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tv   [untitled]    December 19, 2012 11:30am-12:00pm EST

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secrets. but the complete destruction of this innocent man's life was all because he happens to share a name with the so-called al qaeda operative and after winning a case of the european court of human rights for the very first time the cia activities against detainees as torture well it's what we already knew but how did american government react to the ruling one big wall ups without the slightest hint of an apology and the payout to this poor man was less than two hundred thousand dollars to ruin his life all of which came from the macedonian government it's a small price to pay for participating the destruction of countless innocent lives in the global war on terror if this kind of collateral damage makes your blood boil to the drama to break the set. where you never seen anything like that.
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last week marked one years since the u.s. government announced an official end to the mission in iraq a day that president obama was very proud to tout. so as your commander in chief and on behalf of a grateful nation i'm proud to finally say these two words and i know your families agree welcome home. and today is actually one year exactly since the last convoy of heavily armored u.s. troops left the country that was the point at which according to the u.s. ended the nine year war it is the war really over about the security contractors about the iraqis who are now left to pick up the pieces of their war torn land a land that's now plagued by devastated infrastructure poor health a weak government and a teetering economy. as it stands today i'm joined now by dalio mcconnell as it
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stands today i'm joined an editor liberate dot com along with her husband ross the pooty activist and director of the justice for fallujah project thank you so much both of you for coming on. this really quickly to start off the interview i know that both of you have a very interesting point in your life that made you turn to activism dolly i want to start with you just really briefly the rocky path jewish you're also a medical doctor that you put you put on hold to pursue activism was her turning point for you. during the buildup to the south in our invasion in september two thousand and two i really sort of changed or crisis of conscience and we had already starting dated afghanistan. for caring for iraq. i was really coming to terms with what my tax dollars were paying for as i was training to be in helping. them for cosmetic surgery
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meanwhile halfway around the world people were dying. because all of my father's relatives were still in iraq and actually my mom died. three with the history of the holocaust behind them and now a new of all of. my father's family and that along with the example of grateful for e who made. so many sacrifices to stand up for what she believed in i was inspired to go see my family and after that i wanted to do whatever i mean my american whatever i mean my energy for sure and i understand you were a marine in iraq to do it as i understand you were a marine in iraq did you experience something there that made you turn to activism . well i was and it was when we were running these sasso missions security in stability operations in iraq i understood for the first time i life
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period as it was and imperialism prior had been something i read about in books in high school and it was a distract and not real i didn't really understand the concept but in iraq when we were trying to coerce everyday iraqis into accepting the political agenda that we were imposing on them. it became real to me and i understood that it was very immoral in the straw that broke the camel's back was the second siege of fallujah in which i was a direct participant and we destroyed that city and we killed hundreds of civilians in me and it became real and i understood that what we were doing was very very wrong but thank you all as well for sharing i know that's the very end thing to talk about dolly i wanted to go to you let's let's get right into the use of depleted uranium i know that this is something you guys are both pretty vocal about how was it being used and what it what did it do to this generation of kids that
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are being born right now and what are the long term effects of news in a. hearing for the for her and her call for an inkling. the end of this time there was an announcement. a hundred times that were used in iraq depended on like to use depleted uranium because it's an extremely dense material and. put on the thick of the missile and that missile is that a tank. think like a hot knife through butter which is very exciting if you're the pentagon but the problem with the media uranium is that it is. radioactive material upon impact aero so why the microscopic particles second candidate the air in the sand and the water supply so everyone in that environment. the thousands of soldiers or the millions of family members of families who are living there are then exposed to
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it they drink it in the water they eat it in the plants they need it. and what's resulted after the first gulf war in iraq was a six hundred percent in iraq in. two percent increase but not since then without the rates and three hundred percent increase in the incidence of paediatric with seniors and so months now you did again the nato involvement needed slavia that again in a van and in shock and awe in something new since the beginning of those assaults and now an estimated two thousand tons of microscopic radioactive contamination in iraq alone and now there are significant birth defects being found in many major cities that were targeted over the years of of invasion occupation in iraq perhaps most significantly in the city of. that the two massive massive military assaults and the results today are that one in three children are not baby
