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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2013 12:30am-1:00am EST

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the ice cave has captured the interest of many scientists and it's no wonder the cave is considered one of the most beautiful ice cabins in the world hello hello how are you well yes liv the scientists we've been waiting for have arrived this is a complex expedition they'll go into the cave to undertake detailed research let them all go but make sure they all register in the log book would you ok then i'm off to meet them and give instructions. the purpose of registration is to ensure that everyone makes it out of the cave safely today this group of scientists has some unusual work ahead of them perhaps they'll find a new grosso or come across a unique crystal. according to the scientist estimates the cave is ten to twelve thousand years old. it's the only cave in russia which is equipped with special
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pods for tourists. the researches wish for a geographical discovery. you must be very careful when climbing there so that you don't fall down it's slippery there's a lot of ice down there how big is the grotto pretty large it will be exciting for you was if we did not come back in an hour send someone to find us. the research is a getting ready to crew to reach the reserved area of the cave and that's off limits to ordinary tourists the entrance to the protected zone is basically a narrow hole so be very careful and cautious who will go first what you are closely. about fifty grottos have been found inside congo ice cave it's also famous for its seventy underground lakes. as a biologist. today he together with his assistant. checking out the caves flora and
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fauna their task is to set up some traps and they hope to catch a unique inhabitant of the water. temperature inside the cave varies from freezing to above zero. the further away from the entrance the warmer it gets from minus fifteen degrees celsius that's around five degrees fahrenheit to four degrees celsius or around thirty nine degrees fahrenheit wow look at i found yes yes. this is a winter. he's a frequent cave inhabited. look. i won't be surprised if. for the first time the scientists have the chance to explore the depths of the lakes. this one is called the lake of deception because the water appears to be moving here. what happens is that the rain water through
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the ice mountain and drip into the lakes in different places. movement. phenomenon interference. now we have to put out the bait. holds the trap and was used. over here they love this kind of sausage they would never. be very careful when putting it out so that we do not lose the trap that's it. it's one hundred twenty one metres long but because water dissolves it's gypsum arches the grottos appearance constantly changes regular measurements are needed here. we definitely need to measure the protruding parts of the plate the results will enable us to predict future growth of development so that we can then lay out the safest route for visitors. today geologists are measuring one of the most beautiful grottos
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the difference in temperature makes a peculiar at the bottom it's freezing on top it's above zero celsius because of this. in the grotto only mites reaching from the floor. husband and wife. first met while working at a mine together he specializes in landslides and other hazardous activities he is a mineral surveyor. as a geologist nicholai researches different rocks and looks into their formation and structure but his job also involves making laser measurements of caves. or notes down the results to measure the entire grotto they have to record two thousand different points with the help of special equipment if you got it yes well that's good. just so i mean the whoredom said we are now on top of the rock slide which
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formed when the roof collapsed over. these rocks will eventually be washed away by underground waters in the cave will cease to exist so this is very precious to us today so we will be. oh hello you know getting the lights where no one is ok i'll be there soon to change the boards. ok rangers are in charge of safety inside the cave every day long before the tourists arrive they have to check to see if they've been a collapse on the tourist trail to be sure that everything is fine with the lighting and the general condition of the roof so now everything is fixed the cave is rigorously checked on a daily basis after all one hundred thousand tourists on average visit the cave every year that's twice the population of congo order. loose rock has been scraped off with the help of this beacon i can observe the process of how the slabs moved
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down which you know to crack when such movement occurs now i have to strengthen the gypsum block here. a screw threaded anchor fastens the loose rock to a solid one behind. it's believed to be the safest method for the congo or ice cave . because it ensures that the fine of rock stays on the roof and doesn't fall into the tourist trap stop the cave has been open to tourists for more than one hundred years and it's not seen a single accident in all that time. when i came here as a student space and the way ice is formed i was struck by this energy power that ten years have passed and the case has become a part of my life because. difficult to get through here. we are almost there. meanwhile geophysicist your easter bunny costs.
