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tv   [untitled]    December 31, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm EST

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i missed that word is we're having the debate we have our knives out. to do is to try to the back fake mares again we're in a situation where b. and i disagree to talk about the name of which. something. lies beneath. thousands of meters of the ice country rock. the lab. that is aloof for men. but dangerous even to those who keep it at a distance. wealthy
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british style. markets why not come to find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our. if. would be soon which brightened a few songs from finest impressions.
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from stunts on t.v. don't come. hello again and welcome back to our team is kevin i went out and this here take you up of course to midnight we've got what twenty eight minutes to go no until we have president putin speak we hear the bells. and we have the national anthem of course looking forward to that and the fireworks tonight we're taking you around the world
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i had a new year's will be with you for a couple of hours actually and we want to know what you think were the biggest events of twenty two hours to join the conversation at the hash tag r.t. recalls and let us know what you think we should be talking about here tonight for our special coverage someone who's got a lot lined up to talk about is rory solution we have a lot to talk about i think guys i always have a lot to talk about you know and certainly two thousand and twelve is no exception when it comes to hot mike moments talk about episodes of open mouth insert foot how many guys and girls said the wrong thing don't look at us i am looking at you because i've heard your hot light moment in fact later in our program today tonight we'll be running our r t blooper file i hear you guys are in it anyway details on that later named and shamed my dear colleagues named and shamed so let's let's talk about what might moment for example we know that england hosted the twenty twelve olympics this year however during the bid for for the olympics of course naturally
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england through its name in the hat is jacques chirac the former french president he said what is england done for the world the only thing england's done for the world is bring mad cow disease and then he said chirac said you could never trust a country that has such awful cuisine now come on kevin is english food really that bad. yorkshire roast beef you can't moan about that fish and chips what's wrong with what's wrong with that you know you know i like to see really that the new testament on my christmas pudding phenomenon how do you do stuff yourself as a christmas dinner and then you stuff yourselves some more you leave a bit of a tomato. at its worst you leave a little coin in it that's great you mustn't small of the coin but with all the brandy and all the brandy you poor going christmas put well you know how that goes but look at these people some people in thailand cook with peru so if you think english food is really that bad then i beg to differ i'm moving on guys two thousand and twelve hot mike moment here we know jesse jackson jesse jackson is a reference he's a man of the cloth he's supposed to be friends with barack obama but when he was
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doing an interview program a new show one morning to talk about barack obama the reverend jesse jackson was caught with a hot mike saying to the man next to him i want to cut off obama's nuts for talking down to black people in fact we can listen to that sound bite right now if we can cue it jesse jackson right here. anyway whatever the case whatever the case when barack obama did end up winning his reelection jesse jackson was in the crowd with tears streaming down his face tears of joy perhaps or the vivid image of a capitol hill castration it's a good lesson though isn't it when the ada studio if you're anywhere near a camera a microphone you're never alone with a microphone guys you've got sarah ferguson the line i'll leave you to it i'll see
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you a bit later ok very thanks for that. well as twenty twelve draws to a close then we can look at the events that shaped julia's son spent a year under house arrest the other holed up in ecuador's embassy in london but he still managed to produce a t.v. series for us talking to the key newsmakers shown by the mainstream media that's right the wiki leaks supreme oh may not have seen much daylight in two thousand and twelve but his unique interview show got the world talking with its controversial gas list our correspondent in london therof earth has been following his ups and downs throughout the years he joins us looking lovely this evening this new year evening live from london take us through what it was for you first of all covering it i would call it immediate i mean it doesn't say there were so much going on around us tons this year from his embassy bid on r.t. take us through it. well it's been such a turbulent years ahead that guy so great to be joining you counting down the final
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moments thirty thousand and twelve a year would be years the chill in the sun just been very very turbulent as i said and thing i have right in the center of that story we've really had a front seat view of everything that's been going on we had him at the beginning of the year fighting that extradition to sweden we saw his the pill rejected we then saw that dramatic twist in the trial when he went into the i could do it embassy seeking asylum and of course when that all happened there was such a media scrum if you were ever there when a story like that is breaking you really have to sort of fight your corner for that but of course r.t. you already have a little bit of a ski because we've been learning julian assange says he'd actually had the interview with the ecuadorian president so there was a lot of the story so. you spend most the last few months come every day or two of the longest serving you know news stations come turn every bit a bit of a joke amongst all the other journalists is now at the forefront of it you got to speak to him while he was in the ecuadorian embassy to say you took
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a note through tell us a bit more about. i did you know you could see looking for in. him a night and went off and knocked on the door and the two in their very calmly let me and say that go to all the cameras and everyone going up to the front doors well everyone wanting to know what was in my notebook turn. softer volume of the original i do remember. what i mean but it was such an insight is when we actually did meet in the songs to see just to sort of condition susan you know you get getting a look of the inside with the man himself and that was really fascinating if you can imagine and i just briefly sara take us through some of the responses to a show on our to you reported on that as well not. i would say mixed reaction it's fair to say we got from from the press about it on both sides. absolutely he's going to very strange relationship with the media very very closely with the
