tv [untitled] January 5, 2013 2:30pm-3:00pm EST
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carson fighting for a top bank at halliburton's duologue camp is our future unless we stop the economics of extinction and rise the frig up. thank you max as we are talking about the economics of extinction i have worn my shirt dedicated to the species that have gone extinct she used to live in the sewer system under new york city her name was homo lady lady and jamie diamond and lloyd blankfein and all those other slithering creatures moved in and kicked her out loaded up with debt her whole species is gone extinct the purple haired furry goddess identify for the now the pump out of your the basest. well yes we're going to talk about the ever declining wages of workers around the world the ever incarcerated debtor around the world indebted and in slieve by their debt first is south africa striking workers burn vineyards in protest over hunger wages and farmer arrested for firing on thousands
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of demonstrators striking farm workers in south africa's biggest table grape growing region set fire to more than thirty hector's the vineyards to protest against what they call hunger wages they apparently only make five pounds a day and one of the strikers says you cannot buy anything with that money for the stunt really hunger wages there's no starvation wages i think they need to brand their protest a little bit more you know accurately they're starving which is the wage consolation we've seen around the world people are now being forced into this starvation wage gulag mentality while the top one on one of one percent are benefiting from all the money printing the likes of the i.m.f. world bank will look around the world and say oh you know it's poverty to have two dollars a day it seems like with all of the data collected on us and all of our you know
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footprints around the world digitally online and in the real world. from the various spy organizations they know exactly to a penny. how much we need to just be on the edge of starvation remember israel does this actually to the occupied territories they count the calories to life one or two to keep them just under the calories that they require not to starve to death immediately but just to keep surviving in the sea they seem to know this for our debt levels how much we can go without completely collapsing and the same with income imagine living on two dollars a day i think most people would be surprised that in america there are now over seven million people living on two dollars a day or less so this is a growing global trend one of the workers said quote the money that they pay us is nothing we work our whole lives but still we have nothing we are working for what for what. keep in mind again central banks print money but through financial engineering like putting a dam in
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a river creating lakes at the top for those who are benefiting but everyone else is being starved to death and that's what central bank financial engineering is all about putting financial dams in the system so that when they print money never flows to the population that's not benefiting from massive insider trading and manipulation now the really interesting thing about this article and about this protest is that comparing it to the global insurrection against banker occupation because the fact is that the strike started on the thirtieth of october two thousand and twelve when farm labor stopped work and delivered a memorandum to the western cape government demanding higher wages but they claim the government only paid attention when the vineyards started to burn whoa that's the economics of extinction which we'll be talking about throughout this entire show there is more cost only for the financial terrorists
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to burn people to incinerate them than to keep them one calorie within a subsistence level and doing some no nuts job so that's. economics involved well i think it's also a fact that you know we've been trained to propagandize through media is that today in today's world post american revolution post french revolution we live in democracies so there's no reason why you should not be happy with your free speech zones over there to make your protest known that two million people the most ever in the history of britain to march in a protest march on downing street for example and tony blair said no i love the democracy you want be and continue to go to war and bomb and kill a million other people so your protests mean nothing well you know freedom means economic freedom benjamin franklin of course said one of the reasons america revolted against britain was to escape the bank of england he also said a penny
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saved is a penny earned today the central bankers castigate savers as being the enemy and they glorified borrowers and speculators as their heroes so we're in south africa and you see wages are not enough to keep up with the cost of inflation of food goods for example they can't feed themselves they can't house themselves so let's turn to america median household incomes the real story and we're going to turn to these charts here and you see that's the median household income in the twenty first century the blue line is the inflation adjusted number and if you can see it's been dropping precipitously. since two thousand but at the peak of our of the median household incomes it was fifty six thousand one hundred one dollars and it is now fifty one thousand three hundred ten so you've lost ten percent of real median household income but that's exactly what i'm talking about the money is
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being printed but it's staying in the asset class of those who are the financial engineers architects of the global financial system. putting in these financial dams so that they are benefiting from massive price appreciation but the money that they print the m one figures that are expanding around the world never find their way into wages never find their way below the top speculative banking class and now remember i said that they have such advanced technology now to monitor to new to the exact single penny that will break your camel's back your household camelback and so they know how to tweak exactly in keep you in slaved in in terrified of losing your health insurance of losing your job of losing any sort of income to to sustain your debt. because the article says the stunning reality illustrated here is that the real median household income series spent most of the first nine years of the twenty first century struggling slightly below its
