tv [untitled] January 16, 2013 6:00am-6:30am EST
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was. u.n. inspectors are in terror on for a fresh round of nuclear talks and the iranians hopeful for progress. program are increasingly hurting the people. of the regime. turmoil as an arrest warrant for the country's prime minister speculation over. the entire government. and. at the helm of the bloc. charged with leading the union on its money. and france is looking to boost the number of troops fighting in mali with reports
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many of you. may have been previously trained by u.s. counterterrorism. with worldwide. this is. welcome to the program. the un's atomic agency experts back in iran for the second time in a little more than one month with tehran hopeful for progress this time iran however stressed a deal is only possible if it continued to have its right to peaceful energy and that is respected its reiterating that it's not seeking atomic weapons which of course is constantly fed by the west and the longer this mutual distrust the solution the more sanctions appalled on the country but as i found out they often
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only have the opposite effect to what was intended. the u.s. may be certain sanctions against iran are not targeted at the general public but there was barely a single person from the population of around seventy five million who hasn't been affected. the new good if at a gallop i used to buy tomatoes in boxes then and kilo's now they're selling them in pieces that i met in tatooine as booty. iran's oil expertise fell by one million barrels a day in the last year following international embargoes taken sixty percent of the oil revenue the iranian currency lost forty percent of its value against the us dollar causing twenty five percent inflation in october the highest in decades. behind this. is a suffering from rising prices and a lack of food and medicine there were signs the measure is a range at making around give up its nuclear program which may or may not be aiming
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to produce weapons there isn't is the government that we have here they don't like the government they haven't liked the government for the last thirty some years and because of israeli pressures they do want to see the end of the government and having the sanctions to pressure the public opinion inside iran you know when economy is about to be very good they're hoping people will go to the streets and protest and have a revolution but the fact seems to be the opposite i mean the cells in iran in carpets one of the country's proud sources of revenue once a critic of the iranian government has recently had a change of heart for me as for me then why for another people are for another god who is not forbidden for israel is not for being a father of five for american is not going to be there for you know. on a raft of war they want to ask me something to do that nor we are free of your free people you know this is the best way which my government he. is
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a very. volatile not only do they create anger among ordinary iranians and iranians see their behavior towards their country as uncivilized but people in the region and beyond see what the united states and the europeans are trying to do so the image of the united states and europe is has been so. really damaged but iran's image has also been damaged one recent poll shows iran talks the least as the country with the most negative image popular stereotypes include doesn't war only just fanatics many. in britain and many outlets in the united states want to create an image of a villain from not only the iranian government but also the iranian people iran has been under sanctions for decades but it's only following the latest round the country's economy has been visibly shaken and even if some people in iran may now
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think it's down to the authorities mismanagement the majority still hold the u.s. and western responsible this painting behind me have been here for years and as we just was here suggests we will look with america even for a moment pension it's. likely remain here for some time to come. teheran iran. or from iran now to pakistan where the political crisis deepens with ongoing street protests on confusion over a recent court order to arrest the country's prime minister an old corruption charges officials call the development a soft coup with some accusing the judiciary and the military of a conspiracy to force out civilian leadership the supreme court decision gave a boost to the thousand strong protests in islamabad which has run into its third day and ultimately paralyzed the capital the demonstrators are led by
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a pakistani canadian muslim cleric who promised a revolution if the whole government does not step down and the protesters are really seen bloody clashes with police and more violence is feared as the chaos in the country intensifies artie's correspondent is in islamabad. we are standing here in a very crucial point actually it is called the flame us to square on the local language where. dr qadri and his fourth testers are gathered and demanded the government to step down. and he has added to that these seven demands which briefly says that the all parliamentarian. should be dissolved and the government has to resign immediately and he's also said in his speech that he would not rule from this place even if the last person would leave but he was going to continue these demands and they knew his airport this
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year requested all the protests there are real and a golden chance as he called it to make a change in pakistan which is needed since the end of this country in one nine hundred forty seven. well still to come for you this hour here on r.t. the father of the internet freedom fighter aaron swartz accuses the government of killing his son as the late activist receives tearful goodbyes. and yet more bloodshed in syria where dozens die in a double bombing in the center of a battleground between government forces and rebels. for now though it's been a whole smiles and congratulations in brussels where m.e.p. is have been hailing cypresses successful six months at the helm of the e.u. over the mood is not exactly that optimistic in cyprus itself is the international creditors are still negotiating a bailout for the struggling eurozone state and cyprus has now passed the
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presidency to ireland which has already been propped up by the money from the i.m.f. . has this report from berlin. well it was all hunch aches and slaps on the back of them a piece went through what cyprus is done in their six months ten year presidency as the president of cyprus saying that it was a time in which they the chief significant results and targets strange words considering that it was also a period in which the e.u. went through rising unemployment no agreement on an equal budget in which cyprus continued to ask for a bailout i have to say a bailout which from here in germany many politicians all across the bundestag are very reluctant to approve this amid allegations of widespread tax fraud from cypriot banks but what happens next the baton gets passed on of the e.u. presidency gets passed on to the island of course the country has had its own problems this baton essentially saving to be passed on in the relay race of the
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fiscally toxic island of course had to receive the e.u. and i.m.f. bailout money they've also had their own problems with unemployment and it's up to them to try and put that right in the next six months which they take over the presidency. he's put a lot of reporting right now france says it is tripling the number of troops deployed to mali to two thousand five hundred all of this as part of the preparation for a land assault it wants to dislodge islamist extremists occupying large swaths of the country now despite a six day campaign of french aerial bombardments mali rebels have extended their reach and the us is also assisting paris in its operation but many of those who are now fighting the mali government on the western forces were reportedly trained by american agents as part of a costly program to combat terrorism africa lawrence freeman explain to us what's gone wrong as well as how he thinks the mali crisis resulted from western intervention in nearby living. here are several ways that it's operating i mean
