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tv   [untitled]    December 16, 2012 8:00am-8:30am EST

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free. free. free. free bird video for your media project free media. the latest news on the week's top stories on our rights groups in egypt. with unofficial results. sporadic violence erupts in the streets. rebels in syria. push towards damascus the u.s. is giving the opposition a boost by granting official approval. of defiance north korea. despite global condemnation saying it placed. into war.
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broadcasting live and. studios here in moscow this is with me rule re sushi it is good to have you with us today rights groups in egypt are calling for saturday's first stage of a constitutional referendum to be held again after claiming widespread violations unofficial tallies released by the islamists show a narrow majority backing the charter of the opposition which has been a no vote to what it calls a discriminatory draft and also accepted their opponents who are leading with a slim advantage journalist true has been following the voting for us in. it's been a tense night here in the capital in cairo as people have been waiting for these key results on the referendum of the constitution pullin the results of course the
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official ones will come out of the second round which indicates that it was a yes vote the muslim brotherhood together with the media outlets numbers are mounting up they're saying approximately fifty six point five percent voted yes forty three point five percent voting no this would seem to be of course a major blow to the opposition forces particularly because in this round only two of the governor it's involved to the ten you voted actually voted as a notice of the constitution this particular stage of the referendum was largely seem to be the biggest chance for a no vote to the constitution as the governor it's involved actually voted against the president during the presidential elections so really right now the opposition forces are going to have to you either drum up support in the next six days for the second round or final time it's a tactic to to to i campaign i think there will be heightened tensions of course i mean people have criticized the idea that the referendum respect in two days of the
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week in the middle with these results coming out because of course people are going to react to them as we entered the late stages of the voting process which had been extended by several hours by the electoral commission because of high turnouts there were violent scenes in the streets of cairo and. what party headquarters the opposition position. where tact by suppose it supports is of has an obvious man who has knowledge or orthodox salafist leader one time presidential candidate one party did i reports that ultra conservative islamists torched their headquarters talking with firearms until the security forces did report injuries so really we'll have to see if the next week what happens in the build up to the second round this crucial rounds as the seventeen other governorates going to vote on this constitution. the referendum is being held amid a high military presence with the army in charge of security in egypt and till the results of the voting president morsi has also authorized soldier to arrest
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civilians raising fears of a return to military rule and author and journalist eric margolis believes mohamed morsi is repeating the mistakes of the past. i think it was a major mistake by. president morsi to do this to throw this thing into the hands of the army it's just what egypt had in the past most egyptians don't want more military rule it's dangerous bringing soldiers in to calm civil problems because once they get a taste of power you often don't want to leave younger generals generals without the experience of disillusionment very well be anxious to get over that's how come out of the nasuwt to power and to rule for many years and he by the way we made still remains a little tough you were political figure in egypt in spite of all the disasters that happened on his watch so there are young all of the serious colonels and.
