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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2013 1:30am-2:00am EST

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i think these talks are for the president and his national security principals to let afghanistan's president karzai down as softly as they can to let him know that unfortunately they're not going to make good on their promise to completely train. the afghan military and police before u.s. troops leave i think this this visit is about trying to let cars i know as nicely as they can that they're not going to make good on their promise to continue to defend afghanistan and train up afghanistan's military i think part of it is that president obama you know after he agreed to surge the troops into afghanistan i think pretty quickly realized if he didn't realize even before the surge that there is no military solution for the united states in afghanistan and so i think in part the initial surge of troops by the president in two thousand and nine was to give the united states some political cover to eventually do this troop withdrawal to
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show that we were withdrawing from a position of strength now i don't think it's turned out the way the president probably wanted it to because the taliban is so clearly on the office but the idea that the president did his best he tried to send more troops it didn't work he gave it as we say in the united states the old college try and it just didn't work i think for an american population that is both battered financially and very tired of endless wars and occupations this is something that will basically go forward without a hitch in terms of american public opinion. russia's adoption deal with the u.s. will be valid until twenty fourteen the announcement came from the kremlin else thursday over a week since a law banning u.s. citizens from adopting russian children came into force it means the families who applied to adopt before the bill was in place are free to continue the process the adoption bad as a response to washington's act aimed against russian officials allegedly involved
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in human rights violations russian lawmakers say it's targeting the lack of legal action from the u.s. to numerous deaths and abuse of russian children at the hands of their american adoptive parents the law is named after who was less than two years old when he died after being left in a locked car for nine hours on a hot day. leaders of rival palestinian groups fatah had hamas have decided to implement a unity agreement signed two years ago the two met in cairo on wednesday amid israeli claims the talks were actually undermining the peace process this as the easing of tension between the two rival factions has already helped reunite one family in gaza bring the asli torn apart by political strife and a supposed leader now reports israeli policies may have pushed both sides to discard their differences. it's been five long years since this family was together one thousand eight hundred days since a mean a muslim last saw her son his crime belonging to
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a group the gaza government was opposed to except this time it wasn't the israelis who forced him into exile but hamas rather than a bronzer ago i left my family and house in gaza and headed for the west bank but it was only after the negotiations began that seventeen of us were given approval to go back home. it was back in two thousand and seven in a surprise coup that he must took control of gaza from wyvil faction group fatah one hundred sixty one people were killed and more than seven hundred injured when the dust settled the palestinian people were divided a mass was in charge in gaza fatah called the shots in the west bank hundreds fled their homes from both in fear of their lives like other fatah supporters from gaza mohammed took with huge in the west bank waiting for the day reconciliation would come. all denied i prayed to god to protect my son my harm and i prayed for his safety and asked god to bring him back home safe and now for the first time we
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conciliation between the two sides looks promising each feels boosted by recent successes and is more willing to compromise her muscles capitalizing on the recent conflict with israel despite the heavy cost fattah who's claiming victory after its president mahmoud abbas successfully upgrade a palestinian state has at the united nations as her mustn't fattah move closer together the irony is that they're getting help from israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in his right wing policies and rhetoric are winning the palestinian support and sympathy on the international stage it was on that on yahoo's watching that as the recent united nations palestinian statehood bid demonstrated european unfailing support for israel has floundered it was also on it on yahoo's watch that u.s. is revelations reached their lowest ebb and now it's on his watch again that palestinian unity seems plausible. for her it's a long term interest of of for us i think it's a cooperate again because otherwise they're running the risk. that the west bank
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will be and probably part of the same political structure which de facto right now is the case leaders from both sides have a new day calls for reconsideration if you left with them you know you think that of course. between some of them for the catastrophe it's proof for that doesn't mean peace etc etc but for this family nothing can detract from the feeling of gratitude and joy of a father and son coming home they tears and smiles echoed the hope that a new chapter is also about to open in gaza political life points here r.t. on the israel gaza border now take a look at some other stories making news around the world three days of mourning have been declared in pakistan after a wave of bombings left at least one hundred fifteen people dead and scores wounded eighty one were killed in the twin explosion at a billiard hall in the bullock a stand a shiite muslims dominated area while at least twenty one people died in the northwestern
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city of mingora where a blast struck crowds gathering for a speech by religious leader there were eleven more deaths at a marketplace in the east of the country pakistan has seen similar attacks in recent months amid a rise in as almost insurgency and six terror in violence. the un has called for swift deployment of an international force in mali after militants claimed significant advances in the country's central region france will also be considering a request for help from mali's president today security council earlier approved a plan to deploy three thousand african troops there they were not expected to arrive until september there are fears that the region could become a stronghold for al qaida linked militants some european leaders are concerned that the region may also be used as a springboard for attacks on the continent. two people have been wounded at a california high school after a student turned a weapon on his classmate