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certainly the british media we've seen a lot of the television quite viciously especially during the course of this year with all these. events happening surrounding julian assange a lot of people would put that down payment simply to jealousy you know they're saying that the soldiers wiki leaks has done this sort of revelations that we've seen from that the iraq and afghanistan war logs that he's revealed you know a lot of you say wiki leaks in jail is like that more in a year old media organizations have done decades a lot of people put that down to jealousy i mean as he said the revelations that wiki leaks had certainly absolutely astounding and i think julian assange says are certainly very keen always to bring it back to the story he feels that that's the important bit and this is the media circus surrounding can sometimes detract a little bit from the search for you in with a so we can shoot little bit later speaking in the new year and great to work with you as well but some of that has been a pleasure thank you very much and actually. we're looking forward to any other
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saying to you know what we're talking about getting involved yourself because we want to know what your favorite story was want to say hello to suppress should marilyn he's. also a son show definitely something big is a twenty twelve support love to you all thank you for coming in a lot of the tweets that we're getting you know about their son so it really seems to be one of the big events of two thousand and twelve both for him and for our two you of course but whatever happens in the world this year there's often a u.s. connection in there somewhere we have out for signs of small but one move on of course the elections tremendous news this year in the you ask the rest of the world has a keen eye on what and who what is happening in the u.s. who is happening in the u.s. and of course our who can she joins us live from you as. a role she's here again going to your colonel loads. funny to see you in the daylight the really cool should still be approaching midnight here you've got all this to come i suppose to
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be partying tonight with i know but president obama starts his new term doesn't it not really in the bush to four with the bush popularity. you know there were cheers of relief here when he won i would say because the alternative was thought to be so much worse many voted out of fear that romney could win for them he was another george w. bush so whether americans have fallen out of love with obama the two thousand and eight euphoria was gone that's for sure back then there were these crowds you know in the streets all across the country shedding tears of joy so bad in their view where the eight years of bush presidency obama was greeted as the savior and then he went and saved the banks saved the auto industry something he took a special pride in during the election campaign but across the country millions of people remained out of work and are still out of work so this time president obama ran under the banner it could have been so much worse as you imagine it was not
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a banner for national euphoria it was more like you have no choice but to choose me kind of better it's so interesting they are talking about choice i just flew in from new york today and my first kind of question i was asking people when i got there was why is it this choice between the worst of the two evils and people basically say well we have no choice but that isn't quite the case is it. will yani says it was something that shocked me while i was covering the election here it was it was the second debate between obama and romney i'm sure you remember you remember that at the presidential nominee from the green party joel stein was arrested right outside the venue where the debate was taking place she was protesting for exclusion from the debate and nobody like no news channel kiran mentioned her arrest none and i was switching channels for hours to see if anything was. said about that and it was nothing i can imagine what the reaction would be
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here in the states if a presidential candidate is the other big country was arrested in the media there wouldn't even mention it but apparently it happens in the us no big deal presidential candidates get arrested all the time right well there was some irony in that yes anyway during the election campaign the mainstream media had been focused on nothing else and no one else but these two candidates and we are t.v. as you remember of course saw the is saw an opportunity to control what others don't and we hosted the debate with alternative candidates including the candidate from that we party who was arrested that they debate that was very interesting and they are they were talking about things that you don't hear much about on t.v. here among other things the clashes in turkey where we have sort of parted we're heading towards the president's speech the fireworks cut you off for a change but this terms only joking term circuits what are people who watch you see she's going to hate me for that looking forward to in twenty thirty more sort of
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wish list ten seconds. while i get it that's a bit of a tricky question people are always expecting better things i don't know what's on their wish not so perfect thing and then they go and do something else they think they want peace and they always say was playing of this tour of duty i think this year i think really makes sense whatever you say always makes sense. in washington d.c. the correspondent here right ok it's nearly celebration time here of moscow please don't go anywhere hope you can stay with us with more from maury solution some of those fringe headlines that the media curiously taking over so well after the break because many things. in japan the average height for men is one hundred eighty two centimeters ten centimeters shorter because of that some employers refused to hire me one of them even told me directly that i was too short to deal with the client's computers
