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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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business law looks about to take hold an egyptian following the final round of voting on a new constitution homeowners are accusing the muslim brotherhood of rigging the ballot to cement its power. primary school killings in connecticut sparks fierce debate over whether america's love of guns has gone too far with manning demanding stricter controls for those who can bear arms. or rein sees more police brutality and arrests were speaking out of the opposition described the situation in the gulf kingdom as its worst political crisis. tit for tat as lawmakers in moscow give the go ahead to ban u.s.
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adoptions of russian children in response to washington slapping sanctions on russian officials. to stare at the russian any europe spaniards seize over a hater a budget regrading some grade point sides with a general strike. this is r.t. going to live from moscow i'm marina josh welcome to the program today we take a look at the top stories of the week as well as the latest news. out early results from the final round of voting in egypt's troubled for of random suggest the new constitution is likely to pass and follows nearly a month of protest with the latest violent outbreak being in the country second largest city alexandria journalist bill true has more from the capital cairo. the
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million dollar question is of course how this will turn out in the first round it was seven fifty seven percent voted in support of the constitution and it's said that this is most likely to be a yes vote in the second round this is because the seventeen governors going to. rule government governorates with a strong mission brotherhood base in them also three only three of the governorates actually voted against the measure by the head of the presidential elections again president hollande mostly people think unless you're saying it's most likely to be a yes the opposition forces that passes saying that there is many instances of electoral violations right freaks of also chimed in to releasing her paws on the hour all the different electoral violations including missing ballots judges not supervising polling stations but it's going missing is that many believe maybe a vote rigging which would see a yes vote in the end the biggest news of the day however is the resignation of the
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vice president mohamed necchi this is largely seen to be perhaps because in the draft constitution as it currently stands there is no codes for the vice president although no official reason was given for his resignation many believe this is a strong sign to the presidency that they believe the constitution will be yes because his post does not exist here in cairo people are just waiting for the feeling is still very very tense here i mean the background to the violence the last month we saw quite violent scenes in alexandria egypt second city on friday between rival protest groups there is in support of the constitution and those against the constitution we saw it seventy seven people injured in the police have to get involved with tear gas and of course there's a bloody scene in front of the cairo's presidential palace about three weeks ago now we saw ten people die when those who support the president clashed against those who are against the president at the moment people are quite tense as they're waiting for the results of the referendum if it is in fact a yes we would likely to see an escalation from the opposition forces which could
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see the violence on the streets. well ask an air blogger journalist an opponent of the new constitution explains why he thinks the document is flaunt i did vote myself and i voted no for the constitution and i think that the vote this vote is not about the constitution but about the legitimacy of the muslim brotherhood and the direction they're taking the country the constitution itself is very flawed it takes away more freedoms it gives police powers to detain people for for more than twelve hours for twelve hours and cement the military role in egypt something unprecedented in all of egypt's constitutions the numbers so far in the past results have indicated that this constitution will pass the amount of voting a leg irregularities confirm that and the regime is determined as well to to let the past. well sometimes you just can't keep pace with
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a revolution we report on the women who fired up entire nations during the arab spring and now say they've been left behind. and even then dangerous after six months holed up in there during embassy one the whistleblower julian assange promises to release millions of confidential documents leaving no government in the world on a fact as in just a few minutes here on ars. a moment's silence and the last victim laid to rest it's one week since twenty children and six staff at a connecticut primary school were killed in one of the worst mass shootings in american history the tragedy has sparked fears debate on gun control laws with manny saying it's too easy for the public to x. axis military grade weapons aren't used to count found out if america is now ready to change its treasured second amendment. a week after the tragedy at the
