tv [untitled] December 26, 2012 8:30pm-9:00pm EST
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deadly rivals the decades. if you had fifteen thousand people killing each other in any other country there would be diplomats there would be mediators. self-imposed out costs from society i will cut myself am i going to tax my brother understand my one time my own immediate i am going to leave basically attack the
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cause of my anger and my frustration. that upgrade well into the dome. two of the most violent gangs in u.s. history. as a stall model kill or be killed with colors matching the national flag. but this country uses violence when it reaches and then it legitimizes the violence they all made in america on the odyssey. mission of free accreditation st johns for charges free her
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arrangements three risk free studio types free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects a free mediocre dog harty dot com. please. more news today violence has once again fled uplands these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. in china operation the day please please. no brother walk out the door to school six in the morning and you get him is going to school so you got there what's up a signal of his world be up that early in the morning just know i'm saying to do
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something like that. we've been burying one of offerings while comrades and we've actually out at the funeral when another one of our weight gets killed at the funeral and then. so as we live amongst each other there might be one street it might be one gas station the service two with three different gangs when i get to the gas station i have to find out what are your intentions with me while i'm pumping gas so i cannot turn my back and allow you to shoot me or hit me in the back of here to look you in your eyes and see your intentions and when i look you in your eyes i'm looking to see if you all would feel well and i'm a wolf then we need to come to some sort of agreement so we can both get out of here peacefully. and if your porch up i'm happy to let me go and get my guestbook up i appreciate you being here when i was in the communities talking to guys in the game seeing lots of content and with that so many of these particularly the younger
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guys had never seen the pacific ocean in a gang infested community there are situations where people will not believe a given ten block radius for years like this man for though they don't go no where they got a fuck about a two liter bottle out of. because they don't own that. and he's been taught men that you a quickie deal it's what they call slip it don't get a call slip it. slip a nice relaxing being off guard. not on point not always hostile on ready to do it done and be the one to the one that. you can't have. got to be on your toes at all times man because anything at any time can happen to win that you can't have a heart know. you can have
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a heart but you've been a show is sort of never near so be we never let yourself be seen as someone with feelings of emotion and except for. brutal force. or. going to get old you will be took an advantage to be targeted sharks and just each work so our here in a concrete jungle you've got to be respected as a man. but in most cases respect. is actually. caught you better respect me you better fear me. when i had a hard look at everything as whole were you want to be in
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a right state of mind if you feeling good about a dress code in a representative for the one to get into line doing good one to the want to dress like all suck that out of the world not the way to name one and then one in the morning in the morning in the morning then when this all we know man is looking good in the good of london let's go let's go in do whatever it takes to look good and the one. i was i'm going to wait until guys where they meet in san francisco to be interviewed i knocked on the door of their have talent that kind of feel and here are two of the most hardcore gang members and one of them has got his ironing board out and he's got his travelling ironies arning this cause. just to look you know these are just stores in the street. he would like. to make a prayer stand up in a corner with nobody i'm there. for
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somebody that has no idea what a young man would do it what is the alerts i join the gang not only for the protection for the love and unity to be a part of the family. if you live in a ghetto and you're living in a bomb or where you're being assaulted like i was i just got tired of being a victim it's like either you're a victim or you to victoria. wait until it is not like you can to get out of this and when you break until i decide what they teach you with
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a nine and i was really good to get you know get chased out of school and get shot at all the time it might get i'm damned if i do democrats don't. step out and get something this loved and in fact a mom will for my neighborhood ahdaf my neighborhood almagest mom a hood told i don't look at it like old gang king is just crap church to. live let's. ask why it is that up with this. do they feel the looking out for little clothes on his back ok now it's time to just going to get these niggas you just shot at my house which you know don't. wish you don't love again to let me just pinch you all much so how can you say no to that this will kill his mo because mr defeat.
