tv [untitled] January 3, 2013 8:00am-8:30am EST
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the f.b.i. is accused of failing to warn american occupiers that there was a plot against their lives despite knowing about plans to assassinate u.s. citizen. france french. is now officially a russian citizen this after attacks around drove him out of his home country. british teachers say they feel the government is against them. to dramatically impact the education of future generations.
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a very warm welcome to you from all of us here. it's been revealed that the f.b.i. knew of a plot to assassinate occupy wall street activists but didn't alert them to the potential danger but it was instead spying on members of the movement branding them as criminals and domestic terrorists details on this now to our marina portnoy. well it's not clear yet why the f.b.i. would neglect to tell activists that there was a potential assassination plot surrounding them what we do know is that new documents obtained by the partnership for the civil justice find a us human human and civil rights advocacy organization have revealed that the u.s. the f.b.i. the department of homeland security the u.s. military and private corporations all cooperated together to monitor and
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investigate optic occupy wall street protesters as quote domestic terrorists and quote criminals now the more shocking revelation the headline of this story is that reportedly buried deep within the government. mentions of a plan to use snipers to assassinate occupy protesters and the movements leaders in various cities throughout the country these alleged plans were supposed to be taking place in the fall of two thousand and eleven now the names of the groups or individuals involved in the alleged plot are redacted from the f.b.i. documents but what critics say is clear is that the f.b.i. never learned any one of the potential any of the potential victims that their lives could possibly be in danger or that there's any threat surrounding them the partnership for civil justice fund received the f.b.i. documents on december twenty second so this is fairly new information and this was after they filed a request under the freedom of information after now many civil rights attorneys previously have accused the f.b.i.
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of functioning as a de facto intelligence arm for u.s. corporations during the occupy wall street movement and especially as it grew bigger however some critics say they never ever suspected that the f.b.i. would neglect to tell occupy protesters u.s. citizens about an assassination plot surrounding them. as mission is to protect and defend americans mila an independent journalist who was on the occupy protests so it's the only siding with the so-called one percent of society. this coronation between the f.b.i. the department of homeland security and corporations in the new york stock exchange really showed who they're serving it's it's not the government in this case is these corporations and the financial sector and it's certainly not the people the f.b.i. is really just targeting ordinary people going about their daily lives as potential terrorists and now people who are part participating in peaceful protests are also
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categorized as domestic terrorists so i think the f.b.i. is really picking and choosing who it categorizes as the type of civilians it wants to protect and at this point this really shows that that's you know as arky prime might say the one percent. what you not see and the french movie megastar shot at the pub do you as not being granted a russian citizenship and they actually decide to say to his home country i'm good with its attempt to ramp up taxes for the mega rich he's going to go to chicago explains what made him turn to russia. this is a russian passport and it seems that pretty soon as your own words here will have an exact same little book of course with a different name and a different picture now this is kind of shocking news for a lot of the public especially in russia but if you really delve into the story then it shouldn't come as a surprise. french citizenship and has moved to build year where he apparently
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has real estate at his disposal and therefore he's been granted residency in belgium all of this stems from this law all that long this trying to push through in france which will see french citizens who earn more than one million euros a year pay seventy five percent of their earnings to taxes. has issued an open letter saying that he has a french citizen has paid more than one hundred forty five million euros throughout his working life and he feels that that is actually enough and he's also enjoyed a longstanding friendship with the russian president and he did joke at one point that he is considering moving to russia or montenegro a lot of people have taken that remark quite life heartedly except for the russian president who said that it. is in need of such assistance that he is ready to sign the propre documents and it seems like he has actually signed these documents and we may be soon seen. as
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a frequent guest in russia as well as possibly in belgium. himself has said that he considers himself to be the citizen of the world. thanks for joining us here on our streets today the education of britain's future generation is being put at risk by a dramatic drop in morale among the nation's teachers they say the government to start feeling better and that the students are the ones paying the price. laura smith to find out what they believe has gone so terribly wrong. the national union of teachers the biggest teachers' union in the u.k. has commissioned a survey which says that morale among teachers has dropped dramatically they talked about the highs and lows of life in the classroom incredibly low morale but also frustrated at continual criticism and interference from the government they said and the figures are quite staggering actually fifty five percent of teachers said that morale was either very low and that's up from forty two percent just eight
