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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2013 4:00pm-4:30pm EST

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well the country composed of immigrants is sending out a mixed message these days turns out that the feds spend more money on immigration control than any other kind of law enforcement will ask if this accident of government cash is money well spent in just a minute. if we turn that around thank you america thank you america the insurance giant aig i-g. thanks the us for bailing it out while they secretly consider so we the government over the terms of the agreement but after a major public backlash the bank now says it won't do what this case means for the
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finance community head. and most students turn to a guidance counselor if they feel that they're being treated unfairly in school but it takes a student went further than that actually suing the school for making her wear a badge with a tracker inside the outcome of the case head. it's wednesday january ninth four pm in washington d.c. i'm christine for you're watching our team. let's begin this hour with a closer look at the way the government spends your money a new report out this week found that just last year nearly eighteen billion dollars was spent on enforcing immigration laws the report is called the immigration enforcement in the united states the rise of a formidable machinery now to put this into a little perspective that's more than the government spends on the f.b.i.
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the da the u.s. secret service u.s. marshals service and the a.t.f. combined now spending has gone up dramatically in the last decade back in two thousand and five the budget for the u.s. and customs border protection was about six point three billion dollars and last year was eleven point seven billion that's an eighty five percent increase now a similar spike in the budget for u.s. immigration and customs enforcement or ice which spent a little more than three billion back in two thousand and five and in two thousand and twelve spent nearly six billion so why the massive increase and how does this fit with the notion that many in this country have the president obama isn't doing enough to deal with the quote immigration problem actual caballero is the founder of the organization cuenta me and joins me now from our studios in los angeles hey there axel let me get your take translate these numbers into some facts for me what does this say about immigration under the obama administration. well effectively what has happened is the criminalization of migration of immigration and what do i
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mean by that there's been over emphasis on inforcing capacity meaning on securing the border particularly on militarizing the border the use of technology the use of a lot of money to patrol the border which is customs and border patrol c.b.p. who takes about twelve billion dollars and then we have internal controls or ice which means the detention and removal again also partly to focus on what we're calling criminalization of migration because this ends up in our judicial system through immigration procedures and criminal procedures immigration is a civil matter it has always been treated as a civil matter and would always be a civil matter but this focus this change this shift over the last decade into what is effectively a criminalization area cost money why because it's treated as a crime and that's a crime we have to protect in the wars and increase the numbers and what that cost
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is a huge humanitarian crisis that is just growing and growing by the day i want to play something after the president obama said that criticizing republicans for being a little over the top about immigration said we needed to triple the border patrol or now they're going to say we need to quadruple the border patrol or the want to hire fence maybe they'll need a moat. whether they want alligators in the moat so the president is sort of chiding republicans here but in fact he has taken in force and several notches deportations according to this report have skyrocketed talk a little bit about this. yeah absolutely we're seeing the deportation number in the vein of four hundred thousand approximately a year this has increased tremendously over the last they can this is partly again because of the shift into the criminalization but it's not only under this administration that this comes prior to this administration is through operation
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operation streamline which means that upon the detention of a an immigrant they will be put forward into the criminal procedures and then either put on detention or put on deportation both areas are heavily funded right now so that means that we're going to see a rise in deportation to four hundred thousand which is an astounding number particularly of immigrants that leave behind a lot of families here a lot of relatives a lot of folks that have been here for decades they will be deported to sometimes what's called lateral deportation which is areas that they don't don't know and they're very vulnerable to drug enterprises and criminal enterprises because they're going to want to come back and so that's one area and the second area is detentions and that's a huge amount there has been an increase in detention funding to thirty four thousand beds spaces a lot of them for for profit facilities as well as the industry which is which is ice now adays that duals out contracts so combined those detention deportation
