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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2013 9:00am-9:30am EST

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it's wealthy americans who put the belly up president obama signs the stopgap in the water to raise their taxes part of the deal to avoid plunging off the fiscal cliff. united states military marketing machine has its eyes on the asia pacific the transom meant its influence and make billions of dollars from its allies. that's why the church of england needs a pay for the left as its founding christian the out of touch by britain's population that calls to strip it centuries old powers.
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well newsom comment twenty four hours a day you're watching r t i'm carrie johnston. president obama is to sign the law increasing taxes on wealthy americans the deal was passed by congress after months of political bickering to avoid the fiscal cliff from the threat of a destructive recession is rushed through on tuesday night before the financial markets reopened after the new year holiday western twenty four hours after getting senate approval the move prevents deep spending cuts on middle class tax hikes which technically took effect at midnight on johnny the first the compromise increases taxes on household incomes over four hundred fifty thousand dollars and delays spending cuts for two months some economists see it as being all that little help to revive america. they really leave out to really big
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question that they will have to attack caught in the. one or two months time the number one priority will be the debt ceiling. the us gov the government already reached desailly of sixteen point three trillion us dollars and they are using the . tricks to get over to government u.s. government over for two months but in february they have nowhere to go they have to go back to the congress a request. that they're sealing the other one is the long term solution would be budget deficit the fiscal deficit is running to one trillion dollars a year because tax increases spending because the problem is only reduce the deficit by something like two hundred billion dollars it's way short the government the
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u.s. government have to cut the deficit to zero or actually to a surplus in order to pay off huge debt. one place america is likely to rake in a few more dollars next year is arms sales finances most likely to be the thing weapons in the asia pacific we have analysis on that to come later in the program. a new country taking charge of europe's revolving presidency is promising to secure economic stability that country's island one of the bailed out nations which succumbed early on to its debt crisis a financial analyst told me it may prove to be the task for doubling. one of the key challenges facing many countries in europe is of course the economic difficulties. is of course rigidly sticking to the austerity drive which the european union wants which it mandating arlan to do it's effectively running its
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budget policies in many different areas amount of money that it can be can spend to deal with the deficit but of course arlen's medicine that they're taking and partly suffering from but they're getting on with it isn't really vied for the rest of europe so if they're going to be dry before with the agenda in the european union for the next six months that's not the. economic problems but let me ask you this i mean this coming year twenty has come up with something called the european year of citizens to be highlight the rights people have because they're in the e.u. what do you make of that one of the key people should have is a via to elect their own government and for that to actually make a real difference but of course with the european union power has become too centralized amongst the into touche and in brussels and that just takes away power from ordinary citizens so the european union can tell us why it's that we have but of course we don't actually have the vite to make a real difference to the elections because far too many decisions now are made at
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the supranational level major decisions being made in brussels away from the citizens whether they be the citizens of britain or spain or greece for that matter ok but what you are going to be restored but were there any success stories in twenty twelve it must have been something when after all the countries predicted to have collapsed by now are still surviving. well course unemployment continues to go up and that's for the states within the euro zone that very alarming and their economic problems will not be resolved until of course it's recognized the you know the single currency is the government see these countries really need to have a backup powers away from brussels to all the different member states and of course britain should of course have its own referendum on their membership as well and have their own say but it needs to be recognised that the european union is of course failing economically so it still is still there it still exists but the price of people are paying is of course no economic growth and of course massively
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high unemployment which is now reaching alarming proportions for many different eurozone states the church of england has defined the u.k. and its laws for centuries but its privileges now appear to fire weights place among british society in the past decade the number of people who consider themselves christian has dropped by more than four million. reports on whether it's time for today's with just makes to get moving. one of the most religiously diverse nations in the world with one official state religion to some it's a paradox i think any institute any faith institution like the church of england is going to have some potential threats on the horizon and those threats on the horizon are basically around its relevance to communities in general other faiths are significantly growing in their not only population but the voice in a social and political level so it's really important to have