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months ago so it's really on a declining trend seventy seven percent said that they didn't feel that specific education policies of the government so specialist schools free schools were taking education in the right direction in this country and just five percent felt that this current coalition government impact on the education system was positive and had more specific about what the teachers don't like about the government's policies here. well there are specifics that they don't like they don't like this continuing interference they say that every new government that comes in completely revamped the national curriculum and the education system from what it was before say that constantly on the back foot trying to get used to new systems there's a new test now where children aged just by are tested on phonics some children obviously fail that test and teaches a saying that if you fail a test age five it has a huge impact on your future development makes you feel like a failure from an incredibly young age they're also trying to change the exam
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system again introducing a thing called the back where just a few core subjects would be examined differently from other subjects and people who are in the arts and sports and all those subjects that you really liked when you were at school say that that you know children aren't going to take those subjects any more there certainly is you know teachers talk about how cuts in general have affected families and the students that they teach they say that families have poorer than they children have less access to technology at home they have parents you can't help them necessarily with their schoolwork and in fact i talked to christine loh who's the general secretary of the national union of teachers and she talked about that the general science what the government is doing wrong is its whole approach to austerity because one of the things that obvious to teachers is that great swathes of children and their families are having a very difficult time at the moment and if families lose benefit in london for
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example that's going to be a huge problem with housing benefit cuts the have to move schools and of course you know family income drops just to clean which it has and lots of places children are coming to school hungry they haven't had first they may not go and get a meal in the evening so in a general sense there are really quite big problems and the upshot of that is that seventy six percent of teachers surveyed said that austerity measures will have a negative impact on families who are british teachers will get nervous about reform yet they want changes now to improve the situation is what will make the difference at minimal cost to them. well cost is of course the issue they want few i'm slow reforms they say they want to be consulted morgan and they say that they don't feel trusted as professionals and that's of course has a huge impact on future generations of children and in fact the national union of teachers is not ruling out striking unions of course never ruled out striking christie good told me specifically that they don't rule it out. the government is
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attacking pay and conditions and in fact just before christmas michael gave the education secretary was reported in newspapers having put the department of education on a war footing with teachers which is not going to help going forward. or smith right that now the french capital suffers a string of robberies i guess a bit later we report on how jewelry shop owners are raising the alarm blaming the break ins on tough economic times. plus a jerusalem neighborhood beyond israel's separation barrier but what my first like and abandon district and more after this short. visit sigrid laboratory was to build its most sophisticated robot which on fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach creation why it should care about
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thanks for joining us here on. the dip in the euro zone's fortunes have led to a startling. robberies and frons golding jewelry shops of the main targets and the people working in them and getting more nervous day by day this report. until a month ago this was one of many jewelry shops on a quiet street in central paris after a gruesome attack by andro because it never reopened for business having kept robbers out of his store a fifty two year old metal worker tried to chase them down into the street into the parking lot where they're most of. the criminals turned around and fired a shot at him he died right in the middle of the street in broad daylight the murder shocked france with the country's interior ministry fearing it would not be the last incident of its kind. we must not regard these attacks as
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these individuals are well trained and they can and will use force and weapons against the employees of jewelry stores. since france plunged into financial crisis armed robberies have become ever more frequent criminals not only attack stores but they also strip people of their jewelry in the street in some instances they've gone as far as digging graves to steal golden teeth from corpses to sell at jewelry stores private jewelry say they are scared to do their job now. we had an attack on our store last year and recently a woman working in a neighboring grocery store was taken hostage in the robbers thought she worked for us and we had to install a special armored door and cameras but we still feel like we're in a war zone. diamond rings and gems are a hit with the robbers but it's gold which is the biggest draw it's easy to explain say experts in the midst of the eurozone crisis the price is going up all the time . twelve years of continuous rise of the price of
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gold it is small so when you fall for he's not so difficult because it's something you could put in your pocket. for people. who. shops this is one of the consequence negative consequence of a. lot of product increase price despite so much gold legal and stolen openly on sale experts say this is seriously damaging the market private buyers are springing up and buying the precious metal at an unregulated price the police created a special unit to deal with there but the problem may only fade away when the financial turmoil does. alexi russia of ski r.t. reporting from paris part quarter past the hour moscow time the american president