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are born with deformities unprecedented for anywhere in the country and anywhere in that region of the world certainly of. it is a very under reported issue certainly the depleted uranium the radiation does not go away for generations it's not heard some people say that this isn't going away for a very long time. ross i wanted to talk to you about to do our common. life in. four and a half billion years. that's when it was having a radioactive effect everybody was not going anywhere unbelievable absolutely unbelievable terrible tragedy ra's i wanted to talk about the state of iraq as it stands right now and when we look at the economy the infrastructure the health system i mean where would you say the country stands worse off now than it was in
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two thousand and three when the u.s. invaded. it's absolutely were sauce destroyed country. as. mentioned the entire country has been contaminated with with radiation and that's not the only type of contamination there has been one recent scientific study that found high levels of lead america yuri in in the cities of pollution and basra and very likely in other cities throughout iraq and this is also contributing to the health crisis throughout the country. thousands and thousands of iraqis are going to have to live with these health effects and it looks like it's going to they're going to experience it across generations now those are just the health conditions that iraq is facing the infrastructure is also destroyed people are still struggling to get constant supplies of electricity and water the economy is just in ruins the government is very very corrupt every aspect of iraqi society is far worse off than it was prior to the two thousand and three
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invasion ross i want to follow up with you know when we hear these numbers of troops leaving i don't think a lot of people realize you know the u.s. never leaves a country that it invades i mean is this just a launching pad for had your money and the future i mean what's the continued presence of troops that you think will remain definitely there i mean the bases the troops the embassy that we build. the point of it is to have a jimmy in that region of the world. that's the point is to have military bases surrounding iran to put pressure on iran to change that regime and to put pressure on the regimes other regimes in the area that we don't find to be within our business interests here in the united states. you know two thousand and five two thousand and six iraq fell into a lot of sectarian violence that we still see happening that didn't really exist before what do you think is going to happen do you think that. we could possibly
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see the iraqi youth of rising up against the government i mean what hope do you see for this country. well i do want to make the point as you said there was not good syrian strife in iraq prior to the invasion and occupation and this is a classic use of divide and conquer by an empire to try to steal the resources of that nation so as as many iraqi families were mixed even the term mixed did not emerge and so after the invasion in my own family make was having a son mean grandmother. father and grandfather and they had ten kids so there was an experience like this was the case throughout iraq now we have certainly orchestrated those divisions and the guardian reported leave in two thousand and ten that the u.s. was involved in arming and training and funding sectarian death squads so those
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divisions are very deep seated today but for the future i believe that will be seen in other locations where russian continue that the next generation that has nothing there still alive but occupation will rise up for their for their own team through in their own families and the most of those it's example i can think of it was the first intifada in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight this was one hundred twenty years twenty twenty one years ari after the occupation of the west bank and gaza and these were the youths who came forward struggling with whatever they had which were raw i believe that you will see the end business the history of iraq in general over thousands of years the riches of the land have been coveted by many empires before the americans or the british and everyone ends up getting kicked out so unfortunately we're just patrolling doing very good business in iraq right now
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but i believe as they have been before they will be driven out of the well indeed hopefully the youth does rise up against the sham democracy that the u.s. has installed in the country and that's all we can hope for and definitely getting out of the generations of just horrifying violence and sanctions and war that has played it for so long i thank you so much both of you for coming on dalia waspy rosco do you really appreciate your time thank you thank you. like you say so far go to our you tube channel youtube dot com so i'm going to set and strive to check our facebook page face. but dot com slash breaking at the suspect and if you're wondering about what i'm doing when i'm not follow me on twitter at abby martin so stay tuned to hear about one new group's measures of protecting journalists from a less transparent world next.
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on the edge of human capability. struggling with a country. laid out to become the first. force. pulled in.
