tv [untitled] December 23, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm EST
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the week's top stories egypt's new constitution. in a referendum preceded by weeks of fierce protests we've got the latest on the scene . the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun the gun lobby logic. to millions of americans calling for tougher controls as the country pays its final tribute to the inference of the teachers killed in last week's shooting massacre. of
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americans from adopting russian children in response to washington stopping sanctions on russian officials. and wiki leaks. revelations promising more than a million the secret files will leave no government around the world. live from the r.t. news center in h.d. and wide screen welcome to our roundup of the top stories of the last seven days with me kevin our intern i. am the gyptian is about this a in the historic vote on the new constitution that revealed deep divisions within the country inspired violent protests the majority appear to have said yes tonight to the islamist drafted document but the opposition claims the referendum was riddled with fraud and is demanding an inquiry here's our current journalist true
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first. the preliminary results are in for egypt's contentious constitutional referendum egypt appears to voted for the constitution sixty four percent say yes. thirty six percent have said no this comes after mass to send in the streets across the country with a past three weeks against this constitution opposition forces say force a presidential dictatorship and was drafted by an islamist dominated assembly of the twenty seven governors that went to vote in the last week only three voted against the constitution. this in the last round is largely due to the fact that in the last seventeen governors they went to vote a large amount of them are rural governorates who with large muslim brotherhood supports places the opposition forces for their part to say that the reason it is a yes is because of electoral violations they say they've seen a number of instances of possible vote rigging including missing judges and so on
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supervised polling stations missing ballot papers stuffed ballot boxes and also campaigning by the muslim brotherhood groups also. conservative salafist groups with in the polling stations telling people to vote yes the biggest news of the day however is the resignation of the vice president mohamed mackey this is largely seem to be perhaps because in the draft constitution as it currently stands there is no post for the vice president this comes in the background of deepening violence across the country on friday we saw clashes between rival protest groups limits rallies in egypt second city exams in support of the constitution there was rock throwing and also burning of cars the police had to intervene with tear gas that comes just one week after similar clashes and xandra and of course three weeks after very bloody scenes here in the capital cairo we saw ten people die when
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robert. says greeks and fought outside the presidential palace with a deepening political crisis in one decides backing down now the constitution is likely to be put in place we can only expect. dissent on the street and possible violence across the country well as a reaction to the primary referendum results from egypt opposition ackman howry from the eldest party headed by mohamed el baradei told me that allegations of vote rigging must speak investigated this constitution and the shirts around is is a disgrace to a nation that far hard for its freedom and for its rights it's a document that rips rips out all the all the rights that we have learned and try to constitute a dictatorship and it has been taught by a referendum that was a massive massive rigging for the ballot boxes massive rigging for the voice of the people physically see tens and hundreds of schools tens and hundreds of schools
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where the ballot boxes and the referendum process was taking place at a convenient time when when the voices were very all the pool saw that the people were voting no the power was cut off the most about the night if movie asked judges and employees and that's called shuts down the school over. in the front of the voters and the state with the ballot boxes not overseas for hours and hours we do not recognise any results unless we see a proper investigation and a proper digging through this evidence that we've put and we receive a proper answer from the high committee of the election. syrian rebels are accusing the government of killing dozens of people in an airstrike they had a queue at a bakery in the hama province sense with many previous accusations of atrocities by the government the rebels claims come during a major international step to resolve the conflict this time the visit of the un envoy in damascus meantime russia's foreign minister has denied claims that
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moscow's got plans to give shelter to president assad secular of also said that toppling your thirty's will stop bloodshed in the country to spoke exclusively to this level of tell this enough forces in syria that use internationally tactics. groups of the position which are several which are not united on this single command the also reserve unacceptable methods salut the contrary to international humanitarian law. they can cause the just. the staging terrorist attacks and it is very disheartening that western clothes in the security council started to refuse. a terrorist attacks in syria saying that yes there is no. but you must they can click on the overall context of what is going on in syria and why people resort to
