.d.s. knew was going to unleash them on the u.s. and mushroom clouds over american cities and it was entirely bogus it was that it
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was a way to get the american people to support the. invasion and occupation of the country and that's what all of this interventionism is all about to install their dictators into power look like how the us empire is not complaining about the dictatorship in bahrain i mean there you've got a military u.s. military base so they've got to stay quiet about that tyranny and day you see what went on in egypt you see in saudi arabia i mean the u.s. has long supported dictatorships saddam hussein was one of the ones they supported and so this is about regime change in the hopes of installing a pro u.s. regime but as we've learned things don't come out as they as they often plan him to be. well as the u.s. and its allies give full endorsement to the syrian opposition there are fears that it doesn't fully understand who the anti are such combat are on the ground on line we are now insists on who is actually doing the fighting against the government
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there as well as the tactics that they're using. the death of former russian spy alexander litvinenko who was poisoned in london six years ago is again in a spotlight a testimony at a preliminary hearing into that incident suggested lived an ngo was a paid british intelligence agent and that the russian state was involved in his murder is laura smith is in london following the developments for us take a look this is not just about the sort of salacious details of spying on the world that there is there a wider implications to this and of course there have been the maybe just stumbling block in u.k. russia relations for the last six years since it happened and it comes up every
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time in any kind of problem in the relationship between russia and the u.k. and of course the main program at the moment is syria and how much involvement the international community could have in syria we having that the inquest lawyer has said that the u.k. government has material evidence that the russian state is guilty but interestingly under the naught the english courts call its policy judgment on the lawfulness of the behavior of another state so that's an interesting point which i'm still come up again when the inquest is held but of course we've seen no details of this evidence which is interesting the u.k. government has kept its evidence very close to its chest meanwhile there is convincing evidence on the other side of cool. do you avoid u.k. police's main suspects. because poisoning he recently passed a law a detector test administered by british experts in which he was specifically asked
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whether he has had any involvement in it because that he said no the lie detector test was passed by him also because only follow the hold on t.v. that he didn't suspect the kremlin or andrey lugovoy of having any involvement in his son's murder this inquest we're expecting it to take place next year and it's an inquest in which there will be huge media attention from all over the world. he one atomic experts are back in iran to try and make headway over tensions surrounding its controversial nuclear program it's the first visit since talks had a deadlock in august and the i.a.e.a. team is hoping to get access to some of the sites suspected of carrying out nuclear activities but there are unlikely to get inside the parchin military facility which tehran insist is a non nuclear site saying that inspectors have no right to access it iran also consistently denies its uranium enrichment has military aid but despite the lack of evidence providing proving otherwise israel has repeatedly threatened military
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action if diplomacy fails artie's way of putting a financial reports mitchell just mistrust between iran and the international community has already claimed victims. three decades of pride followed by three years of mourning when her future husband a young physicist she immediately knew he'd come a long way indeed he went on to become one of iran's leading nuclear scientists and do it all ended one sunny morning in january two thousand and ten. left to work and then i heard a terrible explosion i rushed to see what happened he was lying like this. i called most who'd my screwed. i thought he was just scared then i turned to him there was no fleece just blood in tissues he was the first victim in a gruesome trend associated with his work since two thousand and ten at least three
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other nuclear scientists have been murdered in iran to his name with cubans they're working hard so their country didn't need to beg other nations for know how those who have the right acquires this knowledge and feel independent. women soon as husband began embarking on his nuclear career it was not a life. threatening occupation in the seventy's western countries were eager to help iran develop its own nuclear program supplying into with technology with no strings attached that changed when the iranian regime deed was earlier seen as inalienable right became its biggest liability iran. would be emboldened in its pursuit of nuclear weapons billions of dollars have been pumped into the industry before the revolution at the time of the shah why should they give up now just because western powers say so while iran's nuclear program is now a target of western political discourse there is only suspicion and no
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internationally recognized evidence that the country's moving towards build an atomic weapon iranian officials believe all this tension is fabricated with the same purpose to demonize them in the eyes of international community if you have naive in your kitchen and some of the recent concert contour. or. benjamins. maybe you want to use it too from. this is really george king. the perceived fear is that the iranian regime can't be trusted with a nuclear capacity but even those who want a total change of leadership see should be non-negotiable for the country. would look pretty sure by iranian national policy for what you did here. it was. kind of drago between iran. even you.
