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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2013 3:30am-4:00am EST

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the white sea its surface remains choked with ice been nearly seven months a year. the chilly breath of the arctic ocean keeps the water freezing cold. near the coast however the high winds and bitter cold recede. that even in winter also can be seen through holes in the ice. board squeals and cracking sounds can often be hood around them. this is how so-called canaries of the sea communicate. typically they hide under the ice. the white sea is the natural habitat.
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i. far from the civilized world in the north of russia on the coast of the white sea sea canaries are communicating with people with great pleasure in the open waters. could not take you on their behaving strangely today. show you why you had a canary so why did you feel like giving us a song it was something wrong with your first step i didn't gargle before you start singing vs need. a water your best big dog is sure was more. than was a little let's give our throats some fish oil. now let's try to get off the. sailors have dubbed baluga whales canaries because of the peculiar sounds they make
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. my three want to bring us tearing. skin color distinguishes these marine mammals from their relatives i believe good carbs are of a dark blue color. when they are one year old they turn gray like these two female whales. later that skin acquires a milky shade. yes this is exactly how they should be kept but i woke up people in society should know that the bloke a whale is not a stupid fish as many believe the. need to tell him that these intelligent creatures are worthy of perspex a sniff not affection i think. this dolphinarium emulates the conditions of their
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natural habitat as much as possible nice reason you're. in the come to luck should day of the white see specialists from the petersburg branch of the tryst tolson area in cooperation with the optics circle dive center of set up an open enclosure to believe the whales. the nearest settlement is a village of no local but location on the coast of the white sea. it was a stop best buy local fisherman known as coast well as in the twentieth century. this place is very remote and difficult to reach only dirt roads in the cold sea found that. such things do not pull the divers visitors if from different countries around they dream of getting a close look appealing to whales and swimming with them in the natural habitats.
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before they're allowed to do so even experienced divers have to attend a special ice time and cool head about. being with this same company that organizes this trip. and then when they said they were doing this trip. i thought for got to do it be to russia. the city place to visit species for the type of photography do that if you just speak to people in south africa about the watch either i don't know where it is at all it's a whole experience for me and. i've been diving for the past eight nine years mostly in topical water. mostly in southeast asia. mediterranean away called a cold water but now. it's a warm water compared to here. in order to get to the depths of the want to see winter divers first have to break through the frozen since. the thickness of ice is
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about forty to fifty centimeters in the diving school so. it is hard work so the divers take turns to short intervals. was the word this device was invented by ancient people it's a type of leadership that has taken it a step further and designed an intelligent device for snow deals to lift chunks of ice nothing of the kind anywhere else in the world this is a regional structure does the job of fully manned. i styling in the white sea is a serious challenge in winter the water is bitterly cold.
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several hearts with bonuses are situated near every waterhole pier the divers change and comfort themselves after diving. according to international diving regulations one should be certified by the professional association of diving instructors before venturing under the ice because divers must be wearing dry suits to make sure they don't freeze in the water the user is insolated by a small film of air into the suit ok ok so you have to meet up first and then you have priced it which is all that it has feels he is feels at the neck so in theory it's not supposed to allow him if you have an inflated post here and here say to keep it comfortable and you don't get squashed in the water with the pressure you put air into the suit keeps the nice and comfy and then if you're
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coming up on the sea you have to get ridges that think ventured out through here. a lot of preparation is needed before diving under the ice. it takes time to put on a dry suit as well as making thora checks on the equipment before finally getting used to the cold water. divers always had under the ice tethered to a safety line which is controlled by a team member above take there over your head you're ok if you're ok the first dive is always made by an experienced instructor like to task is to learn to navigate on to the ice to exchange signals with your partner correctly and to control the equipment cool. by styling is fraught with danger the visibility beneath is only twenty to twenty five meters if the breathing apparatus fails the diver will not be able to surface
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immediately because of the ice above. the diver has to be aware of where the exit is. even in winter time life goes on under the white sea ice. on the seabed near the bolshoi christofi island there are underwater gardens of kelp scattered about. cold water is the best environment for this seaweed. fish move slowly through the cold war to the sea bass are used to the divers and often let them come up very close. there looks a menacing and they're not even afraid of bright light. the thread like tentacles of the sea anemones give the seabed
