tv [untitled] December 25, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm EST
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approaching the tasha he held out his arm to grasp her waist before he had completed his invitation he asked her walks the tremulous expression on the task his face prepared either for despair or rapture suddenly brightened into a happy grateful childlike smile. i have long been waiting for you that frightened happy girl seemed to say by the smile that replaced the threatened tears as she raised her hand prints on trays shoulder. they were the second couple to enter the
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circle sunday was one of the best dances of his day and the tasha dump sticks was. it's the highlights of the russian bowl season i'm always been invited the most first look to attend an event which they promise me is going to be the height of sophistication and delegates and it's the eighteenth twelfth anniversary both. for over a thousand years the russians have known that a good party needs don't sink down the centuries rich and poor alike have learned
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the steps put on their costumes and set off to find love patronage or simply a good time. in this suitably grand building almost two hundred people have gathered to perform the classics from the polonaise to the polka all in front of a live orchestra. you can't help but notice the effort that's gone into their appearance and although i wasn't the only one in my dress i did feel a little out of place. though i may not have three much in the way of nineteenth century playthings but i do know one lady there that they have to get the right look for a period of review by arena. so we've got lots of beautiful costumes here. of course this ball here was first dedicated to the war of eighteen twelve it wasn't so much about russia as the but it was the first such event that was held after the
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war a certain degree of courage was required to hold the ball at that time this stance is where it all began. and with several events every year they're becoming very popular even if you're not experienced you are encouraged to join in and there are plenty of helpful partners waiting to show you the ropes. movement in music have always stood the russian soul but now in the twenty first century more and more people seem to be learning these traditional courtly dances that hark back to a bygone age i wanted to find out what makes them so appealing to a modern nor dns and how long it might take to get an absolute beginner to the book but.
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there's a school in moscow which claims it can teach anybody how to dance so i am going to put the theory to the test and apparently there are always sorts of men so hopefully this should be a place for me. though good evening everyone today we will learn the viennese waltz which you can dance at the ball roll. it was time to start learning the basics twiddling round by myself everything seemed pretty easy but a solo waltz wasn't exactly going to cut it take the ladies right hand good. the gentleman's right hand system a lady's left shoulder blade a little closer. in time. caps. the. the as i fought the urge to stare at my feet and count out loud we made
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a few circuits of the room with only minimal damage to earliest hopes. the idea is to get good enough to actually not look like a total idiot to the board. just fly but the u.k. yeah fine. sorry that's not is how to give a traffic jam. our instructor demon has been teaching for the best part of twenty years and says he's never seen dancing more popular. though she wasn't the most because of it is important because whenever you go to any public place like a restaurant there's always room for dancing with the so you get a feeling of confidence when you know that you can invite a lady to the dance floor to raise your hand. on the list but i think that the first true taste for dancing only comes after three months of
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practice. but. unfortunately for me i didn't have quite bad blome if i was going to make it to another daunts i was going to need some serious help do you have a question there's a pool coming up and i really need a partner. would you come with. a pink or wonderful. but sect myself a great of a heart but clearly i was going to have to get myself properly prepared for culture isn't just about dancing and i was going to have to brush up on my fashion and my etiquette. most here we see the most authentic russian romanticism this is a picnic dress for them it's accentuated with a light shawl and hat only single women were allowed to have uncovered head but it was pushed they had highly decorated hairstyles to married women whether at the
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ball or at home were required to wear a hat in the summer they danced in the stress of balls but it would be worn only at a local summer gatherings so summer school if we look at the male costume we see the dress code with colorful and return to the fashion scene in color courses the shirts of most almost. seems james this is the costume for the middle of the nineteenth century. that's the sort of thing i've been with for. by this time they are wearing black coats and black trousers in comparison with very elaborate gowns for the ladies men look like exclamation points bringing attention to female beauty. and want to remind you that you could make a costume like that for me the core question of course brilliant. excuse me for a moment and all this. that's how the first
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story. accordions both on the one hand the bulwarks is the most democratic place. almost on the boat you can invite anyone you like your board so just but if you want to invite a lady who is standing next to a gentleman you should ask his permission first. yet the ballroom is also a very patriarchal place in the past jewels in russia were forbidden but there is one exception if someone stood on your partner's dress up like that you were obliged to challenge him to do it only in that instance did the emperor permitted just do it. at the cooperation women were able to communicate with fans man you what was being
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directed at them. was most this is fine you have my right arm to the heart put out little one means i love you other movements had other meanings this one means i have no interest when a lady does this it means she likes you. when the lady flaps her family like this that's your signal to invite her to dance and then. stand facing one another the gentleman takes a step to the right. that is gentleman embrace your partner. already. involved but in the off the.