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elementary school in newtown president obama made the same pledge as when he became president four years ago to try and get assault weapons off the streets of the u.s. it's a pledge he has failed to deliver on this is not the first issue the first incident with a gun by over four years. but the administration indicates this time it's different this time they're serious it will take commitment and compromise. the most volatile take coach shooting is full and it's a school and it's an important part of our spirit the debate taking place at the moment suggests a national consensus on the issue is far down the line and the dialogue between those who support and those who oppose such a ban comes down to this with guns come safety if the guns are in the hands of the good guys if you not believe the stupid man on the powerful special interest group in washington the national rifle association has successfully fought any form of gun control legislation for years and the solution they offer to the epidemic of
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gun violence that has plagued the us is more guns. the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. constitutional lawyer roger pilon things along the same lines and suggest arming teachers to prevent massacres like the one in newtown connecticut you're always going to have people who are going to be doing these kinds of evil deeds what you need to do is protect yourself against their weapons in schools and you go to a movie theater you have to carry a gun because there will be there maybe someone with a semiautomatic you know wiping out the entire theater. as we have seen is that what you're suggesting. why do you put it provocatively like that what i'm suggesting people movie theater yes because the police cannot be everywhere
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they're almost three hundred million privately owned firearms in the u.s. around ten thousand americans die in gun violence every year the gun murder rate in the u.s. is almost twenty times higher than in the next twenty two richest and most populous nations combined. we have three hundred million guns in america but also a population of three hundred million people so that's one gun per person and more guns are actually the solution to deterring shootings of any crime it would have this problem in the first place the gun adam lanza used to kill twenty young children and six adults of the sandy hook elementary school was an a r fifteen semiautomatic rifle it's a military style rifle that can shoot hundreds of rounds at a rapid speed it belongs to adams mother who he also murdered nancy lanza a teacher at the same elementary school owned six guns numerous types of assault
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weapons are readily available for purchase in the u.s. at gun stores at gun shows and online after the newtown tragedy many americans are calling for change again make an end here like make it worth something we could meet. you could create change previous meaningful attempts to change hit a wall and that wall is the second amendment of the constitution the right of the people to bear arms skeptics say the most the administration can do is require background checks at gun shows but again adam lanza's mother a teacher at an elementary school would have probably passed any of those checks on her military style rifle would have ended up in the hands of her son anyway that constitutional lawyer i spoke to seemed very certain that nothing major is going to change when it comes to gun laws in america does that mean more massacres like the tragedy in newtown in washington i'm going to check on. political analyst thinks that the bait and gun control will be tough for both sides. there is a stronger
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a tradition. that believes among many americans. to post. on the right that they certainly should like them to be constitutional than the second amendment to the people for rights and there is a cultural so that the house reminds the size the use of. most issue of guns to particularly hold it with you're going to have people who are going to be opposed to the private ownership of guns and they're going to argue about the massacre of the cure and then you're going to locate the second amendment the right to possess some bear arms they're going to argue that they can be used for self-defense also force for ponting for instance and of course they're going to say that a lot should be strengthened to prevent the mentally unstable to get a hold of guns. iran has seen massive anti-government protests this week with the opposition saying the country suffering the worst political crisis in its modern
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history accuse a monarchy of gagging the voice of the people was one of the top activists arrested and charged for tweeting about monday's rally ma'am report about police using tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse demonstrators the monarchy has repeatedly been criticized by human rights groups for its crackdown on the opposition movement eighty people have been killed thousands arrested and some reportedly tortured during the almost two years of unrest political scientist conquer valve's says the government is trying to avoid real reform but trying to crack down on the opposition. the international community that they have lifted the ban on protests but at the same time they are almost there beating just as they are jail you know three quarters of the population are opposed to them and the population is no longer scared of them the population wants the al khalifa to abdicate to leave the
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country they want democracy they're tired of two hundred thirty years of autocratic dictatorship why is assad silence in the united states when the byways of human rights are so gross i just mean and generally quiet. partisan and of course you and everyone else no matter the reason and that's because the fearfully based in bahrain from the bahrain the us uses that as a pivot point to try to intervene and control the middle east it's the idea if you don't model is completely outdated it was a joke in the modern world and the only ones who don't get it on the. well two years ago this week the arab spring was born in tunisia but few could have predicted where it would lead including those that had the uprising ideas or english who now reports on those left behind by the revolution. it began here in tunisia two years ago when
