tv [untitled] January 8, 2013 10:00pm-10:30pm EST
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well i'm tell our been in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight the big picture. president obama has slowed federal spending faster than any president in recent history so why are republicans moaning and groaning so much that and more in tonight's politics panel and we've bailed them out and help prevent a total financial collapse so how does it you want to thank you me and our government i want to so i was busy i do have a case and what does this say about how and titled and bullet proof wall street
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feels today. you need to know this a nightmarish scenario of what might happen if republicans in congress refused to raise the debt limit is beginning to emerge an analysis by the bipartisan policy center found that if the debt limit is not raised by the end of february and chain reaction of events will happen that will destroy both the united states is and the global economy to begin with the treasury department makes roughly one hundred million payments among all of them payments already authorized by congress without an increase in the debt limit those checks can't be cut yet in the short term or yes in the short term the treasury can prioritize what they pay out first and keep payments to social security medicare medicaid education defense going for a little while but that would mean all the checks for everything else would stop on
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march first that includes food safety inspectors prisons researchers courts. the f.a.a. the list goes on and on every airport in the country would shut down federal prisons cease to operate really and an enormous shock would hit global financial markets when america stops paying her bills and the benchmark interest rate for u.s. debt will skyrocket forcing operates on things tied to the fed funds rate which includes credit cards mortgages lines of credit to businesses the cost interest on our debt will also go up the interest cost our debt cost of interest and revenue into the government will go down and we'll be in an even worse situation than we were before be a nightmare for everyone yet it's exactly what the house republicans are willing to make happen or at least say they are unless president obama agrees to medicare and social security insurance program cuts there's no other way to describe this than economic terrorism which is why the president is currently refusing to negotiate
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with these republican terrorists he has basically four options call their bluff and hope they back down invoke the fourteenth amendment and throw it to the supreme court mint a trillion dollar platinum coin to pay our bills or raise the debt limit on his own since congress is author already authorized. bills that he's just given the job of pain. so how might all of this play out let's ask our politics panel tonight joining me chris allman conservative commentator and activist ulick a senior reporter of human events online editor the guns and patriots column and sam sacks progressive writer and contributor to truthout or so welcome all of you great to have you with us given what's going to happen if the debt limit isn't raised and there's an old say you casually run across a cop shows you know that hostage takers have to be willing to kill or at least serious seriously maim the hostage or they shouldn't take them in the first place typically don't so are the republicans chris chris are the republicans genuinely
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ready to either kneecap or kill the american economy well i guess the real question is is the president willing to do that because he has his out against us control spending is what's leading to this problem and he has been unwilling over the last four years to do anything about any one of them when did the constitution change and say that that the president could authorize spending i thought that was soley the responsibility of congress well look at the last deal that he cut i think we should just let the sequester cuts go into effect and then the president needs to come with some long term changes to some of these programs that will have a where clara's already spent all this money this is not quite a good we already spend it they do they authorize they open it years they authorize these expenditures the same little bennett and so if you go buy a new car with a credit card and then the bill comes and you say oh i get this twenty thousand dollars bill for this new car. but my personal credit limits like fifteen thousand
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dollars do you call it the credit card company and say sorry i'm not going to pay you well if you're president obama you call it the credit card company and say can you show me another one when it was their donors who bought the car with a thousand dollars limit i mean the response he has running up to the max and then he keeps asking for more and more and he says i'm not going to he hasn't asked our i'm like carting the last kid up far i'm. never going to stop this spending chris do you want to stop to understand what i'm asking the question here this is ingenuous science or no not yet i've heard only a branch of government that has the power to spend money it doesn't matter how many times you pound the table the president does have a new input and influence on congress and he uses that in a wants to increase spending yes no i saw it enough so long he just beat up john boehner i'm well over the last ten or twelve diners always back to the regular minister i'm old enough to remember when candidate obama promised he was going to cut the deficit in half in his first four years so he should go here to republicans
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land fill those plans that he had and he should use that where the republicans in the senate not filibuster the legislation that came out of nancy pelosi house of representatives he would have cut the budget it would have cut the deficit more than half say that there is a such thing as facts that are being really thrown around here and that's the fact that the president has actually slowed federal spending faster than any president in recent history when it comes down to it but i will side with you guys it is going to his first year if you go back to the carter go before that if you look at it please ok well in fact we have surely we have it we have a graphic idea it was great this for neil this is this is these are actual numbers this is from the. from forbes magazine jumped a trillion dollars from this is these are these are and all you do all these years are these are budget deficits by administrations you have reagan reagan bush sr clinton clinton. where there was junior bush junior and obama let's add a percent and a bar code a percentage of g.d.p.
