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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2012 6:30am-7:00am EST

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the kansas plains in a spot he means to keep secret this businessman has decided to devote his time to a project would be of the pharaohs. but we're not afraid of heights sixty meters deep this was formerly a launching ramp for nuclear missiles. larry bought it for next to nothing. about it level seven here you were never in a residential area living force at the surface in the ring beam that goes around this facility. twenty feet to post. their concrete sarcophagus designed to resist nuclear attack. behind these three me to thick walls larry is going to build a totally self-sufficient complex. you're standing in what will be the hydroponics in the culture we're going to have stated the organic food in vegetables and
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fish when supplies will have at least five years of food for every person that's in here and that's in addition to whatever we grow and burgers from the garden and the hydroponics and the fish farm. behind this pragmatic sounding argument larry is stressing the commercial potential of his project. there's a mechanical floor here there's a librarian classroom here there's a barn a lounge you know home theater level here then there are seven on two three four five six seven residential over here is and to surf along and keep up to date with apocalyptic room as the apartments will be ready in the summer of two thousand and twelve where you work today it's about eight hundred square feet or six hundred square metres. it's a three bedroom two bath. washer and dryer and then the icing on the cake every a pop and we'll have a. with
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a view. the windows are roughly three feet by five feet and they're computer controlled and you could have been any scene from a mountain seem to you could look over the streets of paris. and larry has gone into very careful detail because he and his family will be among the future inhabitants of this hidden camp would allow you to have an excellent chance at long term survival without going you know doing cabin fever going stir crazy you know so it's a you can live your years this is your primary residence if you want to live here and have this be your only home you can live here if you want to purchase one of the force myself so i will be owner and a developer so i'm personally involved with the site but i believe i'll sleep better knowing that this is available to me. so when i need it yes i have to. in spite of their prohibitive price of one and
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a half million euros larry has already sold most of these apartments using an incomparable commercial argument in this new noise he's confident that his plants will be able to live at least ten years totally cut off from the world and yet this bunker will perhaps be of no help to them. as far as the prophecy gives the worst is yet to come. and according to the latest theories in fashion it is neither the cataclysms nor the coming of jesus that is in store for us in two thousand and twelve but the invasion of a civilization from another dimension. the entrance to this other world is a mountain in the south of france. mt. strange hikers can be spotted here and they have come to prepare. the arrival of the third
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type. is going to do all of their persuaded that in two thousand and twelve this peaceful call b.-l. mountain range will see the first emissaries of the extraterrestrial civilization. sit down. this is a place open to other dimensions. let's use this special energy for a cure. just like it. to get ready for two thousand and twelve they have come to listen to messages in a language as yet unknown on earth. just. like the other participants daniel has paid eighty euros for this meditation weekend coming
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according to the my a calendar things are going to happen why not the coming of a civilization coming to help us during these times but archaeology is a perhaps there will be apparitions certainly meetings of other civilizations that have been hidden from us for a long time or certainly one up. kind of advance base for extra terrestrials apocalyptic tourism has found fertile ground in this region. full of christian symbols and cattle ruins the old department is a land of legends some believe christ to me is buried here. over the last twenty years but you has written several books decipher in this dream factory. a couple of kilometers away from the guy in there in the chateau bookshop the tourists have quite a choice. of going to think we have everything we have the grail we have
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a vinci code we have the cafe ours the knights templar the dividing arts a place you don't want to thank you and give us and obviously the apocalypse which interests us this is a region where for some years now what i would call the spirit of the grail has been a light and since the thirty's many well known people sometimes and lighten people have shown interest in these themes and perhaps a found of the refuge in this region that was affected by the knights templars the calf ours and more recently by other mysteries like the one had to go in the shadow of the door in the should too. he didn't treasures religious mysteries and legends that have inspired amongst others the da vinci code in big gosh extra terrestrials join the long list of beliefs. the gosh them to put the to is a little bit special it's what's called an inverse mountain view or very few in the world it means that the lower geological layers are at the top so people have turned it into or to lure excite and because of this geological particularity they say it's an extraterrestrial trail that flying saucers are buried there and that
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there are mysteries connected to it you see and for something to mr. these extra terrestrials expected in two thousand and twelve have most importantly given rise to a whole business twenty eight year old has made a profession out of it with his partner a male this young local cells crystals in the regional markets. in red. and green. connection to the earth. you are. ok. so now i feel super light like a sort of euphoria in me you know it's a molded part of the media right. in a way it's circular in your body it won't act like a stone it comes from the. company people say say then ok.