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that's the bulk that you're seen of the eighteen billion dollars that are being spent and we're spending that at a time where the push and the pull factors for migration that all time low that programs like alternative to detention at a higher level of efficiency so we have to move into that direction in order to provide a better alternatives for immigration as we're talking right now about immigration reform what do you what do you mean asked of these alternatives to deportation well there are some programs that the administration particularly isis. testing out a tb is called which are programs that place individuals who have been considered at low risk individuals or medium risk individuals individuals that have demonstrated that they don't have convictions they don't have particularly negative records they're placed with their families and in their home. and their homes with
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their environments and they just have to show certain thresholds to attend the perceived. scent of these for. an immigration bill within the first year of his term now i was we know the first term is over about to start his second term we didn't hear much about immigration
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this time around in this campaign is that because there was nothing that for the other side to sort of point fingers out because he in fact has been extremely tough on it i mean talk a little bit about the direction that we're going and also about what some of the people that you speak to want to happen i think should happen here. well i mean certainly was a hot topic particularly within our community in particular the latino community that was a strong driving force and we saw latinos coming out in droves after these during this election to participate in a large quantity in a large amount particular send a message immigration should be a priority in this agenda and that should be a project priority right after inauguration what happened during the campaign and what has happened during the last couple of campaigns is that there has been no solutions proposed there has been no sensible policy proposed not one that actually
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makes sense on the ground so the folks that really impact what we're saying and what we're hearing from individuals from families from young students from folks on the ground is that this is urgent people see it particularly on the right and folks on the left and democrats and republicans and both parties see this as an expedient see it's a political issue it's something about numbers and jobs and border security and fiscal issues and blah blah blah blah but what we're seeing is folks every single day struggle they get separated from their families they get ported they can't go to school where they had attended they put in detention facilities their children are put in foster centers for adoption this is a humanitarian crisis well i think it's a good and rights issue it's a good point you raise too because this is something i think that a lot of people on the right were very shocked to learn you know just. mexican
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americans immigrants from other countries as well in this country that are citizens that came out to vote this time around and want something to get done do you think that you know that that will propel something to happen now that both sides realize hey. these are this is a huge block of people that we're representing here. oh absolutely in fact one of the statistics that we saw that one in three of our community of latino's knows someone or is related to someone with a currently in documents in this country this is why it's personal and this is why it's a daily issue that it's an urgent call. now that must happen right now and this is why the push from the latino community is to get it done right now because every day that passes by without sensible immigration reform the tackles the issues about deportations the importation of detention that we're talking about and those who say should not the word and to him in many tearing crisis every day that passes by
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impacts someone and it impacts the latino community as a whole and it gives rise to all these elements in these anti immigrant groups that continue pushing and pushing this certain notion of what immigrants are and what the latino community is about certainly this is certainly a priority yes certainly an important topic as well and really just some astounding numbers when you when you look at this eighteen billion being spent just last year alone on immigration enforcement actually called founder of quantum a thanks so much thank you switching gears now did you play that game would you rather as a child like would you rather get stung by a jellyfish or have slugs stuck between your toes well there's a new poll out that finds most people prefer disgusting scary in sex to the u.s. congress this insect is commonly called the american cockroach we mostly know cockroaches as past. that's right in
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a survey conducted by public policy polling these pests got more people in favor of them than the u.s. congress here's another think they prefer americans that prefer a root canals to congress fifty six percent to congress's measly thirty two percent and there's more how about brussel sprouts kids hate eating their vegetables but adults well they may not love them but they would apparently pick brussel sprouts over congress and here's another insect people tend to prefer over congress head lice sixty seven percent to sixteen percent hack even the rock band nickelback beats out our chosen leaders and now it's a sentiment that some members of congress are indeed aware of my goodness little revenue service has a forty percent approval rating compared to or nine percent so there it is documented in the public record forever now some numbers say you know they've seen the numbers but they just don't believe them they're hailed as
