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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2013 1:30am-2:00am EST

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everything including the claims of the alternative media those seeking truth about real provable conspiracies are discredited when people jump on bandwagons that peddle alternative theories with a little to no evidence to back them up for example the millions of people around the world who have questions about nine eleven and the victims families that are pursuing a new investigation are now lumped in with the same movement that's claiming that every mass shooting is staged we don't all want to be the boys who cried wolf here we want to present a hard hitting questions backed by real evidence that's the only way the alternative voice can maintain its credibility. with that said i wanted to address a few specific comments from you tube's no name no fame who says at the end of the allegory of the cave piece that i did he says why was the j.f.k. assassination mentioned at the end now she looks like one of those and same conspiracy theorists oh i just can't win so i'm labeled a conspiracy theories because of my questions about the impossibility of the j.f.k.
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assassination to happen as the government claims it did yet when i don't jump on board about them trails or sandy hook being a black out the movement turns against me all i can do is say my truth as i see it moving on to twitter at mark j.c. one says i can't believe you're parroting anti gun propaganda i'm following you well apparently there are a bunch of people under the impression that our kids and network is pushing an agenda of gun control and all of the say this i'm pro second amendment in fact i own a firearm i just wish people would take every other amendment of the bill of rights as seriously as the second also i think it's kind of naive maybe this is just me to say that simply having guns is a realistic way to protect yourself against the most massive and oppressive military force in the world in fact i haven't said one thing that rails against or for guns on the show because i think it's worth talking about the underlying issues of violence in the wake of these mass shootings and stead of peddling with the
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mainstream media is still on twitter at graceful biscuit says keep moving closer to fox news if you can become very clear hashtags say it isn't so oh i had no idea that i was a neo conservative hate monger and if you think i resemble that fox owners and i don't know if you actually been watching the shows served from you tube a comment from i love the keys for ever says what i want all over stone to answer is how are we supposed to deal with terrorism and our enemies all over stone does is complain about how rights are being taken away but what answers does he have to deal with real problems such as terrorism which is the primary reason why all these new laws exist in the first place. what this you two are doesn't realize is that there is no threat of terrorism to americans the government justifies taking away our freedoms to catch terrorists but one more likely to die of accidental suffocation in bed than we are of a terrorist attack in this country so really the true way to deal with stopping
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terrorism is to stop bombing countries where people get bombed in their families get murdered for no reason those people tend to become radicalized against their oppressors i.e. the united states and finally from youtube teel a lawyer says i think i'll try to experiment and making breaking the set my only source for news great idea to all i hope the experiment is going well for you and thanks so much for writing watching and for your thoughts yes even the trolls. like. never seen anything like that. one hundred fifty five thousand jobs were added in the month of december the latest report from the bureau of labor statistics coming out today with that number the u.s. unemployment rate holds at seven point eight percent and politicians are using the
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numbers as evidence to support their own agendas and one quarter we have white house economic adviser alan krueger saying quote while more work remains to be done today's employment report provides further evidence that the u.s. economy is continuing to heal from the wounds inflicted by the worst downturn since the great depression and there's newly elected house speaker john boehner who said quote too many americans are still out of work and washington has too much debt our oversized overspent federal government is a drag on the economic growth and job creation as burden every american with a fifty thousand dollars share of its debt and rising so what these numbers really mean and could the fiscal cliff hysteria be hiding the real issues plaguing washington talk about all that and more i'm joined now by paul craig roberts columnists columnist sorry and assistant secretary of the u.s. treasury during the reagan administration paul thank you so much for coming on. the