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purchasing power at the turn of the century well this is what social and social networking is all about the facebook and twitter and these other database enabled surveillance technologies are being sold as a way to keep people safe but they're actually a way to monitor people's caloric intake and their spending habits to keep them just two or three calories above subsistence so they can keep these people just barely alive to continue the slave state of being forced consumers in the old days the way the dictators operated they had forced workers but now in the new age we have forced consumers that are being forced to go into debt to consume to keep the dictator's alive and happy so again what they said is that income the median household income was slightly below its purchasing power by just keeping use slightly slowly starving not so that you would know but that you were
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a frog in that famous pan of water if you don't know it's boiling when you get in there you don't know to save yourself to rise up to protect yourself to do something different you just like slowly painfully decline into a deflationary collapse as we've seen in japan but that's been going on now since two thousand cents a brought in the commodity futures modernization act because clinton which allowed this type of financial engineering to go hyperbolic to go on steroids now for the past ten years there is one currency that has stayed ahead of that inflationary trend and that is of course over and stacey i just ordered for a million of these ounces says global insurrection against banker occupation right here on these new kaiser ethical silver around i just ordered a million for twenty thirteen and this is of course the only way people have. unable to fight back and maintain their wealth against bank interest on wall street the city of london well speaking of the city of london max we were just talking about being earning just slightly below purchasing power but of course that
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slightly below across six and a half billion human beings as been know your wealth has been extracted your wealth is going extinct but it's been transferred to somebody else and that is the likes of the city of london hedge funds reap record profits from bets on q e q.e. is of course quantitative easing i money printing by the bank of england by the european central bank by the federal reserve bank by the bank of japan super rich hedge fund financier is emerged as the big winners from the bank of england's money printing program in two thousand and twelve as pensioners and savers were made to struggle with shrunken incomes that's exactly what i'm talking about the hedge funds these are basically parasites that. get keepers that are part of the architecture of this been reengineer the central bank prince trillions of dollars and then they gives them the money to these hedge funds or the primary dealers as
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they're known or interbank dealers i was there know they hoard the cash they are benefiting they pay themselves hundreds of billions of in bonuses but the money never gets to the general population that's kept just two or three calories above starvation now the real median household income peaked at fifty six thousand dollars that was in two thousand and nine right when the bank of england started to pump three hundred seventy five billion pounds of money into the economy starting in two thousand and nine so it's no wonder that your incomes have declined by ten percent since then and in this article here about the u.k. saga the pensioner lobby group has claimed that q.e. has contributed to a nine percent drop in real incomes among the over fifty's since early two thousand and eight. three hundred seventy five billion sounds like a lot of money until you consider that it's actually less than the roughly four hundred billion pounds that h.s.b.c.
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laundered for mexican drug cartels so to give you an idea of the extent to which the big four banks here in the u.k. are involved in financing money laundering terrorism and market manipulation so again it's not just the likes of us and occupy wall street and activists around the world that are the ones saying you are going to become economically extinct they speak to a hedge fund expert in this article he says while economic fundamentals have been poor during twenty twelve with sluggish or negative growth in depressed confidence the use of q.e. has pumped tons of money into the system which has to go somewhere so it usually winds up in equities or bonds is the economics of extinction for one class into another and those to talk about capitalism versus socialism thanks socialism has something to do with the control of the means of production that is to say labor but they don't realize that we've gone well past the idea of having labor we only have debt consumer and speculators we're in
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a post capitalist world run by charlatans and manipulators all right stacy herbert thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max put your hats and coats on and bundle up because in the second half are heading to speak with captain paul watson at war with the japanese whaling fleet in the southern ocean. divine power in action activate the saccharine. i am and she says we need these we are under the control of those governing us before at the service of
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a space mafia i found that on that date the magnetic field of the sun will be fixed and that will create the support that the stuff. after the second coming it will be a futile place it will receive its glory it will be a renewed world and it will be a beautiful place. full of professed. you'll stop this type of ammunition. it's good business for us it's kind of like being a doctor you know if there's a disaster businesses. better unfortunately. it won't be the. science technology innovation all the latest developments from