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heroes after all when they return to their districts they're given money and parties and fifteen thousand dollar a plate dinners it can't be true but there are various polls from gallup pew research center and rasmussen all of which show the approval rating for congress in extremely low numbers so the question is this do members of congress care well decisions they make this term reflect not only their campaign promises but also the will of the people they represent or will they make decisions based on lobbying dollars thrown their way and a return to the status quo complete with partisan bickering hours spent yelling at an empty chamber and working on legislation with no chance of ever passing or will they finally take the constructive criticism to heart and make some changes the just might boost their approval ratings by the people that are elected to serve it can't be that difficult since it would be pretty hard to imagine those ratings getting any worse. well talk now about something taking place on wall street that
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you might find shocking insurance giant aig which got a two hundred eighty two billion dollar bailout by you the taxpayer by way of the u.s. government during the financial crisis was considering a proposal to sue the government for charging too high interest rates and therefore giving its shareholders less money than they thought they deserved now this is appalling on many levels but here's one. leading to insurance companies right here in america we're now leaner and focused on what we do that we were paid every dollar america lent everything for profit or more than twenty two billion for the american people. we turned it around thank you thank you america. so then you america now give us some more money now and i did just announce that it would not in fact join it shop the shareholders in suing the government largely because of the backlash the company was facing but what even made this
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a possibility in the first place i want to break this down for you with our two correspond on the stasia chart going out all right on a safiya this meeting today is wrapping up and it looks like after quite a bit of public scrutiny a.i.g. will not be suing what we what can you tell us. well law christine you know this case has really been having people running around with their eyes popping saying is this really possible is really going to take this extra step of arrogance and really seriously consider joining their shareholders in a twenty five billion dollar lawsuit against the u.s. government the same government that provided them with one hundred eighty billion dollars to make sure they stay afloat instead of defaulting on four hundred forty billion dollars worth of credit default swaps and thankfully for aig because the amount of outrage we would have seen out on the american streets and among politicians would have been tremendous they decided to not go ahead with this
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decision and to not join the lawsuit of the shareholders that have been filed quite some time ago and this is really something that's been keeping people on their toes because they were saying really how much further can wall street take of their really fat cat behavior they were saying that this ruthlessness with which they created the two thousand and eight economic collapse this ruthlessness and lack of accountability with which they accepted the eight hundred billion dollars bailout is there really a company out there that could continue to demand more money and people were saying well maybe if they do it go ahead with this decision will end up being that corporation that takes it just one step further but they decided against it today the last of the filed by shareholders you said quite some time ago i think it was back in two thousand and eleven why wait until now why didn't they put a stop to this before. well you know they're not really putting a stop to this christine it was part of their legal responsibilities really the board members of this of this corporation that the shareholders are part of and have stakes in to consider whether or not they would join
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a lawsuit like this it is their responsibility to do so in terms of why it's been so long is a good question i guess they were weighing their options and because of the tremendous backlash they have seen among the politicians the lawmakers in washington d.c. and the american public the the chose wisely probably i have to say in this case but to give our viewers a little bit more info on the lawsuit and self that is still going to be ongoing why the shareholders even though they won't be able to use the name the name of aig basically we're talking about twenty five million billion dollars here and the reasoning of the shareholders is that they believe that their property rights have been violated because the u.s. government did end up owning eighty percent of aig following the bailout the shareholders said this affects their rights they were given a raw deal they're not happy with it they were faced with very high interest high tax rates and they weren't happy with this because they believe that the u.s. government the u.s.