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a poverty stricken fruit vendor serve himself on fire in an act of desperation some say he was a hero others say he was a drunkard with a history of psychological problems whatever more hala was this is real motivation was his act of self-immolation sort of a string of events which became known as the arab spring decades old regimes were toppled what came to replace them is hardly what most of the people in these countries had in mind when they were doing the revolutions they wanted freedom of speech and free elections bread on their tables and jobs what they got seems to be a very different result situationist war strife comparison to. comparison to the years before. the revolution personally i don't feel safe. when we see. all the violence of the police sore or of salafist. if
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unpoliced are attacked by by some nationalist people. there are less freedoms right now when it comes to and they were freedoms there are attacks on individual freedoms every day they received so many messages from girls saying but they were. on the street even by policemen. who didn't tolerate their or their way off but there are saying this seems to be a common pattern in the countries that i shared the so-called arab spring just two years ago hopes of transition from authoritarian regimes to new democratic forms of government seem to have altered rising islamism economies in shambles and increasing just content the pattern is the same in tunisia and egypt where people are pouring out on the streets again with a renewed. i think a lot of people did vote for the muslim brotherhood in egypt because they wanted
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economic changes not just getting rid of mubarak and having morsi and morsi no he's obviously you know very different political figure to. carry on much the same policies in terms of economic policy in libya the uprising took a bloody turn moammar gadhafi who ruled the country for over forty years was deposed and killed in two thousand and eleven and he merely being a government has been struggling to control parts of the country going as far as besieging the entire town of bani walid for allegedly providing shelter to diehard khadafi supporters the are using heavy machinery to demolish the demolished houses they can't be using now. guys again it's just a feeling people children and now i'm dead got really sick reaming we would not humanity of the word of the us save our family. i got this time to make libya now the what
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a place where no one can stop them and they have unlimited money and we've been in the western leaders were quick to praise changes across the middle east they said it was the beginning of a new democratic era for the region but the model of democracy they may have had in mind doesn't seem to be the right fit i think it has to be a different type of a democratic system. the democracy that the u.s. would like to impose upon egypt tunisia and morocco and the other countries throughout the region and even libya where what was waged last year to topple the gadhafi government is not suitable to the people inside of that region in tunisia in an r.t. . a living alone on the revolutions in israel's rambles to secure its future as a maelstrom of risings leaves a jewish state surrounded by and less than friendly neighbors that story have for
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you next hour. russia is one of the step closer to imposing a total ban on adoptions of children by u.s. citizens as a lower house of parliament has given the green light to the motion a ban is part of why it earlier just lation targeting those who have the rights of russians who brought mosque is responding to washington's travel and financial restrictions on russian officials and a suspected of involvement in the death of lawyer sergey magnitsky died in custody during a massive tax fraud investigation three years ago president vladimir putin however says the u.s. lacks the moral standing to accuse others of human rights violations. our us or partners and their lawmakers say they are concerned about human rights in our prisons that's fine of course but there are plenty of issues they have themselves abu ghraib and guantanamo where for years people have been detained without charge it's inconceivable to do it with prisoners walk around in chains like in the middle
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ages they've legalized torture inside their own country if something like that happened here it would cause an international outcry but it all remains quiet in the us we've heard plenty of promises to close guantanamo but it's still there it's still operating maybe there is still torture going on there is no secret cia prisons has anyone been brought to account and they're pointing at our problems well thank you we're aware of that making this the ground for passing anti-abortion laws it's something absurd and we have a no way provoked such action. well the statement comes as part of a lot of reports and of your q. and a marathon with the media when we bring you more on what else russian president had to say later this hour.
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the. divine power in action activate the shock was. i and when she says we need these we are under the control of those governing us if i were at the service of a space mafia i found that on that day the magnetic field of the sun will be for us to create to support the stuff. after the second coming and it'll be a beautiful place it will receive its paradoxical glory it will be a renewed world and it will be a beautiful place. full of the best. will stop this type of ammunition.
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it's good business for us it's kind of like being a doctor you know if there's a disaster businesses. better unfortunately.
