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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm EST

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tonight the venezuelan supreme court rules delaying a good chavez's inauguration is legal supporting the government in the fight for stability in the latin american states. expressing concern the u.s. warns the hue k. against holding a referendum on a possible u.s. causing a further schism in britain's coalition government. and packs of walls closing in on residential areas of russia's republic of coty and forcing authorities now to declare war on the deadly predator.
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very good evening shift just joined us ten pm here in moscow is kevin owen at the new center tonight with you and our top story the perspire moment of the inauguration day for venezuelan president hugo chavez is legal according to the country's supreme court meanwhile the country's vice president's call for people to gather in front of the presidential palace to honor the leader who said to be recovering from cancer surgery in cuba lawyer eva golinger told me the country's opposition though could use the president's protracted absence to destabilize the country. article two thirty one of the venezuelan constitution does leave open to interpretation the issue of an occupation when the elected president cannot meet the date of january tenth before the national assembly which is the parliament what the out across pacifically says in a second clause is that in the case of unforeseen circumstances then the president elect will be sworn in before the supreme court but it doesn't give a date for there is another article in the constitution venezuela under which
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president chavez was authorized to leave the country for more than five days back in early december in order to undergo the surgery and that article allows him to be absent from the country for its ninety days which can be renewed for another ninety days the issue is whether or not he's now incurring those first ninety days or is he under just the initial authorization nat's really way is this going to be determined soon as well because it's there's no question that the president has now been out of the country for more than a month he's been absent from the spotlight there's not really a crisis at this time the opposition is trying to say there is a crisis and there is no doubt they're calling for national strikes all kinds of protests as there are already asking for the organization of american states and the united states to intervene so that's going to be ongoing and yes the longer that chavez is away the more time that will give them to prepare and to further progress with plans to the stabilize his government and try to create some
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situation where new elections can be can mean european leaders voiced their support for a deal designed to reduce our lives by the news comes as the president of the european council have a report top level talks in dublin for the country to go over the rotating presidency and some experts believe must get their own house in order first before taking up the challenge of pulling the european union out of the financial. island has its own economic problems which are continuing it course has the economic problems which have been happening ever since the the euro which created high inflation there and then of course exacerbated the faster they had ready to take on the presidency of the european council is of course a very large piece of work not just for the senior politicians in the government but also for many of the civil servants and they would be better off spending their time really trying to address arlen's economic difficulties rather than trying to solve the problems within the european union which are very great indeed of course
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unemployment now in the e.u. is alarmingly high and of course the thing is that arlen when he says island is the reason that ireland's opposed to boil for austerity means that the irish people are not protesting and taking up their white to protest as people in spain and greece have done because we know that austerity at this time point actually work last year in the euro in the single currency it will create more economic problems and that's why we see unemployment across the eurozone rising quite alarmingly so he's very happy that arlen is getting on with the policy of austerity but actually it's actually the wrong policy at this time to turn the i.m.f. stop economists to live you. see was wrong about earlier austerity for constantly failing to see the grave consequences which the financial measures brought or we could countries such as greece and i.m.f. working paper says the fund significantly underestimated the potential increase in employment market pollies a london based financial advisor and wealth manager he says regardless of the
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latest statements the people will end up paying for the government's mistakes. the reality is of course the most waste western governments which includes most of the southern european countries the level of state involvement in the economy has grown substantially over the last few years and what happens is of course that any significant austerity measures will have a massive impact on our on the economy what is being is debt accumulation that same in the u.s. and most of most of europe mary is continuing massive accumulation of of sovereign debt. and. for some point this was a plan through the r.m.f. through the european central bank through the germans and the european community that has imposed these these massive austerity measures on southern
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european and peripheral countries and of course it's not the people's follow the government has overspent it's not the people's fault but the banking system has failed and needed to be bad or bad but it's the people who have to deal with the debt through taxation. and have to. enjoy all these these massive austerity measures. i mean the ongoing economic troubles washington says any possible u.k. break away from the union is not in america's interest. to debate in the run the force of u.k. referendum on the matter got live analysis or not a couple of minutes. as the economic crisis continues to rage on regulators are coming under fire for making banks lives easier rather than the people's and it appears the wider public knows little of how or where the big decisions about the