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terrorist attacks it's absolutely unacceptable and this logic might lead us if we follow this logic might lead us to a very dangerous situation not only in the middle east but in other parts of the world if. partners in the west would start would begin to. qualify terrorist as. bad terrorist and acceptable terrorists. so for us out from afghanistan and in the gulf britons plotting a military boost in the oil rich region later this hour we'll look at stake for the gulf where this new building might lead. also the budget bearing thousands of spontaneous stage a farewell to the country's finances and with the jobs of benefits big cut again and again. the heartbreaking week of
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farewells in newtown connecticut where all twenty children six adults have been laid to rest now after one of the worst mass shootings in american history massacre ignited fierce debate on gun laws whose critics say make it too easy for the public to access military grade weapons has got to come there whether america is ready to change its treasured second amendment. a week after the tragedy at the elementary school in newtown president obama made the same pledge when he became president four years ago to try and get assault weapons off the streets of the you what's it's a plan she has failed to deliver on this is not the first issue the first incident going over four years. but the administration indicates this time it's different this time they're serious commitment and compromise. and most of all it will take coach shooting this boy it's a school and it's an important part of our hearing the debate taking place at the moment suggests a national consensus on the issue is far down the line and the dialogue between
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those who support and those who oppose such a ban comes down to this with guns comes safety if the guns are in the hands of the good guys if you're not believe the stupid man on the powerful special interest group in washington the national rifle association has successfully fought any form of gun control legislation for years and the solution they offer to the epidemic of gun violence that has plagued the us is more guns. the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. constitutional lawyer roger pilon things along the same lines and suggest arming teachers to prevent massacres like the one in newtown connecticut you're always going to have people who are going to be doing these kinds of evil deeds what you need to do is protect yourself against the more weapons in schools and you
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go to a movie theater you have to carry a gun because there will be there maybe someone with a semiautomatic you know wiping out the entire theater as we have seen is that what you're suggesting. why do you put it provocatively like that what i'm suggesting people movie theater yes because the police cannot be everywhere there are almost three hundred million privately owned firearms in the u.s. around ten thousand americans die in gun violence every year the gun murder rate in the u.s. is almost twenty times higher than in the next twenty two richest and most populous nations combined. we have three hundred million guns in america but also the population of three hundred million people so it's one gun per person and if more guns are actually the solution to deterring shootings it many times it would have this problem in the first place the gun adam lanza use to kill twenty young
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children and six adults at the sandy hook elementary school was an a r fifteen semiautomatic rifle it's a military style rifle that can shoot hundreds of rounds at a rapid speed it belongs to adams mother who he also murdered nancy lanza a teacher at the same elementary school owned six guns numerous types of assault weapons are readily available for purchase in the u.s. at gun stores at gun shows and online after the newtown tragedy many americans are calling for change again. make it inherently make it worth something you could mean something you can't create change previous meaningful attempts to change hit a wall and that wall is the second amendment of the constitution the right of the people to bear arms skeptics say the most devious ration can do is require background checks at gun shows but again adam lanza's mother a teacher at an elementary school would have probably passed any of those checks
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and her military style rifle would have ended up in the hands of her son anyway that constitutional lawyer i spoke to seemed very certain that nothing major is going to change when it comes to gun laws in america does that mean more massacres like the tragedy in newtown in washington i'm going to. close a story we know a lot of you feel very strongly about you've been telling us about it in the week running a poll what do you think can be done to reduce the number of gun deaths in the u.s. this is what you've been telling us is take a look at that graph so it stacks up seems thirty five percent of you think that the media should be hidden from overhyping you think it makes it worse but it makes those headlines every time so. nothing can be done while the second amendment said place as you can see there but a fifth of you took part calling for new gun laws and restrictions eleven percent propose increasing security in public places sometimes you'll say.
