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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2013 3:30pm-4:00pm EST

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speak your language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on the. reporting from the world's hot spots the ip interviews intrigued. because it. builds a. mission to teach me. this is why you should care.
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is that. the news continues now israeli prime minister. to continue building settlements in the west bank his announcement came just hours after police had waited around two hundred. protesters from a site for construction one of those activists believes that israel upcoming election was the reason. we have five hundred more than five hundred fully armed israeli soldiers. raiding villages with said since before this is an armed this is the sense that by itself is violence but even within the process of action many activists many of those that suffered through to all beatings for no reason they did not even resist. that unless they suffered due to the beatings we had at least six or seven of those residents are activists treated in the hospital and a lot of them are hostile to see doctors for severe problems that they suffered
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from the beating it's a political issue for the. the going ahead with their settlement plans. to connect my life to me settlement to do so and and they don't want anything with a legal or illegal to disturb their settlement expansion. and there's a lectures are coming up senator now has to take it tough tough stand tough position on on this particular case you know nine days ahead of the elections. in other news now this egypt's former president hosni mubarak who was ousted in a popular uprising two years ago will be retried over the deaths of protesters during the two thousand and eleven revolt of course decision follows an appeal by mubarak and his former interior minister previously received life sentences for among the killings of anti-government demonstrations the former leader's defense
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says the court should consider his deteriorating health we took. over a hundred thousand people have flocked to paris from all over france to protest against the same sex marriage and adoption by gay couples big rallies march through the streets to join up in the center of the capital president's project dubbed marriage for everyone has faced criticism ever since he was elected last may and this really is the biggest yet. in a world of business a roadside bomb has killed at least fourteen soldiers in pakistan's northwest it comes in the third protest by shia muslims in the city of what are some of the terror attacks in the country's history which claimed the lives of over one hundred people demonstrators blocked the city's main road with coffins of the dead refusing to bury the bodies until the government improves security. germany's finance minister of health care i'm sure will is set to meet greece's top anti bailout
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politician. the leader of the leftist sarees a party that meeting is seen as a chance to convince the strong critic that he needs to back harsh sturdy measures imposed on athens well let's get more from him it's not a fuck it she's a political economist and author joining me there in athens well the talks were actually requested by himself is that a sign of the opposition warming towards. no not in the slightest it is a sign of the need for a dialogue. between the powers that be the big eight. for the moment and an up and coming. party which has a strong chance at some future or. that alarmed the current president of france which is the opposition in that position. which. used to talk to him now.
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similarly. that there is some. or at least lined. up to show you and. yes i'm really sorry but i'm finding actually pretty difficult to hear what you're saying it's not bringing quality i think what we might do is try and get back to you a little bit later if we can because there is no point to read if i can't quite understand what you're saying so let's get back to a little bit later so no problem actually and if you're now holding a microphone near you want you to talk to me again and that makes it ok to very briefly yes let me put it one more comment from you. what was the law that was in opposition france mrs merkel if you stopped him and then find it much harder to establish relationship with him once he became president of the french republic similarly mr the person may well be in government and after the next election in
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the future in greece so germany have modes of communicating not in order to get the guy that convinces the yugoslav army to keep your sequential job about that i wrong. thinking but it has to be some kind of cosmic communication. right from what i can gather though from what you said is no surprise letting his supporters down by this or is he actually getting support for his position. not at the slightest you know the european union the euro zone he lives very closely intertwined. political entity the various parts within it have to have an opposite line of cajun talking to some but the with whom you disagree does not necessarily mean spelling out and i don't. suppose. i just want to follow comment from it is funny and as we heard the news
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that the greek parliament brought in those massive tax hikes overnight but it's a surprise many saying really harsh tax hikes but the government saying totally fair unnecessary briefly what is the impact on those are tax hikes going to have on the greek people and is it fair. they're definitely not fair and they're certainly self-defeating in the sense that you have a collapsing economy you increase the tax rates and you end up with fewer taxes all right yana thank you very much indeed sorry about the poor quality of our communication but we got there good to hear from the n.f.l. of arkansas political economist northwest joining there in athens. in the midst of the economic crisis regulators are coming under fire for making life easier for banks rather than for people and it appears the wider public knows little of how and where the big decisions about the global financial future are being made as well to put all of us now reports. have you ever heard the one about the bank is the billions and bars all the chances are you probably haven't but six
