tv [untitled] December 23, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EST
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the latest news in the week's top stories egypt's new constitution and trying islamic law looks set to pass as most voters seemingly back the draft in a referendum preceded by weeks of fierce protests plus. the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun gun lobby a logic incenses millions of americans calling for tougher controls as the country pays its final tribute to the infants and teachers killed in last week's shooting massacre. and eye for an eye in moscow moves a step closer to banning americans from adopting russian children in response to
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washington slapping sanctions on russian officials. no government left unaffected that's what julian a sondre pledges as lisa said to release a million new secret files in the new year. three of them in moscow i met treasure bring you today's top stories and a look back at the week's news here on r t egypt's new constitution appears to have been passed in the historic vote when the majority of popular support according to an official tallies the referendum on the islamist backdraft has led to deep divisions within the country and sparked violent protests cairo baze journalist bel true has more. the preliminary results are in for egypt's contentious constitutional referendum egypt appears to voted for the constitution sixty four
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percent say yes. thirty six percent have said no this comes after mass dissent in the streets across the country with the cost three weeks against this constitution opposition forces say force a presidential dictatorship and was drafted by an islamist dominated assembly of the twenty seven governors that went to vote in the last week only three voted against the constitution. this in the last round is largely due to the fact that in the last seventeen governments they went to vote a large amount of them are rural governorates who with large muslim brotherhood supports paces the opposition forces for their part to say that the reason it is a yes is because of electoral violations they say they've seen a number of instances of possible vote rigging including missing judges unsupervised polling stations missing ballot papers stuffed ballot boxes and also
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campaigning by the muslim brotherhood groups also ultra ultra conservative salafist groups with in the polling stations telling people to vote yes the biggest news of the day however is the resignation of the vice president mohammad mickey this is largely seen to be perhaps because in the draft constitution as it currently stands there is no coast for the vice president this comes in the background of deepening violence across the country on friday we saw clashes between rival protest groups limits rallies in egypt second city exams in support of the constitution there was rock throwing and also burning of cars the police had to intervene with tear gas that comes just one week after a similar clashes and xandra and of course three weeks after very bloody scenes here in the capital cairo we saw ten people die when robert. rated streets and fought outside the presidential palace with a deepening political crisis in one decides backing down now the constitution is
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likely to be put in place we can only expect dissent on the streets and possible violence across the country earlier we spoke to a representative of egypt's opposition for their reaction on the referendum ahmed who are you from the al duster party headed by mohamed el baradei believes the allegations of vote rigging must be investigated this constitution and this around is is a disgrace to a nation that far hard for its freedom and for its rights it's a document that strips result of all the rights that we've earned and it's right to constitute a dictatorship and it has been stopped by a referendum that was a massive massive rigging for the ballot boxes massive rigging for the voice of the people physically see tens and hundreds of schools tens and hundreds of schools where the ballot boxes and the referendum process was taking place at a convenient time when the voices were very all the floor so that the people were
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voting no the power was cut off the most of the other night if movie asked judges and employees and that's called shuts down the school over. the front of the voters and the state with the ballot boxes not overseas for hours and hours we are not recognise any results unless we see a proper investigation and a proper digging through these evidence that we've put and we receive a proper answer from the from the high committee of the election. syrian rebels say government airstrikes killed dozens of people waiting in line at a bakery in the hama province as with many previous accusations claims by the opposition come during a major international push to and solve the conflict this time a visit of a u.n. envoy to damascus meanwhile russia's foreign minister denies claims moscow's got plans to offer shelter to president assad sergey lavrov also said toppling the current regime won't stop the bloodshed of the country r.t. spoke exclusively to mr lavrov who said there were many forces in syria using
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tactics banned under international law. groups of the position which several that should not united on this single come month the whole series of acceptable methods salute the comb through to international human if they're in love. they can close to just. the staging terrorist attacks and that is very disheartening that western called exists in the security council start to refuse. service to syria saying that yes there is mrs bed but you must they concluded the overall context of what is going on in syria and why people the result that there was that this it's absolutely unacceptable and this logic we will be this if we form of this logic
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might lead us through a very dangerous situation not only in the middle east but in other parts of the world. and the west would start would begin to. want to qualify terrorist as. bed terrorist and acceptable terrorists. out from afghanistan in for the persian gulf britain playing to boost its presence in the oil rich region later this hour with a look at what's at stake for the u.k. in the gulf war this new build up might leave. no one in sight of the trouble in europe as thousands of greeks and spaniards again take to the streets in protest again suffered suffocating austerity cuts. but first it's been a heartbreaking week of farewells in newtown connecticut where all twenty children and six adults have been laid to rest this after one of the worst mass shootings in u.s. history the massacre reignited fierce debate on gun laws critics say current legislation