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spirit so the job numbers report just came out today of course saying that we're increasing jobs in the workforce i read one of your posts last month about the jobs added in the month of november you called it more phony employment numbers why you call them phony and does that still apply to the most recent report. well the bureau of labor statistics has what they call the birth death model which they estimate you start out companies and the jobs that they create and they estimate the companies are going out of business and therefore the jobs at those so-called companies lose this model is based on normal economy one that's growing. it is not based on a recessionary economy and what the model does is it ends in. an average of forty five thousand jobs every month. the
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the amount can vary by month but over the year averages to twenty five thousand jobs per month that they just added in based on this model so if we take those jobs out then we had one hundred. ten jobs created this month which is not enough to stay up with population growth and all of those one hundred and ten thousand one hundred. we had. yeah we had one hundred nine hundred ten thousand jobs of those jobs. were accounted for by health care and social assistance waitresses and bartenders so there are located jobs unskilled jobs and it's no sign that the economy is going anywhere or of course people in total are
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moonlighting not talking about picking up double shifts at these places like you said very low paying jobs of course the media and politicians are seizing upon the numbers politicizing them like they do every time without really breaking it down like you just did i want to talk about the fiscal cliff of course becoming hysterical in the media we just took a nosedive off it you wrote this recently said the fiscal cliff is another hoax designed to shift the attention of policymakers the media and the attendant public if any from huge problems to small ones a lot of what you meant by that. well in the fiscal cliff if there's if they deal with it all they're doing is reducing the growth of the deficit over the next ten years by ten percent so instead of growing a hundred percent and so only going to grow nine percent. and so the cliff really is irrelevant to the two reducing the size of the annual
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deficit and to reducing the growth of the public debt over the next ten years what you're talking about is reducing. about one hundred and twenty billion dollars a year. of the issuer of new debt but of course reassuring a trillion or more. so they're talking about ten percent of the growth of the debt. being cut so that doesn't really affect anything relevant the deficit stays huge and the growth of the public stays huge whether they deal with the fiscal cliff or don't do it it really doesn't make any difference given the size of the problem right absolutely this minimizing the problem really it's much larger than that as you said on your blog we are on a crash course i mean their economy is this is an unsustainable course that we're
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on i know that you've worked in politics for many years what are some of the things that you've seen change for the worse from president reagan's administration and to obama's. economic well being. well that's a huge change. in the reagan administration did not have an agenda world hitchin to me. they did not have an agenda of building a police state. i mean it would have been in comprehensible to president reagan had he had he been told that he had the power to assassinate americans without due process that he could by late the constitution ignore the constitution indefinitely detain people imprisoned without due process reagan would have thought even so this is not to say to germany we don't do those things but today it's just become standard tests and no one seems to really be that much upset about. because it
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hasn't happened to them. so that's a huge difference another huge difference is there was still it was still possible in the reagan years to have cooperation in the congress between republicans and democrats they couldn't always come together to deal with everything but they could come together on big things to do. much of the time today they don't see they don't seem to be able to work together at all. it's quite a huge difference right well divide and conquer. mr roberts you know that's what the status would always like to divide and conquer us so then they can continue the rain systematic erosion of our civil liberties police state at home and abroad thank you so much for coming on shedding some light on these really confusing iconic topics at least for me i appreciate it paul craig roberts columnist and former assistant secretary of treasury.
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ok like you see so far go to our you tube channel at youtube dot com breaking the set and subscribe to our facebook page at facebook dot com breaking the set there one of my doing or bitching about when i'm not on air follow me on twitter abby martin they take a break from my preaching for now stay tuned to hear about one roof still fighting for our right to privacy despite the passing of the foreign intelligence surveillance act next. year i. think. that's the.
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i wish. things. were. just sneak. in and. come out. if. gave if to. leave the elite. six.
