tv [untitled] January 8, 2013 1:30am-2:00am EST
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from a fifty three billion dollars aid package meanwhile the number of foreclosures increased by one hundred thirty four percent just last year but now spanish homeowners delinquent on their mortgages may have just one more alley in the war to stay in their homes the pamplona locksmiths yep in the summer a group of locksmiths in the city most famous for its running of the bulls were seen red after helping authorities the victims families at the rate of two per day in and around pamplona in fact just last year more than fifty thousand spanish families were forced out on the streets when they failed to pay their mortgage or rent in the locksmiths working on behalf of the banks had had enough one of them named to carlos to local t.v. station we all had stories of jobs we had been on where families had been left out on the street when you set out all you have is an address in the name of the bank but i recall an elderly sick man who is barely given time to put his trousers on so
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nice to hear someone empathizing greatly with people in need especially when those people in need are going to far is taking their own lives as a result of losing losing their homes sorry and factus locksmiths rebellion erupted after several widely reported suicides and the aftermath of vixens carlos continued to say more people and as people we can't continue carrying out a vixens when people are killing themselves. and that's why the pamplona locksmiths are refusing to change the locks since a distressed homeowners can still gain access to their house the bank can't repay its debts it locks us are human beings just like you and i they take a stand and revolting against this unjust system because they can't there is a middle man here and corporations depend on these middlemen to do their bidding and if we stop complying corporations will negatively buckle to the people's demands so if other people took the same route as these locks this may be the world would see a significant shift for the better so for being
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a hero to many scared homeowners in spain and for being an inspiration to many of us here in the country facing most of the same problems all of you to pamplona locks this are my heroes today so thirty heroes who's a villain or just like the hero i'm going to highlight a specific group of people as our villain their group which right now is being heavily contested in india for their lack of civility when it comes to women's rights i'm referring of course of the indian police force who today bears the burden of a collective guilt the news you may have heard as recently became a top international news story was that of a twenty three year old delhi women woman sari who died from severe injuries after being gang raped by five men on a bus but will the stop to be a unique case is far from it out of india's twenty four thousand two hundred six rapes in two thousand and eleven three quarters of the perpetrators of those rapes are still large and that's not including the rapes that go unreported which is
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a majority of them but who can blame them for not reporting rape when they've experienced such blatant disregard and outright hostility from india's police department. take this case for example an indian girl was raped a little more than a month before the new delhi attack in the state of pune job when the police arrived instead of comforting the traumatized victim instead the all male police men were beat a little bit and degraded her in their line of questioning this is what the victim's sister said about what happened so the police refused to file a complaint instead they asked my sisters such vulgar details it was as if she was being raped all over again my sister cried in front of them and kept asking would you still ask such questions if i were your daughter now and then police officers then proceeded to pressure the seventeen year old victim to either accept an informal settlement from one of her rapists or get this marry one of them seriously in other words take hush money or be an indentured servant to one of the men who
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just violated your womanhood that's where the story unfortunately takes a turn for the worst because forty four days later the young victim killed herself while her three accused rapists remain free at the time of her death this is a problem but this disregard for rape becomes even more disturbing when you see the reactions coming from high ranking police officials and india's law enforcement one delhi police chief propose this is a solution women should not go out late at night but wait another police officer has this insightful thing to share he said in reality the ones who complain are only those who have turned rape into a business that's awesome advice so women should hide in their homes and if they happen to get themselves raped then by golly they're just trying to make some money that thought is sickening and reflects a culture of social discrimination towards gender and sexuality which in turn creates a lot of this myth and humiliation. at the peak of the system is the force that's
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supposed to be bringing justice but instead it's creating an injustice against the women it's supposed to protect and that is why the entire police force of india are today's villains. i want to turn your attention south of the border a country with a little more than seven million people over the last couple years as seen the deaths of twenty two journalists a wave of organized crime extortion drug trafficking and political instability since a military coup ousted the country's president two thousand and nine hundred dollars to the painful new claim to fame quote murder capital of the world. now while beater's regard honduras as a country on the brink of becoming a failed state where those who oppose the country's wealthy oligarchs corrupt politicians and narco traffickers too often fall victims to targeted assassinations