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makes it too easy for the public to buy military grade weapons. and has more on americans taking a hard look at the second amendment. a week after the tragedy at the elementary school in newtown president obama made the same pledge as when he became president four years ago to try and get assault weapons off the streets of the u.s. it's a pledge he has failed to deliver on this is not the first issue the first incident going back. of your four years. but the administration indicates this time it's different this time they're serious it will take commitment and compromise. and most of all it will take coach shooting this boy it's a huge school and it's an important part of our hearing the debate taking place at the moment suggests a national consensus on the issue is far down the line and the dialogue between those who support and those who oppose such a ban comes down to this with guns comes safety if the guns are in the hands of the
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good guys you know believe me stupid man on the powerful special interest group in washington the national rifle association has successfully fought any form of gun control legislation for years and the solution they offer to the epidemic of gun violence that has plagued the us is more guns. the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. constitutional lawyer roger pilon things along the same lines and suggest arming teachers to prevent massacres like the one in newtown connecticut you're always going to have people who are going to be doing these kinds of evil deeds what you need to do is protect yourself against their weapons in schools and you go to a movie theater you have to carry a gun because there will be there maybe someone with a semiautomatic you know wiping out the entire theater. as we have seen
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is that what you're suggesting. why do you put it provocatively like that what i'm suggesting people movie theater yes because the police cannot be everywhere there are almost three hundred million privately owned firearms in the u.s. . around ten thousand americans die in gun violence every year the gun murder rate in the us is almost twenty times higher than in the next twenty two richest and most populous nations combined. we have three hundred million guns in america but also the population of three hundred million people so it's one gun per person and if more guns were actually the solution to deterring shootings it many times it would have this problem in the first place the gun adam lanza use to kill twenty young children and six adults at the sandy hook elementary school was an a r fifteen semiautomatic rifle it's
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a military style rifle that can shoot hundreds of rounds at a record speed it belongs to adams mother who he also murdered nancy lanza a teacher at the same elementary school owned six guns numerous types of assault weapons are readily available for purchase in the u.s. at gun stores at gun shows and online after the newtown tragedy many americans are calling for change again. make it inherently make it worse. because you can't create previous meaningful attempts to change a wall and that wall is the second amendment of the constitution the right of the people to bear arms skeptics say the most the administration can do is require background checks at gun shows but again adam lanza's mother a teacher at an elementary school would have probably passed any of those checks and her military style rifle would have ended up in the hands of her son anyway that constitutional lawyer i spoke to seemed very certain that nothing major is
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going to change when it comes to gun laws in america does that mean more massacres like the tragedy newtown in washington i'm going to check on. what you think can be done to reduce the number of gun deaths in the u.s. here's how the tally stacks up so far thirty five percent think the media should be restrained from overhyping massacres slightly fewer say nothing can be done while the second amendment is firmly in place about a fifth of respondents calling for harsh new gun laws and restrictions eleven percent propose increasing security in public places what do you think but on to r t dot com and how your site. wiki leaks chief julian assange says about a million secret files are set to be released over the next year he claims information won't leave a single country in the world untouched made the promise during a christmas address to supporters gathered outside the ecuadorian embassy in london the speech marked six months since the whistleblower entered the mission seeking political asylum to avoid extradition he's been there ever since facing immediate
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arrest if he steps outside kristinn hrafnsson from wiki leaks insists the songes predicament won't stop the site from its drive for truth and transparency. well we know about the ongoing. investigation and the secret grand jury in alessandro in virginia there is. an ongoing attempt to find an angle to bring charges against julian and possibly all those working for we can use as a very serious matter of course very shameful for the obama administration not to stop that for the man who was right even taken four years ago to increase transparency and what we have seen is totally the opposite we hunt against whistleblowers. that has no first place in history will continue to work as we have done despite the difficult situation that julie has been in in the ecuador embassy now for six months but probably it was their house arrest that hasn't stopped us we
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have continued to work. the economic blockade has not stopped us either even though we are getting into a dire situation financially but that's a battle that we have decided to turn into an all out war and until we have a victory there as well in the new year. more stories that shape the week coming up after a short break stay with us. what do you see when you look at the scroll perhaps you wonder what bright future she'll have or maybe feel sympathy for her because you see she's in a wheelchair but if you're t.s.a. agent then you see hard core terrorist skull finding a small amount of residue from explosives on the girl's hands she was detained for almost an hour and her tears for mercy did not move the inspectors to allow her
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mother to be with her as they took her away for further inspection sadly the t.s.a. agents couldn't put two and two together and realize that people in wheelchairs get all sorts of random stuff on their hands because the wheels they push roll along the ground when will these endless tales of bizarre instance of the t.s.a. stop when will they stop worrying about girls in wheelchairs when will they stop searching under a terminally ill woman's bandages and when will they actually catch a terrorist when he comes security feels a lot more like ridiculous tyranny to me but that's just my opinion.