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generals who sells i might be another nasser. far from egypt now to syria where the rebels say they are making gains across the country in their push towards the capital of course damascus now the opposition received another financial and political this week with the u.s. recognizing the coalition often says it's meant to isolate extremist groups while allowing the rebels to up the struggle against the syrian government artie's guy nature can look at who at the end of the day is fighting in the assad camp. they call themselves martyrs. all those you see around you of the fighters you see are living martyrs and the living martyr has already sacrificed a soul for this country the syrian rebels say they will stop at nothing to defeat us. some of them are so proud of their deeds that they post them on the web
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including the execution of prisoners. or having a child behead a man who was presumably an assault supporter atrocities are committed on all fronts during syria's bloody civil war according to many accounts on the ground islamic groups that do most of the fighting on behalf of the rebels dr tatar we come meet was a member of a jihadi spoken ization twenty five years ago he later became a vocal opponent of radical islam that you have this have no problem to behead people alive you deal with people like bin ladin and there are because of al qaida who have no his e.t.a. shin to use any form of whip around to really. control any place. religious believes and ideology the so-called friends of syria including the gulf states the u.s. the u.k. and friends many morocco to throw their weight behind the newly formed syrian opposition coalition two thirds of the islamist dominated the entire south
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coalition has ties to the muslim brotherhood and selfish and their idea of freedom for syria what. you suppose it's. sign for us that our military struggle is characterized by being mostly islamic because martyrdom for the sake of allah has always been the main motive of people. in what's seen as a symbolic attempt to distance themselves from terrorists in syria washington has designated one of the rebel groups a terrorist organization but the same syrian opposition that the us supports welcomes the efforts of groups like al nusra the decision of considering one of the factions fighting the regime is a terrorist organization should be reconsidered. this is a demonstration of support for in syria with people heard chanting we are students of osama. people here in washington don't seem to understand that if you don't like the government in cairo or if you do like the government in cairo i
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guess i should say then you will love the government the comes to power in damascus because you will see a sunni muslim islamised government a muslim brotherhood style government that is absolutely intolerant fundamentally hostile to the west washington has failed to officially denounce the many suicide bombings perpetrated by the rebels in syria preferring to focus on the wrongs committed by the assad regime alone the u.s. is also ramping up the rhetoric about the possibility of the assad government using chemical weapons against civilians something that damascus says would be suicidal on the other hand many rebels are not averse to the idea of suicide in the name of what they call holy war militants have recently taken control of a toxic chemical plant in the country's second city of aleppo a video was uploaded to youtube showing them testing chemical weapons on rabbits we could not independently verify the authenticity of the footage. you will die like these two rabbits in its own words the assad government is fighting terrorists that
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battle has claimed thousands of innocent lives the measures the syrian government was ordered to have been. widely criticized but does that crisis mean the world should keep their eyes shocked at who's actually fighting for power in syria now in washington i'm going to check on. now we are getting reports here at r.t. that a palestinian refugee camp in the capital has come under attack by syrian warplanes this is nato said earlier this week the government's using ballistic missiles against the rebels that is something that damascus denies a patriot missiles are said to be sent to neighboring turkey while nato says it's only for defensive purposes and store in germany sold believes there are other reasons for the build up. see the reason for stating the missiles on syria's border is not because of an attack by syria because there's actually no likelihood that syria is going to attack turkey and in any case those missiles to be directed against planes or ballistic missiles not against the artillery shells almost as
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that of informing the the turkish border accidentally so the obvious question is why those fighters then and speculations based on the fact that perhaps they are there as the first step just clearing and fly zone and direct measurement intervention sometime next year and one has to ask the question who did the germans who did the british who did the americans who holds and i think it's a point in syria they are not supporting groups who committed to democracy not supporting groups that committed to political transition the not complete supporting groups that are committed to in any way the sole mission of an open transparent state. so the timing is off to be here in moscow you're watching on corporate giants like starbucks and amazon finding legal loopholes to avoid paying tax on their huge profits at the u.k.'s losing billions of pounds of the public demands rich start paying their dues a bit more on that certainly just a week from now. also north korea launches
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a rocket despite international warnings but as we hear after the break and some say world powers it shouldn't isolate the country we're all in gauge in a town. easy to see. destruction without to see. what could have been just ruins. saved by a great sacrifice. any understory by human jeffords. a remarkable reminder of courage. selflessness. is a live. listen to rush.
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limbaugh splinter . live.
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thanks for joining us here in. britain is losing out on billions of pounds in tax some corporate giants are paying their fair share of course naturally that's a public which is left to pick up the slack while also being loaded with tough austerity. reports the government seems fine with keeping with the status quo.