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two men nervous new year for governments around the world as wiki leaks promises to publish more than a million secret files over the next twelve months releasing information it claims will affect every single country in the world the pledge came from the whistle blowing web site's founder julian assange he delivered a christmas address to supporters have gathered outside the door an embassy in london to speak six months since dishonest went into sink medical soliman avoid extradition been ever since facing the rest if he steps outside of what a christian have for some of the week he's from wiki leaks he insists his son just predicament though won't stop the site from its drive for truth and for transparency. when we know about the ongoing. investigation and the secret grand jury you know sundry in virginia there is. an ongoing attempt to find an angle
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to bring charges against julian and possibly all those working for weeklies as a very serious matter of course very shameful for the obama administration not to stop that for the man who was right even taken four years ago to increase transparency and what we have seen is. the opposite which hunt against whistleblowers. has. history will continue at work as we have done despite the difficult situation that you has been in in the ecuador embassy now for six months but probably it was the house arrest that hasn't stopped us we have continued to work. the economic blockade has not stopped us either even though we are getting into a dire situation financially but that's a battle that we have decided. all out war and i'm sure we'll have a victory there as well in the new year. watching our three international morning
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stories come up here after this quick break. which is slow often enough and knows that to ride a horse you've got to catch it first. for him it's a daily routine that your software's of course are on the island of a horn and the heart of. his life on an isolated farm is about blue sky green grass and his horses were there sometimes it gets lonely here but horses have become part of me now i've fallen off so many times sometimes big bites as well it's part of my every day like. i home
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suburban home to it make brats like me just laugh for centuries most still live off the land cattle and fish. by coal is often called the pearl of siberia a horn is said to be the pearl of by call it's all end of think forests. and vast staps. virtually undiscovered by tourists until some twenty years ago i haunt us quickly become a magnet for nature lovers and you will see cars here quite some way from civilization here accommodation on the island is very basic so you can forget about a t.v. or even run in water for most people a tent is the on the eruption but for those who come here it's exactly what they're looking for.
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in journey to buy coal can be unique a trip of a lifetime and the locals say once you've seen it they'll be coming back again and again. when you. least be told language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world talks about six of your p.c. interviews an intriguing story to tell you. in troy. to find out more visit our big.
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morning news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. a giant corporations are on the day. there been a series of tit for tat moves between moscow and washington this last week the restrictions to stop americans adopting russian children were approved by russia's lower house of parliament which then the saw the white house in washington under public pressure to consider sanctions on russian lawmakers now the ban passed a moscow which is also russian public opinion is part of why the legislation meant to target those who abuse the rights of russians or that it was sparked by washington imposing travel and financial restrictions on russian officials in the first place suspected of involvement in the death of neuer so good but can it ski
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he died in custody during a massive tax fraud investigation three years ago president putin though says the u.s. should look at its own record before criticizing others the human rights violations . our us or partners and their lawmakers say they're concerned about human rights in our prisons and that's fine of course but there are plenty of issues they have themselves abu ghraib and guantanamo where for years people have been detained without charge it's inconceivable to prisoners walk around in chains like in the middle ages legalized torture inside their own country if something like that happened here it would cause an international outcry if all remains quiet in the u.s. we've heard plenty of promises to close guantanamo but it's still there it's still operating maybe there is still torture going on their secret cia prisons has anyone been brought to account and they're pointing out is our problems well thank you
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we're aware of that making this the ground for passing anti russian laws it's something absurd and we have a no way provoked such action. and we will present proof his comments came during his first major news conference since returning to the kremlin we invite you to watch the highlights of that q. and a session it's coming up again next hour here on our team tonight. next in spain on thursday thousands attended a mock funeral march for the country's finances after a series of mass protests failed to stop a new batch of cuts what's been labeled the budget of hunger and misery includes some thirty nine been the euros worth of extra steroids the investment advisor patrick young spoke to us in the week he says madrid's burden is the result of years of government mistakes the truth is there is no money to pay all of these nurses and doctors there is no money for this loutish government infrastructure it has to be privatized sold off there have to be savage cuts because truly spin has
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spent the last decade living on the back of a huge problem the bubble the bubble was unsustainable nobody managed to manage that and unfortunately while we can obviously say it's a tragedy for the poor independent health care professionals there's just no way to manage to find the money to aid them in modern spain here is a government that has effectively and an overall majority they can do absolutely anything they want and they seem to be absolutely determined to do more or less nothing and it's really a tragedy because they're not helping the spanish economy under not helping the people either. so other sources secrets revealed online from us while some retarded libyans choose a coaching career seems others take a very different path we take a look at our website about it this three time champion admits to now having a very saucy second job in las vegas and we're going to say what it is want to find a way to check out. plus world watch out because the dates of the mageddon is