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want to come out of the face which is that the. blast that killed one serious husband was seduced shown that the clock in the living room stopped at the time of his death both the west and iran are equally failing to move forward iran has long insisted on its right to develop a peaceful nuclear program but suspicion in the west has led to more and more severe sanctions the more iran resists the more the pressure builds and both sides show little sign of giving up and while the west says only dangerous intentions people here in iran believe it's all down to pride and prejudice. in our tea from tehran. professor sayed mohammad marandi from tehran university told me earlier that things like the assassinations of nuclear scientists as one of the reasons that iran and denies the u.n. inspectors access to the parchin site. but iranians don't believe the international
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atomic energy agency really has any fear about the party in sight and that it is basically american pressure that forces the agency to take such steps because it's very western oriented organization it's not a democratic body most countries in the world meaning the nonaligned movement in fact support the rand position. but the reason why the iranians have not allowed them to enter is because they've already done so twice before part sheen is a military complex the iranians have a military industry now if. in the past when iran information be passed them on to western countries and eventually we have iranian scientists assassinated because of this information if we've done that in the past why should the iranians trust them to a not pass on this information to the united states about you and defense
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capabilities and b. what is the end game. coming on the russian president lashes out at the american prison system. following a u.s. decision to sanction russian officials linked to alleged rights violations in a high profile corruption case. and as greece gets vital cash injection to avoid bankruptcy and we talked to one expert about how effective the next bailout funds and the staring he actually is here's another stories for you after a short break. the city california police force to shrink by eighty officers this year to cover their budget deficit during a local meeting the police. laid out the city's problems the sea is facing waves of
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gang violence theft and drug trafficking but with all the prisons completely overcrowded many of these criminals go right back on to the street and there's just nobody to put more police out there to fight them the police chief really only had one solution offer a given situation go home lock your doors and load and you know what actually that's not that bad of a proposition america's always been a country where people been expected to look out for themselves and i appreciate the police chief's honesty but i know the world we live in and i have a feeling that the second some homeowner shoots a guy who jumps over his fence at night that homeowners going to go to jail for life you can't expect that a nineteenth century attitude towards crime will be able to work in a twenty first century world where rapists can sue you because they slipped on your slippery kitchen floor if you want people to be able to defend themselves that's great but you have to allow them the legal liberty to do so or else the criminals will just take over but that's just my opinion.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images. from the streets and candy that. corporations are.
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welcome back here's on finance ministers have rubber stamps the latest installment of bailout funds for debt read in greece and many have been withheld from months and less dependent on athens buying back some of its debt before getting the vital cash injection but artie's paid all of our reports the deal may not be as good as it appears for the euro zone greece's given its financial back is something of an early christmas present by buying back a chunk of its debt problem however when they take the wrapping paper off that gift they won't find it's a little less which they've asked for as part of a bone to buy back scheme which saw athens buy back its own problems at around thirty four percent of their original value the international monetary fund how to expected greece to be able to get its debt situation down to one hundred and twenty four percent of overall economic output by twenty twenty really does not seem likely right now this is because the i.m.f. to say well we won't be lending any more money to any countries that can't pay back
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their debts however there is a dangerous precedent with this in terms of greece being able to return that money of course private investors private creditors into greece well a lot of banks and a lot of insurance companies are already have to take that hits and it may swell there's no way we're going to get this cash but from greece but that is subsidy that the i.m.f. certainly are not willing to accept right now are let's get some analysis on this and for more i'm joined by george poulos he is a research fellow at the hellenic foundation and european for european and foreign policy in athens all right sir thanks for taking the time to speak with us greece has gotten this massive installment of aid or nearly fifty billion euros the officials are hailing it as a success do you agree. good afternoon from athens whether they be penn from a political perspective perspective it's certainly our success rate i knew
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a lot of their images a few weeks ago and there is a game today with the release of that brand nevertheless if we look at how the greek society sees it obviously she's in the friend because their real problems and down employment cannot be sold with this brand which is mainly for for the breakup elysées in the banks and the payment of interest rates. you know and i think we've seen this before alphonsus teetering on the brink of bankruptcy of this trying to convince its creditors that it's doing enough to reduce the debt i mean do you feel like there's any light at the end of the tunnel where the problem is that the greek opponent me seems to life being in the middle of a few shared bills and that there is no real at the end of the tunnel however everything will depend on the course of recession the problem is that the new measures would have been agreed that we lead to further recession so i'm afraid that we would face similar problems in the next month and the most critical periods
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of the greek this week be that winter of two thousand and thirteen well a vicious cycle in my eighty you've mentioned recession and you know you are on the ground there we're not in a we just hear the statistics for example one in four greeks currently unemployed long term jobless rates are soaring benefits and salaries cut for for our viewers who aren't in greece help us understand how people are actually coping with this how are they pulling through these tough times. well they're not coping very well their psychology is very negative or divulge at this that there is no real future than already a hope for the future and especially for young people unemployment is over fifty five percent i found it on that basis greece cannot go on the course but there is a hope that some parts of the trans ways that has been released today we had to view to the area they call me if this happens then of course we can kick off the economy if once again the money we need be even for the payment of interest rates