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president obama has signed the fiscal cliff bill into law preventing the u.s. economy from sliding back into recession now the deal removed the most urgent threat it would only delayed the toughest decisions of the law rushed through by the congress prevented deep spending cuts earned income tax hikes which technically took effect at midnight on january the first income tax will only rise for the wealthy but almost all americans will still end up paying more in federal tax law makers postpone decisions on the deficit and the debt ceiling for two months praising themselves for saving the economy from going over the fiscal cliff but some economists think there's little for them to actually be happy about. congress took the u.s. government the u.s. economy hostage and they let their hostage go about an hour several hours after the hostage deadline and they now would like to be congratulated for letting their hostages go however since they took the hostages it's hard to be excited and
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addition to which this has reputational damage the united states as well as really damage the united states because all the uncertainty it all the negativity over the last really ten months almost as this dragged out and this deal violated all the basic promises to both basic constituencies so nobody wanted to be responsible for a deal and everybody was much more interested in grandstanding and talking ideological purity than solving the nation's problems it was an expiry of the tax cuts why aren't we hearing much about it because they're focusing on the few successes some real some imagined and that is not an area of success and it highlights that when the republican party says no new taxes at all they mean new taxes and including new taxes for people who can afford it and the democratic party says people who can afford it and winning under two hundred fifty thousand they mean no new taxes except for the new taxes that you now have which are thirteen hundred dollars more probably on average per year so nobody really wants to talk about the face plan that they executed here they want to talk about half twist on their way down that they did not how they landed on their face not their feet. and
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drawing attention to themselves yet again one french magazine publishers of comic book bargain free of the prophet muhammad mocking islamize founder coming months after a blasphemous amateur film sparked violence from muslims all around the world many details on that website. and the echoes of tragedy a six year old american elementary school student has been suspended after he formed a gun with his hands pointed at a fellow student and said. there's been a fresh wave of protests in bahrain to mark two thousand and thirteen with unrest now just over a month away from hitting the two year mark seven arrests have already been reported with police again resorting to tear gas in their violent clampdown on public gatherings the opposition is demanding a transition to democracy and the resignation of the prime minister who's held this
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position for over forty years. that sunni want to keep recently jailed to police one for beating a protester to death in two thousand and eleven and cut sentences for several activists who took part in that year's uprisings human rights campaigners however say all political prisoners should be released and they claim your thirty's have no intention of carrying out reforms up to eighty people have been killed or thousands detained since february two thousand and eleven and activist asma darwish claims security forces from abroad are contributing to the violence by attacking unarmed so good. security forces who are working for the ministry of interior and russian are practicing a lot of buy in and want to boil nations to human rights when confronting when democracy protests in bahrain and practice took place in many different villages and areas around the train and all of them all of them go out and they will
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crack down and why did way the security. courses and behaving who are most to be a not by me and they are working and an end of innocence and the fear and if they were grouped from different countries foreign countries like pakistan and jordan and syria and yesterday in the village where i live and security it was tear gas excessively by security forces and i could see security forces running down the streets by my white house and shooting grand in the inside the houses it movement was completely peaceful but after witnessing it west that was during acquisition two or that's the situation in bahrain or there have been in bahrain it is unlike to what is what they are it claiming like they are encouraging human rights in different countries arab countries but when it comes to bahrain they use double standards so the protesters here inviting although they are those radical
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and protesters they are the minority and not the majority but they are using such methods to prevent violent security forces from entering their their and their religious and attacking on armed civilians and children like we witnessed and the big you have off of the four year old child being attacked by security forces with here gas canisters are now just turning up twenty minutes past the hour moscow time heavy fighting reported in syria's north where rebel fighters stormed a strategic base in the loop province then i'll even claim to have the capability of producing chemical weapons and threatening to use them and the u.n. meantime says more than sixty thousand people have been killed in the conflict some experts say the lack of dialogue will simply lead to even more deaths. if. a peace negotiation and peace initiative presented by brahimi last russia is not accepted
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by the opposition as it is at the moment the situation in syria will be escalating so the opposition is the party who is. refusing any negotiation with the government of position have a chemical weapons this is a very dangerous and waited very serious matter and i think they don't have a lot of the legal bounding limits to not to use this is a danger now is to be used and then blame the government for it to initiate some kind of international response against the syrian government this is a dangerous position and i think that this is what the syrian government have always been saying that these to undermine the syrian government and to to get some kind of international attention and international support specially from the nato and the powers of the west. or let's do it into the antiwar dot that we go