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that's a percentage if this is not this is the amount that he has this is budget deficits as a percentage of g.d.p. and you've got these are the real numbers the actual numbers forbes magazine published this and here you have to go i would lay my democrat g.d.p. gone up that's what you're not talking about his spending has gone up we know he's borrow this scenario in dollars that are giving the president ready for extending g.-d. i mean two but. i'll agree with you guys partly this is the president's fault because when we had the last debt limit fight he caved in and agreed to about a trillion dollars in cuts and then he agreed to the sequester and all these deals down the road so republicans are banking that is just going to cave again now if miraculously he doesn't cave in if he pushes the right to the limit and republicans still want to go over and they do take us over and he doesn't do anything about it the never really confirmed the suspicions that a lot of people on the left have had for a long time unless the republicans are willing to set it on fire in order to rebuild their kind of libertarian society without. without medicare without unemployment i learnt interested when you know this is very scary scary stories
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that you're telling me i would be curious to see what happened i think that i was already past the devil i mean i mean we've got to where right let's get out there give pleasure which is really what does stop turning tom let's see i think for the subtle come up the next day honestly it will so you're willing to yes use the hostage and see if he or she lives the metaphorical hostage yes i pray to the soul of the real hostage do you do you disagree with i guess the studies that have been shown that this would be catastrophic you just don't. know it's a big that study is just predicting the future ok hypothetically if it were always a study you were true if it were true and it would go into chaos would you still agree with it. i don't believe there will be chaos but if there were would you agree that if i don't agree with this prediction of the future i mean people are we talking about where you are how does it go where is your crystal ball apparently it is ok let's talk about when these. more than one hundred or three hundred employees there when he's fast food chain in omaha nebraska stand against screwed by their
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employer rather than complying with the new obamacare mandate to offer health insurance to his full time workers carry bird debt the vice president of operations for the local wendy's franchise is cutting all of his workers hours to part time those shrinking their paychecks and putting the cost burden of finding health insurance squarely on their shoulders or debt argues that he simply can't afford to pay for health insurance for his workers but here's what i say if you run a business and you refuse to offer basic essentials to your workers like a living wage and health care then you shouldn't even be in business in the first place. what did what do you think was going to happen when you started dumping all of these new costs and regulations on businesses it's actually a lot less expensive to offer health insurance to your employees post obamacare than it was pretty well i think you know you should you should open a a wendy's and hire these people but what you know this guy owns his own business and he's making a decision it's his decision it has the right to make a bad decision have the right to make a bad business decision i absolutely agree with you and in fact one of the
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unintended consequence of this i had a long conversation with well potter on the radio show about this today who really knows this stuff you used to be the v.p. of cigna and and he said what what is happening i mean these people are all basically if they're under four hundred percent of poverty they're going to go on to medicare and all their health insurance is going to be paid for and this isn't the only hope is going to do this because that professor is what we're what we're going to end up with is a national health care system. i've always national single payer health care i've always thought that obamacare is so crazy and burdensome and mrs you'd like it you can figure out what it is that basically the whole plan was to move us to a single payer just because people get fed up or it's too expensive it was backdoor single. and if that happens carson about talking about shooting the hostage you just said hey if he can't provide this he should go out of business then those people won't be won't be working twenty eight hours a week they'll be working zero but that's what you and the other liberal actually would i believe her remark was i don't think that would happen i think that if that
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wendy's went out of business and there was a demand for hamburgers in that location some other entrepreneur who could who could meet the demands of the marketplace and offer a living wage would come along and say well feel less volatile are saying is that they simply cannot make enough profit to know that of all the average. in the corporate profits last year were at the highest level since one thousand and twenty six we're talking this is going to the owner of these franchises they can't stay in business we've seen this all the way this was the unintended consequence get out there cut a share it's actually a million dollars a year to two point seven you know well it isn't as as neal said it is the absolute intended consequence of obamacare to move us to single payer to have to make it so hard for employers that they're just going to throw their hands up and the government is going to have to settle this sam of chris and neil are right i'm all in favor of this i think there's you know some things in obamacare like leading up to the states to try and find ways to insure as many people for as cheaper cost.