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apparently only been delayed so many people worried about that one yesterday with r.t. dot com details of how and when the world could now to just come up with a new date. britain's deploying more troops to the gulf as it withdraws its forces from afghanistan prime minister david cameron said that it would be part of a multi-billion pound weapons deal with the united arab emirates the u.k. is also considering prolong its military presence at existing bases in bahrain and qatar geo political analyst patrick henningsen told me he believes the purpose of this extension lies beyond the gulf states. the justification for this massive build up in the middle east specially in the gulf states area the west is basically
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blaming iran saying that because iran's pursuing nuclear ambitions though there's no proof of any nuclear weapons programs as such they're blaming iran for a possible nuclear arms race in the region that's a quote from david cameron only days ago so the in circle man of iran is certainly a geopolitical scale number one priority and i think they've achieved that militarily but you know the question is for the is this going to be a real military standoff are we looking at it from a cold war situation where we just posturing militarily geopolitically looking for some bigger conflicts down the road perhaps in a few years. wants national news a brief first to go to india rallies have seen hundreds clashed with police in the capital protesters defy the gun ban and demonstrations followed violence in the wake of the gang rape of a twenty three year old student on a bus to shoot tear gas and water cannons when crowds try to bridge barricades in the center of new delhi we were in north india security forces shot dead
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a journalist covering a protest over sex attack on actress renshaw rains of christmas for many people united kingdom was supposed to be getaway weekends a many stranded with flood ravaged parts of southwest england covering our communities and canceling trains home for the holidays not over yet either sadly forecasters predict get more heavy rain while more than five hundred for the let some warnings have been issued nationwide. i had the second part of a special report apocalypse now coming up after this break. remains a mystery even for specialists how a voice can produce several sounds at once but we didn't use the artist's throat
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singing comes naturally picked up like a language. a language of communicating with nature it said that's where throat singing originates from t.v. news believe not only animals but also surrounded objects like reverse forests and even stones of souls by imitating the sounds they believe experienced to capture the power of nature. there are special instruments that accompany the singing you get he says there is even a legend about his instrument a deal it says once there lived a poor shefford who had the best horse that won every competition but jealous people killed it on the course was revived as an instrument. of stop the flow is
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because of the spirit of the horse going to his dream he said make an instrument from the tree the sounding board from the leather of my face the strings. and to remember me make an engraving of my head of the instrument he did so i called the instrument again which means come back and this melody on the instrument is called . the. two lines one of the most famous groups in the republic their next goal is to tour pro world they say for you are peons it's difficult to pick up and sing so i asked them to teach me and see if i can do it. cheerily the junior. shero you shared their order that i was sure you would say can you know who
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it was you think gang are all. the but now it is the only and woody part of the song and not the actual throat singing which i wouldn't even dare try to repeat. so maybe you have to be born here to be able to sing like this i thought so until i met she looks like a deveny and i don't even speak their language but she is from japan. most s. too far in my answer from two hundred years ago until sappy here she's not planning a professional singing career but she keeps practicing just because it's become part of her nature. it's a job but it's also a religious vocation that's pushing her to constantly find new ways of developing
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her business. today she visited this cave in the denver area. it's a more than three kilometer deep maze the spot is for sale and robin is thinking about buying it for the construction of more underground shelters if somebody was to light a fire someone in here what about the ventilation with the smoke or something like that you probably would want to get yourself back in a small room with a fire or anything like that but when something like this we're close to an entrance there's a lot of here that it probably be all right ok. just it's a good survival it's like i do a cave like this we get easily howell's one thousand or so people in the cell it would be a great project a great resource to have. for robin it's the perfect place but her family seems a little less enthusiastic would you like to be going to cave like this if it was like mandatory. but if i had
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a choice. about according to robin the girls will surely not have the choice because according to her the end of the world science is already well and truly visible starting with the crumbling of christian values in our modern societies if you go one bookstore or one movie star friends sense how many of those books and how many of those movies do you think that jesus christ himself could watch. and that'll tell you how many things are going to get burned those things need to be cleansed out of the world for him to be a part of it again so he's going to come back there's going to be a cleansing process the millennium burned so that tells you how bad the world could possibly be. living quarters for a large family in a bunker being sold up to two million euros. to meet the demand real estate projects like these are sprouting up all over the even.
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