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divine power in action activate the sacraments. i am just so we need these we are under the control of those governing us before at the service of a space mafia i found on that date the magnetic fields of the sun. and they will create the super got us there. after the second coming it will be a beautiful place it will receive its glory it will be a renewed world and it will be a beautiful place. full of the best. little stuff
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just ammunition. it's good business for us it's kind of like being a doctor you know if there's a disaster businesses. better unfortunately. thanks for staying with us here on r t seventeen minutes past the hour now the mini series of tit for tat moves between moscow and washington this week restrictions to stop americans from adopting russian children were approved by russia's lower house
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of parliament the move is intended to put the white house under public pressure to reconsider its sanctions on some russian lawmakers the ban that's what russian public opinion is part of the wider legislation meant to target those who abuse the rights of russians abroad and it was sparked by washington imposing travel and financial restrictions on russian officials suspected of involvement in the death of lawyer surrogate magnitsky who died in custody during a massive tax fraud investigation three years ago russian president vladimir putin though says the u.s. should look to its own record before criticizing the human rights violations of others. our u.s. partners and their lawmakers say they're concerned about human rights in our prisons and that's fine of course but there are plenty of issues they have themselves abu ghraib and guantanamo where for years people have been detained without charge it's inconceivable to prisoners walk around in chains like in the middle ages they've legalized torture inside their own country if something like
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that happened here it would cause an international outcry and all remains quiet in the u.s. we've heard plenty of promises to close guantanamo but it's still there it's still operating maybe there is still torture going on there secret cia prisons has anyone been brought to account and they're pointing at our problems well thank you we are aware of that making this the ground for passing anti russian laws it's something absurd and we have a no way provoked such action and. meanwhile vladimir putin has arrived in new delhi on an official visit the russian leader will meet with india's prime minister and other officials to discuss cooperation between the two states talks are expected to focus primarily on boosting economic trade military and energy ties several agreements expected to come out of the trip including a large contracts for the sale of military technology this is putin's first visit
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to south asia since his return to the kremlin in may. last week here at witness yet another wave of protests in two countries worst affected by the continent's debt crisis a new austerity drive by the spanish government drove thousands into the streets of madrid in protest demonstrators labeled it a budget of hunger and misery held a mock funeral march for the country's finances meanwhile wednesday a twenty four hour general strike in the greek capital left public services and transportation paralyzed this is four of the country's biggest banks declared they would need a twenty seven billion euro bailout to stay afloat crisis strategist gonzalo lira says despite all efforts european nations still haven't solved their basic problem . right now. you know national community b. i.m.f. the e.c.b. and easy types were wars austerity which makes investors happy but of course makes
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the people and the best the community is relatively happy because you know there's greater safeguards that their money when they do turn off so i think that you're going to continue to see this is that where yields go up and the people are happier but the investor community is left and then you're going to have words to the right where you have more austerity making people more angry and more riot more protests and more strikes and yet investors feeling more secure in in the bond that they buy in greece we have to keep in mind this crisis is far from over the europeans have yet to solve the basic problem that european. countries are insolvent ace simply do not have the money to pay back all the money that they have borrowed and because of that which is incontrovertible we are going to come to a day of reckoning some point you should be when they going to happen and how far will your crafty will be keep the can down the road. as oppose out of afghanistan
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britain is looking to deploy more troops to the gulf as part of a major weapons deal with the united arab emirates this according to prime minister david cameron who says he wants a defense partnership with a middle eastern monarchy you can also sign a form a billion dollar contract with oman to supply it with aircraft geopolitical analyst patrick henningsen those things london is really looking to put pressure on a country on the other side of the persian gulf student in your country the justification for this massive build up in the middle east specially in the gulf states area of the west is because the blaming iran saying that because iran is pursuing nuclear ambitions so there's no proof of any of their weapons programs as such they're blaming iran for a possible nuclear arms race in the region that's a quote from david cameron only days ago so the in circle man of iran it's certainly a geo political scale number one priority and i think they've achieved that