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times a year central bank heads from the u.s. europe asia and everywhere in between representing around three quarters of global economic output gather in the swiss city to talk shop behind closed doors i personally also don't like these secretive meetings because. you never know what in effect. is discussed in these meetings it's something that has a tradition that's put there play i mean bankers have always talked to each other in a more secretive way the whole business of banking is not really built on transparency but rather on trust and confidentiality the continuing global financial crisis has seen the banking sector firmly in the spotlight with more than a few accusing fingers pointed in the direction of bankers it's the job of the secretive bars all committee to set regulations on banks the chairman of the group
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says he wants the public to be better informed about the work they do it's not that many years ago since this was basically a group of central banks it's expanded its membership considerably and in the process of that the whole governance arrangements of have changed as well and i think this is an attempt to explain to you in the world in general what those changes amount to however the critics of the group are scathing in their criticism of what they see as an old boys' club looking out for the needs of banking bosses as opposed to keeping the industry in line bezel three has failed to meet any objective in the you know feigned open of reining in banks this this is what we talk about today the banks does have to be reined in because the banking system in itself as a general rule has left its you know bottom sense despite mervyn king saying that he wants. people to better understand what the basel committee actually do the very
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nature of the banking industry and its need for a certain level of secrecy means that the big decisions that will affect people all over the world will continue to be made by a small group of people in that building just behind me peter all over r.t. switzerland. to bring up play for the man obviously with the news team with more in about twenty minutes from now in the meantime sort of they saw thousands take to the streets in bahrain and the latest wave of anti government demonstrations general the chief of public security in the gulf state believes that these protests are part of the democratic process will his interview in full is next here on r.t. after the break. yet another tragic shooting right on the streets of the capital is again cause to open the gun debate across the nation now all the talking heads are saying that you
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got to take away the guns to be safe well the problem is that the shooting happened right on the streets of the capital of a country where the guns have already been taken away paris france three kurdish women one of whom was a kurdish separatist party co-founder were shot dead the scene of the crime was right outside of a cursed institute which leads the police to think that it was an assassination you see when it comes to terrorism drug cartels the mafia you can make all the gun laws that you want but the bad guys will still have plenty of guns because they live outside the law al qaeda and mexican drug cartels don't go to the stores and patiently wait for their background checks to be done before they buy their guns taking away all the guns through legal means won't matter there will still be murder and there will still be armed thugs and terrorists but that's just my opinion.
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for the last twenty months barring s.b. seeing demonstrations and protests in its streets and how is the government dealing with those of the centrist we're joined. by the country's chief of security gen i see thank you so much for joining us and my first question to you would be what is the current situation the security situation in bahrain how is the government doing to protest because i've seen in the papers here and everyone television that the protests will take place and how is the government dealing with it thank you very much for coming and seeing the. actually as you know behind has been on a reform project since the last of the twelve we have snow. this has been the first project and behind it and the reform is actually on all fronts the main or the heart of this project is the democratization of bahrain now protests are actually
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at the heart of the democracy of the democratic process in bahrain and protests were never good if you have a democracy so it's something that we learn and we learn to live with this is we talk about protests. however riots are what you cannot accept in a democracy and that's when. people come to a protest maybe even a peaceful protest but you would find a group coming for example prion with lots of cocktails and other weapons and then they start breaking the law attacking. public cross property or attacking police force that's where you have to intervene and preserve the herd maybe accusations from the opposition that preserving the law in body has been done with excessive force at times do you agree with that notion is there any cases of
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the excessive force being used by police there are three main standards that we use when we deal with any security situation and we have to use force. and the proportionality legality and this. so in any situation. these three standards are observed now that does not mean that. you won't find anybody that would sometimes probably go beyond this that happens and people sometimes break the law either you know. as protesters and rioters or even as members of the police who would go and sometimes maybe go beyond the limit the legal limit that was given to them or the oldest when this happened and if it happens we have our legal procedures to take care of this and deal with it so people are put to trial and they face the will do you often policeman break them or
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use excessive force do they often get punished yes of course. now as you know we have a enemy but it's been within the ministry of interior who actually is. independent of the public security and answers directly to the minister of interior and this embodiment is in charge of looking into these accusations. abuses by by any member of the public security is the way of you know from the opposition that. the torture allegations in prisons and things like that is that all the reality was just made. i mean you know we've had. delegations visiting the prisons and maybe i think you've had a visit to one of our police stations and i was hoping that he would visit the prison. you know these are allegations they are baseless we have
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investigated i mean if there is a real. complaint by someone then we would go and investigate and we would take action if we found any basis for that complaint however to act you know to throw accusations in the air i mean you can everybody can say anything but the reality is the. the evidence is that you know that's not happening and actually why do we need to have any. type of torture if the the public prosecutor is a different or independent entity from the ministry of interior we don't we don't we're not in charge of the full investigation and prosecution in the court of law. so torture usually happens in countries where the police need to extract. maybe confessions to go with the chorus to the court of law we don't have to do