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well people from all of the people tend not to protect this country because companies like starbucks and apple and google at the moment it's really part of a much larger picture welcome to the world of tax avoidance illegal but morally suspect way companies and the wealthy have been dodging paying their fair share most people are due to discuss these companies do not have a vague fixation which is a criminal offense but void taxation basically use existing facilities and legal loopholes in the different regulation and taxation between different countries to their advantage companies like. their head office is based in luxemburg which they claim is the center of the economic operations which is handy as luxembourg so well known in tax haven where companies can enjoy
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a lower tax rate but hang on a minute we're here one of amundsen's massive distribution centers based in the end but the reality is that many of our customers most of their employees and many more distribution centers like this was are in fact based here in the united kingdom so it's not hard to see that the relatively small luxembourg office is nothing in fact is they say at the heart of their operation and yet the u.k. tax system doesn't seem to recognise it as ordinary british taxpayers who are losing out that's entirely on the face of it to run because you can register your transaction in different country and the place of great destruction is the place of taxation whereas you can have your activities actually taking place here is legal. surely then in the midst of
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a flat lining economy the u.k. government would be eager to plug the holes it's letting billions of much needed tax pounds in cash out. but in the chancellor's autumn statement last week and it was the penniless on welfare he was in the government's firing line why has this government decided to clamp down on benefit for clamping down on a multi-million pound tax avoiders. well i think that the government is clamping down on that there's been a lot of money allocated by him but there are now that people know that. or doing that they're doing it now that people know that they've been avoiding paying that amount of tax i mean it's no good doing it are not paying well there's a difference between people. who voiding tax to legitimate returns and those who are illegally doing it there is a to do when you're
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a citizen there are no less to lose weight in paying where interested me to get handed way let me actually answer the question once before you actually interrupted a legally tax avoid is ok to legally tell you what starbucks and amazon and google have been doing is ok's that you're saying there's a difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion tax evasion is illegal tax avoidance people are using the law to their benefit now if the law is wrong we need to change the law but for now the law continues to allow an exodus of profits made in britain meaning companies like amazon can keep getting away with paying less than the tax payers they're profiting from surface r.t. london. team working twenty four seven to provide you with the best stories and pictures online let's have a quick look and see what they have for you right now at r.t. dot com what's in a name well i just bought a forty five thousand dollars it seems because that's what one american man has
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after selling someone the right to give him a new surname i can find out his motivation about god com. watching watching its security firms discovered a way to hack into a so-called smart t.v.'s and giving access to the devices built in cameras and microphones allowing them to spy on to have everything do. north korea defied the world on wednesday when it launched a long range rocket with successfully placed a weather satellite into orbit however the claims were met with skepticism by the u.s. south korea and japan who suspect that pyongyang was in fact testing long range ballistic missile technology north korea is banned from such tests by u.n. resolutions the security council condemned the launch saying it will consider an appropriate response or the e.u. has threatened more sanctions but antiwar campaigner eric cirrhotic in says talk so
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the only solution to the ongoing impasse. these are causing us to have more talks not less talks and the north koreans have been willing to attend talks other nations have certainly russia has another nations that if it involved in the six party talks and doubtless read are such as japan south korea the united states are less. willing to engage in talks or in these things happening by what the u.n. said was not only don't use ballistic missile technology it said we must have a commitment to a peaceful diplomatic and political solution to the situation there and that's what is really crying out and i think russia and other countries must finally say now wait a while these though look at the problem but i'm afraid that the united states is going to step back talk less isolate more of the military base that the united
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states brought merrily south korea's building on july would it an effort to create a ring around china perhaps to deal with north korea are all setbacks to peace what's necessary i think at this point in time is to step back from the process and the outside countries the other countries around the world must say wait a minute a peaceful china south korea north korea japan has a region will have a huge impact on world east and i think that it's really incumbent that we put pressures towards peace and not toward amping up the conflict any more. this is r.t. and former russian intelligence officer alexander litvinenko who died in london from polo nian poisoning six years ago was a paid agent for britain's m i six that's what a lawyer representing representing his widow told an official hearing earlier this week at a program ledge to at the time of his death litvinenko had been tasked by m i six