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a range amongst the free risk free schiro types of free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects and free media oh god r t dot com. to. pick. so as i mentioned yesterday our lame duck congress completely failed to pass a significant piece of legislation called the vote women against violence act a bill that would have wide and protections of native americans illegal immigrants in the community of course one bill they didn't have a problem with passing just as the rest of america was preparing for their new year's was. a foreign intelligence surveillance act a highly contentious bill that allows federal agencies to eavesdrop on our communications without passed with ease there are vocal opponents and groups still
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fighting for a right to privacy one of which is the electronic frontier foundation a group who filed a lawsuit against the justice department demanding more disclosure of the government spying program so to talk more about pfizer and where the case stands today i'm joined now by cindy kahn legal director and general counsel at the electronic frontier foundation cindy thanks so much for coming on thank you so when the patriot act was signed it was so controversial because it gave the government such wide sweeping powers what more powers did. give the government the patriot act it in well the amendments act in two thousand and eight expanded fi's a couple of ways the first thing it did was it allowed the government to get kind of general warrants not have to particularly identify people that it was surveying but it could just say like it's going to surveil members of the rotary club or or the name of
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a group. shift because the fourth amendment really requires specificity of persons group general warrants the second thing was is. eliminated the face of court's ability to really know what the government is doing as a practical matter and how it's implementing these broad new powers. by taking its review of the level of abstraction to just reviewing procedures rather than what actually happened. it granted immunity to the phone companies which was of course very controversial at the time. and i guess probably most importantly what it what it confirmed that allowed the government to do is just spying on americans in america without a warrant as long as those americans aren't though or didn't quote target quote of the investigation which really isn't much of
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a limitation on the n.s.a.'s ability to spy on people it basically says as long as they say they're spying on a foreigner abroad the fact that they're also spying on americans who are talking to them doesn't count for purposes of the constitution. it just seems like this is a legal i mean like you just said the fourth amendment should protect us from the just seem to have widespread surveillance without a warrant is really just shocking i mean korea nine eleven i feel like people have been up in arms about this but now in a post nine eleven world it just seems like a lot of even the legislators who are passing this controversial spine legislation is doing so because of fear of the backlash of being labeled you know you're pro terror or you don't want to catch terrorists or something so it's just a really sad climate of fear really that we're living in but talk about this lawsuit that you guys filed why did you file it what are you asking for with it. well we filed we have evidence of. a piece of how we think some of this spying is
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working and what we have is we have the schematics of a facility here in san francisco on folsom street. where copies of everyone's internet traffic. is being are being made through a cabinet of fiber optic splitters and one copy is going on its way to its destination and the other copy is going into a room that you can't get access to and last you have n.s.a. clearance and that has very very sophisticated data mining and wiretap equipment inside it so we have the schematics we have a declaration from one of the people who maintains this build a cabinet. internal and external evidence that this is we think how one piece of the spying is occurring and so we have sued. and so we've
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sued reste in two thousand and eight so now we're suing the n.s.a. to try to stop the spying frankly we think it's unconstitutional we also think it's illegal under fisa you know if i said let's the government do a lot of things that i think should be improper but it certainly doesn't anywhere authorize the dragnet surveillance of millions of ordinary americans and their everyday communications there's there's nothing in i said that says it's ok to wiretap the whole country. is so we think it's unconstitutional we actually think it's illegal under vice and we've been suing to try to stop it. yeah you would think that it is illegal and unfortunately their responses you know it would be a violation of privacy to unveil how much how much of the country were spying on of course that's double speak i mean the justice department tried to invoke a state secret privilege to not divulge the information i mean what do you think about the response and how do you think this is going to play out. well it's very troubling that the government is basically taking the position that. they can
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prevent the courts from deciding whether what they're doing is legal by claiming secrecy i mean we have three branches of government and the job of the courts is to oversee the executive branch and congress to make sure that they're consistent with the constitutional and so the government's argument that the state secrets privilege means the courts can't decide whether this is legal lot to trouble all americans there shouldn't be a constitution free zone in the law. and so we think it's very troubling it's currently pending in front of our judge here in san francisco and we hope to get a decision soon rejecting that argument it's especially inappropriate because the faisel law actually creates causes of action for people who have been illegally surveilled they creates claims it's part of what congress passed in the one nine
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hundred seventy s. after the last time the n.s.a. was caught spying on ordinary americans as part of their church committee report congress specifically created legal remedies and instructed courts to decide whether surveillance is legal or not so it's very troubling to have the obama administration basically follow in the footsteps of the bush administration and say you know regardless of the law that's been passed and regardless of the constitution nobody can decide whether what we're doing is legal or not. very important facet thank you for breaking it down really appreciate it and thank you for pursuing as i think it's really important for people to realize this is still being enacted it just seems like once these bills are passed they just continue to be passed without any real contention among the media or a political establishment really appreciate your time and yukon legal director and the general counsel of the electronic frontier foundation thank you.