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two that could pave the way to single payer other states want to choose a single payer the problem is republicans in congress were all about states' rights or blocking waivers that give states the ability to create single payer systems under has already authorized it passed the law signed by the governor one of the state has been waiting for the republicans in congress to pass legislation giving them away for what they did was a blacky but there's something sad about it too because it's this collectivization it's almost working like the cornwallis all of us were writing wise it's own laws and i like to visit basically these independent operators are basically forced to either join a large corporation so corporations or larger networks they're the ones the chains are the ones who are going to survive we've seen a lot less than a lot of companies in america actually operate in america and move to canada because they don't have to pay the cost of health insurance if we go to a single payer system those companies might come back to america would not be a good thing i'm not sure a lot of those wendy's are going to move to canada about the toyota that there is lots of employers who you know if they're having to compete with low wage nations
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that don't provide health insurance would be a much easier burden them if they didn't have to provide health insurance either which is offered by the government although see it we'll see how it plays out more of politics panel coming up right after this break. well. it's technology innovation all the developments around russia. that's huge you're covered.
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wealthy british style assignments that's not on my list. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cars or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report. from the food. more news today volunteers once again fled up the phone these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada
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trophy giant corporations are old today. welcome back there's the night's politics panel on our panel are chris allman conservative commentator and activist senior reporter human events on line that are the guns and patriots columns and sam sacks progressive writer and contributor to truthout org let's talk guns the city council of spring city utah is taking the n.r.a. his advice that more guns means less gun violence so he wants all residents to own a gun and take classes and learn how to use the officials think it will help supplement their short staffed police force meanwhile congresswoman gabby giffords is injecting some sanity into the debate she's launching a new organization to take on the national rifle association americans for responsible solutions is what she calls it and she hopes it's going to break the
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stranglehold that the n.r.a. has on our congress also general stanley mcchrystal this morning call for a ban on what he described as weapons of war that are now on our streets so who is going to win this fight and who should win this fight sam. well there are two different answers i think i mean the gun lobby is pretty strong you know unfortunately as you see after every mass shooting that has been is and has been repeated as people's attention gets off that people's attention might lose here and even congressman woman gabby giffords you know she was she was pretty pro gun when she was in congress i mean she didn't have a high grade from the n.r.a. but it's hard for any that i hate to disagree with my fellow liberal here remember when sarah palin had that interview with. c.b.s. what was your name of the katie couric you're. with katie couric it was kind of a turning point the campaign where americans went well. you know it's like that i think that when wayne la pierre went off on that rant a lot of americans wound really you know they're really that crazy i don't think
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they i don't going forward i don't think they're going to. obviously i hope i'm wrong but i mean what i was saying is that you know here's someone who was impacted by gun violence and that's what made her change in iraq it seems like. you know that's what makes people change not seeing it on the news because she's going to be the james brady of this generation you know well i think it was very sad the way james brady was manipulated for his wife by the well by some sort of push for these these gun control laws like he ate he was and i hear of them and continues to be and be his wife was really the one running in that little probe and i think that you know obviously obviously it's their decision whether they want to exploit this tragedy or not but the fact i'm of the n.r.a. or or gabby giffords. or this the city that wants everybody to have a gun i think that the city in utah doesn't want to have guns in the schools because they want their kids to be in danger or they want to do it to protect their
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children or the user of these guns well i mean it is currently our school kids yeah exactly so it's a problem. so i mean it's we have guns in their homes they didn't say guns in the schools and who will have the knowledge the who will have the guns people who go through a federal background check and who are not felons and who are not adjudicated mentally ill just like everybody else going to the entry well there are forty percent of the gun sales that don't i mean when you can go on the internet and say i'm a gun collector and talk to another gun collector and have a cell that doesn't have background checks this stuff happens and you know what i'm going to use that i go into when i was at d.o.j. i actually worked on the background check system that was that was my purview and although i'm a strong supporter of the n.r.a. and the second amendment rights i think that technology has reached a certain point where it's very easy to do the checks and yes i actually would support any time a gun taint his hands that there's a background check shouldn't i shouldn't we take