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already spent three months in this hospital and plans to stay for another four to add the coveted seven santa majors to his stature invented by the famed soviet author p.d. is good for you is there a friend in nine hundred fifty s. these frames were initially used to treat fractures in deformities by cutting bones and slowly pulling them up or therefore stimulating tissue regeneration it was sort of was able to receive arms and legs and people who thought they were crippled for life piecing together patients shattered bones and in many cases their shattered lives with the goal when professor of design his first frame using bicycle parts sixty years later as his invention is increasingly being used to help people what eager to fracture their legs to become a few centimeters taller than the ultimate goal is still the same fixing somebodies lives both literally and figuratively about a third of patients admitted she was out of center now days seeking series three
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focused medical reasons most of them a man and most are not what you would call vertically challenged professor novick of who operated on many of them says it usually comes down to a man's pride some of the first patient to turn to us with a leg like the me and quest to meet his fifteen centimeters to be still want to surgery because panos tool than him like to say that we need to break their legs in order to fix this it may be nothing wrong with them from an orthopedic point of view but there is something psychological that prevents them from living their lives fully being happy and we fix it like lengthening surgeries abound in many countries and even the out there prohibitively expensive in russia the entire course costs eleven thousand dollars about one tenth of the similar package in the united states. financial considerations for one of the reasons that brought this washington state native to western siberia main motive for the surgery had to do
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with how he fared in the auditors in america advertised as one seventy five i was one sixty seven or one sixty eight in so eight centimeters would have brought me right to average users what is the average for women height isn't so important you know i think girl can be short and it's not a big deal why do your guy is like expected to be taller just before the operation most this matter a russian girl who found he's a regional hide quite in dealing yet he still want to have a day surgery adding seven more centimeters to the self-confidence she told me the whole time you're crazy you're normal you're perfect. so now or so they call you so what a compliment for somebody who's used to falling short of his own expectations. why
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from moscow you're watching our special new year's coverage with me and he said now and kevin no one of course we are now in the home straight to twenty thirteen here in moscow thank you for sharing it with us that means a lot in our brand new studio small talk and what you're seeing that the minute the champagne exe ready in the newsroom roll out a little tiny tiny topola this time here will be help them with that of course in a few minutes before that though we're going to hear from president putin in the traditional new year message from the russian leader just before midnight well first we want to have a bit of fun here on r t it is new year's after all and who better to have fun with that breweries through sharing his very over research a joining us like what you got you know what i learned you're going to be a clown in the news you're going to tell us a little bit about some of the headlines this year. that we could perhaps have a little while i can because i know you guys are talking about champagne a second ago i've just buried a bowl full of my champagne out in the snow because you may see snow on the screens
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but if it is the snowing outside as well you know we're close is involved it's perfect answer is a hen night here if it's not too much i won't remember where i buried it so we're in a bit of trouble there let's have a go until you have lived in the ground anyway we digress you. might moments of two thousand and twelve there are a lot of people who just really how to open their mouth and insert foot we've talked about the reverend jesse jackson we've talked about that he's just bizarre anyway joe biden though joe biden hear you out because i'm not sure i'm a gentleman look at them look at the moves on him you know i don't know i don't know if he's a if he's a this guy but he you know he looks like a president vice presidential guy joe biden and whatever the case joe biden he's known for his big about big mouth he's known for his even bigger teeth when obama recently passed his major health care act at the podium biden gave him a hug and as he hugged him he said in a negative way he said this is a big deal guys run run the grab so we can hear what he had to say mr joe biden
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vice president. the president the united states of america barack obama. thank you everybody. not only not only was heard by barack obama but it was heard by everyone on stage even people started tweeting about it saying that you are mr joe biden you're absolutely right in the you know that guy's story or is it just me or has a bronco obama in some way been involved in almost all of the open mikes whether he's talking to someone or being talked about or it's his vice president he's you know involved in a lot of action i actually barack obama is pretty good i think i think he does work with the whole you never alone with myself i get bored in them but people does get caught in the wrong zones certainly there's talk about a guy getting caught the wrongs are not just afghanistan but well deep under the covers with one of his colleagues who wrote his autobiography general david petraeus you know the top guy there the former cia director the head of everything
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in afghanistan let's have a look at this just. to follow i mean it's a lot to follow and it's just you know i feel dirty just looking at this it's all good here we have general david petraeus he's the lady paula broadwell who was writing his or her bio his biography the book by the way called all in reading about as you will this lady here was also speaking with betray us he was also sending rude e-mails to her telling her to back off this guy was sending e-mails to her as well she was liking him and around and around and around we go i'm ready for some i've actually seen it work today because you came through in troops and drabs in a series of a week. but you know you are things that a general would know better than to let his prize and playoff spot i don't know i honestly well i mean it's just astonishing and i suppose maybe it shows you know what what are these guys really doing you know that all of this i mean they fly around in a force one you have their own private jets and mile high club god knows what they're popping the bottles having far too much fun and god bless america the
