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tv   [untitled]    December 21, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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a lot of jobs are going to washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture this morning the n.r.a. announced its meaningful contribution to solving this nation's gun violence up at an army more people and putting guns in all of our schools are republicans going to stand with the n.r.a. and this ridiculous suggestion finally decide to put american lives first in the gun lobby second and as christmas approaches millions of americans will sit down and watch christmas movie classics like a christmas carol and i will bring you the big pictures version of a christmas carol and talk about where this world has been
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where it's at now and what it might look like in the future. it's friday are you ready to rumble joining me for tonight's big picture rumbalara michael moroney communications director with the franklin center for government public integrity democratic set is erica can only and neil ok senior writer of human events online and editor of the guns and patriots com thank you all he's joining us tonight let's start today with the n.r.a. earlier today the n.r.a. hella press conference to announce its meaningful contribution to the latest debate over gun violence in america and as expected wayne la pierre pointed the finger at everything and everyone except himself in this laughably commercial like press conference he didn't to question so it really wasn't
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a press conference here blamed the media video games including one that was put out ten years ago and only on the web and nobody ever saw and americans mental health system for this nation's culture of violence not once to the point the figure of guns and then he got to announcing the n.r.a. is meaningful cause. take a listen. the only way to stop a monster from killing our kids is to be personally and invested in plano absolute protection the only thing that stops bad guy. is a guy with it. would you rather have your nine one one call bring a good guy with a gun from a mile away or from a minute away what if started shooting his way into sandy hook elementary school last friday he confronted
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by qualified armed security really generous contribution to solving this nation's gun violence problem is a mean what is arming more people and putting them in our schools this is a time for lawmakers on both sides the aisle to give up their associations with the n.r.a. and put in place the reforms that america desperately needs neal no. absolutely not and i think i was disappointed that he spent a little too much time dealing with the media and the problems with the media violence before he actually got to and which i thought was the meat of the of the issue and i thought it was a good positive step and i really we need more guns air erica currently we do but i'm one of the things that astounded me was when he said there's a lot of retired police officers out there who would like to go back into the service of their country this is the wal-mart greeter solution are going to have some seventy five eighty year old guy were loose shaking at shiny abetter chaparral
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i think crazy thing i've ever heard i'm watching the same completely with mouth agape thinking oh my god i mean. first of all there are about ninety nine thousand public schools in this country so are there ninety nine thousand like seventy year old recent retiree police officers that are really really wanting to go in there and it's the advocating that because he said that he wants the president to have these people in place by the new year he wants one hundred thousand roughly government employees put in place when we're talking about government cuts in spending and deficit reduction we want to put more teachers in the schools we want to hire security if we gave the n.r.a. the money they would take care of oh ok i think they're going to have now so i think they're going to develop a plan and i don't think they actually have the plan enough they don't get to develop a plan this is the think there are a lot of that are not player no there is no no because they can offer a plan but there's but life waiting for them with bated breath the reality is that the majority of americans do not own guns and those that do own more often i think
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it's about a third of those camera the exact number but within that it's a smaller subset of people that own more than one and if there's about i think it's three hundred ten million guns out there right now it's about nine in ten americans are represented by a gun but they're not they're being put into these kind of smallest mark categories people that own guns to be like a motel but they're five people who are owning arsenals and caches of condo and that's going to exceed the latter michael apropos of these of these questions seventy six percent of americans support closing the gun show that show loophole the n.r.a. doesn't sixty nine percent of americans support banning internet sales of all you know and guns online the n.r.a. doesn't sixty three percent of americans say ban assault weapons the n.r.a. says now only ninety five percent of americans say convicted violent felons should not be able to buy a gun the n.r.a. says no we want in fact the inner wants terrorists to be able to buy a gun when they're when the legislation was really close to today so i would add