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ok. don't just sell crystals. they offer courses to these new style tourists. seventy seven euros a half day to see the so-called proof of extraterrestrial life. so this is a house that has been built on a druid excite you. for the. welcome everybody welcome all. to to capture that all come all movie cues is strange crystal skulls the kind that can stand crystal skulls of the guardians of ancestral knowledge you know both of them he really possessed all the knowledge of our ancestors here on earth to him and even beyond according to the my is this gold the first crystal skulls were brought to earth by initiators from the skies
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city that this one already has six arable hemispheres and it even has hearing. so that it simply means it can connect to other forms of life the push of the. it was all there i don't know today the great spirit one of the lot of us is your bit that's great of where we're all going to try to comfortably get in all. the credit my yeah according to the myers and it's not even just the miles and because nasa is also well aware that we are making a quantum leap so that is to say the earth could and even further beyond three and so we too are passing through into
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a new age of evolution. so the crystal skulls contain the evolution program up until december twenty first two thousand and twelve and. these supposedly extraterrestrial skulls were in fact mass produced. this belief originated as a hoax dreamed up by a french antique dealer in the nineteenth century. emerick seem still to believe in the old legend. submitted this young some of this meditation increases the vibratory frequencies in our body to be able to better see and feel what's over there and that magic forest the thing.
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choose your language. killing the killer though if you're going to kill somebody they feel some of the. treatments that the consensus here. keeps the opinions that you think are great. choose the stories that entire life truth be access to your office. deadly rivals the decades. if good fifteen thousand people killing each other in any other country there would be diplomats there would be mediators. self-imposed out costs from society i will cut myself chemical attack my brother
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understand my contact. going to eventually attack the cops of my anger and my frustration the. judge well into the dome. two of the most violent gangs in us history. is just all model kill or be killed with colors matching the national flag. but this country uses violence when it reaches and then it legitimizes the violence they are made in america on the oxy.
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brighton if you. are from finance to. lose friends don't talk teen dot com. so after they've increased their vibrator a frequency is the participants are ready for a walk that's quite special and they claims that he will take them beyond appearances and show them the signs of another reality when you walk through sacred
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places you become multi dimensional you can choose to only see very lovely trees ground and rocks that are pretty or you can open your perceptions on to other things. in the forests of gosh emerick blog has seen them and he believes he has detected signs of their presence all over the place while alone here we are at a place we call the trembling rocks horse pompano see if you look closely you'll see a being there in the rock that looks like a sort of snake to and it represents one of the extraterrestrial races. x but you have been here a long time the reptilians that. said that. the. horse is a rock like this looks a bit like a shark or an ancient spirit like that skip what is going to happen in two thousand
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and twelve is the return of what we call the brothers and sisters from the stars to our consciousness and then to everyday reality and as you see it's already begun here in the pyrenees for some time now we constantly hear us always here and there on the motorways we photograph them video of them this doesn't mean we've reached the goal that everyone will be able to fly to cali transport themselves but there are quantic leaps that take place little by little and that prepare people to live in another dimension. so we'll be able to do the same thing someday yes of course there are those on earth who have been able to do so for a long time now and i'm going to leave you to look to feel to sit down. beliefs worthy of a science fiction film but for emily there is no doubt about that and if we cannot perceive these realities it's because our conscience is not well enough prepared.
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to get nothing nobody can stop what's happening now on earth it's a plan a procedure it's been written since the dawn of time all i can say and for me this is the most important thing is that everybody will be exactly where and when they need to be when the bell rings so each person must remain confident follow the signs follow the synchronicities and we will all end up where we should end up will be if i die in two thousand and twelve that means it's my destiny perhaps. to escape this tragic destiny there's only one solution meditating and learning to understand the signs. that's also why daniel and his friends come to be gosh. we join them at the end of three days hiking in the region. and washing your feet like jesus did to his disciples his apostles and you. must do this to your brothers do it with love and humility and do it in memory of
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this. during their stay they underwent all sorts of rituals meant to raise their levels of consciousness. at the end of this preparation they will have information to impart to us about extra terrestrials. it seems some races might be dangerous to humanity hungry for power it appears they arrived on earth a long time ago and they have even made a pact with the american government. we are under the control of those governing us me. if i were at the service of a space mafia i want going to details. and who for several centuries now have been subjugating the human race that's missing. here and so these people don't want to see the vibration rising in every being asked about it because as soon as it begins to rise and people become more conscious we see what
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happened in north africa and everywhere there were orchestrated revolutions by whom and by what we can't know exactly but personally i think it was an elevation of consciousness that caused it and that people become aware of how they are being manipulated there were several people assassinated because they were going to reveal these things we know that who for example. canny unity kennedy was going to reveal what was happening that wasn't appreciated what was happening in the nevada desert you know that anything and so contact with extra terrestrials the cia's very powerful isn't it. very powerful. an unbelievable theory of an intergalactic plot. some of these participants believe it's obvious. and this surprised that we've never heard about it before.
