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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2013 1:30am-2:00am EST

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and will assume a quote support role starting this spring and eventual pullout of all american forces by the end of twenty fourteen. you know what they say it sounds like a lie and looks like a lie then probably is a lie a joint press conference with afghan president hamid karzai obama said this. summer in afghanistan where afghans spine security peace prosperity and dignity and in pursuit of that future afghanistan will have a long term partner in the united states from our. long term partner in india because the war is far from over you see this invasion was never about a victory at upgrading the country no this is about the complete destabilization of a region i mean just look at where afghanistan is it's sandwiched between pakistan and iran it's about installing a system of control setting up shop for a future from them and military aggression. mr president spare me the
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charades and let's break the set. up where do you ever seen anything like this. for many of you today is just another day for others or represents a harrowing black spot in american history because you see today january eleventh is the eleven year anniversary since the first inmates were brought to the u.s. detention facility at guantanamo bay and what followed was nothing but scandal torture and human rights abuses that were heard around the world by two thousand and eight many hoped by kuantan it will be left as part of the bush administration's marred legacy after all this torture house was a first priority for then candidate obama to close down here for yourself. i've said repeatedly that i intend to close guantanamo and i will follow through on that
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i've said repeatedly that america doesn't torture and i'm going to make sure that we don't torture those are. those are part and parcel of an effort to regain america's moral stature in the world. her personal well not so sure considering how four years later the prison is still alive and well in fact there are currently one hundred sixty six prisoners who remain in the gulag and shockingly over half of them have already been cleared for release but are allowed to leave for that reason today people all over the world are staging protests to bring awareness to an ongoing problem that sadly has garnered virtually no attention in recent years so talk to us now with the status of getting the horrific treatment of these prisoners and the real prospect of closing it down once and for all i'm joined now by all maria no ok the founding director of the u.c. davis center the study of human rights in the americas and principal investigator
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for the guantanamo testimonials project he's also featured in the book censored two thousand and thirteen dispatches from the media revolution project censored the new book all right joe thank you so much for coming on taking the time thanks for being me in this issue of course so let's just. right into the nuts and bolts of this i mean obama signed an executive order in two thousand and nine to close it close get mail and there was a back and forth for two years this legislative battle leading them to sign a bill in two thousand and eleven that made it very difficult to transfer the prisoners i mean obama blames this being blocked legislatively but could he have issued a signing statement and really taken initiative to really get this going you got it right he what he did was not promise as many people say but ordered that christian be commander in chief of the armed forces because the united states he said he will to issue an order and have it and have it. and the big. thing is that there has
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been a conspiracy. because of government to keep the base open no. political cowardice the administration of the executive the. set of rules that the compass has put and the terrible interpretations of the court of appeals in d.c. have conspired to make the thing go on for eleven years and who knows for how long well let's get right into what you've written about extensively the concept of dr martin i think when people think of one tunnel they think of torture abu ghraib i mean they just hear about waterboarding and that's that you know that's when they think of target i think of that but they don't know about dry boarding what is it and i know well i came i came to it by chance i have a google alerts that informs me of news related to internal happening every day and they came to know about procedure that was called dr doherty and i used against
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enemy combatants in stateside in the united states there was this prisoner that was being interrogated and what they did worse among other things stuff. plus in his mouth so that he couldn't breathe no water just right lots so his lawyer called this practice dr boarding and the thing was that it's not only illegal and criminal and immoral it's also potentially lethal. the prisoner almost mr omari is named almost choked to death because he also takes his mouth shut so he can spit out the cloth. and the reason why this was going to get through to one time when. the first three suicide sort of so-called suicide so the base were found hanging their corpses were and in their mouths with some kind of mass or
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mass contraption on them so the obvious question is were they. so that already their suicides or were they tribe or did. right i think this calls for a serious investigation in part so full complete investigation all right because some of their hands were bound i mean how can you hang yourself if your hands are bound behind your back it doesn't add up the hand on themselves they got there and started some of them was it was one of them was wearing a bloody t. shirt around its neck and then the cost of their marts it's very strange. and unfortunately the media as you know remember writing for projects and sort of course the media really hasn't touched upon this issue really hasn't pursued investigating these deaths of course it's just as hard as well it's just another dead terrorist elmer and it's really tragic and i want to get into just what you think about the national defense authorization act this this have authorization of