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a plurality of opinion rather than just focus on one institution as being reflective of the nation yet the national church has twenty six on the elected members in the house of lords the upper house of britain's parliament and it enjoys financial privileges courtesy of the u.k. taxpayer by the church's own admission the number of people coming through the doors of this and every other church in england has hogged over the past forty years the very same report even warns that in the longer term the established religion faces fading away to virtual envelopment twenty anglican churches just like this one being closed down for worship each year entrepreneurial property developers a snapping them up and converting them to luxury housing or even light clubs while the number of church goers in the u.k. continues to fall some one hundred thousand britons have converted to islam over
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the past decade three quarters of those white women as you know broaden my knowledge about islam and compared with christianity i must tell you i found a more logical you know it just resonates with me i like what the prince of wales but he wants to be if ever he becomes king he wants to be the leader of faith of all faiths that i think is a wonderful statement because certainly our society here in britain is very multi-core. very multi-faith so everybody should be included while other faiths enjoy popularity the church of england's recent rejection of women bishops and disapproval of gay marriage has reignited the age old debate on the separation of church and state people feel alienated if they're not part of that church and so few people are because only two percent go to church on a normal sunday so that's why we must i think make sure the church
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is disestablished and the twenty six bishops that vote in the house of lords the only country in the world to have a parliament where they have the right to do that should be extinguished britain now has one of the lowest rates of church attendance in europe there is a rule. in terms of religious opinions there is and that will grow and that future may actually become wider as time goes on and so i guess what we have today is is the church effectively being relevant to certain parts of this country despite centuries of tradition some question what will be left of the church of england in fifty years time oh the statistics are very clear very clear almost disappeared with something i think the twenty fifty figures are one hundred thousand people in the pews on an average sunday out of
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a population of sixty million that's miniscule but the privileges and political influence afforded to it are far from trivial and that's what's fuelling the calls of those who say that it's fairer to separate the church from the state party boy r t london. struggling farmers are tending to rooftop crops their land is often in the line of fire so i want to get creative with the report later. after the summer of love. generation. to see. good laboratory. to build a new. fortunately. mission
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to teach creation why it should care about. this is why you should. only. the motion would be so much brighter than. moon sun moon from science to the pressure. starts on t.v. dot com.
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it would r.t. more international news for you top u.s. makers are forecasting a significant rise in sales for the coming year after a pretty solid twenty twelve washington has been shifting its size towards asia looking to its allies who are neighboring both career and china were independent journalist james colbert says the u.s. is creating a pretext to make billions for mom sales which could backfire through geopolitical tensions. what we can see is really just a return to a very old imperial strategy of building up bogeymen in order to. create the sales to to combat those bogeyman so it's a very old strategy it was identified by need by president eisenhower in his farewell address in one thousand nine hundred sixty when he talked about the military industrial complex and we here we are half a century later with the exact same strategy at play and before it was the communists then there was the terrorist threat and now there's china and that
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threat so i think it creates a situation where the economics may be what's driving this in the pivot towards asia pacific but that in turn creates geopolitical realities so that for example china now sees all of these arms sales going to korea and taiwan and japan and some of the u.s. allies in the region and they respond with a military armaments of their own so it's a kind of self-perpetuating. prophecy that fulfills itself by the economics of the situations aging has its eye on what's happening with taiwan and the effort to retrofit the f. sixteen fleet of taiwan but also the japanese x. ray to expand radar for example that just recently has is being expanded and worked on i think has to be seen as a threat by china as well so i think definitely we're going to see an increase in tensions and that will probably create more situations like we saw in the past year with the same guy who are you in dispute between japan and china. where the asia