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a lesson from automobiles i mean when cars when henry ford first rolled out the model t. at that point time cars had been around for a decade and a half or so there was a couple of dozen different car manufacturers and there was no licensure of cars. people were getting killed left and right because there were no rules that you know they were just coming up with stop signs they had figured out red yellow green lights or they were just starting you know when when ford made a mass product and so we said ok we're going to register the product itself the car because it can cause death and see we need to be able to track that we're going to read it we're going to certify that the operator is competent driver's license and we're going to require no this wasn't all the same time but you know over the course of about a decade a half and we're going to require liability insurance for the person who owns or operates the vehicle want to do the same thing with guns well first of all there's no constitutional right to drive a car and there is a constitutional right actually owning arguably there is article one section eight provides for congress to build roads and if congress is authorized to build roads
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then you would assume that you know we're all going to think about it yeah next time i'm pulled over for speeding i i mean come on i'm here at your office or yes you can build roads but you couldn't build roads for horse and buggies you don't have to build all this as it says that they could build it for i mean your post office you have it makes no difference there's a constitutional right to keep and bear arms and people have that right unless you're a member of a militia. you know that's not good and that's not what the supreme court said that that is the right and the supreme court says the up is a person and i don't think that's true it just goes to school yes i think that you will agree that supreme court is not always right here i actually believe they are right and i think i want to move to this town a new tech as i bet robberies are going to go way down just like kennesaw georgia yes i know it's a little to be just down the road from kennesaw georgia that's a fantasy you never broke into a house in kennesaw georgia and i know why i never got to do it and i know why you never broke into our. lives in the numbers that have been in such
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a small town that those numbers just fluctuate all over the place be noted sure i've spoken to an officer from kennesaw it contributes to guns of patriots and he said that all the time when they picked guys up they would just shake their head they said i was warned don't go to the saw don't go to the saw it's a it's a you know one of those vanishing check relations but with your grow your gun i mean you know the crime actually went down because crime you know in the big scheme of things to me but here is alex jones last night on piers morgan went off on this thing about we got to have our guns because some day we're going to take on our good moment here he goes. hitler took the guns stalin took the guns mounted guns but no castro took the gun to hugo chavez took the guns and i'm going to tell you seventy seventy six will come you know if you try to take our firearms doesn't matter how many we are going to take on our government with our guns really does anybody seriously believe besides the fact that hitler actually promoted the use in ownership of guns the nazi youth in particular they had gun clubs but you know
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historical factual aside chris only the nazi youth though not the jews did that i don't think he was encouraging the jews don't know i don't think so you know right because you see what we haven't really who want to have them and when you can register them and control who can have them then you can control who can't have them and the people who disagree with you are the people who let me let me rephrase that because the because the jews in the warsaw ghetto were actually fairly well armed and didn't do them a whole lot of good what what. can you identify any indigenous revolution a revolution where the local people were fighting off themselves they were overthrowing their own government which had become oppressive that was successful i can think of a lot where foreign invaders were repelled or foreign forces like our revolution where we threw off the british but they were hard with they were about to me about the french revolution the french revolution failed it was followed by three american residue things plus it's touring our own government we were throwing off
