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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2013 7:30am-8:00am EST

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cation the child has been won't recover from where he is now so to say that he's permanently incapacitated is not one hundred percent true car this is r.t. china is investing a small fortune in tibet but as the money pours into the rebellious the popular image of a region remains a find out what people in tibet think of their own situation just a little bit later. now it could be a symbol for peace in a troubled region but a village. couples is now straining under the load of all those who want to move there are reports on the challenges of a village seemingly for. israelis cannot live in the west bank and most palestinians cannot live in israel which leaves those israelis and palestinians who want to share a home out in the cold. my husband this from have i'm from jerusalem i found work in jerusalem and used to live there with my children but without my husband
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because he is not allowed to live there he couldn't visit me even once at the end of each week i would go to have been to visit him we lived like that for four years well come to no man's land a neighborhood that is technically part of jerusalem but in reality is on the palestinian side of the security wall that israel has built some two thousand mixed couples live here. the problem of cooper arca is that so many people are immigrating to the area because they have to so in four years we've had a growth of thirty five thousand people it's become more crowded than gaza. so here and so one came to live here six years ago with their three children but life in the village is far from ideal the schools are overcrowded garbage is collected only once a week and there's little fresh water so if one is old and sick and basic health services are hard to come by. my husband and my daughter don't have israeli i.d.'s
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and they can't pass through the checkpoint with any special permission which is very difficult to get on the other hand i am to have my children have israeli id we have a lot of problems far curb is in north jerusalem eighty two percent of the land belongs to jerusalem eighteen percent to the west bank residents pay taxes to the israeli government but because the area lies outside the israeli wall israel is slow to provide services the municipality says that many of the people living in cloud cover are doing so illegally and so it's not obliged to provide them with services it also says that the security wall makes it more complicated to carry out the services at this. needs to give it more money there have been small victories though residents took the municipality to court and when garbage collection at least for now should be more frequent this is them in a bubble i'm from. there they deal with us as an enemy and arabs in jerusalem so we
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have to kill because we have our right we will be the text with everything and suffering from their phones and internet access are limited because palestinian companies are not allowed to install lines in a so-called israeli area and because the israeli police won't come here law enforcement is scarce. and. there are poorly booklets like this one the goal is to make them not going to drusilla and to make them fall under the jurisdiction of the palestinian authority and living in the middle of it all are couples like so hard and soft when they nearly want to be together but politics and division are making that more and more difficult if we do a. r.t. . or i to work out their time here on r.t. will start in pakistan where at least ten people thought to be members of the taliban being killed in a u.s. drone attack happened in south waziristan near pakistan's border with afghanistan this after another suspected u.s. drone attack on wednesday left
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a taliban commander dead the strikes often result in civilian casualties and islamabad has previously come out against such operations on its territory however it's thought the pakistan government has given washington tacit permission to carry them out in the past. hundreds of missing and thousands of been displaced as fires continue to rage across australia winds and very high temperatures nationwide have provided optimal conditions for dangerous bushfires to break out evacuation centers in tasmania have had to take in thousands forced to flee from the flames. rather thousand loyalist protesters have been wreaking havoc in the northern irish capital belfast a thirty eight year old man was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder as police investigate reports of shots being fired at officers and the city has been witnessing unrest since a decision by the local authorities in december to fly the british union flag only on designated occasions rather than go around. well it seems everyone
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wants a piece of tibet while beijing rues the region with riches the western media focuses on human rights abuses you got a pretty good off went to see what the people there think about what's happening all around. look at quality of china a slogan so widespread in tibet it's even displayed on taxis here everything is an ambiguous mix of modern technology and tradition communism and religion. six his son is a buddhist monk but ten years ago this elderly man joined the communist. do i knew the party is breathing new life into our nation why did you turn in the capital where shops and businesses beneath the monasteries on the hills this is quite a normal scene for us every day believers gather in the city center to pray right