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a teacher managed to persuade the teenager to put down his gun avoiding possible further violence people who know the students say he was a loner and often teased by classmates because of his height the shooting comes less than a month after a gunman killed twenty elementary school children in connecticut fueling a nationwide debate on u.s. gun laws. french police are looking for the killers of three female kurdish independence activists who were shot in the hand in paris on thursday for the murders to which took place which took the lives of the p.k. k. party co-founder is not yet clear and has recently started disarmament talks with the jail can take a leader after a twenty five year conflict between the organization at the government the murders sparked mass rallies in turkey worse some say the women were killed by a kurd faction opposed to the talks others believe the assassinations work carried out by the government to derail negotiations. as the economic crisis continues to
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rage on regulators are coming under fire for making banks lives easier rather than other people's and appears the wider public knows little of how and where the big decisions about the global financial future are being made as are all over now reports. have you ever heard the want about the bank is the billions and. the chances are you probably haven't but six times a year central bank heads from the us europe asia and everywhere in between representing around three quarters of global economic output gather in the swiss city to talk shop behind closed doors i personally also don't like these secretive meetings because. you never know what in effect. is discussed in these meetings it's something that has a tradition that's put there play i mean bankers have always talked to each other in a more secretive way the whole business of banking is not really built on transparency
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but rather on trust and confidentiality the continuing global financial crisis has seen the banking sector firmly in the spotlight with more than a few accusing finger is pointed in the direction of bankers it's the job of the secretive committee to set. regulations on banks the chairman of the group says he wants the public to be better informed about the work they do it's not that many years ago since this was basically a group of central banks it's expanded its membership considerably and in the process of the whole governance arrangements of have changed as well and i think this is an attempt to explain to you in the world in general what those changes amount to and whether critics of the group are scathing in their criticism of what they see as an old boys club looking out for the needs of banking bosses as opposed to keeping the industry in line. three has failed to meet any objective
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in the you know faint hope of training in banks this this is what we talk about today the banks does have to be reined in because the banking system in itself as a general rule has left its you know bottom sense despite mervyn king saying that he wants people to better understand what the basel committee actually do the very nature of the banking industry and its need for a certain level of secrecy means that the big decisions that will affect people all over the world will continue to be made by a small group of people we think in that building just behind me peter all over r.t. basel switzerland well very shortly daniel bushell takes lies apart piece by piece in the truth seeker.
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joining me on a journey to the heart of the crime to a place is hidden from the tourists you're going to meet some real crime insiders although they may not be the usual newsmakers you see on t.v. . it was a little bit. do
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least be cool language you. will use programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world's hot spots that will be ip interviews intriguing stories for you to. see then try. to find out more visit our big teeth dog called. for. the first line. soon which brightened. song from phones to christians.
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whose friends don't talk t.v. dot com. well i've done your bush or beth and think christie in the drug game coming up. the real link from columbine to sandy hook. a supermodel who is. the proof anti-depressants are a sham. from the age of ten docs pumped her mind altering meds since adam lanza pretty much every school shooting in the past decade was on prescription drugs on antidepressants
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kids of ten times more likely to get farland suicides or even more widespread politicians forcing fall make good on americans and the mainstream media this approach you call close. two they told me that i had taken a gun to my third class and held them hostage we were told that if we can follow up with their evaluation of a d h d n take him to the he attrition and get him on ritalin that child protective services could charge for educational and emotional neglect at age thirteen while writing his skateboard he suddenly keeled over and was dead the county medical examiner said there was no doubt in that case that the chronic administration of the red line was the cause of death ritalin is for the purposes of classification by the drug enforcement administration is a schedule two drug on the same list as cocaine for trying to solve a problem in the school by putting their children. says to kill
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herself just nine days off to being prescribed antidepressants like paxil she was a normal girl having trouble sleeping. in her that would have done that thousands of such the big mo but big pharma reputation of drug companies is abysmal actually matches that of tobacco companies as with vioxx we could have a sicko before many people die because the best selling cycle to expect will prozac effect thought have been full for the first time to reveal this shocking research but because thanks for joining us what was the result half of the data that had been collected by the drug companies had never been published state kept it hidden so they knew about it the food and drug administration knew about it we use
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a law called the freedom of information act and we compel the f.d.a. to send us copies of the data that did not show a benefit of the drug over placebo ok. proof of it useless but did they know that pills are actually deadly two thirds to three quarters of the people taking them can lose their ability to engage. in sex the way they usually do there's an increased risk of stroke there's an increased risk of death from all causes in young people showed. up to the age of twenty four there is an increased risk of suicide ality. women who are pregnant there's an increased risk of miscarriage and when they have babies there's an increased risk of. malformations of the child of autism other serious disorders.