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kaiser report well thank you all right captain paul watson you are down in the southern ocean to stop the japanese whaling vessels from catching their quota but there is a twist to the story this year and that you are also on the run and the japanese are armed with a lots of money from donations and aid that were supposed to go out of the focus seem a disaster tell us about it. they allocated about thirty million u.s. dollars from the tsunami relief fund specifically targets shepparton with that money they thrown an army of lawyers at us they were able to get an injunction against us in the us not district court which really doesn't mean anything big for our ships or new are really and shows operating in a bottle and also we managed to get me on the whole red list movies actually a picture day to my knowledge for trespassing but that's what they're trying to charge me with and they won't be extradited to japan where we'll leave it there if you get me there all right so captain watson people who watch the show well war is
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of course on television and say here is international sensation and one of the biggest features of course are the actual vessels themselves above so what are we going to look forward to this campaign anything new on the bus and with the boats well there's the will is the strongest we've ever been we'll be going down to the southern ocean with four ships the steve irwin the bob barker the brigitte bardot and aren't you sure sam simon which is actually a bit of an embarrassment for the japanese because we've gotten a jab at the government and it was part of the whaling fleet so we now have one of their ships and in our plea so they're going down with four ships and we're going down with oars so we're really match this year they want to kill a thousand whales and our objective is sure they don't kill any and that's why we're calling it operation zero tolerance all right so and engine pan of course politically things have changed they have a new prime minister who has
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a decided to go on a war footing with china that was part of his election campaign is that he would pick a fight with china and they're on a war footing there so they they've gotten very much more aggressive do you think that this poses new dangers percy chaper this year. it does the prime ministers are meeting prime minister who happens to hail from the same town where the whaling fleet is from the very pro whaling and last year the prime minister then said that. they were going to surrender her sea shepherd so they're actually putting us in the same category as china sort of flattery in a way they're actually feeding our non-government organization like there are nation for with and they've been very very hostile so we don't really know what to expect we do know that they are not have armed coast guard on board their vessels that's a violation of the antarctic treaty but nobody seems to be doing anything about it so we have no idea what we're but no matter what they throw at it our objective is
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to make sure they don't kill any whales and that's what we intend to do ok and of course when we're talking whales are talking about different species of whales what species of whales are in the area and how close are they to extinction they're targeting nine hundred thirty five mickey whales these are antarctic making whales which are protected species they're targeting fifty in whales which are an endangered species but more important is the southern ocean whale sanctuary is pushed by the international whaling commission as a sanctuary for whales and so i don't know what it is about the word sanctuary that your band doesn't seem to understand that you don't kill whales in the sanctuary so this is really about sea shepherd defending the integrity of the southern ocean we'll sanctuary that we can protect sanctuaries and marine reserves and we're not going to protect anything by that captain watson the last time you were on the cars the right part you spoke about what you call the economic extinction now sense that broadcast i've seen some reports coming out of japan talking about bluefin tuna
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which are being fished to extinction but the bluefin tuna that are in the freezer because they're being fast to think sion the price goes up quite dramatically almost exponentially because after all these will be the last species. he's a laughed after this particular species is fished into extinction so the price goes up there's a very strange macabre lesson ship between economics and extinction you were the first to really talk about this can you explain a bit more on this we got our own campaign to do new in the mediterranean what we found is that you know this is the most expensive fish in the world one bluefin to an average of seventy five thousand u.s. dollars and some of the coal for up to three hundred thousand dollars apiece it's a big you know other companies are doing is they're stockpiling issues. for using them in warehouses and they've got to buy secured by the like in your supply and if
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the fish and if the fish become diminished the price rises they become and the fish becomes the extent of the city priceless commodity and. billions of dollars over there so really investing in the extension of the species they probably would like nothing better if anything they're doing with ivory they're hoarding that knowing that with eloquence diminishing and possibly going to extinct that also be a crisis commodity so it's a it's a rather sick sort of economic enterprise but a lot of nations are involved in it the same thing it also includes shark finning and the killing of sharks in the chinese market right so in economic terms this would be a i guess call the a perverse incentive and that you're fishing and hunting something to extinction to get the price higher and as you pointed out this is it's expanding to other species and i am asking about the volunteers on sea shepherd of course they have a a love of the well that's quite clear when you watch the show of the whale wars on