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russians would be soon which brightened if you knew no bounds phone from phones to impressions. who friends don't on t.v. don't come. to me and speak your language. full of programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on all t.v. reporting from the world's hot spots that will be ip interviews intriguing story for you here. says than trying. to find out more visit our big don't all t.v. dog called. every day we're getting closer and closer to a world that is less transparent less just and less free to alter its path and
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nothing is more important than protecting journalists now despite what your feelings are about wiki leaks what the organization represents is at the heart of journalism itself raw truth telling when there is transparency governments are forced to be honest fortune the truth is under major siege in this country the us government uses both legal and illegal tactics to castigate any groups that challenge it so in an effort to support one of the most fundamental and essential rights we have and to protect groups like wiki leaks against the government and a new organization has been a form called the freedom of the press foundation to help me talk more about this organization and what you can do to support transparency i'm joined now by the co-founder and executive director of the freedom of the press foundation and a member of the electronic frontier foundation trevor ten thank you so much for coming on. thanks for having me all right so trevor tell us more about how this organization came into fruition. sure so i think
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a bunch of us were talking about eight or ten months ago about what we could do to kind of stop the financial blockade that was implemented against wiki leaks so if you remember back in two thousand and ten you know after the us couldn't have gone to court to censor wiki leaks because of the pentagon papers case forty years ago where the supreme court said that you know if information is in the public interest the newspaper publishes it even if it's secret then they can't it can't be censored so instead a couple congressmen went to various corporations and got them to cut off them cut off from their financial support from visa master card and pay pal. and we started talking about ways to solve this problem we just didn't want to become a precedent where if the u.s. government didn't like a certain organization that they could unofficial you censor it without ever going to court but so what came out of this idea was this much broader. much broader idea that we want to support transparency journalism general we're not only trying to help out wiki leaks which is in dire need of support right now because they have
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been cut off for two two years but we also want to support a variety of other transparency organizations because you know with government secrecy at an all time high there's no real magic bullet that will end up killing over excessive secrecy but we think we can get at it with the sort of death by a thousand paper cuts approach and so right now we're supporting wiki leaks but we're also sporting three other organizations and we're going to have bundles of organizations every two months that we shift in and out so that people can get a sense of the wide variety of organizations out there that are are really focused on government transparency and i remember a lot of people saying you know i don't want to donate to these organizations i don't want to be put on a government list so this does circumvent that and it actually provide the anonymity for people to donate freely and to support these organizations. yeah absolutely we want to make donors as comfortable as possible obvious movie and in complete anonymity is impossible because you're dealing with third parties the
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payment processors like pay pal visa master card basically how it works is that when you donate to the freedom of the press foundation you'll get one charge on your credit card that goes to the freedom of the press foundation but on our site you can go as you can see on the screen right there there will be sliders next to all these organizations names the default is split evenly in between them but you can change however much you want to go to each group and then are back and. those numbers are anonymous anonymously dumped into a sort of bucket for each organization and so at the end of each bundle we can cut a check for each organization for how the donors. had seen it fit very cool thanks for playing i hope everyone does participate and it's definitely something we need to support and i want to ask you a personally about when pay pal and his credit card has made that kind of political statement i mean it was one of the first times that i had noticed that corporations were going against their bottom line to make
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a political statement inside with the u.s. government on things like supporting bradley manning wiki leaks i mean what precedent do you think that that's that's and what do you think about that. well you know that's kind of the problem you know the internet is kind of stubble edged sword where we see it as this huge boon for communication and free speech but on the other side of things there are very few corporations that kind of control how we can. speak and communicate online whether it's through just words or financial transactions so you know when we use facebook and google those are large corporations and they can end up having their own policies that have nothing to do with the government that may not be in line with the first amendment so we want to be a bulwark against this if these companies find that something is distasteful but it's not illegal and it's actually in the public interest and we want to be able to provide. these organizations with a way to still get money because you know this was this was complete completely on
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precedent to chew ation where you had a couple of congressmen calling up companies and basically pressuring them for political reasons to cut off a site that was doing good work and so if that ever became something that they could get away with it would be basically an end around the first amendment and we want to make sure that never happens again and i was very frightening and it's a very frightening president to set to have these corporations kind of politicizing that issue especially when the first amendment but you know trevor are you worried at all about net neutrality i mean is net neutrality essentially dead when we're looking at the failure of the media reform movement in terms of looking at anything the government seeks out as so-called reforms the f.c.c. has failed us really and stablish a new trial the i mean what can we do to really protect that we have about a minute. well i think that's part of what we want we want to show is actually you know the government has failed as far as transparency goes so far you know