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right around the holiday season it's common to see heartwarming stories of the haves giving to the have nots from gold coins and salvation army red kettles to oprah's favorite things giving is a holiday theme but this act stands out above the breast meat tony tolbert an entertainment lawyer from los angeles who is redefining what it means to give to those in need so you don't. bill gates or warren buffett or oprah you know that we can do it wherever we are with whatever we have been so for me you know i have a home that i can make available so just hooted tony make his home available to a local homeless family he founded a shelter for women and children that family will also now be whole again because an older son wasn't allowed to stay at the shelter because of he didn't made the age requirement there and what about tony the fifty one year old is moving back in
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with his mom and dad all the homeless family he has never even met will live in his fully furnished home rent free for an entire year. the fact that he's giving up a beautiful home that he's working years to be able to afford is facing tony in the least he sees the reality in this country he acknowledges the fact that unemployment foreclosures and homelessness are on the rise and he couldn't bear to see yet another family left out in the cold while he was privileged enough to enjoy the warmth don't take it from me hear it from the man himself. creates kindness generosity creates you know generosity love creates love and if we can share share some of that we don't have more stories about people doing nice things for other people and fewer stories about people doing horrible things for the better world. to say thank you thank you for being a selfless human being thank you for being compassionate and for showing us what
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a good deed can look like in the face of a government that turns its back on us and a banking complex that locks up thousands of empty homes and throws away the key you will forever be an inspiration to me and i bet those two are watching too and that's why you tony tolbert are my hero today so to the hero who's the villain well i think it's accurate to say that this next guy is the scourge of the holiday season and he's blaming his scrooge them on our favorite destruction the fiscal cliff if so most people are thinking about the fact that this payroll tax has gone up for the majority of americans believe it or not there are some rich people in the world just be moaning about the fact that they'll no longer be able to write up any amount as a tax deductible charitable donation one such rich guy is every flavor sure a former press secretary of george w. bush he also recognized him as a talking head c.n.n. and fox news so mr fleischer here took to twitter just after congress passed the fiscal cliff bill to say this is that i increased donations to charity in two
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thousand and twelve this deal limits my deductions so i and many others will likely donate less in two thousand and thirteen well ari thanks for revealing the fact that the only reason you donate is to get tax deductible write offs lots of warm thoughts for the holidays but i don't have to tell you that i think you've got enough twitter hate yourself from at happy alone or says you are a douche bag if you base how much you donate to charity based on how much you can write off on your taxes or my personal favorite at malia says it doesn't surprise me that ari fleischer will cut back on charitable donations what does surprise me is that he ever gave to charity at all but don't worry our responded to clarify what he meant he says for those having effect regarding my charity tweet when the government reduces people's take home pay people have less money to donate. and it's math well ari we all know that's not really what you meant plus i doubt that
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you're one of the ones who are struggling to make ends meet so you have money to donate so for being a sterling example of selfishness and for body and the antithesis of our hero today who's the most selfless person i read about a long time you ari fleisher are today's villain so there you have it one charitable act to burst as a not so charitable act every day we choose what kind of person we want to be to think about that the best we can be nice to a fellow human being do something good for someone stay warm and i'll see you back here monday to break the set. the.
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divine power in action activate the shotguns. i just need these we are under the control of those governing you somewhere at the service of the space mafia i found that day the magnetic fields of the sun will be. to create the support that the star. after the second coming it will be a beautiful place it will receive the disco glory it will be a renewed world and it will be a beautiful place. the best. will stop this type emulation. good business for us it's kind of like being a doctor you know there's a disaster businesses. better unfortunately.
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if. if. if.
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i'm. please please. please her.


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