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recent instability has many concerned with yet another coup only adding to the preoccupation of a country that deals with an average of fifteen or violent deaths each and every day and help me break down why hundreds have such high rates of violence who's to blame and what lies ahead for the region as a whole i'm joined by breaking the threat producer manwell. coming on man so you're from honduras you grew up in the country you just got back from a from two weeks of being there is honduras such a violent country i think this is actually a common misconception that a lot of people have about the region about anywhere south of the border of the united states places like mexico guatemala el salvador honduras that these are just inherently violent places this is definitely not the case especially not for honduras in fact it wasn't until somewhere around two thousand and nine that this began to really become a big problem in fact the two thousand and nine crew that ousted then president minutes elia actually opened the floodgates for these narco traffickers to start
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coming into the country and while the rest of the ruled in the whole country was distracted by this the really took full advantage of the narco traffickers took full advantage of this so that's one part of these drug wars that was happening along the same time as felipe calderon mexican president was enjoying the success of the people in of the mexican government driving out the cartels driving out the gangs and pushing themselves into an area that's known as the northern triangle which is consists of honduras guatemala and el salvador honduras of course it's the shorter end of the stick because you couple these narco traffickers and that the violence that comes with the turf wars the battling over the drug routes with seventy percent plus poverty rate extortions are a big big problem targeted assassinations corruption within the govern. if this all leads for for kind of a really nasty cocktail for impunity where crime goes unpunished when crime goes unpunished it just you know people make an entire business out of express kidnappings are good at extortion so it's kind of a really volatile situation and something we're going to talk about later in the
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show as journalists who have died around the world of course the honduran government is no stranger to that the u.n. is calling for investigation to the death of twenty two journalists who have died just over the last two years why the targeting of journalists in is there any protection there for media in the country no good question i think journalists are especially vulnerable in the country. you combine a culture of people that don't pay their taxes with a government that's very corrupt that's that's very much in line with the higher ups there's a leap of the country if you will that that align themselves with the narco traffickers and the police forces themselves are very corrupt as well so you have this kind of environment that even if these people were paying their taxes or the few people that do pay their taxes that money isn't really invested into the country it ends up in the hands of very few and you end up with a country that's practically ungovernable and that kind of doesn't allow for any protection mechanisms for journalists so for
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a journalist that's going to speak out against human rights abuses or against corrupt government officials or corrupt government force or against north traffickers as soon as the start naming names it's very very cheap if you will to to hired assassin in honduras somewhere around ten thousand dollars ten thousand lupita as the hundred currency somewhere around five thousand dollars and you can hire someone on a motorcycle to come in and you know kill off sort of his partner with a lot of places in the world having a camera is definitely more dangerous than holding a gun manny you know the u.s. of course like every other country in latin america has a long as you're involved in honduras how far back does this go and what extent are the people of honduras and the government of honduras really just pawns to u.s. interests. no that's very true the united states has a has a long bastard a vote it is and a lot of another common misconception that the united states supports democracy and that really it's the shining beacon hill for democracy and to some extent that's
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true but only if it's in line with the interests of the united states and i think in the case is no exception the united states has the largest military base in the western hemisphere based in honduras they have very very high interest in the agribusiness in honduras so i think the interests of the united states are more in line with maintaining the status quo and maintaining the good relationships that the united states has with honduras in terms of business than it is with you know keeping in line with what's going on there and so but no like you said the relationship goes way back in fact the political parties in honduras were established by the united states back when the region were all but nana republics and now you know how many years later. you know we're not that that far from where we started on the arc of being a failed state in honduras and of course i mean the war on drugs really. this instability the violence i mean it really is all pioneered by the u.s. we have about thirty seconds left but i just wanted you to expand on what you're telling me earlier about the political instability the potential crew that might
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come and talk about really quickly what happened at the supreme court justices sure i mean this is going to be a very pivotal year four of the fifteen supreme court justices were recently ousted in honduras for kind of opposing moves to reform the police force and you know this is only a few years after you know two thousand and nine there was a coup so there's talk that this could very well happen again and like i said this is an election year in honduras so that all remains to be seen i can't tell you i don't have a crystal ball to let you know but it could very well happen it's going to be a very critical year for them usually when there are signs of overreaching one branch over another when they're suppose to be checks and balances that's not a good sign thank you so much for shedding some light on the country man i am glad you're back safe with us good to have you back thanks a lot of. feel like what you see so far go to our you tube channel youtube dot com slash breaking the set and subscribe to our facebook page facebook dot com plus breaking the set if you want about what i'm doing when i'm not on air follow me on twitter at a martin later take a break from my preaching but stay tuned to hear just how many journalists were killed in two thousand and twelve and what kind of president this next.