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have reached the polar grosser. not only the most bizarre ice crystals but also a wife that's lasted for centuries it melts neither in winter nor in summer here one can appreciate the beauty of ice crystallization. scientists first began using geo radar to take measurements of the ice inside the cave and it turned out to be very effective. we have to crawl here. down to measure all the your regular unease of the ice formations. yuri and nikolai thought that if such a technique was being used to study ice in antarctica then why couldn't it be applied in a cave before that an ordinary fishing ice ax was used to measure the ice who takes a little time to measure a fairly large area with the help of this device scientists learned that in some
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places the ice is six meters thick. the state of the ice inside it depends on the range of temperatures created by natural ventilation when it's colder on the surface lower temperatures accumulate inside the cave forms there and freezes over there. in the process is controlled by the external environment in other words the cave acts as a kind of natural air conditioner. if we do these measurements every year we can understand how freezing and melting happen it would be ok and can even make conclusions about climate change. dispel your divers have never swum in the protected area of the cave before for the first time a team of underwater research is from the russian geographical society will dive into a barely explored part of congo's treasure trove. spill your divers are exploring
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the so-called arctic ocean a lake in a protected area of the cave. they found out that this underground lake is congo is biggest it's sixty meters long making or twice as big as the last one which we found on the tourist trail choice of the shit out of a person who has undergone an underwater spill yogic course can work literally anywhere. this includes as rescuers on sunken ships. this is the best training. this group has already studied more than a dozen underground lakes and not just in russia they research caves all around the world cave diving is one of the most dangerous of occupations divers are often unaware of what awaits them underwater but that thrill of discovery is also a stronger force. that there's there's a passage passage over there it's about fifty meters long hundred fifty
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centimeters tall it's very narrow stones are falling down thank god we found everything we wanted well down guys. the cave diver has just made his tenth day a graphical discovery it took him three years to prepare for a dive into this lake began to develop the necessary skills in the undead. because even the sea. slightest mistake could cost them their lives. over. and over and over. clinton.
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just like you know old times trade booms during the traditional russian holiday of
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shrove tide which bids farewell to winter pancakes and souvenirs sent out fast. this is because the city of congo is full of talented artists ceramicist and stone covers since the seventeenth century when congo was found it has been a major trading hub. back in the sixteenth century the conqueror of siberia yet much marched here with his own they ended up losing their way so the caustic chieftain decided to set up here before heading to siberia he established a settlement of the ice mountain houses were built for his men so they could survive the winter and during that time they discovered a cane under the nose of the next troops and used it as a natural refrigerator. the newly found cave attracted many
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tempting them with its mysterious tales peter the great in self ordered a map of the cave to be drawn the task was fulfilled in the eighteenth century it was the world's first map of underground gotos in the late nineteenth century congo natives alexander litvinenko was the first person to conduct guided tours using them and despite its beauty the cave had many dangers for them didn't scan the german princess victoria and battenburg and her daughter louise some time later louise married a prince and became the queen of sweden and said that this is what she wished for on the singing stone. the map of the cave is constantly being updated nine hundred sixty four saw the first cave planned with photographs but science has made great leaps forward since then nikolai punch a cough is developing a three d. model of the underground labyrinth he enters survey data from the tower grosso into
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a special program the three d. model makes it possible to clarify the relative positions of the caves and to establish their maximum size analysis of the measurements helps determine whether a collapse is likely to happen and that's important not only for the cave but also for the city. we should study the course if occasion occurring in congo or cave it has created such an amazing natural phenomenon that it has become a tourist attraction the course of a cation happening in congo means a lot of money is needed to relocate people to safe places and to build houses on stable earth. according to scientific research two thirds of the city's depressions due to cast a fixation the cracks on this building have been growing for several years now the apartment block is supported by a special construction of iron girders they prevent the walls and ceilings from collapsing cracks are a sign of cost of education taking place underneath. her common pleas. but there's
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a large crack here where water leaks in it causes rocks and destruction but what's a wall in the kitchen is wobbling bugs or mice and hamsters attack us from under the floor they knock the floor and run all over here inside the rooms the walls have been ruined by the damp wall paper simply peels off and there's also a big hole behind this crib. but this was the reason water pipes here. when temperatures drop so it simply freezes through and through here we have stowed minds speak. there is another crack on this side as well then we first punched in up and then put up and he can hear the things me going has already cracked us was it that. when this apartment block was constructed a cast lake was filling up below the land under the building began to subside as if