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a fluffy carpet. c.n.n. money's feed on plankton and other organic particles the given i take green here to the water of the white sea. just. her danger for sure we had a mortar. it was through ari do you want to come or. we only need ice cream that's going to be have
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a think at that. thing where they're. going. to point a few people the underwater world is not the only attraction of the white sea in smooth ice is an excellent environment to kite sledging found. only one affair of often visits this remote place in the past he would only dive under the ice with scuba gear now he prefers to ride over the top with a special sledge and a parachute good manners but almost what i like about a kite sledging is that you have a choice of parachutes three metre parachute is good for strong winds three and a six to seven metre parachute is the right size for milder winds this one is nine and a half meters there counts for any weather conditions or so all of them will kill
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you florida if you want give you pleasure. by my to be a good one you catching the wind is what i enjoy most of all i should hear it is like riding a giant horse galloping up breakneck speed i am carried away by a feeling of exhilaration you know because i am fully aware of the infinite power of nature's forces to do it or they could pulverize my yacht sledge and kite in no time and make mincemeat out of me but yesterday. the weather on the white sea often changes abruptly but after a long struggle no leg is finally able to catch the wind i.
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speak your language. or music programs and documentaries and spanish matters to you breaking news i will turn it into angles keep the stories. you hear. the call to spanish find out more visit i. join me on a journey to the heart of the problem to a place is hidden from the tourists you're going to meet some real crime insiders
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although they may not be the usual news makers you see on t.v. . if it was good. the. russians would be soo much brighter than if you knew all about song from finest
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impressions. his friend starts on t.v. dot com. palooka trainer alexander and biologist natalia are cut off from civilization. they live in the village of new monkey bugs and work in the nearby arctic circle dive center. but well so are you ready. palooka wails of plays an important role in their lives this is where they first met and then got married. let's go below go. to the belugas knew him a tree owner would go to the white sea dolphinarium when they were about one year old i alexandra natalia became the foster parents they tended
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fed and trained them. keeping in touch with palookas is not only that job but it is also a hobby and a way of relaxation. i think. i. training belugas means playing with them any hostility against them is totally ruled out. whales and dolphins have an acute sense of how humans are disposed towards them they respond to friendly treatment. therefore a very many people come here they want to communicate with the belugas and touch them into thinking you're sure what's most important is that this is not a circus of showing off animals ability to leap or carry balls and they to use and we have been pretty clear people simply communicate with the living creatures you
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will see just the old. palookas get to the top. to humans very quickly if they communicate with them for a long time they learn the habits. of the end of which you know you could hear sometimes their skin h's you and i have certainly experienced that thought you but they have no hands to scratch the spot so they like being scratched out of what you're going to turn over and offer their sides will make a point of scratching and stroking all the if she spots but. we also matters there stout bodies. they open their mouth but we don't allow everybody to touch their nice looking tongues you would find many people don't do it gently enough so we put them off we protect our charges. if. this is an offshore enclosure belugas even
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a natural environment in wintertime these palooka whales always flock to go where winds and currents create cracks and holes in the ice. then they can resurface to brief. large patches of open water close to the village of new mcgrew never freeze over thanks. according to geological evidence the white sea appeared some twenty thousand years ago. the people who first settled in this northern land find a hundred years ago called coast to as. fishing and hunting with their means of subsistence. many of them drowned during hurricanes and storms. locals still put up landmarks of the most dangerous sites they serve as a warning to others. along the shore of the white sea their villages
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founded hundreds of years ago by coast welders. the oldest one is jordan i already which means black river. is. first mentioned in historical scripts in fifteen eleven. the church stands above the village it was named after some trifle the protector of hunters and fishermen. according to local tradition this church had to look like a ship. has sailed north flung the white sea coast and reached the shores of spitzbergen island even the women made the longest sea trips. the women went fishing in the sea on rowing boats they caught fish many kilometers away from their homes and they went by these robots not by ships you can still see women on such boats can move their own in a particular way. as men usually sit with their backs facing forward and not going to the local women sit facing each other like this. why do they do.