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outside what is traditions are very strong here but at the same time chinese national red flags are hanging almost on every poor in every building as a constant reminder which country tibet is a part of. for decades china has been accused of occupying tibet and destroying its culture human rights organizations report numerous abuses there on a daily basis some are even willing to go to the most extreme measures in protest in almost all instances protests are put down through violence so chinese security personnel will come in and will use violence to to basically stop those protests we've documented cases where the chinese state lethal force against tibetans in one town fifteen people were shot legal authorities denial of geishas of human rights violations claiming the so often malaysians are organized from abroad accusing the
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worst of a full scale media assault on china the united states has been using to bat for. six decades now since the truman administration co-opted to fight communism and they will continue this because their modus operandi these days seems to be human rights violations. over the years china spent over sixty billion u.s. dollars to build schools roads and water supplies as well as developing industries from beer factories to cultural workshops. outside the capital in one of tibet's most ancient temples when we ask the monk what he thinks of the acts of their spiritual leader the dalai lama he surprisingly said he didn't hear from the government supplies clothes food and other necessities not the dalai lama i couldn't care less where he was assessing tibet is not easy
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even on the ground it's hard to see what's true and what's being deliberately shown to foreigners but what's crucial for the next generation of tibetans is that the mix of ancient traditions and beijing's billions can pay off. when off to bed and up next to orbiting field the stations and floating hotels all within a decade that's what space entrepreneur eric anderson has a mind to prepare for launch after the break. ron paul has rejected the national rifle association safety plan and by safety plan the n.r.a. proposes basically turning every school in america into a prison camp so on this one ron paul i'm with you in the wake of the tragic events at sandy hook elementary and every vice president wayne la pierre called on
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congress to immediately appropriate whatever is necessary to put armed police officers in every school so yeah what is the solution to isolated incidents of extreme violence make every child live their entire school life at gun point before putting armed guards in schools maybe we should take a look at the fact that more than twenty five percent of american kids are on medication and that's just the kids altering their mental state legally mom is working two jobs so she isn't around dad is a wall and the t.v. who's the new parent shows kids nothing but images glorify violence revenge and torture what someone is getting harassed every day at school and maybe getting harassed at home they feel totally alone and they see no future and no escape from the hell that they're in they are going to take drastic measures to get out of it you know in the fifty's sixty's and seventy's there were still plenty of guns and there were no armed officers in schools but there were no shootings society change
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and school violence erupted societies what needs to change to call them things back down but that's just my opinion.
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divine power in action activate the sacraments. i am he she says we need these we are under the control of those governing us if i were at the service of a space mafia i found that they'd the magnetic field of the sun will or the folks. who creates the supergoddess know. after the second coming it will be a beautiful place it will receive its glory it will be a renewed world and it'll be a beautiful place. full of professed. little stuff this type of ammunition. is good business for us it's kind of like being a doctor you know if there's
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a disaster businesses. better unfortunately. space tourism one of the more fun civil ideas of our time or a solid business proposition in orbit around earth for the future well joining me is someone who should know a lot about that question it's eric anderson a space entrepreneur to say back here on earth so mr hanson thank you for joining us it's a pleasure ok we'll start off your company was founded taking people up to space since the two thousands i remember when i heard recently about the idea of a space hotel i made a bet with one of my colleagues that there would be no such thing in my lifetime now aside from the fact that i would never live to see the money if i did win that
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was the confidence i had that there would be no such thing was i foolish to make that to but unfortunately i think you probably war i have absolutely no doubt in my mind that there will be a space hotel within the next ten years in orbit around the earth why. because there's an incredibly good business plan behind it because millions of people want to go to space and because the technology to provide such a hotel is getting closer and closer every day in terms of its cost effectiveness so there is in theory an impetus there but at the moment the principle impetus is this just the fact of let's go and see what is out there let's be a tourist in space is that really enough of an incentive all the market studies that have ever been done will show you that forty percent of the general public wants to go to space in their lifetime it just has to reach a point where they can afford it and it's safe enough for them to feel like they're not risking their life excessively to do it but i do think the tourism market is