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this is a signal of the best majority of americans believe that there should be people armed guards in schools so even though the n.r.a. . done a great job messaging on this it read the whole you quote. i think it was i read in three hours talk radio caller after caller after caller parent after parent after parent would say are you really telling me that they want to put guns in my kids' school and it's full of crazy kids you've got kids who are coming to school high on . meth amphetamine you've got kids who are going to school drunk you may i mean they're going to grab that gun out of that guy's holster he's not even look at you got a mob coming up. will you deny the central premise of what la pierre was saying is that had a qualified armed person been there there is a chance that this tragedy columbine i mean where the armed guard ran in the other direction well that i don't for a thousand people and there were no you know the mall shootings and there's all the athletes are there security at mall shooting where the i mean there the reality is
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that we cannot stop people who are mad from doing mad things short but as in in situations where people are a danger to themselves and others we don't give them shards of glass and let them all run around and hope that they're not a great people and i'm going to. be so i going to not presenting we have we have had assault weapon man's and there's been absolutely no one to look there and you think the legislation that they would pass to to solve this crisis would have any less loopholes and hopefully the bigger issue here is if they would pass anything that would be banned it would just be feel good legislation if we want to have meaningful reform and it's a very true you know look at our congress and i mean do you really think that they're going to pass meaningful legislation the much better position to take here is to educate people about guns and allow them to are you saying that because fifty two percent of the elected officials in congress take money directly from the
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n.r.a. that therefore we should just roll over and do what the n.r.a. wants i'm saying that we won't see any meaningful legist. they shouldn't come now actually do anything with the weapons why is that that's because the progressives can't decide what assault weapons are progressives are pretty or pretty darn sure what guns you know we think are assault rifles and sought weapons and why i mean dianne feinstein has a bill that she's ready to drop in the beginning of next year and that's what is not it's not as progressive as our only amendment to the constitution first of all that the american constitution was written and it absolutely uphill the white man's right to own a black man and if we change that there are things that we can say you know this is not an era we live in a country at that and that market is great because it has the ability to be flexible and has the ability to be change and to be altered and to grow with our country and i became i know i don't want to live in seventeen ninety nine i'm sorry i don't know what i want so i want a bacterial hand sanitizer i want osho i want i want these things i want to be able to vote as
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a woman i want to be able to vote i don't know what you want to change by an amendment women got the rope and i am and i'm certainly are you know by in a minute the idea that you just go back to the constitution sense and don't look at the broader context of where we are in this country the growth in population the growth in gun technology not going to take those into account if in fact that goal america should be it was our regulated militia that the second amendment refers to i believe heller says the purpose of what heller decision just had that up to no it did the heller decision donald it followed it neither one of them said that you had to do that are you know has no actually they said that the preamble is just a preamble and is not an active part of the amendment and it was it was a five four decision that's all you need right i mean there are five. suits or two years away in any case big blunder for john boehner last night on capitol hill boners plan b. failed to gather enough republican votes and he abruptly pulled it from a vote after an emergency meeting at the in the house basement. largely because of
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pressure put on him frankly i think by talk radio i was watching this play out yesterday and i was catching the true trade publications people inside my industry and there is like there was this. credible concentrated effort on the part of right wing talk show hosts all across america to get people to call their members of congress but i think that's what boehner got caught flatfooted do we do we here's here's what he had to say he said he said the house did not take up the tax measure today because it did not have sufficient support from our members to pass now it's up to the president to work with reid on legislation avert the fiscal cliff this was just twenty four hours after both he and cantor said no problem they got the votes so should we have government michael brown by right wing talk radio you know i think it's a shame that the legislation didn't get there i thought it was a good piece of legislation and it cleared up a lot of our tax issues however i don't think that right wing radio or anything of the sort was making that decision for them i think there is a lot of other factors in there for example i think that a lot of people are worried about their primaries and and how those things are