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militarily but you know the question is. is this going to be a real military standoff are we looking at it from a cold war situation where we just posturing militarily geopolitically looking for some bigger conflicts down the road perhaps in a few years. turning now to some other stories making international headlines first to india where anti rape rallies of seen thousands clashed with police in the capital new delhi marchers demanding the death set for six men who allegedly raped a twenty three year old woman on a bus protesters defied a government ban on demonstrations after violence had a similar rally saturday police used tear gas and water cannons when crowds tried to breach the barricades in the center of the city people remained on the streets despite the home minister promising to consider the death penalty for all six suspects. a red alert has been issued in chile for the coca-cola volcano that's become increasingly active regional emergency office registered seismic activity
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and a cloud of ash at least one and a half kilometers high this more than a year after another volcanic eruption and she lay forced thousands to flee their homes. next part two of our special report apocalypse now after a short break. it's day starts at five am in the wintertime tending to his flock of three hundred sheep in the mountains. thirty five years old it wasn't in my having studied accounting but you dition i'm familiar dictated that he would take care of these animals after his father has just made time but then when to foam stage setting up he's you it's just no t.v. and round tent made of. back amongst his family and his job is
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a lonely one and tough going out in a way there's braving extremes of plus to minus forty degrees celcius says that i'm with them there are certain difficulties there's not enough time for everything i'm almost alone my sister works with my mother my mother is seventy five she's very old and i miss mountains when i'm in town and i spend a lot of time here right now probably so on the surveys are simply carrying out the work that his father did and his father before him nothing has changed over many many centuries and that's half the problem it's hard work and many people don't want to come into the industry now and it's really fit there could die out altogether. it's difficult to manage everything alone i used to have people who helped me but they were no good they didn't take care of the sheep with all their hearts they hurt the cats or dogs get on with more people leaving than coming to the countryside the region's government is having to act making the life of
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a herd and more attractive than promising largest subsidies for produce and livestock and organizing cooperatives for the sale of day put out to ensure the herd a get the highest fair price i asked sympathizes with those youngsters leaving for an easier more profitable life day in their publics capital because ill but he no longer wishes to join them he enjoys his pastoral way of life and looking for a helper who shares his enthusiasm with more time on his hands he says matter of fact you can start to look for a new wife. the least be told language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on our reporting from the world talks about six of the ip interviews intriguing story for you here. in trying.
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to find out more visit our big dog t.v. dot com. it's a job but it's also a religious vocation that's pushing her to constantly find new ways of developing her business. today she visited this cave in the denver area. it's a more than three kilometer deep maze this spot is for sale and robin is thinking about buying it for the construction of more underground shelters if somebody was to light a fire someone in here what about the ventilation with the smoke or something like that you probably would want to get yourself back in a small room with
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a fire or anything like that but when something like this we're close to an entrance there's a lot of here then you'd probably be all right ok. just it's a good survival it's like oh i do a cave like this we could easily howls a thousand or so people at me so it would be a great project a great resource to have a good base for robin it's the perfect place but her family seems a little less enthusiastic would you like to be going to cave like this if it was like mandatory. but if it's. about according to robin the girls will surely not have the choice because according to her the end of the world science is already well and truly visible starting with the crumbling of christian values in our modern societies if you go one bookstore or one movie store friends since how many of those books and how many of those movies do you think that jesus christ himself what's. and that'll tell you
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how many things are going to get burned those things need to be cleansed out of the world for him to be a part of it again so he's going to come back there's going to be a cleansing process the millennium burned so that tells you how bad the world could possibly be. living quarters for a large family in a bunker being sold up to two million euros. to meet the demand real estate projects like these are sprouting up all over the united states. just a few months ago larry hall was building skyscrapers but today in the middle of the kansas plains in a spot he means to keep secret this businessman has decided to devote his time to a project worthy of the fairies. sixty meters deep this was formerly a launching ramp for nuclear me.
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