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indefinite detention for american citizens i mean it's interesting to me what we're going to say you know it's contrary to everything we stand for this is supposed to be a rule of law that a country were that law rules and the national association act and i was the president. today he's keen to pretty much do what he thinks is right in order to in his mind protect the security of all u.s. citizens as it is it is creating a legal framework though to retroactively accommodate what's already been happening in guantanamo for the last decade i mean why are yeah american citizens it's horrible it goes against our due process. one of the most fundamental rights of american citizens but i mean at the same time one tunnel bay prisoners they've been encouraged encouraged in this kind of treatment for over a decade is this going is creating a legal framework for that absolutely right i want to to emphasize that the abuse
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hasn't ended one is with obama on two coffees i was that preparing for this injury and minute ago and i counted the number of people who were there. from day one and there's twelve according to our numbers twelve people that were there in prison and january eleventh two thousand and two eleven years ago and we still remain one of them. one tenement is that is sort of daily reality unfaired procedures. solitary confinement under the banishment and also of indefinite detention people don't talk about that very much but under normal circumstances you get a trial and a sentence that has a beginning and an end and here you have neither you know they're going to be released tomorrow in a year or a number. i should also point out that there's eight individuals who have been cleared for release years ago and they're still there they're still there because
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nobody speaks for them. and there's been this conspiracy for more branches of american government to keep them there and they just language even actually have been cleared for release both by the bush and the obama administration eighty five of them yet of clear has said that argument i always hear it's like well where are we put the terrorists we don't want to put them on our soil i mean is that a reason to not get one of all due process and not going to trial. well first these thirty five were not terrorists by by bush this rumination by obama the terminations they're not terrorists so the should doesn't even arise there. would be for the others there's eight people in addition to these thirty five east. half of those have been scheduled for trial and the other have insidiously and out are individuals who were considered too dangerous to least but impossible to try and the wire being impossible to try is because the evidence doesn't bear trial or
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because you know that this is torture right. that's the state we reached in in this country you would have told me that when years ago we would be here talking about this i would have liked and unbelievable and just to wrap it up where can people go to really find ever more information and really i mean we need to galvanize the other and demand for this torture has to be as losed think the first thing is educators educate others i recommend our work that went on with just anyone else project a human rights u.c. davis edu areva thank you so much for your work for keeping us on the radar it's really certainly should be in the dialogue of every political discussion on right now on our i know ahead principal investigator for the guantanamo testimonials project. thank you very much.
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so guys it's viewer feedback going right to traitor at peen show in public said why worry about proliferation of drones and invasive surveillance if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear ok this is serious is all of us argument in the book here's the problem once these rights are gone they were ever be given back ever this isn't about catching terrorists this is about creating a survey i'm scared of control that creates a chilling effect doubted li stifle dissent who knows maybe one day you will have something that you won't want to be tracked but it'll be too late because of people just like you who become utterly complacent with living in a poll the state switching to facebook tamborine tracy said great to hear the term internationalist abbey it's been a while i knew you were one of course but i so rarely hear it said from another activist or political progressive commentator nationalism is so deep rooted it
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divides us the most obvious one of all is that we are all human beings tracy i agree i think blind nationalism is one of the biggest impediments of humanity's progress by only associating with other nation states is just another way to divide us from the other and to help tolerate racism and thereby war i think extending our empathy worldwide is the most important way to advance the collective consciousness of our species and i cannot stress this enough from you tube being a shepherd says it's strange to me that b.t.s. frequently features so many technical errors but it's presumably made in advance of broadcast. no actually technical errors happen because the show is one hundred percent lie when you want to know that you're watching something completely organic and to wrap it up from you tube oh thirteen stars and stripes said abby are you planning to leave r t is well to which barney murphy responded yeah she signed a contract with the young turks started. funny but no as much as
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the words of the young turks do not jumping ship on the second of this awesome show i've been graciously given to speak my mind so keep writing in and don't forget this is our you tube channel youtube dot com breaking the set check us out on hulu as well who. slash breaking dash dash. that's it if you want to know what i'm doing when i'm on air follow me on twitter at abby martin so stay tuned to hear how bamma is starting to put small businesses on the backburner next. next. the government no longer represents the people the people are going to take such as . we.
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believe in the traditional sense but in the at the moment. the way our economic system currently is not going. to. point. to the. wealthy british scientists are. trying to write for.