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macca watching r.t. live from moscow we can exe whistleblowing website is ready to release a vast trove of new game changing information concerning every government in the world that was one of the points julian assange made as he addressed a crowd of journalists and supporters from the ecuadorian embassy in london this week the whistleblower marked six months since he was granted asylum there he says he intends to stay there until the threat to his life posed by the u.s. is gone we can take spokesperson christine happens and says the website is ready for a full on information war against washington. well we know about the ongoing. investigation and the secret grand jury you know sundry and junior there is. an ongoing attempt to find an angle to bring charges against julian and possibly all those working for we can use as a very serious matter of course very shameful for the obama administration not to
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stop that for the man who was right even taken four years ago to increase transparency and what we have seen is totally the opposite which hunt against whistleblowers. you know presidents in history will continue to work as we have done despite the difficult situation that she has been in in the ecuador embassy you know for six months but problems with the house arrest that hasn't stopped us we have continued to work. the economic blockade has not stopped us either even though we are getting into a dire situation financially but the battle that we have decided to turn into a world all out war and i'm sure we have agreed to there as well in the new year spanish broadcaster is this we held a mock funeral for the country's budget after a series of mass protests failed to stop a new batch of government cuts include some thirty nine billion euros worth of more demonstrators have already dubbed it the budget of hunger and misery thousands of
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doctors beliefs men and public sector workers have staged a nearly daily protest against layoffs pensioners and the elderly joined into over the government's broken down to raise pensions prayer felt no acaba says a spanish collapse would have dire consequences for the whole viewer. if they had managed to own the harsh measures taken in the first year the police would have understood it since the age of the doing it who buys it so. much and everybody's going to blame them for the first year they could actually bring the previous government but not so against a free to voice it's a spanish bailout because they know that it's too big to bail out and if we have to rescue spain and of the euro. samus that they really have risk which i'm. just buying time and wish to do it on the road to the bankruptcy. and eventually
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a break up of the euro said. well money matters are fairing a little better in greece where athens received an unexpected credit rating boost this week it came as a general strike paralyze the country and four of its biggest banks the cleric they would need twenty seven billion euro bailout crisis strategist consolingly says despite the boost little will change well the man on the street right now. you know national community the i.m.f. needs to be immune to have a steward who are as austerity which makes investors happy but of course makes the people and the community is relatively happy because you know there is a greater safeguards that so much wanted to turn off so i think that you're going to continue to see this is that where you'll go up and the people are happier but the investor community is left and then you have. the right where you have more making people more angry and more riot more protests more strikes and yet investors
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feeling more secure. in the bond that they buy in greece. added here she has gathered steam at the russia summit in brussels this week moscow has once again expressed its opposition to words the so-called third and argy package a set of rules regulating europe's gas and electricity market its aim of reducing the dominating role of russia's anna giant gazprom and its supplies of gas to the walk and land outside companies access its pipeline network russia says the motion should not be applied to contracts signed before the package was approved by the e.u. in two thousand and nine. well christmas on the streets literally where he poured on new york's hidden homeless as america splashes out billions on christmas decorations and it's all. blustery union in spacey i assessed welcomes its latest crew man after a two day journey with
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a spacewalk and war and then a hundred scientific experiments i have stories coming out after the break. on the edge of human capabilities. struggling with a dream to. play out to become the first. force told him.
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i. she could laboratory tim kirby was able to build the world's most sophisticated robot which on fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach creation why it should care about
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humans and worry that this is why you should care watch only on the r g dot com. welcome back you're watching r.t. life in moscow in the spirit of christmas isn't just a good feeling it's all multi-billion dollar industry lights tinsel decorations all make for a pretty sight but sometimes the obscure those less fortunate ideas marina for now reports from new york. a match in a country with no homeless people i know it's not the most festive or jolly like question to ask during the holiday season but see here in the u.s. nearly six hundred thirty four thousand people went homeless last year and as it turns out just a sliver of the money american spent on blinking lights tinsel bright stars and shiny presents could actually end the nation's homelessness epidemic.
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it is shame. it is a waste. there is only one it is a waste there decoration you kidding me. imagine how much santa could do for a loan with no income housing with that kind of money that's what people need housing is all for show us and a lot a lot of very desperate people on the streets in new york texas wherever i mean it's it really is a sad situation and i think we can all do better you know maybe sometimes people go a little overboard you know we want to we all be in the christmas spirit but i guess there's other things that you could be doing with your money six billion dollars spent just on lights and install and all that because people want to get into the spirit right and they want to forget about all the ugliness in the world and that's not right they need to remember the homeless and well we came here for this time and we're all wrapped up in it but when you point that out it's a shame you know.


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