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pacific is likely to take a good share of the limelight in twenty thirty and they turn ati's cross-talk people of elle's experts explain why. they marry problem that the united states sees with china is that its economy is too strong and that it's building up its military so these are two things that the united states prides itself on i j and military and a big economy right what the weather what a big economy in china reflects is number one a lot of hundreds of thousands of people being left out of poverty in. inside china but also means help for the united states because trade is obviously mutually beneficial and so trade in international borders being a little more open to trade this is a good thing for the united states and washington wants to paint it as a bad thing they're playing a very sort of great game geo politicking in asia and because china is having success they're moving to try and contain china so that means backing a lot of unscrupulous people in asia pacific surging military forces their naval
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forces there this is all very bad it's an interesting way of the united states turning something positive into something very terrible and it makes it easy for people to go china is our next greatest enemy. and that latest edition of crosstalk will be on there at around fifteen twenty five g.m.t. . israel is easing restrictions to allow building materials into gaza but the blockade still severely affects those who live there even farmers have had to leave their land in the buffer zones to grow food on rooftops instead and this pulis new reports the recent assault on gaza leave some fearing they may not see their next harvest this is not a lot of greenery in gaza at least not in the places you'd expect to find it like abu hafs times farm which since the israel gaza war four years ago has laid
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a barren and deserted. look to your grandma had a very nice plantation a lot of visitors came to see it all sue students from the farming school used to come and study at my place. who were nothing but rockets from israel raining down on one of the most densely populated spots on earth i will have needed to find another place where he could grow his crops to. from the simmons of meters on the roof. it's an idea that's taken root in farms along the gaza israel border where much of the agriculture has been repeatedly destroyed by the israeli army many farmers are unable to access the land because of the buffer zone that's one of at least
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a third of gaza's farmland your. today there is no space to have a forum in gaza it is very crowded everybody is building new houses. now used to be a plantation for oranges and lemons and if you look at it now you just see buildings. fall out of five people in gaza are dependent on food aid homegrown food projects like rooftop gardens help combat malnutrition and severe poverty by allowing farmers to sell their produce marry anyone can do it i work with my husband and my daughters till midnight is that half a lot of farming should be on the ground but we heard that we can plant in volcanic rock on our roofs so i tried it. farmers grow wheat barley and a variety of fruits and nuts on these rooftops they also raise rabbits and chickens showing how little ingenuity can go a long way ask anyone in israel and gaza whether they think the situation is stable
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and they'll tell you it's only a matter of time before the next israel gaza showdown there might be a cease fire in place between the two sides but no one believes it will hold least of all the gaza farmers who are always the first in the line of fire policy r.t. on the israel gaza border. over in the west bank dozens of palestinians have been wounded after they rounded on israeli troops who were disguised as vegetable sellers during a botched mission to capture suspected militants the details on our website. and also online today has the vatican lost its faith in trusting its star of workers are given swipe cards to track their moves around. passing leaks. released. more news today violence is once again flared up
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please . more of the world's news now for you this hour to syria first where activists report that up to seventy people have been killed and many others injured in an airstrike which with a gas station with damascus suburbs earlier in the day rebels attacked a military air force in the country's north west major aleppo damascus highway firing machine guns and mortars and helicopters the violence is despite a stark warning from the top international peace envoy to syria the country faces held talks. motorcycle bomb has gone off near
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a crowded parking pakistan's southern city of karachi killing at least four people and wounding dozens of others police say the explosion occurred when a political rally of the city's dominant party passed by no one has yet admitted carrying out the attack. hundreds of women protesters in india have marched in silence in the capital to mourn the twenty three year old female victim of a brutal gang rape on a bus a student later died of her injuries igniting a fierce public response and growing calls for her attackers to be executed six men will be formally charged on thursday one of the suspects can't be jailed for murder if convicted because he's under eighteen. venezuelan president hugo chavez is in a state of consciousness after undergoing another cancer operation according to the vice president nicolas maduro stressed the readers condition remains delicate and
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rejected earlier rumors that chavez was in a coma in hospital in cuba when the president's third term inauguration is should yield for the tenth of january. it seems there is a price to pay for free love after all american health officials warn there's a silent epidemic stalking the baby boomers of the sixty's but in a culture never reports on the call in california to get checked for deadly hepatitis c. . california one the center of the hippie revolution a mounting pot of music drop outs actual freedom we did drugs that we didn't think about there was no thought process because everybody was doing for years dean made chill is a baby boomer born during the pos world war two years nineteen the forty six and nine to sixty five his generation now is paying for that lifestyle