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government bailed out aig not because they wanted to save this particular company but the larger scope of the economy which of course was the case but in terms of the beliefs of the shareholders they believe they could have made a little more money but i was also i mean correct me if i'm wrong this is the terms of the deal that were agreed upon back when i was bailed out i mean this is the largest of the wall street bailout packages. i guess what what kind of reactions are you hearing from government officials and why would they rename gonna deal that they agreed to four years ago. well christine this information that board members have decided to not go ahead with this lawsuit is really coming in just today and it's really developing so we're not really getting that many reactions from officials in terms of saying god they're not doing it but certainly in the days leading up to this meeting where a.g.c. o's were getting together to decide what to do we have heard tremendous criticism from lawmakers there were letters being sent all around basically saying you have
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got to be kidding us if you go ahead with this kind of lawsuit and you know lawmakers were saying look we saved you guys and now you're going to go ahead and pay the american public like this it's just really outrageous they said listen a.g. you guys are really the poster boy off the economic and financial collapse and then you go ahead and do this not a good idea to put salt on american taxpayer wounds so looks like listen this time around and just last question why not do you spend a lot of time covering what's going on on wall street just speculate for me sir for a second i mean i just cited not to take this i mean do you think this will be the end of the rescue trying to blame the rescuers. i really don't think so christine you know it's really curious that whenever we kind of begin to assume that this is the most outrageous we're thing we see coming out of wall street time and time again we never we begin to assume that it turns out that there's still continuing playing their games and you know wall street is always a gift that keeps on giving and mostly to itself so i'm sure we'll see more to come
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the wells that are to correspond honest in our studios in new york thanks so much. well i want to bring you an update now to a story that we've been following for the last several months about a high school student who was expelled from her school for refusing to wear her student identification card around her neck fifteen year old andrea hernandez said she objected to wearing the ide id implanted with a radio frequency identification chips on religious grounds calling it quote the mark of the beast the school agreed to take the microchip out of the id card but would still require her to wear the badge and she refused and sued the school well yesterday a judge sided with the school she lost her battle and the ruling could teach us much more on the war being fought in this country against breaches on privacy and civil liberties and speak now with john whitehead who represented her hernandez in the case and is a constitutional attorney for the rutherford institute hello john ok so these are f id tags are
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a way for the school to try to keep attendance up to say if you're not in class we still know where you are the funding that they receive is from the states it's directly related to intent attendance give us the legal reasons first that your client took issue with this we seem to be having some problems with his audio it looks like we lost him for a moment hopefully we're going to get him back again this lawsuit has been going on for several months andrea hernandez a sophomore at a school in san antonio texas and really said you know not only do i not want to have you know an id tracker to know where i am every second i don't want to wear this badge and i should tell you this is a student who got very good grades was not known for missing class or really misbehaving on any level this is a person who is simply said i don't want to follow this rule and we're going to
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take the legal ground so let's see do we have john whitehead back. we do not let's take a quick break we'll be back here for you i very shortly. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that many americans call . i don't know. i'm sorry i missed the guy who cares enough about. you
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sir are a fool you know what that is my self but i don't want to listen to featurism be on liberal democrat standpoint you. can securely support it's. going to fall for you to distract us from what you and i should care about because there are profit driven industry that sells a sensationalistic garbage because of breaking news i'm having martin and we're going to break this that. says. i'm i'm. i'm i'm.
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sick. let me let me respond or not let me ask you a question from. here on this network is what we have in the bank we have our knives out. is the cia with us by staying there again we're in a situation where being i can't wait to talk about the surveillance.
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we just put a picture of me when i was like nine years old and just you know the truth. because as in i am a total ghetto friends that i love driving hip hop music and pretty. much it was kind of yesterday. i'm very. well with you it's please. welcome back a quick apology we were in the middle of interviewing john whitehead an attorney from texas and we had a bad connection so we will hope to bring that segment to you later but let's talk
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now about the upcoming presidential inauguration which is expected to bring between six to eight hundred thousand people to congregate on the national mall and spending and depending on how much they're willing to spend in these people could end up with quite the trip do you have forty seven thousand dollars to spare you better call your travel agent to book the inaugural town and country package from the madison hotel in washington d.c. take a look at what you'll get the madison hotel inaugural town and country package includes a four night stay for two and a presidential suite private lincoln town car and drive. for a private tour of d.c. for twenty two people five thousand dollars shopping spree at brooks brothers a night at lansdowne resort and couples massage and a social media butler that's right social media butler if your hands are filled with brooks brothers shopping bags don't worry a social media butler will snap photos of you and your friends to post on the internet the butler can even write some clever captions no moment will be lost but
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forty seven thousand dollars give users that gives you some choices the social media butler could also stay at the madison hotel due to flea posting photos that you send them after all butlers can be such a pain when they follow you around d.c. is known as a city where people proudly display photos of the selves with anyone of importance usually framed on their office walls it only makes sense that the richest would want someone posting photos of them on the office walls of the twenty first century the internet makes sense. all right everyone that is going to do it for now but for more on the stories we covered go to youtube dot com slash our team america or check out our website our team dot com slash usa and you can follow me on twitter at christine for example.
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only. is he.
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