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markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report. well she would be soon which right if you move from science to pressure. stop time don't come. don't come. so according to the latest data from the u.s. census bureau small businesses are actually responsible for more than ninety percent of new jobs in this country they generate more than half of the g.d.p.
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and account for half of the private sector workforce it's kind of small business mindset that candidate obama actually gave a lot of credence to take a look at back what he had to say in two thousand and eight. where we know that the credit crisis that's emerged from our largest financial institutions is becoming a credit crunch for small to homeowners and students seeking warms in big cities and small towns across the country. are sound on top of his game but regardless of his vocal commitments president obama has just put small businesses on the back burner and recently announced plans to dismantle the small business administration or s.b.a. by combining it with the department of commerce ironic that the government would merge the s.b.a. with an agency that represents the nation's largest corporate giants well it's not just irony is the reports of investigations have been surfacing in the last couple of years that expose the inside workings of a fraudulent system what a shock to talk now about what's really going on here i'm joined by someone who's
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been researching this issue for many years lloyd chapman is the president of the american small business league lloyd thank you so much for coming on. nice to have you to pleasure to be here so president obama just justify that this merger is going to bring down the deficit i mean is this really the case or. absolutely not it's going to increase the deficit and cost american millions of jobs he's claiming he's going to say three hundred million dollars a year by combining the is the s.b.a. the commerce department and the federal budget that's peanuts at the same time he's increasing foreign aid by nine billion dollars that's enough money to run the s.b.a. for a decade so. ronald reagan actually try to close the s.b.a. twice back in his administration and the way he was going to close it was kind of to combine it with the congress department so make no mistake president obama's attention to combine the space with the commerce department it's a same thing that ronald reagan was can try to do and close the agency and in all
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the programs for the small businesses where most americans work and as you stated over ninety percent of the net new jobs are created and why are we even targeting the s.b.a. when it's really like i mean you just mentioned so much in foreign aid and really it's a drop in the bucket compared to the dio d.d. h.s. all these absurd agencies that are just exponentially growing white well and yesterday you know federal law says twenty three percent of all federal contracts should go to small businesses the federal government really spends over a trillion dollars a year. you should be getting around two hundred thirty billion dollars a year well the big defense contractors of the military industrial complex want that money it's real simple it's about greed and the only way for them to get their hands of that money is to close the s.b.a. and once that happens the big corporations will get one hundred percent of all government contracts all government spending but the problem is they're not
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creating any jobs and to do that would be devastating to our economy and cost this country millions of jobs well let's get into the fraudulent aspect of this of course that's very corrupt but your organization notes that thirteen federal and two private investigations found evidence of fraud and abuse in federal contracting what exactly is the government doing and why are we talking about here. well according to the federal investigations that have gone on in the last decade they found that large corporations are committing felony federal contracting for all by making what they call salt certifications improper certifications and engaging in vendor deception which is punishable by up to ten years in prison and the large corporations misrepresent their subsidiaries and divisions as small businesses and their hijacking billions of dollars a month and contracts it should be going to the middle class where most americans work where all the jobs are created and the s.b.a.
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zone inspector general has said the s.b.a. is actually helping people to commit fraud the general accounting office did an investigation a few years ago and also felt that the s.b.a. was helping people to make to commit fraud and this is going on for over a decade and you haven't seen any legislation policy to stop it president obama said he would stop it in february two thousand and eight but it's just gotten worse under his administration and now he's going to try to close the s.b.a. i think to try to cover it all up actually i mean this is a huge story i heard you on another interview talking about how you try to get this information out on corporate media what kind of censorship have you encountered trying to get this information out. you would believe me it's just unbelievable when you're when you're trying to get stories out when you're trying to get stories out on major television networks that are some of our major advertisers it's just not going to happen and i've had i guess i've had maybe
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a half a dozen national news organizations do stories about this and then not run them and i've had stories of. shots about me and then they take me out of the story and run it but it's it's you would believe it it's like something out of a science fiction movie when you're talking about the biggest corporations in the world. and hundreds of billions of dollars in government contracts there's just almost no limit to what they'll do to keep this story out of the press it's astonishing. you're dead on about that i want to get right back to that the deficit the enormous power that these corporations wheeled out i mean here with the fiscal cliff all this fear mongering about how we're going to dive off the fiscal cliff we need to cut all across the board but of course you know like these giant fortune five hundred corporations we're not really talking about the tax loopholes that they get can you give us this the break that they're getting already lloyd it's