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a life of things drugs and rock'n'roll all fueled by flower power and the summer of love they say few remember the sixty's you were entry very the baby boomers out of the sexual revolution may have lost some of their memories and they had the mists of time but there is one legacy of their past which is anything but harmless the centers for disease control has already named him patatas c s n and recognized health crisis according to their grannies ation current he won in thirty baby boomers are in fact it with the virus the silent killer it can lie dormant for decades that's what happened to dean mitchell's friend who died just two months after being diagnosed with the disease they're paying for the car consequences because there are now so. they have to get medication. and it's a disease that i understand can kill you but worst of all it's not just baby
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boomers who are interests many could have a knowing if you contract to the virus through blood transfusions the screening was only improved the aids crisis in the ninety's californians bay area has been the hardest hit with more people dying in theory than anywhere else in the country it is also a very costly problem for the bankruptcy state cost in billions of dollars the number of people. who are. very. poor and. more widespread than h i have to tide is kills around twelve thousand people in the u.s. after a year and with the baby boomers in the highest risk group the center for disease control has called for mass screening they say they could identify almost a million people now living with the disease and save many more lives but the
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question remains if the present generation will listen my question are actually reporting from las angeles california. many of us have gazed into the sky to wonder what it would be like to spend time in the stars well some have already spoke to space entrepreneur eric anderson about how private money spent on holiday in the heavens is helping science. based tourism honestly is not a great word for what these people do when they participate as private citizens going to the space station every single one of them who's flown with space adventures to the space station has had an in-depth scientific program whether it was material science or biological experiments or whatever it was they have participated they have paid their own way of course they have. used themselves as part of the scientific community that many of them have gone to space with less than perfect health and have been great examples of how for example laser surgery
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on your eyes as affected by space flight they all want to participate in this they are participating and the fact of the matter is quite honestly when private citizens go to the space station a lot more people hear about the space station than otherwise it's just one of those things that they captures the public's attention part of nasa is mission is to encourage to the maximum extent possible the commercial use of space and in fact showing that there is a market showing that there are people willing to do this and showing that you don't have to be a career military fighter pilot the right stuff kind of person that plays a huge role and i think that's exactly the sort of thing that ends up helping the space agencies of the world as well. where the full conversation with the space soldier and their accounts in his head eight hundred forty five g.m.t.
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before then we continue to look at those who prepare for the cosmic calamity that never was the mind of the pocalypse. i never thought i could earn a living this way. she tests small arms so there's a lot i was tomasz in building plant a lot of the talent of all the weapons she's fired over the past twelve years. i got so used to it sometimes my friends ask me to join them at the rifle range and i say no way i'm so tired of shooting. the. history goes from making far out of stewing world war two to ballistic missiles from nuclear submarines during the cold war the bulk of the soviet industry was moved here in the 1940's to flee the
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advancing germans so is here also became the heart of soviet military production closed off to foreigners for half a century it thrived on the massive moods of the soviet military when the u.s.s.r. collapsed and life here was shaken to the core but some adapted to better than others. this is the fuel truck factory russia's number one truck maker for girls a look at how well the workplace is organized everything's gone to make sure the work is done time waiting there was so production is booming the factory has largely managed to get on to civil rails these giants are sold around the globe here but it's a brand new be the way to be delivered to acquire seventy trucks like this one roll up the bronx conveyor belt every day look about this things that absolutely huge. well i'm no formula one pilot but hopefully if i can get that. well i can go
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for a test drive. well that was fun to get one of these to travel to work every morning let the cost of about forty thousand dollars i should start saving money. it's a job but it's also a religious vocation that's pushing her to constantly find new ways of developing our business. today she visited this cave in the denver area. it's a more than three kilometer deep maze disposes for sale and robin is thinking about buying it for the construction of more underground shelters if somebody was to light a fire someone in here.


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