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so for you it's not surprising to say that there are extra terrestrials among us not at all that's why i don't see why it's been made such a big deal. it may be understandable some people live in their own world. or maybe i'm just a little advanced that's what i'm telling you yes we're different from the common mortal that's for sure but it's like the rope theory if you heard about that you know the researcher found out about this he demonstrated that the world was made of superimposed layers the vibrate every layer vibrates at its own rhythm. and so people who say they see flying saucers. and suddenly they see a flying saucer it takes not a great speed suddenly it's there it leaves in the disappears that is a look. back it doesn't disappear it just takes a cord or it takes an interdimensional corridor or that's where we don't see them anymore. very surprising usually harmless beliefs. over
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the last few months dozens of courses like this have sprung up in big gosh. and like most of the locals the driver of the little tourist train tends to laugh about it. and if you look to the right apparently on that summit there's a landing strip for flying saucers. about google has his reputation has also attracted to the region some practices that are clearly not appreciated. with a hidden camera we went to the home of a man who claims to be able to hear all sorts of illnesses he shows us a c.v. that's rather impressive. during jesus' time i was peter before that i was a kind of town after atlantis i went to egypt. it's simple i was just the painter giotto and giotto was lynn otto davinci. the man claims to practice future midsummer medicine after two thousand and twelve in fact i don't
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cure anything i'm only a channel i'm going to give the person the keys to cure himself and then it's a one hundred percent cure if the person intends to free himself or if you take the keys then presto that's it it's over one hundred percent intention to be cured is a one hundred percent cure that's i was done in jesus' day and it's this group that's the way it is even a terminal stage cancer can be cured immediately if we become conscious why do i have this problem fifty euros for two hours of talk without compunction this suited the therapist exploits the despair of sick people he even claims to have found the secret of immortality myself regenerate and from then on i can there fifteen thousand years it's as simple as that. you no longer have to die physically. that's good because death is an illusion of the third dimension. with
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the influx of these strange visitors the one hundred ninety five villages are beginning to worry. that oh aren't you pretty and starting with the village mayor who could have done without this publicity. three year old book so now this is the work of a local photographer who had fun making a photo music of the madness of extra terrestrials did you have does expire tonight . he compiled a list of all the two thousand and twelve courses in preparation officially these are all associative activities you can't forbid them. vessel that came from the stars and is inhabited by an intra terrestrial link to the crystal grail this place awakens reactivating the twelve sac reza of the earth operation genesis the installing of the vibrations of the celestial genome vibration is the secret of the work of the phoenix for the new era some of them even need earth so that's really quite a mouthful and this costs five hundred fifty euros for four days. it
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and that's without room and board. it's not my job to forbid so i accept no problems but it's my responsibility to make sure with the competent authorities that we don't do the work to make sure it's legal and that it doesn't invade freedoms. the law is worried about is sects setting up in his commune according to the latest report that's the report of the government organization of fighting against sectarian offshoots fear of the end of the world in two thousand and twelve is one of the main themes used by sects to control their followers. dominic and isabel were victims for twenty one years they were part of a group lawyers civil servants fifteen or so people living under the influence of a spiritual master who controlled through the fear of the end of the world. also we would be taken by extra terrestrials in
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a vessel and during that time the world would be destroyed and renay and then we would be put back on a renewed. for him christ the extra terrestrials for him it's more or less the same thing in all this i five films at the end of the day you find the same teaching with welcome to the on real world of sects here is the master all barely dinner two years ago he was condemned to fifteen years in prison for rape and abuse of power he appealed for twenty one years isabelle and i mean he gave him all the time and all that money and women in the group had to have sexual relations with him. was social zulfikar all those things was supposed to purify you taking part purifying others and in purifying the world and other people solve a lot of us and he said he was on my ass moses john the baptist hang god it's all
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the same and after he was deceived he was the third messiah our. hero of the apocalypse keeps the followers in the master's control isabel and i'm unique all ready to sacrifice everything to continue as part of his elect. from this atlanta real beings ashworth be they in book or as sure elsewhere these beings are saying in two thousand and twelve something might happen what do people do we don't want to die we don't want our families to die either and because of this if you capable of everything only you are ready to kill you the regularly said to us would you be ready to fight for me and we said of course. you live in fear all the time and i'm convinced that all the followers who are still into it if they're still followers it's because they are still living in fear. despite his incarceration the master still has his followers they are afraid of the end of the way. on december
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twenty first two thousand and twelve by the very next day if we are still here other dates will be suggested. since the fall of the roman empire no fewer than one hundred eighty three prophecies have wrongly predicted the end of the world. were.
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two million speak your language close to your. old programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on all three reporting from the world talks about six seven v.o.i.p. into the most intriguing story for you to. see in troy the arabic to find out more visit our big don't all t.v. dot com. world with. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered. hold it. hold it.
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clear. that speaks. to. her. and. i wish i was. playing dumb and good. luck. just see the mountain and. come out. a little.
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he is easy to. meet. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so horribly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else.


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