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a catalyst it's not by any stretch the only reason the space will go to space for resources will mine the asteroids will get precious metals like platinum group metals from the asteroids people will live in space will do pharmaceutical research will develop new drugs space will become part of our economic sphere of influence but tourism is a fantastic catalyst for that the i assess at the moment being the only platform capable of holding people in orbit is a working scientific platform are you planning perhaps to try and make space tourists useful that first of all space tourism honestly is not a great word for what these people do when they participate as private citizens going to the space station every single one of them who's flown with space adventures to the space station has had an in-depth scientific program whether it was material science or biological experiments or whatever it was they have
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participated they have paid their own way of course they have used themselves as part of the scientific community that many of them have gone to space with less than perfect health and have been great examples of how for example laser. surgery on your eyes as affected by space flight they all want to participate in this they are participating and the fact of the matter is quite honestly when private citizens go to the space station a lot more people hear about the space station than otherwise it's just one of those things that they captures the public's attention part of nasa is mission is to encourage to the maximum extent possible the commercial use of space and in fact showing that there is a market showing that there are people willing to do this and showing that you don't have to be a career military fighter pilot the right stuff kind of person that plays a huge role and i think that's exactly the sort of thing that ends up helping the space agencies of the world as well ok we'll get to the to the other economic areas
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the best of mining in that a while but the moment we have just seen the dragon spacecraft go up to take supplies to the i assess that was a significant moment. however it was it was a small parts of what is otherwise a vost state and surprise and without state capital it seems that at the moment no private and device could exist you can point to companies like space x. space x. has a contract for services to deliver cargo to the space station but the capital that it was started with has come from its founder. and so this is an inflection point this was not always the case you were absolutely correct the for the first thirty years of space it's all been controlled by the government but we are reaching a point now in fact i think the flipping point was in the mid ninety's when private commercial expenditures in space finally exceeded government and that was of course
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driven by the satellite telecommunications market and things like that no one would argue that those are successful businesses but we're reaching a point where commercial enterprise is creating its own space program and it will stand on its own it has been well noted that in the past year and a half the have. in a number of worrying mistakes with russian space programs a supply rocket up guy says fell back to worth a mission to one of the martian moons never got out of orbit and it's course some high profile resignations and will likely lead to a lot of restructuring in the russian space agency serious concerns is this technology that's going to take people up there good enough the fact of the matter is the despite reaks recent heck ups that may have occurred on different types of launch vehicles the soyuz spacecraft and rocket have the best safety record the best history of being a proven technology for reliably taking people to and from space in human history
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there is no other vehicle that comes close nasa uses this vehicle itself to get to space so while there is always room for improvement and while i'm sure and highly confident that the russian space industry is is going to great lengths to to to make sure those things don't happen again spaceflight is inherently and they are an activity that is risky and so the risk is managed but it's never going to be perfect at the end of the day i think there's not many people in the world who would want to go to space who wouldn't feel comfortable flying on the soyuz the key technological breakthrough that we need is rapid and cost effective reusability like flying in an airplane when you land at moscow airport or you landed new york airport they can turn the plane around in a couple of hours and leave actually less than that this is the problem you have what you're saying to me immediately i think of his shuttle there is no shuttle you can't reuse soyuz we're going the wrong way. so the shuttle was
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a vehicle that was incredibly high performing it was an amazing feat of human engineering but it really wasn't reusable i like to call it rebuild a boat certainly parts of it were rebuilding will certainly some of that was reusable but that was an incredible number of man hours that had to go into certifying that vehicle for re flight every time it ended up being far more expensive and far less reliable in terms of its reasonability that's why i use the word rapidly reusable so the shuttle was not a great example of that however many of the vehicles that are being built now including for example the falcon and the dragon by space x. are designed and the c.s.t. one hundred by boeing to be reusable ten times a hundred times a thousand times and those kinds of advances will be the ones and it's going to take time that will yield those price decreases that will eventually enable millions of people to go to space every year there is one of the costs that perhaps