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going to play back in the politics of ever in other words we're raising taxes on billionaires and those billionaires are going to nuke us in the primaries won't have primaries for i mean there was just an election i mean there is no moment other than maybe two weeks ago or three weeks or a month ago in which they are less than the threat of a primary is less than it is right now i mean i think i think you cannot underestimate and this is something that people do because it sounds so insane that a right wing hosts like rush limbaugh who's not in any way lucky to have such influence but as somebody who has sat in offices where there's been controversial legislation like the health care bill when somebody some someone like rush limbaugh or sean hannity or glenn beck because it already i don't know but number one of my point is that when they said something on the radio we heard a lot of the same words echoed not the same way that even fox news or bill o'reilly had the ability there's something about these radio audiences and the radio fans that are very active and when rush limbaugh says call your congressman is a real a fact he is incredibly effective they have a big impact because you know the thing about democracy is those
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a participant also of middle of all of their exactions neal you think the that eric cantor has six you know he's been standing behind boehner for a couple of years here with that knife. right and his left kidney you think he has finally shoved it in i may be betraying a confidence but cantor was working hand in glove with boehner on that and this afternoon cantor staffers just like brutus was working caesar and cantor staffers were bragging that they had the votes and they had it in the bag and so that the i would say that this is once again an example that kevin mccarthy is the worst republican house whip in the history of the republican party it's his job to count and organize these votes and this is what the fourth or fifth time his speaker has had to pull a bill a major bill but it's our job to make sure that those votes are there before somebody else are these job he is not when you get wet but i mean the majority leader does have to go and have the meetings i mean it well as they're making those counts the next five ten in the hand because because you know that something can
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change with one person you shouldn't go to the floor this was that this was a situation this was a situation that's been festering ever since the budget control act was passed you know a year and a half ago. and so there's to see how this lame be it was a legitimate plan more on tonight's big question right after the break. its technology innovations all the developments around russia. the future covered.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are today.
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welcome back to the big picture rumble joining me tonight michael moroney erica committee and neil cable to get back to it george will the conservative columnist for the washington post published an article arguing that registering more americans to vote would give the wrong people access to vote will writes that by introducing quote small voting requirements and we can quote filter potential voters with the weakest motivations is not to say that these voters are apt to invest minimal effort and civic competence as indifferent or reluctant voters are nagged to the polls or some day proud of their by a monetary penalty for not voting the caliber of the electorate must decline looks
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like george will is on board the paul way we're training here is the the republican consultant to the reagan campaign in one nine hundred eighty who worked on both bush campaigns and co-founded the american legislative exchange council which has produced all these voter id voter suppression bills here is a nine hundred talking to a group of republican activists in a church in dallas. now many of our recruits. what i call them grow good government they want everybody to vote. i don't want everybody to vote elections are won by a majority of people they never help i'm probably going to rock a priest they are not know about across our little bridge in the election what kind of like goes up the voting populace goals are care leverage in elections goes up as the voting populace goes down so what's erica what's with the republicans it was three states this week announced more voter suppression of voter suppression id
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well i think it's an incredibly unfortunate continues to be it seems like this is just here to stay from now on i think it goes back to one of the things that i've talked about a lot is that this idea that for others to somehow get more rights or to to get leg up or to do well somehow threatens your ability to do something your freedom you have somehow lose if others do well that you know you will lose if these other people can vote your vote maybe won't count or won't be as good and then i think it's i think it's incredibly cynical i think it doesn't have a place in our democracy i think we should be ashamed of themselves i wish that it was the kind of thing that people whispered about instead of so blatantly openly saying we don't want certain kinds of people voting are you eighteen are us citizen . the point of the point of will an article though wasn't to talk about that he doesn't want one poor people to vote he was saying he doesn't want people that aren't civically engaged to go out and vote because they're not going to make the right decision for the country they're just going to be going on whatever bandwagon