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this all we have to do is at rest and we have to do the initial inquiry and then the rest of the investigation is done by the public prosecutor so that is something that we are way away from so we you know it's nothing that we have to really. worry about because. you know as i said if you have a complaint please come forward and will investigate it however all the prisons now . are fitted with c.c.t.v. even the interview rooms and police stations they're all fitted with c.c.t.v. and visual and audio recording and i'm sure if you have visited as i said one of the police stations. and now every police station has that so you know. i don't know how we how would people at a gate how these allegations of torture are make or watch fires understand if i got to correct you all the city councilors and although your records were put in place
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. because of the allegations of torture so were the cases before and it's actually these are actually in response of the recommendations by the b. i.c.i. of recommendations the the bahrain international. commission commission. they had recommended a number of recommendations we have actually we've you know the all these recommendations are only part of our modernization and reform process within the ministry of interior so all that accommodation did was to expects be done i some of the projects that were already had in mind of course as any modern police station police service or force today. we rely on modern technology to. not just protect ourselves but also for better. policing and better investigation why those protests turned violent i mean bahrain has always been
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a rather peaceful country like many countries in the region and what you think what's behind the radicalization and who stands behind it don't forget that we live i mean we're a small country and another region and. i think the whole world has seen by could lead to causation in one way or another. no difference and i mean the internet and the open sources today the media they will play a part in this. so you know this wave of radicalization that took place actually made us and actually resulted in more violence on the streets against the police during protests and public gatherings i'm sure but very quickly things. go back as they were however with better restrictions and better knowledge of limits. and procedures has been a common launching in the media that all this protest is about he said about religious segregation so he says it does have intruders he suffers that's not true
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i mean if you ask anybody who have been behind who knows behind we have always had a very cosmopolitan country be it in nationalities or even you know religions we have we have almost all the religions or many religions barry not just muslims like sunnis or she has never we never had problems with religious and behave. however as i said aside because. i'm not talking about. radicalized or not anybody can i say shin and any side actually leads to bad things. to violence to. people. actually trying to take law by their hands people thinking that. you know they own they have the right the whole world that they only have the rights no others have no i think and behind them. we all live together we have the same rights everybody there's no
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segregation on the basis of religion or ethnicity or anything else there have been a story which obviously made lots of noise in the press about doctors who were arrested and detained and some of them like they were tortured. what was the story behind that if you could clarify for. such of the doctors or anybody who commits a crime. i would have to face the law and in the court of law behind you can you can if you have any allegations have any complaints you can file them an investigation will take place and that's exactly what happened in this case. doctors have filed complaints and the investigations going on by the court of law but what are the charges against me with the law that is the part of the public prosecutors because they are in charge as i said of charging and prosecuting in the court of law it's not the police issue but it was you that story as i say is that we are picked up from the press brought some additional pressure international
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pressure in bahrain about the human rights situation the torch allegations everything do you feel that question international pressure as the chief of police don't to be honest i have the low and i follow the law i abide by the law now if i break the law my. main concern and my pressure is from within behind not outside but as i said you know there are people can i get anything they can they can have their own allegations. however we were investigating if there's any complaint as i said we will investigate them the problem with bahrain is that i think there have been an. media complain against craig. and i don't know. what i mean the. people come to the train and i have people here in my office we have them here sitting and they say we you know they came from outside they heard something and then when they came to bahrain they saw
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something totally different and they say you know. it's a totally different story and that's what we see before. you go one report something from behind your desk do as you just did you come to bahrain and you try to report the real story from. the heart from the rich just recently from the minister of justice that a new kind of measure be implemented so that the religious leaders local mosques and local communities will be more. not to start eating right will this become something of a new legislation will this become a law or just a temporary measure to silence the writing of protests or will not about silencing the protests but. i think that question should be addressed to the minister of justice goes that's the field we have the police if when the legislation comes out then we are a buffalo. responsible for enforcing that law thank you so much general this was
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just awful for us to get on the security situation. choose your language. because we can we know if you're going to say still cannot. choose to use the consensus here to. choose the opinions that you think are great. choose the stories get into your life choose your access to your office. the government no longer represents the people the people are going to take the term. we.
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