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to help spanish intelligence investigate the russian mafia and one of the lawyers in. volved in the case claimed the u.k. had obtained proof that moscow was behind his poisoning and the announcements were made today prepare a tree hearing before the inquest which will for next may however a six year investigation failed to provide any evidence solid enough to identify any killer. president vladimir putin has announced a crackdown on corruption in the country saying no official politician will be able to rest easily put in focus on problems at home as he spoke to lawmakers for the first time since returning to the top job artie's listen to exactly what the president had to say. several years ago when former president medvedev addressed russia's lawmakers this signaled major constitutional changes for the country with the presidential term being extended to six years this time when president putin delivered his first annual address after returning to the kremlin for the third
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time it ran no major sensations nor political changes but at the same time this speech was even more significant as some have already said that many others before this time put in barely spoke about any foreign policy issues the main focus was on domestic problems in russia and there have been plenty according to russia's president in fact he started his speech by saying it is now or never as the world is going through a crisis russia must stand up to all these challenges and the first and the most correct way to do that is to invest in two youths not richard is that what's that as of today the percentage of healthy active able bodied people in russia and aged between twenty to forty is one of the highest in the world twenty years time this economically active population could shrink by fifty percent less we do something this trend will continue either we provide interesting jobs give opportunities to
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create business build families raise children be happy with just a few decades russia will become a poor country populated by an elderly generation incapable of preserving its own territory. but the biggest issue dragging russia backwards for the past several decades has been the corruption among the higher echelons of power and that is why the largest chunk of putin speech was dedicated to this problem and the president came up with some very tough rhetoric unheard and all twelve years putin has been in politics in russia but no wonder it seemed at times that putin was not addressing the whole russia and not for the whole world to see but he directed a stern warning to those. sitting in front of him cuckoo or david in order that we could you know when you go how can people trust an official or a politician who talks a lot about the good of russia at the same time and tries to take his money out of the country i ask you to support the bill to limit the amount of foreign accounts
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and stocks that officials and politicians can have unleashed that the people. don't applaud yet maybe we won't like everything i have to say but ima put in we'll be holding an annual press conference for the world media and the eyes of the entire planet will again be on the russian president. let's. see reporting from inside the kremlin. ok let's get some other international headlines for you in brief for the r.t. world starting with thousands of medical workers in madrid having marched against plans to privatized but also these are the latest pictures we have for you right here of the government insists it's part of the austerity measures needed to pick the country up from a deep recession austerity is biting ever harder in spain where half of young people remain unemployed spain is a debt of one hundred forty five billion euros but is trying to avoid following we eurozone members on the bailout. general of parliamentary voting in japan
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finally over the former leader shinzo party securing a majority in the lower house after three years in the opposition however pre-election surveys have shown that many people remain undecided on the eve of the election concerns have been raised over the conservative party's comeback fears of the leaders close ties with china amid ongoing territorial tensions. at least one policeman and five militants have been killed in a shootout in pakistan a gun battle ensued as a thorough he's surrounded a house containing insurgents believed to have been involved in an earlier attack that saw men armed with rockets and suicide vests trying to penetrate a military facility at an international airport on saturday four civilians were killed and more than forty injured in that raid five attackers also died but. all the names of the victims of the u.s.
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elementary school massacre in connecticut have been released to twenty children gunned down in a shooting spree were aged between six and seven the attacker identified as twenty year old adam lanza shot dead his mother at their home before going to school to carry out the shooting to eventually turn the rifle on himself a memorial service for the victims has been held while flags flew. hamas in washington. ok now coming up a feature on a tourist attraction known as well the russian of our side that's right after a quick break. i think.
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that the end of the speech. she. gave. her. wish. to saddam is so good with. her. just spend the money in a. little run of a really. wealthy british style sign some time to.
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market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report on our. courageous. creative. elegant and full and public speaking. to. a few european bodybuilders against millions of which immigrants. it may not seem so serious now. but this could be a real threat. to. european extremists.
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also meaning the perfect time for a bull elegant ladies and gentlemen and even the emperor himself were ready to waltz but the grand a-k. soon interrupted by terrible news. napoleon's army had invaded russia. this is peterhof home to russia's most beautiful palaces and gardens every autumn a glorious celebration marks the end of the fountain season today's event is dedicated to the war of eighteen twelve over this magnificent ensemble of museums and fountains is more than just a remnant of peter the great snipe hunt century russia has also bears the scars of world war two. it was worth it welcome to peter hall it is the most visited museum in russia around four point two.


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