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is driving this is a poll of polls and it's turned down is typically engaged because they're going to the polls the problem even if you're get some of them to sit on the couch isn't going to engage they're not going to be the last it's not that i want to figure out if you can go to the polls you can fill out a piece of paper and mail it and it's not that is george miller who are we to decide what i did like i think filling out a paper and voting with your team every day when you decide to enroll everyone then you're deciding what gauge a minute this is the maybe he said it's going to provide us this way his point maybe was that it is better to have an engaged voting population but no that's not what he says he explicitly said that we need to calibrate calibrate who can be allowed to vote. but i think that this is this really this is this is actually been a genuine debate since the founding of this republic i mean this is what george will is saying is the exact same thing in essence that cirebon burke said when thomas paine went over and having such a huge pissing match with him in the two weeks of the state as i was on his way to
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go get a rest of the french revolution and that paine wrote the entire book the rights of man as a rebuttal to it. if i've got this right he said it does me no harm if a man is allowed to engage as serve a profession as a hairdresser or tallow maker cattle maker but it does the society considerable violence of such a man is allowed to participate in governance by voting how is this not different from that and that was a debate we thought we settled in seventy and eighty seven i think a lot of this sort of so-called voter suppression is basically we just want to make sure that you are you are who you claim to be and that we know you know that there are thousands of people registered in florida in new york and we don't really use out anything no thank you motor fraud. don't know that there's a mistake or if you're probably going to toss it why is it a problem to present an id our president presented and i don't want it but i want to begin with so now creating more people dying to tell the lies you know how do you know it's not a problem because it's never going to be right defense of a new job and you've only got it what if you have one it comes there are so angry
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a pennsylvania judge who was ruling on the pennsylvania voter id law said that there was actually no instances where evidence of voter fraud and opened up my folders i did old last year died from television's falling on their head than george w. bush was able to find in seven years of having ninety three federal prosecutors looking for votes because the justice department did fine people and they chose not to prosecute it they found fewer than three hundred over a seven year period to prosecute man's plea. one percent and i was about seven and a half million people off the voting rolls this last election it was so i was producing an idea you need to do to get cigarettes you need to board an amtrak train the president has an idea where you can get that because there are issues you don't want on your team buying cigarettes they're not issues i don't know anything about it for honestly let's be honest you know what actually there's a lot of people like the let me show you let me show you the areas where the d.m.v. are going to get to let me just show this graphic a good meal ask the question. of us here this is people without photo id that would
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satisfy the requirements of the republican laws that are already in place twenty five percent of african-americans twenty percent of asians nineteen percent lead to latinos eighteen percent of eighteen to twenty four year olds eighteen percent of seniors are saying that what you guys are scent of african-americans in america don't have a driver's license a student i.d. a liquor i.d. an i.d. for cigarettes rightly in massachusetts in massachusetts you get a picture id from the state that's a ton of their story nine others have now it's going to you said i don't know i don't know how are it or how does you have a driver's license why would you pay the twenty dollars and thirty dollars and get that renewed why if you don't have a car these are actual statistics going out of a car the state will provide provide you with i.d. but why would nobody have no idea nobody wants to suppress the vote if hallway or does the republicans do that because it wasn't eighty why is it that the democrats aren't doing the same thing. i don't know i mean it would seem it was the democratic party who you know they have the south why don't they are going to
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fifty's who are pushing the exact same kind of laws because they're in the south the democratic party was the party of segregation what it suddenly became the republican party that was pushing these laws i think that what people are concerned about is they want every vote to be treated as important and vital and i don't want my vote devalued by the possibility of somebody coming in i wasn't ready for that my point that your vote would somehow so valued by getting body else having the right to vote next month i mean somebody somebody said i was your playthings value on and here and then there's been no no no and if you're going to leave me even if there is no evidence that that actually happened there's no evidence that your vote was under arrest as profit was under attack so there's no advantage because because other people's votes are under attack because of that yes so we can get them i do yes so you want to buy every one driver's licenses you want to go going to take a driver's test to do that i mean i think i just want to drive like that you're not a paid for celebrity we don't want everybody an i.d. card allows people to operate in a motor vehicle if you're not saying i just told you another cent you said you have