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global financial future a big wait is that is peter all of. have you ever heard the one about the bank is the billions and bars of the chances are you probably haven't but six times a year central bank heads from the u.s. europe asia and everywhere in between representing around three quarters of global economic output gather in the swiss city to talk shop behind closed doors i personally also don't like these secretive meetings because. you never know what in effect. is discussed in these meetings it's something that has a tradition that's put there play i mean bankers have always talked to each other in a more secretive way the whole business of banking is not really built on transparency but rather on trust and confidentiality the continuing global financial crisis has seen the banking sector firmly in the spotlight with more than a few accusing fingers pointed in the direction of bankers it's the job of the
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secretive bars all committee to set regulations on banks the chairman of the group says he wants the public to be better informed about the work they do it's not that many years ago since this was basically a group of central banks it's expanded its membership considerably and in the process of that the whole governance arrangements of have changed as well and i think this is an attempt to explain to you in the world in general what those changes amount to and whether critics of the group are scathing in their criticism of what they see as an old boys club looking out for the needs of banking bosses as opposed to keeping the industry in line there's a three has failed to meet any objective in the you know faint hope of reining in banks this this is what we talked about today the banks does have to be reined in because the banking system in itself as a general rule has left its you know bottom sense despite mervyn king saying that
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he wants. people to better understand what the basel committee actually do the very nature of the banking industry and its need for a certain level of secrecy means that the big decisions that will affect people all over the world will continue to be made by a small group of people we think in the building just behind me please roll over r.t. switzerland. human rights groups are calling on the us president to deliver on his promise made more than four years ago to shut down the notorious guantanamo bay detention facility but barack obama recently authorized the ability to keep holding terror suspects there without charge or trial as remains of business eleven years since it was opened accusation money says the u.s. is trying to evade international law will some countries turn a blind eye on time of day after eleven years has got immense symbolic power and all the things that represents a human rights campaigners people who believe in truth justice and the rule of law
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it represents injustice before the americans it gives them a raise and it gives them a system within which an extra legal system within which they can continue their. illegal detention arbitrary detention torture drone attacks all the other bits of the past that we've seen over the past eleven years from the american administration so the united states which has signed a torch conventions has signed the geneva conventions but is trying to work outside of them by calling torture enhanced interrogation and by calling their prisoners of war enemy combatants is trying to create a completely new structure which in some part it has succeeded. it's simply because almost the rest of the world the so-called international community is quite happy to play along but that doesn't mean that the united states or anybody else is above the law it's not just washington's problem it's a problem of the international community is the problem of the countries that facilitated the journeys and the travel of these men to guantanamo bay in the first place where everybody was in afghanistan or pakistan or fighting the americans at
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all the united states doesn't seem to have a very credible position but unfortunately it's not just united states that has failed on this issue it's the whole international community through their collusion in continuing to keep guantanamo bay open we're going to bring you more coverage of the eleventh anniversary of guantanamo bay on our web site out to dot com as well. your borders and beyond the courts eleven years on the guantanamo remains open for business and our team looks at the interrogation nerve center of america's war on terror. after all that a decade of u.s. led invasion the fate of afghanistan to be decided in washington in just a couple of minutes from the go live analysis of trips to the u.s. as he tends to settle a milestone of sticky issues. download
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on our t.v. . again the future of afghanistan is up for discussion as the country's leader meets top american officials in washington and causes talks with u.s. defense and state secretaries as well as his upcoming want to one summit with president barack obama could provide answers to a wide range of crucial issues including. a number of american troops remain in afghanistan or for majority put in twenty four teams and the possible role washington has in finalizes decision on the matter it doesn't rule out a complete withdrawal scenario is not welcomed by the afghan government positions increasingly fragile and with the strengthening taliban insurgency let's talk to ali rosenberg he's
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a university of sussex he writes for the daily political blog hi there thanks for being with us just days before these talks a senior white house advisor now it's washington is now considering this idea of maybe a complete withdrawal in twenty forty what kind of message is that sending ahead of these negotiations. but unfortunately not a very good one but i think that has as much to do with obama's domestic pressures as it does with the considerations for what might be best in afghanistan and i think that the obama administration does not work very well with karzai they find him corrupt and ineffectual additionally they have very little domestic political incentive to continue pushing the war the american population is pretty tired of it and in truth obama really could use that money to do a lot of other things that our highest priority list so i start no carry on carry on i mean i will say how persuasive his cause i like to the bay that when he's in washington i mean do you agree this idea that he's there to try to persuade the u.s. and to leave a significant military presence in the country post twenty fonteyn absolutely i