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our government at that why didn't we threw off the british government well before the revolution on the other side of your heart they were already on their side of the ocean right but they were in charge you know with the brits were in charge yes exactly and we threw them off that's my boy who came here threw off the british that's my point we're still trying to combine all of that and when i look at you know you compare for example age of does down area well it comes down to this do you want to have a firearm in your home to protect yourself against ok an invader yes but do you need one hundred clipper magazine maybe do you ok for a bigger who or what about maybe your time maybe i mean queens new york. has just whipped through my community and there's looters and there's violent gangs they just need to get out of the well maybe i don't want to get out of town because whatever momentos i have in my world are in this foundation this flooded foundation and maybe i want to if you're going back to the whole new orleans thing more of the
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people who were killed in new orleans were black people who were killed by white people who were like shooting them as they were trying to flee the city coming across the bridge i mean that there are some really grim stories there and this is against the law and it's not it's already against the law it is was planned out but but again we really you have a choice of an india is you know threw off an oppressive government nonviolently south africa nonviolently i think that there's some. to be so for that egypt the people wanted to rear square and they said we don't have guns you know whereas a nice area they're saying ok we're going to take the guns and take down the government sixty thousand people have died already but let me ask you this anything we do in response to newtown connecticut is that going to work nobody out of this problem cannot what we should do is we should enact policies that actually work to do what we want them to do and i don't disagree that whatever she said as well mr jones right that we know that there's going to be a revolution against the american government if if if there's an effort to disarm
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and yet not yet in the end one our guy had lunch and eagerly democratic some day there were but tom were we to have a tyrant or a despot sometime you know like we look at the you know sam's crystal ball in this future a catastrophe their own you know and downs are as it is like guns what do you say i'm sure although you'd rather have the syrian situation play out than what actually changes if there were crazed troops who are going to attack me and my family i would like the option to die on my feet i would i would submit to you that when those tens of thousands of people were standing there to rear square including women with baby carriages and they said shoot us if you was and mubarak ultimately said i will step down that attacks not mutually exclusive i think we could have a had those people pulled out the m. sixteen is if you were going to square i mean chairman square those students were machine gunned and you would help us and i think that you don't argue that much of
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the much of the change much of the modernisation of china right now has came right out of that that was going to be what you are going to celebrate their martyrdom their kneels idealism of wanting to go down and have a gun fire the you know why can't you have a rocket launcher look there's an idealism to that why not there is an idealism to this but there's also a reality to this and that's the eleven thousand people are killed every year in america as a result of guns the last several mass shootings in america use the same sort of weapons that we classify as assault weapons with huge going clips despite your idealism. we all have idealism but there's a reality that we have to pass laws to make sure that these weapons are in the hands of men no no i want or i believe in any of those things and none of these laws will well would have prevented what you just said you agree with more background checks that law could could could do something there but if we didn't have clips that had one hundred round ammos in it bullets and a hundred rounds shooting that's what the guy who had two hundred bull are you talking about banning one hundred rounds are you talking about banning fifteen rounds and there's a big dose at. any point at the end of it round check chris say
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and say thank you very much for being here is that a. crazy alert americans love their colon more than their lawmakers a new study out by public policy polling in which americans were asked to compare their feelings about their lawmakers in washington to other typically unpopular things and let's just say we really like it there is this wife republican controlled congress for instance a whopping sixty seven percent of americans prefer a lice the biggest fear of all about three school nurses two republican controlled congress that has nothing fifty eight percent and fifty six percent of americans respectively prefer colonoscopies and canals to the republican controlled congress in fact we prefer the republican cause we dislike the stupid republican controlled
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congress so much that fifty six percent of us find sitting in traffic involving a bumper traffic at that every rush hour even more favorable than our life if they should be said however the republican controlled congress did beat out a few things according to the poll americans like congress more than they like lindsey lowe and be a ball of virus. or the kurdish. the worst year for the was. white house of the day the radio guy unplugged a zero minutes from a click. i want to watch what we're about to do because you've never seen anything like this i'm told.
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