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shocking in fact it's a truth. i'm stunned that i haven't seen it on the news i think in two thousand and eleven i.b.m. paid one percent in federal tax exxon mobil paid two percent. of the of the ten most successful u.s. corporations the average tax rate they paid was nine percent. and if we're trying to raise revenue that's where we need to look we don't need to raise taxes on the american people and close the only agency in washington to help the small businesses role the jobs are created we need to make sure these large corporations are paying their fair share of taxes and you're not seeing anyone in congress even mentioning that and of course if more should i would take a look at closing. you know some of the seven hundred military bases we've got around the world i don't think we need seven hundred military bases around the world these days but they're not they're not really you know addressing these huge loopholes for corporations absolutely yeah absolutely and lloyd we have about
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thirty seconds left i just wanted to ask you this you're also highly critical of the bush administration when it comes the s.p. i mean is this really about democrats or republicans or does this go far greater than that it's about corruption in government and it's about pataki or see and a government that's run based upon money and contributions from the biggest companies in the world that's what it's about and the large companies get what they want and the public you know gets the short end of the stick every time that's what it's about corruption i think in washington two party dictatorship is what i like to call it thank you so much void chat and president american small business league very important story appreciate you coming on. let's shift gears and talk about trans canada and the scar it's created that runs across a big chunk of north america you may have heard of the keystone pipeline and its
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controversial x. l. expansion currently the u.s. imports about eight hundred thousand barrels of tar sand oil from canada every single day and this expansion of the pipeline would drastically up that amount the project runs through six u.s. states montana south dakota nebraska kansas oklahoma and texas and it's causing quite a stir from environmental groups most recently adding fuel to the growing i don't know more movement which supports the rights of indigenous people who believe this pipeline is a threat to their national sovereignty and to the land itself sadly it seems that thousands of protesters against the project both in canada and the u.s. have been totally ignored president obama already has his support for the southern leg of keystone x.l. back in march. has approved dozens of new orleans gas pipelines over the last three years including one from him and as long as i'm president we're going to keep on encouraging oil development and infrastructure and we're going to do it in a way that protects the health and safety of the american people we don't have to
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choose between one of the other we can do both. safety and or will be for the truth is the completion of this pipeline will solidify this country's dependence on tar sands oil which happens to be one of the most polluting and carbon intensive fuels on the planet but the mining and processing of tar sands have significant environmental impacts including emissions of greenhouse gases destruction of wildlife habitats impacts to air and water and on top of that it's significantly more energy intensive than conventional oil and gas development needless to say this pipeline can only add to the list of roadblocks that prevent the u.s. from reducing emissions and protecting the health of our planet but let's look beyond these points for just a second and examine bono who is it that stands to benefit the most. first of all if you think of the american people you're sadly mistaken it's trance can they get the construction jobs they will money in
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a route to move canadian oil to the gulf of mexico and surprisingly the expansion of the pipeline will be a big win for charles and david koch of koch industries corporation that lobbies millions of dollars in this government every year that's right the koch brothers and their gigantic oil conglomerate which post annual revenues around one hundred billion dollars and already handles close to twenty five percent of oil sand imports from canada have conveniently positioned themselves benefits the mythical only from the expansion so is it like the koch brothers claim that this project the question of national security to help the us we mean if it's middle eastern oil independence or dependence rather well one person that could answer that would be the u.s. ambassador to the united nations susan rice dam too bad she herself also has a hefty stake in the project yet the best of her rice his net worth is somewhere between twenty three forty three million dollars just so happens to have millions
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worth of investment in several canadian utility companies including none other then trans canada corp the corporation responsible for the pipeline. i think it's pretty clear what the motives are behind this operation it's another case of exploiting and degradation the environment so massive corporations and wealthy politicians can profit like every poll see the average citizen stands to lose the most and of course no one else is left to speak for mother nature. join me on a journey to the heart of the problem to a place is hidden from the tourists you're going to meet some real crime insiders although they may not be the usual news makers you see on t.v.
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. good. morning. hold it hold it. hold it hold it hold it. real i live. even over that speed. if you.
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hurry. and i. wish i. could bomb it good. luck. just sleep on the bed and i'm. tired and on my mind i'm a little. do we speak your language anybody will i know i am. one music programs and documentaries in spanish what matters to you breaking news a little tentative angles keep the stories. you hear asked. to try it all teach spanish find out more.


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