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anytime anywhere. they like to. secure their future never seen anything like this on the telly. oh. all right guys if there's one thing that's vital in ensuring democracy it's a free press they build it for journalists to tell a story and update the people about the current state of affairs is crucial in order to maintain an informed electorate fortunately it's becoming more and more dangerous to do so thousand and twelve saw hundred forty one journalists killed around the world a record number of journalists so what's the us based press emblem campaign released the death counts by country but the top five most dangerous countries to be a journalist as follows under is the number five followed by brazil mexico some alia
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and topping the list syria with one thousand people killed according to see. just in syria alone one notable case is austin tice a washington d.c. based freelance reporter who has been presumed to be detained by the syrian government since early last year along with many other journalists in syria so what sort of precedent does it set when journalists are being outright targeted and if this trend continues where does that leave the truth to discuss this and more i'm joined by professor of critical media studies at georgetown university chris chambers thank you for coming on or so last year was one of the deadliest on record for journalists i mean we saw one hundred forty one different people killed and twenty nine different countries it really does seem like this trend is on the rise why do you think we're seeing this trend well i mean the stakes are higher across the globe you have you know. your many was talking about the ferment and. put that on a global scale you know political power political strife economic strife scarcity
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of resources when you have that ferment the press is supposed to be the truth teller the press is supposed to generate ideas generate debate and be the muckraker well they're the scope of the party and they're going to be the convenient scapegoat and journalists because they don't have this kind of protection are going to be naked and only have really the bravery of their ideas and their laptops to really protect them and sometimes that's not going to stop a bullet yeah well let's talk about what you just said i mean the fact that there is no such protection i mean the geneva conventions clearly state how it is war crime to target a journalist but we've seen time and time again i mean aside from from this these stats that we just mentioned u.s. forces targeting al jazeera during the iraq war also israel israel in its latest offensive against gaza targeting the press tower should there be some sort of international i mean to hold hold nations like us accountable when they do target journalists there are many international bodies to hold people accountable. and you
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know where the international body to hold that international body exactly i mean you've been a good. really what it's where it's whatever you want to make it i mean you know the powers that be would be israel but united states be it a drug gang in honduras or mexico be it the government of egypt it doesn't matter i mean it's whatever they want to do they can do there is no protection and what's terrible is that the united states which again is supposed to be the bull work in the beacon and our first amendment well you know with the prototype of this we have a terrible record of that here i mean i'm not just talking about the ridiculous and the sublime talking about things like wiki leaks and bradley manning or the drone war or exposing these sorts of things even moves in congress to derail the old common law protection that newspapers and t.v. have you know investigating public figures new york times versus sullivan there's a move afoot in the house of representatives to try to legislatively wipe out so
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a public figure whoever that is can basically soothe his or her way into silencing you so i mean you know even here we are not leading by example the u.n. is powerless and a lot of ways the secretary general of the spring when they were spates of murders in somalia south america this is before the syrian battle started this summer and spring came out with the most emphatic statement that i've ever seen from the secretary general's office on the rights of journalists ignored ignored because that that was before syria you know so it's really whatever the powers that be want to make it they will do if they want to protect it they will if they want to not protect journalists or look the other way or be helpless as sometimes happens in mexico and central america and that's what they'll do it's a sad sad sad situation i wish i could be brighter and more inspirational but i can't now it's going to be a trend it is just point out something really important which is the glaring hypocrisy of the u.s.