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it was sinking into a bottomless chasm tenants were evacuated and scientists were brought in to study the situation. this house is located in the city center problem was that cracks appeared because a cavity formed under the house here to resolve the issue scientists were signed to deal with it they researched it for two years their results became the basis for the new general plan of the city now every building is constructed based on the scientists recommendations which. surprisingly all seven of the cathedrals in the city stand firm despite the fact that they were built long before people knew about cost. in fact the city's merchant history has been largely preserved thanks to cost of occasion is prohibited from building high rise buildings in the old city in case cast caverns cause another collapse. is
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that very cabin which is so convenient for scientists to study. to get from one grotto to another one has to cruel sometimes upside down meter by meter after growth or an experienced spell just leads the group you know you have to crawl sideways thrusting your legs against the wall there will be a lake under your feet three meters please be very careful so that you do not fall down or drop any equipment. feels at home in the protected area even when the lights are off she sees every little change immediately protected area was found by accident in one thousand nine hundred thirty five there was an expedition during which a worker found a hole which revealed tunnels and grottoes stretching for three and a half kilometers along with many lakes these are so-called organ pipes vertical
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channels that connect caverns with the surface their height can be up to twenty two meters as tall as a seven story building the research is in this. huge pieces of loose gypsum hanging from the ceiling weighing at least five turns the first explorers were so amazed by the beauty of the new cave that they chose to preserve it just as it was. the gypsum crystals are rare in our cave this is one of the places where there are large enough hear of the most well known cave of this type is in mexico where they grow fourteen meters high. brow in our cave they are five centimeters but they're very beautiful. meanwhile punk off continues his research for centuries people have been interested not only in the caves but also in the things that live there. in the old days people believed that
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there was a mammoth like animal living in the cave feeding on the earth and that the underground kennedys appeared because of it but in reality the cave is home only to a very small and harmless inhabitants because the huge sea of perm used to be here . is just a matchstick in size. material that falls into the lake during floods it has no whys and is never found up on the surface it was named after the caves first custody and guy. lucky find for a nickel and all go. wow great. happy can't believe it yes of course they often die in traps because water gets spoiled they're wonderful to have. and now we have to register it.
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that this is a very interesting species if this is the only organism in the perm region which is adjusted to living in a cave. there is a theory that it got into the depths of the cave at the beginning of the ice age the cold contributed to it's quicker penetration under the earth. the best spell your photographer of the czech republic. has come specifically to take pictures of one of the largest cast caves of the year olds. in this old passageway an inscription made in one thousand nine hundred fourteen by princess victoria of battenburg and her daughter louise can be found. crystals that are many years old take the shape of roses and multifaceted mazes when temperatures drop. plates grow or a funnel becomes deeper. crystals cover the ceiling. fringe when it gets cold or they transform into bundles of ice needles.
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and there are just in march this is how i stray. from human eyes beneath. the many places over the past twenty years i have been to very dangerous caves but i would like to say that i am absolutely stunned by what i see here now both as a photographer and as an avid tourist it's fantastic. i know i am the queen of the coal i will lead you there are three kingdoms of the kingdom of the cold my favorites the kingdom of stone and the kingdom of water i'm . so so totally amazed by the striking beauty in the mystery of congo and ice caves that even ready to forego the cold and darkness to prove their love one
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couple would hold hearts believe me held their wedding in the cave. for the last this is our stone our stone of love do you remember them as you wish when we came into the cave two years ago yes i do can you guess what's to marry me like a cool harvest as thrives on. what the medicare guests leaves come in here to register your marriage in the colder five k. . the cold grotto was soon name it because the walls in the ceiling resemble a reef and above the guest was built here in nineteen eighty-four by a life having chosen one of the most beautiful grasses arena and alexander decided to get married. was. the magic of the giant underground lakes and grottoes and the frozen poetry of the
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ice bring people into a fantastic world of ancient caves. the practice of guided tours here is almost one hundred years old valentine wrapped continues the tradition of the first guy to call for the loves the cave as if it were his own home should the adult swim in here in search of his beloved mermaid but what he fails to find are turned to stone because of the unrequited. love the book was aware that everyone searching for love knocks on the dolphin and the dolphin sings and their wishes come true. in the past people used kerosene torches or candles in spotless to light up the cave but by the end of the twentieth century electricity was installed today a torchlight procession in the cave is only for special occasions and now it's in tribute to alexander klebnikov thanks to him tourists can venture underground every
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day. clinic off guided tourists into the cave until his very death even to the point where he was almost blind he connected the past the present and the future it was a constant process an eternal link between the mysterious underground world and the buzz of life outside. do we speak your language of the law and out of the. world news programs and documentaries and spanish what matters to you breaking news i will turn it into angles kittens stories. for you here.
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little. i. feel that. both of those. please. please. explain the end of the speech. if you. are her. and. i wish i. was cutler all of the things i'm missing good.
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luck. just seen them on it and i'm a. little mouse rainham and a little.


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