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hasn't been looked at enough at the moment there's already a lot of criticism leveled at people flying all over the world for the holidays about emissions and about pollution that not many rockets launched from for the moment but they certainly want environmentally friendly the ones that launch if that program is going to be expanded one could be the environmental costs of some of such space tourism. so when we calculated the the carbon emissions of a soyuz launch it ended up being something like a fraction of a transatlantic air flight so it's actually not as much as you think the fuel on the space shuttle was liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen and the exhaust was water so these are not the kinds of things that are really going to affect our carbon emissions and our environment as a whole even when we get to the point that there are literally tens of thousands of launches per year it's
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a drop in the bucket compared to all the other forms of emissions and pollution and i'm sure that's an issue that will will take shape in time we'll see how that one puns out the tourism isn't the only idea that you've got on the on the books as it were you also mentioned earlier mining asteroids this seems like a lot more sort of hard nosed commercial idea just trying to paint a little picture for us i think a lot of people can't really invision envisage this perhaps from pictures from animations that we've seen perhaps that there are asteroid belts so i don't think there are any asteroids that close to us because that's the kind of thing that people get scared about of from destroying so what kind of distances are we talking about how is this actually with this actually look a fully running asteroid mining operation that wonderful question so in the solar system we have literally hundreds of millions of asteroids the vast majority of those asteroids lie in the asteroid belt the asteroid belt is between mars and
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jupiter one hundred million miles away or more however there is a small but not insignificant population of what's called near earth asteroids anywhere between ten and twenty percent of the material on them are what we call volatiles what that means is most of it's water water ice and water is great because when you break down water into its constituent parts you get hydrogen and oxygen not coincidentally of the same. fuel the space shuttle used to go to and to and from orbit and so we first want to use the asteroids to build propellant depots in space that is gas stations we want to be able to reduce the cost of space exploration by allowing spacecraft and spaceships to fuel up no matter where they go and by doing that we will enable a space economy for all different kinds of businesses this is the second half of the equation of how to reduce the cost of space travel once we have the capability of propellant depots in space moving asteroids around becomes much easier and then
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we can go to the more valuable materials the higher cost per ounce materials for example the platinum group metals now fifteen fifteen hundred dollars an ounce on average you have platinum palladium rhodium osmium radium and the asteroids are chock full of these materials they appear in concentrations orders of magnitude better than the best platinum mines on earth in the asteroids and start to seem like a skeptic but i think i'm not alone in the image of of us tending out teams to try and move asteroids to try and land on them really starting to see much the realms of science fiction i mean they managed to recently land alamdar on mars but that's really the very limits at the moment of our capabilities is this really a serious proposition how one of which you go about doing something like that. so let me be the first to admit there is a long list of technical challenges and it's going to be very hard this is something that we don't know all the answers yet what we do know is that there is
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no laws of physics that prevented that these are pieces of rock out there that for example something the size of the international space station could be worth two hundred billion dollars and so where there's a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow there will be a way people thirty years ago thought drilling a hole down into the bottom of the ocean and pulling fossil fuels under the north sea was impossible and now that's what we do as a matter of daily practice well we will have to see whether that does indeed transpire big promises. certainly big ambitions and perhaps big achievements as well whether there will be a future for space tourism and indeed space mining is down to people like eric under some mr honest and thank you very much for joining us thank you it's been a real pleasure.
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7:56 am
divine power in action activate the chakras. i am just so we need these we are under the control of those governing us before at the service of a space mafia i found on that date the magnetic field of the sun realty folks tend to create the support that the stuff. after the second coming it will be a futile place it will receive its glory it will be a renewed world and it will be a beautiful place. full of the best. will stop this type of ammunition.
7:57 am
it's good business for us it's kind of like being a doctor you know if there's a disaster businesses. better unfortunately. wealthy british style. is not right. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max kaiser for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. in these are the images we're seeing from the streets and canada. china operations are today. you know his secret laboratory kirby was able to build the world's most sophisticated robot which fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach me the creation of why you should care about humans and worry that this is why you should care only. that. oh shit. i laugh.
7:59 am
at that speed. her. i wish i was. a bomb it's good. luck. sleep. out. that little.


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