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serious flaws in the formations the mainstream media reports because for every dollar drug firms spend on research they hand out million team times more to media on commercials like this advertising big pharma shills an astonishing one hundred billion bucks on ads so brainwashed into a boiling over top spin that is with this notorious antidepressant zoloft mainstream media gratefully pocus the full chewed. about the view as he why will a corporation pharmaceutical company for nearly fifteen years covered up their own internal investigation that showed that anyone on prozac is twelve times more likely to attempt suicide then those using other antidepressants that talk times more than the average population twelve times more
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than those already on other antidepressants this is a criminal act. and i want to know why these criminals are still walking the streets the public is swallowing the lawyers like a dream the top three antidepressants bring in twenty five thousand dollars a minute and the most recent campaigns of the last year or so you're hearing so much i ask your doctor or talk to your doctor about and when you hear that on the screen it sounds so nice a doctor about it gets your excellency or doctor about suboxone your doctor about sold accounts your health care prepares your doctor to do doctor tell you talk to your doctor immediately talk with your doc what the studies have shown is if you actually bring up a brand name drug with your doctor by name you are significantly more likely to walk out the door with that drug so they do that for a reason industry. is responsible to wall street and wall street first they
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have to they have to please wall street but the fact that they don't work works to the advantage of the drug companies and the psychiatry which means that you're not cured which means that you're a patient provide your customer your client for life and the worst your health care is the more drugs you mean it's it's a great deal for them to feel mortal paulina porizkova had everything going for her she was only the second go to cover sports illustrated swimsuit edition two years straight then prescribe quote crippling antidepressants she shouldn't have been allowed on america's next top model as the drugs made her stable but the program forced pity of her because she was also on the same medication in fact go find all her friends or anti psychotics which she says give you the self-awareness of a slug and kill you'll say floyd. americans are currently the low just guinea pig troil in history mind altering drugs that just
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four weeks there's long term effects of being a value. you don't own suspecting citizens who think their drugs have been checked then we see who dies who has seizures who has to form children who has epilepsy who has diseases downstream whose heart stops the public is the clinical trial no drug has side effects. it's a very dangerous and a street that has gone so far all report inventing fictitious diseases and drugging our children and our population that i consider to be engaged in crimes against humanity one of the people we depend on our doctor is telling us on mainstream media the pope pills doctors and again have become accustom entitled to all sorts of gifts from some was to the artist and certainly to the public of seeing doctors being up to the caribbean for a weekend with
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a drug company paying does not make the profession with very good draws will joins us he's the pioneer in the field of happiness research with hundreds of studies what formulas actually work such a strong correlation between eating lots of vegetables and having good mental health how it works we don't know what the pattern is strongly in the data that does the key reason why villages income put the mail it's really live seventeen years longer than average americans tracy lawson lived in the village was the secret camp. which translates as cook. and if. it was it was it wasn't which she makes and the cook. and of course. you know which part of the last stock of americans oprah to take back with. us hope but. that they can take lessons and actually transport and
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a lot less capital manage to that even if you open the french. and you are lucky to have a little bit of space to grow that's all things. that taste so and once you know that christmas and so you just need it. and. if you can. buy organic vegetables and only open those. chemical which a company. culture production so much common sense is out the question today in the states where kids are the new drug targets a layo was seized from school and schools fed a cocktail of twenty two drugs off to a ten minute computer closed test who teams screen and i saw for myself what they were giving her and how much and how often. i just thought. killed this
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child and the parents were were helpless so presents itself as being a wonderful altruistic. program bresson fact i believe school bloody cold hearted intent is to recruit more children into the very subject the diagnoses of mental illness and to treat those kids with medication regime in the history of this world has ever tried such a deadly drug experiment on its own people before your folks will be seen on today's children in fifty years time when our current leaders oulds around to face consequences seek truth from fights this is the truth.
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whether you die. from high or to the depths. touch the power of the wind or drift in the beauty of the currents. the well prepared is a must and if you're lucky enough you'll never forget your experience we only need them a scream that's going to be heaven. in the flight see up close and below the ice on our teeth. pulled it open oh shit oh shit oh shit. i. didn't even know the speed. you.
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are. with. all things mom is so good. just spent the money and a month. to come out and find a man that little. it.
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i live.
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but. the way our economic system. in the. wealthy british. markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy for no holds barred
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look at the global financial headlines to watch. your language. it's the consensus here. to the opinions that you think. the story is going. to be access to. listen. clint.
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if. it's. eleven.


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