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tv   [untitled]    December 28, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EST

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it's the most amazing gun buying spree over seem to weeks after the tragic school shooting in connecticut gun stores are flooded by customers as barack obama's threat to ban firearms proved to be their best. hopes for dialogue in syria as moscow has more flexibility from the rebels and their international backers while waiting for concrete diplomatic steps from damascus plus artes news crews recall how they covered the conflict in twenty twelve. or so money doesn't buy happiness in the u.k. is over a fifth of the country's richest people dream of living abroad. and president
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putin has signaled he will sign the bill which includes a ban on americans adopting russian children while pledging to improve the lives of orphans within the country. hello good to have you company this is r.t. coming to you live from moscow. now gun sales are surging to record levels across the u.s. president obama's pledge to tackle firearms ownership in the wake of the sandy hook school massacre has seen the shooting spree develop into a shopping spree for guns. she can spoke to some of the store owners who are cashing. about two weeks ago actually on this particular wall here. we are is
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four rows down four rows across. with everything going on in politics right now with the possible ban and everything everyone is flooding in. purchasing right away gun stores all across the u.s. are reporting record sales just two weeks after the tragic shooting at the elementary school in newtown americans are scrambling to buy the same type of weapon that adam lanza used in the connecticut shooting plus high capacity magazines and a lot of them panic buying trigger it out of fear that the white house is out to ban the weapons but this time the words need to lead to action we we actually i would say you could double or triple and say oh it's the best day we've ever had as a business no a r fifteen for this customer all sold out at the store while prices on line have gone through the roof been going for a thousand and fifteen hundred eight hundred dollars to twenty five hundred three
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thousand dollars even in some cases it's just the most amazing gun buying spree i've ever seen so many gun retailers now quite cynically referred to the administration's ben talk as the obama gun stimulus that's how good it's been for their business so how do you go from a president with a tough gun control agenda to someone gun dealers call the greatest gun salesman in america manufacturers of semi-automatic rifles report that their market has grown thirty percent of the last four years states like north carolina iowa and you have seen a one hundred percent increase in gun sales over the same period in the wake of the tragedy in newtown one of the country's biggest ammunition suppliers said they sold more than three years worth of magazines in just three days. although president obama himself has so far failed to act on his pledge to ban assault weapons his words have certainly provoked action just not the type you may have wanted or
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someone is against were. doing a great job for us. maybe we should be a third term in order to sell even more weapons many dealers hype up gone apocalypse an aerial so the band. the women over. to start not only started. but many of them don't actually see any drastic changes happening any time soon. we're going to cut off. rifles or. high cap magazines. it's kind of most impossible because. it's already circulating how. are you going to get everybody to bring everybody back here after all any significant gun control measures adopted in the past ultimately clashed with the second amendment of the constitution and were subsequently scrapped. deliver genia i'm going to check out.
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the modern america is braced to plunge off the fiscal cliff time ticks away as democrats and the republicans heigl over taxes for the rich while we hear how the more worrying aspects of the deal have long been agreed. russia has criticised the reluctance of series k. opposition groups to make any concessions in the conflict that's already dragged on for nearly two years but foreign minister sergei lavrov has expressed hope that i diplomatic solution remains an option. it was a shovel and. we are disappointed with the opposition forces statements that deposing their regime and dismantling all of its institutions is their main go and that they won't answering to talks to the international community should not be instigating the continuation of this bloodshed neither should they be setting any preconditions so they should instead encourage all the conflicting sides to look for ways to launch political dialogue. lavrov also said that russia is waiting for
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concrete diplomatic action from the mascot's which has confirmed that it's ready for dialogue with the u.n. the arab league special envoy to syria lakhdar brahimi has already called for the formation of a transitional council international peace if it comes amid fresh bloodshed which have which has become common in the war torn state parties reporters got a close call this close as they could to bring you the real stories of the violence that is tearing the country apart and that's what we're focusing on today in our series on the events that shaped twenty twelve. it became fairly apparent after a massive regional arab spring and in the wake of that the next context of
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a pro-democracy movement and a revolution or civil war was not what was happening and so when you see some politicians there and the media focusing just. cracking down on people you think what about the other side. of the politics and diplomacy there are facts that are simply too important to ignore. i remember i was a training session of the syrian football team and the coach was very angry with how his players were practice and he was shouting he was swearing from time to time and then i move my head like this just like this and i saw two helicopters fly and it's a very low altitude and fiery were hotel restaurant and close to us there was a group for rich syrians playing cards laugh and smoke and living life as usual and just before that me and my colleagues were live in the local t.v. station there was an enormous blast a few blocks away most likely terror attack most likely people have been killed and
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what struck me was the coexistence of the. to. reality that's the real answer from the real truth most interesting interaction for me with our side happened before and after the interview obviously and that's the case. i ask him if he's afraid. said no. no i'm not afraid that's a moment when the you believe the person or not and the only reason you know if he's right or wrong is intuitional i think syria is becoming the next iraq it's a country that is totally disempowered from within. and murder don't surprise or shock anybody and like in the case of farrar all this harm was done to syria with the substantial help of the outsiders under the guise of good democratic and tantrums.