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so the course of the trip to a fishing area takes a long time just off. in winter time far from. their own was several shots out of sea belonging to divers. they were located in front of the rocky shore of bio filter bank. the white seas under the influence of the tide its water level of the shore rises up and down twice a day. in the bay even in winter you can see a change of ice level of the coastline. you know why there are daily tides in the whites. there triggered by the moon's orbit around the earth. of high and low tides in the wide sea is about two majors both in summer and in winter while the ice i'm standing on will take six hours to rise to this level at that with your mouth up
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with little names that six hours later anyone standing here will have no problem stepping out of their will to have eyes frozen to the rock. in bio filter by divers learn how to work in pairs on their own so that they will be able to dive under the ice without an instructor. some diver stand above the ice hole and control those who are underwater then they swap places. after the first two dips divers understand clearly that their lives depend on those above the ice. when everything is working fine it's fine diving is funny the moment something goes wrong you have what they called narrowing of vision where you use the ability to to think like which increases your breathing and this
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. it will just create more and more panic very difficult to get out of it so. besides the obvious part of getting you back to the whole this is like an umbilical cord that keeps you caught. in the depths of the ice world the sense of danger is very relative. near the rocks piles of ice formed. ice piles up of the white sea coast due to the eben flow. huge chunks of ice create corridors and labyrinths stretching over many meters. this is the underwater world bio filter bank. it is so cold because plankton lurking on the rocks in ice cleans the water and also gives it unique colors. divers called his place the ice kingdom.
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bus so you can fly zone other planets and nobody can certainly not now see the americans a visit to the moon and probes of landed on mars and venus but actually another planet is right here on earth with a parallel world with a parallel dimension everything is different here i think people know much more about outer space than they do about what's under the seat of bush's vision sure but the. there are hundreds of maritime biological research stations in the world today one of the most remote ones is in the come to luxor gulf of the white sea. and old wind powered generator is the symbol of the bottle tickle research station belonging to moscow state university. and only a handful of staff stays at the station in winter young students from moscow state university's biological faculty often pattering their theses presentations.
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biologist yellin across nova her search of the station for twenty five years she often comes here with family in winter. she studies c i did ducks and sure and i stay here. i just spend nearly all of the life time on water and in the end. it is only during the brief reproduction period that they make nests on the shore they always stick together on land as they do on the sea. young female dogs who are that their own nestlings help be on the females to race baby birds and sometimes several get together to form a kind of kindergarten where they grow their flash things together with him to find a safe place with enough food for their ducklings raising them together is a convenient thing to do. on. the water in the white sea remains cold even in
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summer time but the idea ducks are never affected by the cold water they bob in the waves the whole day. undercoat is the best biological heat insulator it doesn't lead to one thought in the old days where there were new modern synthetic materials around the fluff was used to make clothes for polar explorers and sleeping bags and it's indeed an excellent insulator. like seabirds beluga whales simply don't feel the cold the temperature of their bodies always stays at ninety eight point six degrees fahrenheit thirty seven degrees celsius. the thick layer of hypodermic fat keeps the heat in well however it makes them look somewhat cumbersome. instinct compels palookas to save energy. very easy movements never exhibit aggression.
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after a brief course of ice diving almost all the divers go swimming with palookas and in no plane closure. for many it is a dream come true because nowhere else in the world can you communicate with beluga whales in their natural habitat. our task is to provide a good to dive so that the whale school so we were in the deep waters for a while communicate with people and then come back to the surface which. if you feel the toss correctly be a syllable in the pride and. the whales i was careful divers cannot move as fast graciousness they count so they adjust themselves to the divers movements. people
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always talk to the whales in their own language but beluga whales can barely hear human speech they perceive high frequency sounds. a huge forehead serves as an acoustic tool thanks to that palookas hope effect echolocation. in communicating with human beings they can comprehend body language and facial features. but divers always have the feeling that the whales understand them perfectly and even on so back with their unusual speech. for that reason same as nicknamed them sea canaries.
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because of the. computer. live. it.
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live leak little. live. the government no longer represents the. people we're going to take the term.
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the way our economic system currently. choose your language. we can with. the consensus. choose.


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