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mean i think he wants us to leave it at least ten thousand troops there got more which from stability perspective he's probably correct about but i think that obama was very burned by his surge in afghanistan which didn't do very much at all if anything and i think that cars i coming here is going to be more of a photo op than a really successful attempt it should convince these guys they're going to i think the newest estimate is between two and six thousand troops and i think that's probably where they're going to be both because of their domestic considerations and because the actual surge where they put in forty thousand extra troops didn't seem to accomplish anything why is kabul seeking to extend the presence of the foreign troops show you think that kind of want to mount wouldn't you i mean i'm sure they would like them out from a popularity standpoint but they have practically zero chance of fending off the taliban who even with our sixty some odd thousand troops there are still making as
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you said in the introduction are still making gains on a monthly basis so i think that in order for these guys to save their own hives they need the american troops to stay and i don't see a day coming anytime soon when that when that goal could be reached. i don't to be quite honest i mean looking back over the history of afghanistan. many great powers have broken their teeth trying to govern that particular part of the world and i don't think that we've done any better job than any of the previous invading powers and so i think that unfortunately after eleven years of war if we were to leave it would create a power vacuum and probably leave the much of the situation as we found them in two thousand and one what a waste that has been then isn't it then so is there a solution that's going to satisfy both sides and at this upcoming meeting what is going to happen. i do not believe that there will be a satisfactory solution about size i think cars i would go away empty handed because i is a strategic ally for washington inside afghanistan and of course the wider region too can the u.s. afford to upset him i mean his term is up in two thousand and fourteen and i think
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that obama in particular believes him to be corrupt and ineffectual and so upsetting him or not upset again doesn't really make much of a difference either way i don't think they see a genuine are capable of achieving anything in it and how important to washington strategically is afghanistan now. i mean from an international aspect of obviously it's very important especially given the decades loss of blood and treasure they've poured into it by the domestically but what's overriding here that the the strategic importance here of the for the personal fact that maybe they don't get on very well with the guy in charge. i think the domestic politics the united states as they often are the overriding factor here i think that the situation in afghanistan could be different than it is now and it really wouldn't matter if people here are are don't want to hear about war and they don't want to order anymore and you know whether or not that's a wise decision on their part it's how the population feels right now i mean just
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you know i've been i've been paying very close attention to this is that obviously and it's getting very little coverage in the american press just don't i mean it's getting you know maybe a minute an hour on all the cable news stations people just don't want to hear about it and it's too bad because it is really important and we put a lot of time and money and energy and bought into it and you know it's too bad that it's going to go out like this but i just you know from from what i can see it doesn't seem like they're going to be able to get a deal that will make everyone happy ari thanks for your thoughts there blogger for the taliban to thanks. thank you. to grieve and a lot of americans who adopt russian children will be valid until january twenty fourth teen a bill was recently passed banning u.s. citizens from adopting russian children but this latest announcement means that families who applied to adopt before the bill was passed could still be given the green light to see the process through the news came from president putin's press secretary days after the law came into effect national make
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a say it's response to the lack of legal action from the u.s. government to numerous deaths of russian children from neglect and abuse at the hands of their american adoptive parents the law is named after dinner yet of lev who is less than two years old his new american father left him in a locked car for nine hours on a hot day. now this man may not have the. conventional looks let's face it for government but he's looking to make his mark in czech politics anyway when read up more on line from us tonight r.t. dot com also cologne's most famous architectural landmarks literally on shaky ground discover what's causing the tremors of the world renowned cathedral in the heart of germany and they've so one of a kind of only just started it's juicy fine but a kit this the state of the yuri nuclear sub joining the russian fleet now if that interests you or buy that it took as well it.
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thanks for being with us tonight a u.k. referendum on an e.u. exit is not in america's interest that's according to president obama's assistant secretary on european and your asian affairs that statement that has caused further divisions within britain's coalition government it comes as prime minister david cameron proposed to make a speech on the future of european policy later this month as. this one apart a bit an unusual step from the now. it is on usual what's not unusual about it is the fact that we've always known that the u.s. prefers that the u.k. has a close relationship with the e.u. because when it wants something done it's britain that it calls this kind of direct challenge to the government over europe sort of involving itself in internal bush in fact is something a little bit new the u.s. is warned of the dangers of holding a referendum on europe for the u.k.