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us us. the. well step by step there's a lot of the excellent off. in iraq that you have wonderful sure's present train is the best and then put me on that bus the most or. ok just try it in front yet approach and that and three and the pride. that they do in a couple. it wasn't perfect but it was as good as it was going to get and the next day i had to remiss to pick up my cost you. know what company are you we have a dress from the middle of the nineteenth century but that you know this hoop skirt is made of silk top and there's about nine leaders here at that time flowers were
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very fashionable just because now i'll show you my pride and joy this. is a carnival gown from the sixteenth century. i'm not saying it's all sewn by hand. all silk and silk and bordered fabric such a beauty. of the ball all of this beauty was exempted by the seriousness rigor and restraint in male attire. that's the kind of out that we've got for you. so this is going to make me hopefully a fresh little gent of the scene fifty's now just to see if everything fits but it seems the trend of the day was for very small clothing. new condos not the best needs to be tight even in paintings you'll see that the male figure i mean it's the theme and waist and it's the small chunks of the kids here ladies for
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most weekends. but the cakes james for the next week. like that. there we go finally feel authentic james the dandy you soul go to the ball. sure. women of the time spent about six hours in hair ration for the head dress i had to have a high level of professionalism in order to make such a hairstyle unless they used ation to greek statues as models to the pyre style uses lots of logs and curls consumed during these hairpiece holds these hair out fashion we have spirals at the temples we use crowd it's
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a very romantic style and very playful. especially in dance when a girl dances and flips her curls it's amazing. and. it's super wonderful thank you listen you know you're ready for the ball from that. we were dancing in the more of your old apostle museum a building that's over two hundred years old and that's recently undergone a long restoration by descendants of its former owners and amazingly everything seemed to go off without a hitch. and .
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as we take a little break i say now that we finally got the waltz out of the way without too many cups is that what's made you stick with it what you think you cross out here with that feeling down your meeting new people you're done in these at this. ear music everything together all together is like a frog in a you get used to it and you get addicted to it i would like to get that they think that. the house used to play host to the aristocracy of the intelligentsia and it's certainly true that in such authentic surroundings and among beautifully dressed people it's easy to lose yourself. and it's possible i may have got slightly carried away. suck. i did my own satisfaction.
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good laboratory was able to build a most sophisticated. fortunately. about anything tim's mission to teach me. about. this is why you should care only. for the truth this month high tech could help whether. innovators are working hard to keep you healthy for some companies it's been a road from car simulators to cutting edge training systems for others it's been a lifetime of work along the mysteries of the cell. phone technology. the future.
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the owner had been satisfied and as i rode back towards the twenty first century it was finally time to read a message i've been passed at the darts. james i'd like to invite you to join me at the first russian viennese ball in montrose switzerland it should be a memorable event if you'd like to attend please join me at the imperial tailoring company in moscow next monday at noon you'll need to pick out something elegant hope to see you there victor. there was no way i could pass up a chance like this viennese ball is renowned as the best event of the season and i knew the picture was one of the men in charge.