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the animal planet but are they also is there also an incentive to save themselves because if this idea of economics of extinction is applied across the economic front it means that humans themselves are r r r r to being targeted by this a perverse economic system your thoughts captain watson. but we have a hundred twenty crew on the years from twenty four different nations didn't pan on the order of vessels and there are not just for the wheel but for the understanding that diminishment biodiversity in our oceans is going to lead to the death of our oceans and the oceans die we know we can't live on the front of that ocean so it really is about so preservation it's not just for the wills of sharks and turtles it's protecting the entire out of versity of this oceanic ecosystem we can put a plant into the great whales and i think it's probably one of the most serious
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issues facing our future because i hope the ocean. is what makes us healthy as a species and doesn't matter when matter where you live on land that the oceans. are not captain watson. have really carved out a new battle plan for ecologists you know of course you were one of the founding founding us of greenpeace but at some point you decided that that approach was too bureaucratic perhaps and not really taking the fight to where needed to go and there you are you're in the southern ocean you're actually in our war with these japanese whalers who are violating international law are violating all kinds of laws pertaining to sanctuary and a sense you've been down there doing this fight we have seen the arab spring we've seen occupy wall street we've seen the nature of activism go from holding up a peace sign to taking the fight to the front line is has there been any attempt or
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is there any idea that what you're doing down there in the southern ocean is connected to this global insurrection against the economics of extinction i realize that's a bit of us a long winded question but you have the fought sama. well i think that we're politically connected anyway and anyway we're not a social movement in that way it's quite an ecological movement really happening politics when you think about it that way we're here to check and uphold the laws of ecology and nothing else. but i think people are becoming more frustrated with the fact that government to slow to corporations i mean i've referred to my own government the united states as an oily a credit market government of the oil companies for the oil and they seem to you know call john. everywhere we there is corporations that are exploiting the everything from planet the rain forest to the oceans without any thought what the
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clumps quinces are for future generations and if we're going to have a future for humanity we have to account that we just simply cannot destroy all these really just for the benefit of a few now let me ask you about the reaction in japan big pick a nationally the reaction in japan i believe from what i gather from the media reports was that they say shepherdess portrayed and very unfavorable light and quite threatening to the economy there but over the years i think there's been a change of heart in the japanese community themselves or is that not the case what's been the reaction in japan and south the local japanese community surely those people in japan want to stand they this situation is beyond just wells in a compromising entire ecosystem an entire economy or thoughts. we have japanese support crew members and you know six years ago nobody was even aware this was a problem. and now there's a controversy there's
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a discussion people are questioning the government about it and. people are getting involved quite excited about that and and i you know thirty five years ago we were taking on the whalers in australia we were fighting whalers at the breaking them off but what really was really it was a unique now it's one of the most accident nations defending whales and my whole plan will be the same in a few years all right so it's also about the mission it's out this year captain watson you've got quite a quite quite an assembly of vessels and i guess as always for those who watch the show well lars they idea is always to get on the tail of the factory ship to get on the right and back a bit early to shut down the ship is that the strategy again this year or can you divulge anything any new strategy what's the mission this year captain. well this year we have warships a helicopter three drones a military style drones a reconnaissance hundred twenty crewmember and the best way to stop whaling is to
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get on to the stern of the slipway of the factors prevent them from loading that oil that they can look at will they can kill them that's been the most effective strategy also to keep them on the run to keep chasing them now the interesting thing is what makes it more difficult this year is that the one united states has ordered us to not approach within five hundred yards of any of the whaling vessels and sea shepherd australia is actually quite suited by that wonder how the your court can order australian on australian vessels to not in fear what's happening is whale part of the australian after me for torey so the long and short of it as you approach probably have no jurisdiction at all all right well captain watson thanks so much for being on the kinds of reporting we wish you luck down there i think at that the best way people could participate in this would be to maybe send donations through the web site is that the best way people can help out but just contact us
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through sea shepherd or i fantastic and as always godspeed good luck and hopefully we'll talk to you when you're actually on on it in the southern oceans in the mission thanks so much for being on the cause report. ok all right and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert if you'd like to get in touch with us you can tweet us a kaiser report or at facebook dot com forward slash ties a report next time x. guys are saying. he survived war atrocities. to make a cycle of this and. he has changed his life and the world around him. by giving up. hope.
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