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having a healthy bank balance in britain is no key to happiness more than a fifth of the country's millionaires are considering emigrating in the next two years according to according to the bank lloyds t.s.b. international we've got more on this now from artie's poly in london. thanks for joining us so what is wrong with britain that even the richest one. or blame the dismal whereas that's reportedly the overwhelming reason for why one in five british millionaires are considering opting sticks and leaving the country now those reasons are followed closely by the high rate of crime in the u.k. and anti social behavior and then another reason why they might want to leave is the high cost of living here in the u.k. and only in fourth place from my why they might might want to leave is the high rate of personal taxation now where are they going well top of the list of destinations is france it's nearby and it's warmer weather and same goes for spain
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which is the other place where they're all thinking. and i want to on to the streets of london and spoke to both million as a non millionaires and also them about whether. styx let's take a lesson if you consider leaving the u.k. yes what reason. you just. would you consider leaving the u.k. and leaving somewhere else i'm going to do that really what is the reason my wife. my children but also the expense here listening to that it sounds like it's not just the rich who might want to leave britain indeed if the millionaires the ones considering it looks like the middle class professionals are the ones who are actually packing their bags and leaving a recent report by the home office said that more and more middle class with
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professionals are actually packing their bags and opting to continue that career is elsewhere and for them the reason is the high rate of. this the indian as the ones that don't like the rain then is the middle class professionals the senior managers the academics the scientists that are actually continuing their careers abroad and a lot of business leaders are saying that if the high rate of personal taxation isn't cut it's going to lead to a brain drain for the u.k. in the future so something that's very worrying for politicians to consider here. ok we'll leave it there thanks polly that's polly reporting from london. and president putin says he will sign a bill which includes a ban on u.s. citizens adopting russian children you also promised to back a motion to increase domestic adoption and improve conditions for orphans inside the country the restrictions came about after washington's travel and financial
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sanctions against russian officials it alleges are involved in human rights violations moscow insists the counter legislation is not aimed at orphans or potential adoptive parents but at america's lax treatment of child abuse and lack of access to the children we spoke to an american adoption expert who says the tracking high russian children are being treated in the u.s. is all but impossible. a lot of the cases have gotten very very light sentences for the caretakers whether foerster or adoptive of russian children here in the united states but we certainly have no idea how many children are enduring abuses surviving abuses of all kinds the children that died at the hands of their adoptive parents were tortured in some her render ways they were sexually abused they were burnt they were starved they were killed ever any conceivable kind of
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torture one human being could inflict on another was done to these children so these were the parents that were caught and prosecuted nineteen how many more there is there is absolutely no way of knowing the united states has no system of follow up on adoptions once an adoption is finalized the child is considered as if born to that family. the plot of a james bond movie seems to be playing out in a russian court at the moment hundreds of millions in stolen assets glamourous skills and a paper trail of corruption led investigators to a former defense minister more details life in just a few minutes. if
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you're from my generation or younger and you were born into the one percent that i have a lot of college debt i sure do you know the deal used to be that you paid a significant amount for education but in turn that gave you a much higher salary later but now the system works in reverse many young americans study very hard to not make any money at all around nine percent of americans with student loans have defaulted and at least nine but maybe up to eighteen percent are ninety days late with their payments given the situation the people at u.c. berkeley were nice enough to give away a million dollars in scholarships for everyone everyone that's an illegal immigrant yeah that's right if you're born in america then pay to jump the border and enjoy the red carpet education treatment the people who will be getting the scholarships are mostly the children of illegal immigrants who spent many of their formative years in america and yet i could see the logic that it could be hard for them to get an education when the when they aren't citizens but they came into the country
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illegally it isn't taxpayers jobs to help them but wait berkeley is a private institution so i guess they can give out the money to whoever they want whenever they want however they want but berkeley management if you're watching this i would really appreciate if you chose some financial mercy to american citizens it isn't like they don't need the help but that's just my opinion. download the official publication to your cell phone choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites. if you're away from your television just doesn't do so with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere.