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now it might be a traditional ball but i don't think the eighteen fifties look is going to cut it in switzerland so i'm here to meet up with victor and hopefully pick up something a little bit more. pictures time james stuff this is yeah well now we know that she was a huge for you i've already chosen the one for me this one please. picture certainly had good taste it brought me to moscow's imperial tailoring company where they make some of the best clothes in the business. once. doing well james and generally look really very good i think fit perfectly but maybe some small items for example your trousers are longer right thing and maybe a bad fake some more buttons all your. this was just yeah yeah but in general it's
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perfect and of course there's always a place or something we could always do best ok right. of course that we're talking . here. this is your theory you look really perfect thank you very much well i don't think that daniel craig has anything to worry about but you can't help but feel a bit special it's something like this so switzerland because we're coming to get. a few days in around two and a half thousand kilometers later i'd arrived in the small swiss municipality of montrose and it certainly didn't disappoint. when you use the wrong yes good evening welcome to the film from on top of us so your room is ready this is a room with nicky thank you well this is a bit special isn't it a five star hotel for a five star event a comic. the viennese ball has taken place in moscow under
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around europe since two thousand and three it's the brainchild of organizer alexander smuggler and i caught up with him to see why he decided to hold this one in montreal. first of all we never did a ball in the lab. we decided to do it and when we're choosing the place we consulted with some. partners from sweden switzerland so they said that. look at montreal this is beautiful small town on the lake so they came here spatially to check the place i was impressed so we decided to make both here. more than twenty thousand people have attended alexander's dumpsters and each one is planned down to the last detail how much preparation goes into the. wasn't mike that's you know it seems. that it is
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very easy but it is not so definitely. to make it a real ball you have several levels of it but you have to bring distrust to august first at least once and for any one just all just seem getters to yack about catering to don's flaw in order people have to submit it to the dogs because of this is all. i could already tell it was going to be a member of the kazan and according to conduct a alfred a very multicultural want to. do this evening is really very special because we have different problems to solve and we have singers from russia and we have a ballet phone russia and it will fester from it italy and i'm from austria so it's an international event absolutely well we'll let you get back as it was for you need a script thank you very much take it away maestro thank you very much. was
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the guests were beginning to arrive but i couldn't resist one last trip to the hotel's engine room. well my nose has led me to probably the most important place in the hotel this evening the kitchen whether carrying all of these things for the ball so i could be a little bit careful because i want to get ten angry sets around me that could be dangerous. they're making four courses to feed four hundred guests so there's not much time to hang around admired their work and with lobster and growled the menu so to say i was looking forward to dinner. thinking my mouth water but time is getting close. while more and more guests began the night with a glass of champagne i went to meet victor and it turned out he had
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a rather unexpected surprise in store. this is and this is my own thanks because as we're having one big problem we're liking the debutante at the moment i would like to feel and maybe there are never enough men out there always so many beautiful women and never enough men my pleasure if you would if you will have a. great. buy had planned to hang back and take part in some of the big group don'ts is this time and i was suddenly very nervous if this was the same years debutante ball it was more important than ever that i didn't mess up. still at least i didn't have long to think about it. it. was dozens of couples performing the figure waltz we did have
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a few problems with traffic but with a few well timed walls we made it to b.m. and then we could really enjoy ourselves. you're loving life here you know it might seem like you have a really pretty mind case of you made so may help you. i think i. k k k k k k k k k thank. you but it certainly leaves you out of breath and it gave me
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a chance to chat with samia about why she had decided to become a debutante met so many different younger people who seem to be taking to this what is it that appeals to this as opposed to you know the traditional kind of going out on a friday night listening in a culture that you know i suspect unusual these days and it comes to this question of the stuff we start to live east also very interesting here because of all of last night. these tend to get a little bodies in silence. as the evening wore on the orchestra was replaced by a jazz band and then. music became a little less classical but unsurprisingly no one seemed keen to go home. i think the most revealing thing that i can say is i don't want this whole experience to end and maybe that's why people love it so that is just pure magical escapism a long way that i can see. you.
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i didn't expect my journey into bowl culture to bring me this far but it has been a fantastic adventure i'm to my surprise i actually don't think i'll be hanging up my dancing shoes anytime soon. we might be two hundred years on from the days of war and peace and there is still pools being held both here and the broads you can imagine even the touch of a stove of the light to attend. the russian dawns tradition is alive and thriving my think. is to tolstoy would have been.
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deadly rivals some decades. if good fifteen thousand people killing each other in any other country there would be diplomats there would be mediators. self-imposed out costs from society i will cut myself chemical attack my brother understand my one time imaging of law going to eventually attack the cops of my anger and my frustration the. judge well into the territory. two of the most violent gangs in the us history. is just all model kill or be
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