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and for their recovery dollars a zone of banks then once again recession will deepen and unemployment will go higher so it all depends on how the greek government will deal with the new brands and if there is any martin now to boost the real economy and how do you think the greek government is going to deal with that in a transfer i mean if the past any indication for months or for grover meant in the past three years cannot make us very optimistic for the future nevertheless there is no other hope for greece right now than to speak on this plan because there is nothing serious tentative or the people are angry and or analysts say that the medicine is not working on the other hand we haven't seen so far another plan with them to help build a main priority now for the government is not only to play essential for raising taxes and cutting down salaries and pensions i think the reforms will lead less ways if the government will do that well wait and see is certainly a painful wait for some of those unemployed greeks said george pulis research
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fellow at the helm expounding for european and foreign policy and athens thank you so much for. russia's president has hit out at america's recent congressional sanctions against russian officials washington lawmakers accuse several russians of being involved in the prison death of a lawyer sergei magnitsky referring to the movies as absurd however were put in also decided to highlight america's present track record. but frankly speaking i don't understand why our american colleagues are doing this most likely it's internal political intrigue little the foreign ministry has already called it the theater of the absurd that's precisely what it is which is a sort of game of me to his death was a tragedy but does nobody die in u.s. prisons and maybe even in greater numbers going up that is for eight years they have failed to show it's going time to vote down where people are kept without due
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process under wearing shackles like in medieval times people who open secret prisons have legalized torture during investigations are now pointing out our drawbacks. president putin said that russia has yet to complete its investigation into making its case death moscow has already promised to retaliate against the congress shall sanctions by barring americans that it accuses of human rights abuses. always more for you on our website r.t. dot com including the power of hypnosis will be tested on a u.s. sergeant who claims that he has an unusual as prosecutors hope that he will remember the day when he allegedly killed five fellow servicemen in iraq. also online for you making hey we've got the tale of how one paralympic athlete left a trained racehorse in his wake beating it in a contest between man and beast. fighting
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shoving and strong language that's the ukrainian parliament's prelude to recollecting a new speaker now it's becoming a familiar sight this time the fists began flying when opposition m.p.'s accused former colleagues of the trailer for wanting to run independently now outside opposition activists tore down a barrier around the parliament proclaiming that no democratic country fences off its government septembers election was criticized by international observers for imprisoning ukraine's opposition leader as well as pro-government media coverage and the ruling party is on fair access to state resources. i will some other international headlines making news right now in the west bank dozens of young
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palestinians have clashed with israeli soldiers the youths apparently threw stones and bottles before the troops responded with tear gas tensions are high after a palestinian teenager was shot dead by israeli border police on wednesday after allegedly brandishing a gun the claim denied by the palestinians. riots have broken out in argentina after thirteen people were acquitted in a high profile sex slavery case demonstration some demonstrators are going to side with two stones at the government buildings and also demanded the resignation of the judges who had delivered the verdict the suspects were accused of kidnapping a young woman and forcing her into prostitution top politicians including the country's president have come out in support of the protesters. there's a state of disaster in some moa which has been hit by cyclon evan two children are believed to have been killed there's also widespread damage power lines are down
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and trees have been uprooted mass evacuations have been ordered in several areas including the capital where most roads have been cut off well or in listers here in just a few minutes to get her take on america's financial cliffhanger account don't go away. choose your language. kill it make it with the internet you can just feel from the . truth it's good to consider that you. choose your thank you to the great. choose the stories did you. choose the access to.
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download the official ati application so fun choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites from alzheimer's t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile device watch our t.v. any time and. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so poorly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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for. the motion to be soon which brightened if you only bounce from phones to pressure. he's fun starts on t.v. dot com. good afternoon welcome to capital account i'm lauren lyster here in washington d.c. these are your headlines for once a december twelfth two thousand and twelve it's bad interest rate decision day and the fed announced it will expand its bond buying program with forty five billion dollars a month and longer term treasury securities as expected after the conclusion of operation twist at the end of this year speaking of twist though the fed also announced it's now timing interest rate guidance. economic guide posts in these
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currency wars who's winning who's losing what's the collateral damage the man who wrote the book on it jim rickards is here to discuss plus does deed value in the dollar fuel exports or does innovation and investment do that well if you think it's the latter unfortunately u.s. corporations cut an estimated one hundred seventy five billion dollars in investment from two thousand and nine to two thousand and eleven according to s. and p. which calls this un says dana will have reported by the wall street journal we'll talk about that and our interview with m.m.t. economist stephanie calton yesterday spurred so many responses six hundred so far it's been less than twenty four hours it is to get in so much just gushing we'll talk about it in loose change let's get to today's capital account.


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