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president obama made all sorts of promises really good promises in the beginning of his first term but unfortunately he's gone. basically done a complete one eighty and all of the u.s. government has gone more secretive and question harder to come by and every more things are five and the same time there is actually a renaissance going on right now in the journalism world there's all sorts of organizations popping up some of them are startups and some of them been around for a long time and they're really trying to do good work in this area and a lot of times people don't hear about them so hopefully people can support through our website but then wiki leaks can be the tide that rises all boats and we can get people these organizations out to people who may not have never heard of them and then they can start to build a fan base and become more successful after that. thank you so much for coming on everyone check out freedom of the press in the electronic frontier foundation he said of web site one more time. it's press freedom foundation dot org press freedom
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foundation dot org certainly there is a renaissance of citizen journalism and new media that we need to protect those freedoms online one of the things we can do thanks a lot for your time thanks a lot. i. now want to talk to about an ordinary guy doing extraordinary things his name is josh bagley and he's a graduate student and why you who's making waves in the digital world all to bring attention to us military tactic that's going by and large undetected drones have covered on the show before but josh bagley is the brainchild behind this novel idea it's called drone plus a new i phone app that would sort public data from the bureau of investigative journalism about u.s. attacks and translated into a user friendly map that actually notifies users every time a new strike occurs begley said that he wanted to do this because drones quote
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bring up all sorts of interesting questions about the intersection of technology and international law and human rights chain of command deciding to execute people outside of any laws a very interesting concept intellectually well put josh i could've said it better myself unfortunately despite multiple redesigns apple ultimately rejected the apple because it's of its quote objectionable and crude content once again corp going against its bottom line to make a political statement but this setback wasn't quite enough to deter begley because he's decided to deliver information about u.s. drone strikes through the technology that's already available to us just last week he announced that he'll be tweeting every single drone strike from the first one that ever took place and yemen in two thousand and two all the way to those happening in present day this twitter handle is at drona stream and if you look at his page you'll see that every treat actually links directly to
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a source that can substantiate the information. needless to say it's a very lofty endeavor already his tweets have revealed an alarming trend called double tap a tactic that involves bombing a target multiple times. a relatively quick succession meaning that the second strike often hits witnesses who are simply responding to the initial attack that's the same diversionary tactic that the f.b.i. considers to be terrorism on a small scale disturbing i know you see if you're tuned in to the reality of these unmanned killer robots than drones no longer remain the unspoken war and only then can we rise up and demand a no drone revolution so use that hashtag and definitely follow at drone stream because this is the first step and for your steadfast dedication for educating the public on such an under reported issue josh baby man you are my hero so he's the hero who is the villain or as much as i hate giving notoriety or even attention to
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this group of incest sure will bible thumping hate mongers it is with great displeasure for me to announce that today every single member of the westboro baptist church is a villain in case the name doesn't ring a bell it's the same moronic group that picket soldiers' funerals with bizarre colored signs that read quote god hates fags this vile family travels all around the country with their brainwashed children holding insanely offensive signs in front of mourning families while they're stepping up their game because tomorrow they're planning to picket at the funeral of the principal from the tragic sandy hook massacre but you know what let's give them a chance to explain why they're doing this check out the why from their website they said the dead children of sandy hook are better off dead than to continue being raised for such great wrath and destruction as you brought to this land there's no hope for any child of this nation blah blah blah blah you have a duty to teach your children to fear god or else leave them to desolation darkness and destruction of wow really hard to get there. garbage but wait there's more.
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god is laughing at you clams you have disobeyed him for too long now it is time for god to open his armory with no other words by any other words. yikes i think the question we should really be asking the members of this church is what deep seated things they're suppressing to cause them to have such a visceral hatred against gay people i mean of all things like a plot of the bible murder adultery that why single homosexuals the singer pillar of your entire church this delusional when that family is in serious need of diluting their gene pool at the end of the day i find it thoroughly disgusting that these utterly heartless group of people live their lives only to mock the dead especially ones relating to such a tragedy as sandy brook and that's why every single member of the baptist church is my villain today you know it seems like for every good person in the world there are five more doing harm so let's change that reality joining me and break the set and see you later.
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wealthy british style it's time to. go. to.
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