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fishing license i just this is so naive you're going to tell us so in a five year old woman who is in a wheelchair all right but you know. there is an elected official you are an example i said as a shield in wisconsin who had served on the county board for a number of years she didn't have an idea under wisconsin voter id and she was just and so how did she get into her bedroom building how did she board an amtrak they didn't go down because she lives in there's no federal building i mean it's i would say that every american lives in that people use picture i.d.'s all the time not just some people to some people affluent people and even affluent upper class your ben and suburban dwellers too and what is your cost was going to cost of you know what it was then i do i suppose a lot of trash this topic well let's move what we got a couple of other things here g.m.o. labeling in california last month it was on the ballot the big companies genetically modified companies. thirty seven you say. so anyhow this gets seated in california it looks like it was going to win and then they came in
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a draw millions of dollars now state senator in new mexico peter wirth has introduced him and an amendment that would require the labeling of all the g m o's there when americans have the right to know what's in their food michael you know a thing is when you when you put a label on something thing that's genetically modified it acts to the consumer they see it is there's something wrong with it and it's really hard to get rid of that unfortunately and especially because there's absolutely nothing but when you put a label on the surface you know calcium and hants people don't say oh there's something wrong with it because that would be seen as a benefit because if it is an enhancement if g.m.o. is actually a good thing why hasn't monsanto convince the american people but i think what you need to look at here is the fact that there's been a mask in pain by or the organic food industry to label g.m.o. as a bad thing when the world health organization the american medical association says there's actually extra health benefits to genetically modified food so then why are
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the european countries banning them there they're not banning them they're saying that they have to label them they're actually banned in several european countries france for example i believe the u.k. germany germany i mean they're labeled every place else erica i think and i think it is a broader conversation about nutrition and the role it plays in our obligation to feed our fellow mankind but also to responsibly you know farm there are major implications with climate change with water with fertilizers and fundamentally the art of farming and the job has changed and so i think this kind of tries to zero in on the kind of mass industry farming for people think that they're getting a type of food and they're actually not that you know that the larger conglomerate mega farms have actually changed food and that's something that's been happening for a long time we don't have to buy. diversity that we used to there used to be you know hundreds of different types of tomatoes and potatoes and string beans and now it's all kind of changing it's not necessarily healthy but we do have
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a problem where what do we do with climate change in areas where we're suddenly going to be running out of water we do have to create seeds in food that are better suited to produce food in those areas but at what cost and yes people do need to be educated about it and they need to have access to information access to information and better consumer education is you know benefits and bills both needs but we do have to have a better conversation i think overall people don't realise that the potato that they're eating is not the potato their parents made thirty seconds i'm very concerned about any government regulations compelling labeling i mean there's new regulations part of obamacare that will cost the supermarkets a billion dollars and it just gets worse. ok last question quick for so according to some interpretations of the why and calendar today is the end of the world. actually an odd possibility is the scientists actually researching this is like a news story one of science vocations are we actually living in somebody else's
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computer simulation. and while we're still on the air which means the world is still kicking apparently it could come to an end in the next few hours of the question is how would you spend your last few hours on earth it will not be listening to ari who i think cooked up this whole mess. of its brilliance by their part by refused to be a part of it but see they had a time machine they went back to convince the my answer to that bottle of wine and some dark chocolate that's all i need. and they were going to see the hobbit oh that's a great way i just like i just like to hang out with my family. the world's going to. boring ok i'm sorry. michael. erica hill thank you so much for being with us thanks. after the break we'll talk with a ghost of christmas past christmas present and christmas future in the big picture is a version of a christmas. divine
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power in action i do make the sacrifice. i am he she says we need these we are under the control of those governing us if i were at the service of a space mafia i found that they'd the magnetic field of the sun will be for us to create the super got the stuff. after the second coming and it'll be a beautiful place it will receive its paradoxical glory it will be a renewed world and it'll be a beautiful place. full of the best. little stuff this type of ammunition. is good business for us it's kind of like being a doctor you know if there's a disaster businesses. better unfortunately.


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