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some of the global headlines in brief we'll start with the u.s. drone strike killed a senior pakistani militant leader that of milan and his deputy commander and eight others died in the missile attack in the tribal regions bordering afghanistan and his followers had ties to the afghan taliban are accused of targeting the u.s. military in afghanistan on the same day a separate american airstrike to the north killed four other militants. in libya the acting head of the criminal investigations department has been kidnapped. was held up by unknown gunmen traffic lights in benghazi and then taken away at gunpoint radical islamists are believed to be behind the kidnapping benghazi has become a focal point for militant groups and has witnessed a string of attacks against police stations and military officers. five suspects have been formally charged with the gang rape and murder of an indian female
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student in new delhi a twenty three year old woman was brutally assaulted on a bus before being thrown off she died later in hospital from her injuries suspect is reported to be a juvenile the police have ordered a bone marrow test to confirm his age the violent attacks nationwide outrage and fuel debate about sex crimes in india where rape statistics. now they are cut off from israel and from the palestinians a neighborhood which is part of jerusalem but lies beyond israel separation barrier . is the only safe haven for many mixed families but its isolation means the people there have no one to rely upon but themselves so was he went to me. israelis cannot live in the west bank and most palestinians cannot live in israel which leaves those israelis and palestinians who want to share a home out in the cold. my husband this from have broken i'm from jerusalem i found
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work in jerusalem and used to live there with my children but without my husband because he is not allowed to live there he couldn't visit me even once at the end of each week i would go to have been to visit him but lived like that for four years well come to no man's land a neighborhood that is technically part of jerusalem but in reality it is on the palestinian side of the security wall that israel has built some two thousand mixed couples live here. the problem of coup for our car is that so many people are immigrating to the area because they have to so in four years we've had a growth of thirty five thousand people it's become more crowded than gaza. so here and so one came to live here six years ago with their three children but life in the village is far from ideal the schools are overcrowded garbage is collected only once a week and there's little fresh water so if one is old and sick and basic health
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services are hard to come by. my husband and my daughter don't have israeli i.d.'s and they can't participate or that we need special permission which is very difficult to get on the other hand i am to have my children have israeli id seven children have a lot of problems far curb is in north jerusalem eighty two percent of the land belongs to jerusalem eighteen percent to the west bank residents pay taxes to the israeli government but because the area lies outside the israeli wall israel is slow to provide services the municipality says that many of the people living in cloud cover are doing so illegally and so it's not obliged to provide them with services it also says that the security wall makes it more complicated to carry out the services and the state needs. to give it more money there have been small victories though residents took the municipality to court and one garbage collection at least for now should be more frequent this is them in a bubble and from the instability that they deal with us as an enemy and not ups in
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jerusalem so we have to can't that because we have a lot of rights we will be the taxes they be if anything and they're suffering from their phones and internet access are limited because palestinian companies are not allowed to install lines in a so-called israeli area and because the israeli police when come here law enforcement is scarce and the house among the more there are poorly because like this one the goal is to make them not part of jerusalem and to make them for under the jurisdiction of the palestinian authority and living in the middle of it all are couples and stuff when they merely want to be together but politics and division are making that more and more difficult every day police here r.t. jerusalem all right after a very quick break here in our city it will be lauren list are taken to task the whole analysis of the u.s. fiscal cliff and what exactly it means for the economy of two thousand and thirteen here it comes in just a second on nazi. more
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news today violence has once again flared up. these are the images called world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are all today. good afternoon welcome to capital account i'm lauren lyster here in washington d.c. these are your headlines for wednesday january second two thousand and thirteen happy new year two thousand and thirteen we're back let's reflect on some of the economic predictions that never came to be last year so our thinking can progress pragmatic capitalist colon roche is here to explain why some folks were wrong about inflation as an example and what the fed's overly optimistic past predictions mean for its future guidance and we have heard about it.
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the senate strikes a deal on the fiscal cliff but now before we the fish really fall off the cliff just two hundred such as. it is now the house where. you are dear smart viewers i'm sure already know about the deal congress reached then that it leaves lawmakers wrangling again in a couple months over the debt ceiling and this spending cuts that they delayed but when it comes to the reported six hundred billion dollars over ten years in new revenue this deal is said to raise never mind the deficit it creates what does that kind of money bob i anyway we have a reality check plus why is the government involved in keeping the price of milk low part of the fiscal cliff deal involved of burning what some have dubbed a dairy cliff will discuss and wall wrong cliffs we have five phrases we'd like to retire this year that's the loose change let's get to today's capital account.
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