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please. more news today violence is once again flared up. saying these are the images world world has been seeing from the streets of canada . the giant corporations are today. look. at least be told language. will use programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world talks about six of the i p interviews intriguing stories for you to. see in trying. to find out more visit our big teeth. look at the world including. science technology innovation all the latest
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developments from around russia we've got this huge you're covered. hello welcome back the u.s. is teetering on the fiscal cliff with the president the senate and the house of representatives still no closer to a deal it is just days to go until taxes for americans across the board jump massively at the same time as spending plummets but activist and journalist on the bar says it's not the deadlock that bothers him but what has already been agreed. the real problem in my eyes is not the fact that they can't reach an agreement but rather that they have reached an agreement on many fundamental things the grievance they have reached is that neither of them are going to advocate to put more money in the hands of working people they have no problem whatsoever removing
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a trillion dollars or two trillion dollars from the economy and delivering it to the bankers they did that inside of twenty days back in two thousand and eight and again in two thousand and nine was very little discussion. everyone agrees on both sides of the aisle that sums sort of the reduction in benefits from social security and medicare is inevitable quote unquote well you know the rest of us don't believe that it's inevitable or even that is necessary and certainly not that is that it's not desirable yet the greenman between the democrats and republicans on these fundamental issues is in my mind more important than their disagreement to the posturing that they're doing for the media basically to try to blame each other for the you know going over the so-called cliff so that one for me while the international monetary fund is raising the alarm i have a germany's reported austerity plans the measures to be rolled out after next year's elections and would apparently raise the retirement age hike taxes cut
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welfare i'm bringing it to a grinding halt according to the i.m.f. and on top of that as peter all of a discovered he's unlikely to make dejected and happy. that top of the european tree i don't think germans feel that they have nothing to grumble about v.f. you've been there in the park the measuring public mood by telephone and face to face through thousands of interviews we've got a pretty good idea of what the people are thinking stats boffins have been gauging the country's mood to come up with the biggest moans of the year for me i've reached him in. at number five it's national debt it's better to give than to receive at this time of year but german's festive spirit ran out long ago over chancellor merkel being a little too generous and bailing out countries like greece especially when it's their money and for is climate change the mayan world ending prophecy may have turned out to be hocus pocus but germans remain seriously concerned about keeping
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mother earth ticking over for as long as possible number three is a very twenty first century problem getting ripped off online as we bank in shop on the web more than ever before the fear for germans is that someone else's netting their details on their cash. poverty came in second towards the end of the year it was revealed that around a quarter of europeans are at risk of living below the breadline germans watch with despair what's happening to the greeks in spanish images they struggle to shake from their minds but the biggest worry for germans in twenty twelve was rising prices cost so rocketing everywhere from food to fuel and next year looks set to get even more pricey germany is a world leader in using renewable energy and over the coming year it's the consumer who will be paying to keep it that way with
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a shocking fifty percent increase in the subsidy paid towards renewable energy sources so that's what troubled germans this year but what are their fears for the future but i'm concerned maybe to find a good job because i want to do something different trying to thirteen minutes on sure what is happening in an economical crisis perhaps the euro is having another crisis but i actually love berlin that's why i want to stay here but if i can't find a job here so will have to try to get somewhere else i worry about everything job crisis everything is going down the hill let people i concerned about job security that they just that yeah the contracts are not secure in our that firms companies no longer have enough money and that people are just get fired. as with most situations in life when you ask people what their concerns are or what they want to
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see changed you do have to be prepared that their answers might not be exactly what you want to hear really one of the off the top promise was to legalize soft drugs i don't think soft core. should have split kitchens in two thousand and thirteen so what will germans be concerned about at the end of twenty thirteen even though they've less to worry about than most europeans it's unlikely that spending it on other countries will disappear within twelve months peter all of a party girl in. afghanistan says it has lost over seventy million dollars because nato link companies operating there and not paying taxes president karzai keyes's foreign business is a corruption of using their connections to avoid punishment but antiwar activist brian becker believes karzai is more concerned about his reputation and revenue.