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taxpayers. as well but you know listen i'll tell you what we did have a bit of a bit of a scandal of course let's talk about the british royal family middleton. lack of bikini talk about trying to ignore the argument is she was in private territory that sharks are the good of your previous signs were last year for you brits how come it's ok for harry to have all of these kind of pictures taken of him at public parties kind of doing well i'll tell you why i think you why your private haunts a man thinking he was smaller yeah he's a soldier and i think he should be forgiven i think we should forgive harry for letting his head down and his trousers and his underpants he's a young guy in a war zone he needs this kind of release and you know what we need this kind of entertainment but you know what what was middleton what was kate trying to make the breast of a bad situation i just i just don't know if you know she said i'm sorry we certainly had some mysterious stories coming through over two thousand and twelve i really
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don't know if we have time for because of the moment we are we're waiting for the president we have time for one more time while they are all good old harry put it on there you know i mean they're going about i wish i had a bottle of champagne before seeing all this make is that some pretty hairy stuff listen we had a plane we had a plane that went missing in june of this year over year olds no one's ever been found and we need a story this was an it was a bizarre story a bizarre story the thing is though according to a policeman the guys on this plane before they took off were drinking vodka had a bit too much at eleven o'clock they went flying and they've disappeared and now people are saying because in the urals they've seen flashing lights you are photos the yeti allegedly as well and people are saying it's crazy what's up any of these people for months now if you're we've got to leave it there are think we're heading towards the presidential speech very shortly well well we aren't we are we've got time for one little bit more of course two thousand and twelve was the end of the world according to many people talked about on planet x.
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this planet need be a root. basically coming coming through our solar system we're going to speak to you in the galley out of your mind no i can see your back from here can you bring up the pictures for this story please may put the champagne down. you're going to auction off the only one who's worth having minutes to go. anyway well this is the picture the last plane in planet be replanted allegedly this planet is coming now the bizarre the bizarre thing is you've got google earth to show you everything on earth you've got google space by the way this is google space and you know what this is the only part of google space that is blocked out and this is allegedly where planet x. is located blocking it out and has blocked out it's. going to leave and saying so is maybe not the end of the world yet perhaps it's coming you two or three billion extra going about the end we have just about five minutes until mosque out here in western russia of marks of course the biggest
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holiday of the year it's usually known to wind down with a speech from the president he'll address the nation but as we're waiting for that to begin we have course have been asking you to join the conversation with us here on r t what you think the biggest event. of the twenty twelve has been and i just want to take a. road it wiki leaks founder julian assange embassy speech in london was a highlight for the push to be a bummer administration spending time and money to make sure we could be jailed indefinitely without due process you get a few that i have one which i thought was interesting i brought it up in my report which you can see probably throughout tomorrow here on r.t. which would be new year's day of course. which is about the fact that the european union won the nobel peace prize and then of course we heard from sarah we heard from peter millions of people out on the streets how much peace can you really have
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to have a final thought we love you new age the studio thank you jack snatched away with worry for well ok this is the time when the everyone in russia the world as well russians governor on the television ready to listen to what president putin has to say and well hand you over to the kremlin now. these are sounds of course of the kremlin the heart of moscow the heart of a new year's celebration and a minute we'll hear that found we get three farms as one of the first. few years of us by the way what with.
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your friends we are saying goodbye to twenty twelve as it is about to become history this was an important year for our country is going to public and i would like to sincerely thank all of you for your efforts your work and achievements your trust and support. when you're in these moments we are particularly aware of the fleeting of time of how quickly our children are growing up and how much we value our families and friends and how much we love them. at this time each of us
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recollect the events and counters and words that have been most important. we all hope that new year's eve will bring us good luck and a bit of a miracle which they say the new year sometimes brings. but ultimately and above all we rely on our own strength and on the people near us on what we ourselves can achieve in our work our studies and our creative endeavors. on how we can improve life around us and improve ourselves and what so let's be more responsive and kind hearted shipping more generous and caring toward loved ones our children our parents. our friends and colleagues and everyone who needs our support the ship as we face the future we naturally hope for positive joyful changes. in our personal plans are inseparable from russia i think from our heartfelt noble
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feelings towards our homeland his development and further advancement of its thousand year long history fully depend on our joint efforts and energy our unity and responsibility our aspiration to do as much good as possible it after all only together can we the people of russia move confidently forward it was cope with all challenges and resolve the most difficult problems story and build a powerful successful nation and a modern prosperous and free society that i give those dear friends only a few seconds remain before the start of the new year or so. well i wish you good health love and happiness let children be born and let all good ideas transpire into reality.


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