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told me when you first got the fires got i was like the trial was bout to wail now i'm all for years ago when i was thirteen years old you guys just go to school if you don't have one you gotta be around somebody's got to agree got the ball right i don't want to have another i got a back up. take a forty something woman for the magazine and you got big girls you know twenty to thirty contest for me that was sixteen dollars a lot come on now you've also violent down some. generation with the last four after my generation there was gun play there was no such thing to fight the kids today came right in the game of go. that's why so many murders. that's mainly a twelve year old thirteen year old king for
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a day oh my god put you in on hold not the state. within itself says that you clear the law. you clear black people cause they went to shut the door and car bombs go all the dogs and. i mean you create the law you stand twelve thirteen years old with a pistol small. stick in your pocket you walk all. of them for to use gun against another interview. one human being but once you block that part of your mind out the companies you go watch and they become not the first time jittery you get to see the nervous system and then you come back and look at the same person at the been a while with the flu here and i mean they sold
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a ready to get. one with a lot of people right now but been lying and if. i got a lot i love to be in a real mother. and that is save my life and many times you'll say but at the same time it's another generation that don't know me and feel like they can get a strike if they get rid of me. much or into me and whatever they do you counterattack they write on the wall you drive while they beat up somebody you've been a mother and shoot somebody you should. want to bust we've already actually like to have forty in. the street but.
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don't listen to the image of a dog the dog. alone will be killed they will just but. the army tell me that because the heart of live with you and keep the film up be so bad you gotta make them feel when you feel them islamists muslims goes over and over and over. and i. connect again bring. me back. even though i'm in a game i'm in. for
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a. good deal with the world or i ignore it i don't pay attention to it is really no room in this world. is man so. i read a lot man because i know that ultimately to say the way to god or society intended it to be so a lot of times man i know more of that individual but sometimes i gotta put the moral state of my behind and become an animal. thank. god.
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there's a man. in the. world war two eighty five ninety percent of the black population this country lives in the south. was a lot of. black people and primarily lived in the south because of slavery in the south was a rule agrarian farm economy oh there's a care. about. world war two years in a series of transformations that the radically changing nature of black history in this country blacks for the first time are invited and now asked to work in america's arsenal for democracy building those tanks building those planes building those ships. nine hundred forty s.
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one thousand seventies you see over four million african-americans leave the south and ways that have never never heard the phrase live and for new york head for chicago and for los angeles. for the first time they were integrated into the american worker economy they were earning enough to be lower middle class homeowners in l.a. and to establish if not exactly a very close similarity to the american dream. place . to. live. living well including. science technology innovation all the list of elements from around russia we've got those huge you're covered.
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no way did not have the overt history with racism in one hand in the south there were no laws that said blacks had to ride on one part of the bus or no laws that blacks had to be in certain schools there were however extremely exclusive web of racially restrictive housing evidence kept blacks in particular areas and out of other areas these covenants mandated the sale of real estate along racial lines in an effort to keep traditionally white neighborhoods free of non desirable homes sometimes not desirable men latino sometimes not desirable men do sometimes not disarmament asian but it always meant black and so those racially restrictive covenants which didn't disappear into the late forty's and early fifty's essentially kept blacks circumscribed in a very narrow portion of the l.a. county region. like people were forced to live on top of each other because it just
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wasn't possible to live where you chose even though you might have been able to afford it. in. south philly residents responded by transforming there are a lot of territory into a thriving cultural hub its central avenue developing into a sort of home on west. west coast best jazz clubs dozens of black businesses lime street people dressed in their sunday best on the weekends a period during which the most affluent and the forest blacks live essentially side by side. and then with will want to spend. time economy adapt itself to lead automotive industry with major corporations like g.m. chrysler ford goodhue and firestone all establishing factories in south los angeles
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. and we're going to. factory you got the benefits you could my house you could buy a car you could raise a family you could live a working class or lower middle class life. it was a moment of unprecedented black prosperity in which the trajectory of black america was on the rise people were getting jobs were buying homes were buying cars sending their kids to colleges it was a moment of real optimism. in the late one nine hundred fifty s. you begin to get the first. wave of what came to be called the industrialization. the american economy is changing we're moving from one of those really cami to an
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economy based on service based on information rooted in technology that is it's high skilled high wage high training on one very low skilled sweatshop labor on the other. lacks find that their skills don't fit into either of those today and. they don't have the education or the skill or the training because of historic discrimination to work in aerospace. on other hand they don't feel any desire or need to go into the low skilled service sector jobs like hotel cleaning like sweatshop work downtown l.a. because they don't perceive that as jobs that american citizens should have. not talking about people who have arrears we're talking about people with jobs if you have a job you are dependent on that job so when that factory closes you are in essence asked out. by the late sixty's you see those plants beginning to disappear when they disappear there is virtually nothing left in their wake.