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karzai is caught between a rock and a hard place he owes his very survival i mean in a literal sense to the occupying forces and yet at the same time he realizes that the afghan people deeply resent the foreign occupiers who have been there for more than a decade and so in order to have any credibility especially post two thousand and fourteen the karzai government and his followers must show at least some degree of nationalist credentials in other words some independence from the occupiers to whom they owe their survival so he's on the horns of a dilemma he cannot really escape i think this allegation against the foreign n.g.o.s for not paying their taxes which is probably true is his attempt to solve his own or save his own reputation for those who deeply resent the foreign occupation the fact of the matter is the occupation of afghanistan like almost all foreign occupation is riddled with corruption by the occupiers and by the elites
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who are the recipient of their assistance and does the karzai government really represent the afghan people does it represent working families does it represent the poor farmers i would say absolutely not there's no indication of that whatsoever to the extent that the karzai government is demanding from foreign forces or independent domestic forces any sort of revenue you can you can believe you can guess for sure i would say that much of that money will be treated as loot something that will be the private premise for those who are in power the elite themselves. coming up next it is martin's breaking the set in a couple of months. in japan the average height for men is one hundred eighty two centimeters in ten centimeters shorter because of that some employers refused to hire me one of them
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even told me directly that i was too short to deal with the clients computers already spent three months in this hospital and plans to stay for another four to add the coveted seven santa majors to his stature invented by the famed soviet author of beauty is good for you is our of in the nineteen fifties these frames were initially used to treat fractures in deformities by cutting bones and slowly pulling them up or therefore stimulating tissue regeneration it was out of was able to reshape arms and legs and people who thought they were crippled for life be sent to the other patients bones and in many cases their shattered lives with the main goal when professing result of design says first brain using bicycle parts sixty years later says invention is increasingly being used to help people who are eager to fracture their legs to become a few centimeters taller than the ultimate goal is still the same fixing somebody is live both literally and figuratively about
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a third of patients admitted to the was out of center now days seeking surgery focus medical reasons most of them a man and most are not what you would call vertically challenged professor novick of who operated on many of them says it usually comes down to a man's pride some of the first patient to turn to us with a leg like the me and quest to meet his fifteen centimeters to still want a surgery because his partner was too than him we like to say that we need to break their legs in order to fix their head maybe nothing wrong with them for all for peace. point of view but there is something psychological that prevents them from living their lives fully being happy and we fix it like lengthening surgeries a band in many countries and even when i go out there prohibitively expensive in russia the entire course costs eleven thousand dollars about one tenth of the similar package in the united states financial considerations were one of the reasons they brought this washington state native to western siberia yet his main
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motive for the surgery had to do with how he fared in the auditors in america advertises one seventy five i was one sixty seven or one sixty a console one eight centimeters would have brought me right to average if i just wanted to be average for women height isn't so important you know i think girl can be sure it's not a big deal like your guy is like expected to be taller just before the operation most this matter a russian girl who found he's a regional hide quite endearing yet he still want to have had the surgery adding seven more centimeters to he self-confidence she told me the whole time you're crazy you're normal you're perfect. for an hour so i call you so what a compliment for somebody who's used to falling short of his own expectations.
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to live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous i'd like i got so many i mean i have my hands at the town i believe that i'm setting the scene really messed up. in the old story so personally apologize if. the worst you were going through the white house or the. radio guy and four minutes from me. i want you to watch what we're about to give you never seen anything like this i'm told. by. the top guys and having learned from today i want to talk to you about one of my biggest pet peeves speed cameras and it's not just because these cameras are becoming so frequent that there
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are almost no where you can go without being watched tracked our data mine is because of instances of drivers getting duped into pin money that they don't know take for example one maryland driver just received a phone ticket for speeding one problem here the driver was stopped at a red light he was even driving at the time this picture was taken about this a virginia woman who was fighting nine tickets from the same speed camera and for each one she received a notice to take it find a double without ever receiving the original ticket so perhaps these are mistakes we have to wonder especially when you know that in washington d.c. traffic cameras generated eighty four point nine million dollars in fines for the past year in fact a single camera was responsible for six point two million dollars of that total so are these cameras really at all i'm sure in safety or is it just about making money i'll let you be the judge of that.


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