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. in terms of the close collusion even with the with newspapers self-censorship even. on the newspaper side where i guess they don't want to be attacked they don't want to play themselves out there and they know the trend of bradley manning and wiki leaks it's just a really sad thing when they're dredging up this archaic piece of laws from world war one and using it to go after people who are just trying to set right exactly terrible going on but you know i can't think of a case of anthony shadid who was essentially forced to go back into syria and be happen york times editors there and even though he didn't want to go on he ultimately died do you think that journalists should just accept the risk if they're going to be reporting in war zones or do you think that on some part it's the responsibility of these agencies who are kind of forced to go go beyond the front lines it's both i mean you you have to if you take this this sort of of cation this calling me even even in the safety of a studio here in washington when you and i are vulnerable for what we say and what
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we do and you have to have that thick skin you have to go out and find the truth you have to divine the information and put it out there for people to make up their own minds at the same time your outlet that's supposedly your clune if you will that that picks these assignments has to be careful now if they're just pushing people out there to get those ratings to get those eyeballs on the site and those clicks you know then you know that's a problem that's the corporate model we have to get what's sexy we have to get you know what you know if it leads and if it bleeds it leads well think of that on the global scale they don't have stringers out they don't have people doing research and intelligence on the ground to really set the predicate for making at least not a safe story but a reporter can go into it find his or her leads develop the story report the story out without getting their head blown off the cut all that out of the budget because you know reality t.v. product that they probably own you know in addition to a publishing house and
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a movie studio is more important to them and then you see a lot of the people reporting from the. where they're not really seen any any true you know round so the court is there are bad and there are a force fed you know the whatever the propaganda is from video newly released stuff yeah and we have about thirty seconds left but i just wanted to go off of what you're saying before about the u.s. assault on journalism on alternative media the war on whistleblowers i mean is this creating a chilling effect is it really creating that level of self-censorship and preventing people from speaking out i think it's preventing people from speaking out in the mainstream sphere the cable giants the online magazines legacy newspapers etc but i mean they're always out with some readers are to there's you know center for public integrity pro publica you know even even mainstream sort of online magazines that mother's mother jones etc will break these stories the outlets are there but they're shrinking shrinking shray are shrinking that's why it's more important for
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us to continue to speak up and chris chambers that you guys are georgetown university appreciate time. are you guys in case you haven't been following the daily news grind here's an update on some recent high profile obama point in the wake of former cia directors david petraeus is embarrassing sex scandal and subsequent resignation president obama's found self the perfect replacement as well as the new secretary of defense take a look. to help meet the challenges of our time i'm proud to announce my choice for two key members of my national security team chuck hagel for secretary of defense and john brennan for director of the central intelligence agency. now if you're wondering why we should care about john brennan check this out in two thousand eight hundred was pegged to be the director of the cia under obama however why
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spread protests against him took him out of the running so why were people protesting it well because he was a cia analyst under george w. bush and he was an enthusiastic supporter of bush's infamous policies extraordinary rendition and enhanced interrogation in other words brennan openly supported kidnapping and torture but then we didn't get the top spot at the cia brennan still got a seat at the high table and wield enormous influence over obama's counterterrorism policies as his chief counterterrorism adviser and we all know that the white house counterterrorism policy is going a little something like this shoot first ask questions later and answer to no one catchy phrase for which we should thank john brennan in fact he coaches obama every terror today on who to assassinate around the world he sees the number one adviser overseeing the drone king's kill list john brennan's nickname is the assassination czar for god's sake and this is the guy who is ushering this country to the next
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phase of the war on terror so because it will be stuck with this guy at least until he's mired in a sex scandal and self we should probably mention some of his most notable achievements he vocally advocated giving immunity to telecom corporations who participated in bush's illegal wiretapping program he led the signature strikes in yemen which involved targeted assassinations of people without even knowing who they were in fact in several instances brennan himself was the decider of who was marked for extrajudicial executions blowing people up without all that messy paperwork we like to call due process and just last year brennan was caught lying about the claim that obama's drone program caused no civilian deaths in pakistan over the previous year britain is what i like to call the counterman responsible for possibly the most counterproductive counterintuitive counterterrorism policy. the last decade drone warfare because if you watch the show then you know that drones do nothing but terrorize innocent civilians create more radicalism in
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sovereign nations and only have a two percent success rate so to sum it up brennan has been one of the most kill he's been the key player in the most controversial post nine eleven policies ranging from upping the use of killer unmanned drones across the muslim world to secret warrantless surveillance of u.s. citizens and seriously what sort of precedent does it set for the obama administration to appoint someone like john brennan who was previously unfit for the job because of his corrupt legacy to be the new director of the cia well glenn greenwald always says it best and today is no different he said the very idea that someone should be disqualified from service in the obama administration because of an involvement in and support for extremist bush terrorism policies seems quaint and obsolete indeed what a sad death and in reality the fact that john brennan represents the most of the foreign aspects of the bush legacy has been come completely a mute point welcome to the fourth term of the bush presidency.
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