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and so it leaves a gaping hole in the economy of the region. with consequences that are just enormous. generationally in america is supposed to be about the american dream people are supposed to move up as opposed to elevate. we're talking about a situation where actuality it whenever reverse the children over time began to do worse than their parents. in one nine hundred seventy five the los angeles times reporters into the streets to assess progress in the city's black communities ten years after the watts rebellion. the fearful lived
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behind protective bars and double logs high schools are graduating functional illiterates. some black people have got businesses some professionals have gotten into significant jobs but if you talk about the masses of that guy who was in trouble in one thousand sixty five it is more difficult now. the black in the ghetto the gold survives. the finance. it.
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a. headache that's really what i have been going to. a refugee isn't going to call me that would just place like a moat. and helicopters flying over the it might not be acceptable in britain but however some that occurs every two or three hours of my community and indeed stops into a community basically which is in peel broken down businesses if you have any businesses. take a walk downtown baltimore french out of our money and you tell me the opportunities are available low income housing five or six churches gang violence crack up the. introduction of crack cocaine onto the streets of l.a. in one nine hundred eighty one proved to be a major tipping point for an already vulnerable to. cocaine came a toy it broke up a lot of you know a lot of people just thought crack was the way out you know what are you. think of
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what they keep you know what i'm saying that will broke a lot of homes that if that crack would never came party still have nice the homes and nice live families you know but when i came there like tow everything before but let me ask you when did you have a conventional childhood ilog dysfunctional ass family in the south of. boston tea out here then dollars ninety three i was raised out of that he buys to be a man oh molly take care my mommy says the mosque in my low but this is said. by for little brother and sister just do what you don't. let us go outside oh look at me. i grew up in a home where my mother worked two jobs but had three people so you can imagine we
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when there is no male influence. as most male going from. then everything is going to be out of whack the people that told me told me wrong tell me how to be all. you want is not be a man but his fight to me by somebody or goes to somebody does a way to tell me you've been a man. you have a so-called are the black men my age are the d.n.r. in jail and one of the problems we have is. if they don't try to arrest the problem
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that means they're putting all the black men in jail. in two thousand and three bureau of justice report reveals the twenty eight percent african-american men more than one in four be jailed or sent to prison in the last . week of engaged in this country and an absolutely historically unprecedented experiment in the past in prison. we now have and imprisonment plate that is six to seven times. it's called. the fifth privilege. in two thousand and seven. plans to spend seven point four billion dollars to build forty thousand new prison. terminator. look at the population of the people in the penitentiary particularly from the one
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nine hundred eighty s. going for black men are disproportionately represented. the band plays. with niggers like. to put. you in a sense. what this means is we are breaking even the possibility of the big intact families with a mother and a father raising a child together. because we are sending a man off to prison an unprecedented rapes usually for nonviolent offenses that. would. even with time served so many of those determined to start a new life find little freedom in their lives. go to get
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a job working for xerox sent an application and they found out i was on parole and i lost my job i used to be jealous some our wives going to work it. this is my wife own a stood by me grew up with me bill me i'm still lose kids and she would go out thousand go to work and i would be mad at her because she could go to work and i couldn't help. i'll be mad because she's paying the bills and i can bet you there's never no cycle to get us out of this it's just a cycle to get us back into it so of course people are going to behave in ways that are anti-social if we don't let them behave in pro-social writers. you.
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