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but it is timely as you say they become and supposed to be delivering this speech later this month which he's expected to promise a renegotiation of the terms of the u.k.'s membership of the european union and then promise to put those terms to a referendum and now of course the u.s. is stuck it's already made what many have seen as a veiled threat to what we call the special relationship that we're always talking a lot about the special relationship between the u.s. and the u.k. the relationship would be devalued for the obama administration by britain leaving the e.u. altogether or even if it got bogged down in constant negotiations about what the u.k.'s membership would be like and it has caused a full out in the coalition government although that's not a difficult thing to do these days david cameron the prime minister has played it out saying it's just an opinion but it kleck nick clegg his deputy has said that it is a big issue that the u.k. is valuable to the u.k. u.s. precisely because it has a close relationship with the european union but of course his party does stand
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against anything that distances britain from the e.u. now i felt that the main issue for people here given that there's an increasing lack of support for britain's membership of the european union would probably be just that the u.s. sticking it or and so i went out to austin. i think they have concerns and i can understand because they were saying they feel that we have similar values to theirs and therefore we represent them in the european union. but as for the european you know most are not going to be. there clearly still a major part of us and we have to take notice but equally i don't think this three fully understand how the union works and the implications for britain i don't think it is because i mean we are a different country today and say you know i think we should make that decision i mean they they don't really have i mean i know that we we have been involved with
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them in the past as a country but i think that we should it's up to us and i don't think bases in timbuktu. a lot of people in the streets they're seeing it as a question of sovereignty now with me i said gerald batten he's a member of the european parliament gerald we've always known haven't we that the u.s. prefers that the u.k. has a close relationship with the union so what difference does it make now that they've said it out loud i think the difference here is that they're actually overtly interfering in british politics internal politics and you're right this goes back a long time the americans funded the european movement back after the second world war and in fact in the one nine hundred seventy s. henry kissinger famously said when i want to speak to europe who do i call and what few people realize actually is in one nine hundred seventy five the last time we had a referendum on this the cia actually pumped money into the us campaign and that's now a matter of record it's the documents in georgetown university an academic dr richard aldridge is written a book on this it's all
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a matter of fact and the reason they do that is because they don't want the inconvenience of dealing with a large number of democratic nation states they want to deal with one centralised political state in europe the european union now this isn't because they care about our national interests sorry but i couldn't care less about our national interest in our democratic rights it's about their foreign policy and what they think is best for them and we have to we have to know that and this isn't something that's just happened now what i think is indicative is how worried they are about what's happening in britain because there's this growing movement of people who are fed up with the european union and of course the rise in the polls of my own party that you can only pendants party if it is just what the what governments do there i mean i distinctly remember last year david cameron sticking his or into the eurozone countries tellin they had to get their act together pick up their economies in france and germany in particular getting very cross about that you know i think there's a difference between you can send a country having a view about other countries foreign policy and stating that you know whether it be in diplomatic terms or publicly by politicians but i think this is
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a bit different this is a direct attempt to interfere in british domestic policies not our foreign policy but our domestic policy our we are sovereign. or not and they're trying to frighten the british people by saying you know we'd lose influence and jeopardizes our special relationship and all the rest of it if we continue along this road of actually asking one hundred million what's happened to our national sovereignty is gone and we'd like it back the polite thing applied thing i would say the guy is president obama should british affairs and david cameron the big plans for a referendum are expecting this announcement within the next few weeks you'll be pleased about that i think but what difference does this really i think you'd have to be very naive to think if david cameron is sincere about this he's talked about a referendum but this whole thing about renegotiation is a nonsense you cannot renegotiate the terms of membership terms of membership decided by treaty they have to be done by unanimous agreement of all twenty seven member states and twenty eight soon when croatia joins you cannot renegotiate on
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a piecemeal basis and nobody in the european you other countries going to renegotiate our terms or allow us to because we are one of the biggest paymasters to the u. it's a straight do we study or do we get out so the u.s. is worried about nothing there though they're worried about is getting out because they don't want to have to call firm and on ron paul and then make another telephone call to the prime minister of britain when they want something that's their problem that's not our problem all the arguments that president obama put up about we lose influence on the rest these are totally false every argument about why britain should stay in the can be easily refuted and it's been done on many occasions so they have to resort to this kind of scaremongering and i'm sorry but i think the americans should mind their own business. you know what we don't tell them how to about their national sovereignty they shouldn't tell us which is the most precious thing we've got is the right to determine our own democratic affairs and i feel that first of all you know why i'm pleased about this because it proves
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to me how well my party is doing in the ukraine dependence party because we're the only party that's advocating withdrawal if we were all public discontent about the wouldn't matter because it wouldn't. anything but we give them something to vote for fifteen sixteen percent in the polls we take votes away from the other parties hopefully we're going to start winning westminster parties. that's got the wind up the political british political establishment and i think we can see it's now got the wind up the americans as well good as far as i'm concerned all right i thank you very much i say about him talking to me about ministration expressing his opinion on the u.k. and i'm sure the e.u. . was christmas card list i think you are london correspondent laura smith a member of the european parliament for the united kingdom independence party thanks both. ok more news ahead for you in this hour including healing the rift as rival palestinian groups hamas and fattah try to overcome their differences we look at.


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