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first of all you have after the death sas nation murder presently khadafi you had basically within hours to re. no merit in others stream you caused the border with pickup trucks military hardware. but you've also had the failed attempt by the u.s. to so-called tree in a point or in mali and other african country. these new units moved their units to very very quickly and it was a complete failure and all these powers see and when the french are pursuing the wrong going to fail because you can't we don't we'll solve the real crisis by military means first say there has to be complete she industry teaching simply forward thinking and the united states in the west that has to focus on the underlying problems of economic development power the food shortages except for
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that meet these countries very weak and fragile and susceptible to these kind of attacks unless that paradigm shift occurs and we're just going to be killing more people were murdered jets dropping bombs and we do nothing we hope for. the. now at r.t. dot com we've been asking what you think the result of france's intervention in mali will be let's have a quick look now at the options you can choose from on our website the intervention will bring stability to the african state well possibly also drag france into a war with a former colony islamist to be incited or result in the recall and zation of mali for this hour let's see how you are voting on our web site c dot com and here comes the pie chart now the numbers continue to fluctuate from hour to hour they are right now it's a joint first position between those of you who believe it will just turn into a long conflict all the terror attacks will come back down now to the second position of a recall an assertion will take place in mali from france's intervention there and
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the bad minority of those of you who are watching and voting at r.t. dot com the bare minority saying this multinational intervention will result in stability you can still have your vote at r.t. dot com this was telling you right now quickly the french media is calling this a war without images that is ultimately suggesting that a massive government imposed media blackout is now in effect across france well we can keep you posted here on r.t. and you can keep us posted by what your opinion is all this intervention at our daughter called more news to come after the short break.
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it's a pleasure to have you with us here nazi today on real research i live in moscow. chicago's been a paying sorrowful goodbyes to aaron swartz as people there gathered to mourn the internet boy one last waltz took his own life last week after a federal charges against him snowballed threatening him with thirty five years behind bars and a million dollars worth of fines just in morton an i.t.
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expert who was well aware of schwartz's online activities i think the potential punishment never fitted the crimes. when everything is said and done nothing in that area downloaded was ever distributed and they did not pursue any charges against him i think that should have told the prosecuting attorney something you're looking at a crime that essentially amounts to downloading p.d.'s to a hard drive. no person was harmed. there was no financial benefit murder received less punishment i mean i can't even imagine how scary and terrible that must be to have your government hell bent on putting you in a cage for thirty years for downloading some p.b.'s if you're a depressed person that amounts to a death sentence we can go to our website dot com to him or about those he knew schwartz. the idea that he was facing decades in jail
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is it's just disgusting absolutely appalling you can find out how the case against aaron swartz grew to such extremes and share your opinion in the comments section and also online fear right now on our web site talk about the right to life at all to dot com we've got the story of a young cleaning lady who fancied a change of career as a train driver. didn't last long and neither did the building she slammed into office she lost control also it all for you right now just a click away american t.v. host has decided to voice his discontent with washington's current internal policies by establishing his own independence community within the country if you fancy find out more about his big plans online.
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or not to turn our attention and out of syria we've got reports now of the more than eight c. people mostly students are being killed and dozens injured two blasts went off at a university campus in the syrian city of aleppo the area is also believed to have been housing refugees a middle east correspondent paul us live reports we know that there were two explosions at the university of illinois it happened on the first day of examinations the state television has banned of this a terrorist act saying that terrorists launched rockets at the campus so the activists on the ground say that the explosions were caused by listeners that were fired by warplanes immediately following the explosions a number of cars went up in fire there were bodies strewn across the street and tearful survivors managed to find refuge in a nearby building now we know that the campus is home to university students but
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also an additional thirty thousand people who have found refuge there since fighting broke out in syria in july last year at the same time the university is in an area that is under the control of government forces and what we've witnessed in aleppo is the constant fighting between rebels and troops loyal to the syrian president bashar assad this has lift the city divided and the fighting by and large has been in a stalemate position for quite some time in recent months we have witnessed both in the lip and also in the capital city of damascus a wave of suicide bombings a lot of that happening in terms of car bombings with dozens of people being killed the most of the bombings are targeting government buildings and more often than not for sponsibility is being claimed by the rebel groups. now the arab spring revolutions did not come cheap in the next few years the economic loss in countries
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like syria egypt and libya will amount to about two hundred and twenty five billion dollars that's according to rough estimates by western economist let's get some more details on this now and talk to for a halim middle east economist analysts and journalists are joining us live here on the program a pleasure to see you today you've been focusing on exactly how arab nations are rebuilding after the arab spring just how big of a role do you think the revolutions played in the worsening economic situation in those countries hi there well i think the revolutions have obviously forced these this region to reevaluate their economy and the way the governments work but obviously there's a downside to that we're seeing a tumultuous time here in the region and that has no doubt contributed to higher inflation rising unemployment and that obviously has a huge impact on the social aspect is that it's fairly safe to say then that these countries are not better off economically speaking since the the way of our springs
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went to the region than. no i would say that they're not better off but the revolutions of course the governments the new government the transitional governments to reevaluate how budgets work so we're getting are addressing a bloated welfare system and we're also dressing transparency and better corporate governance governance and that obviously leads to a better stronger more help the economy. well as you say there are certainly some other analysts who are suggesting that with new governments coming into place or various new stages of new leadership there should be perhaps a more even distribution of the wealth post the revolutions however syria is still being torn apart by a bloody civil conflict where as our governments in egypt and libya are still struggling to find their way as well how long it was to the broader picture here how long it's going to take before the high expectations of the arab uprisings will
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actually be met if at all. well i think you bring up a very good point that i think economists in our los have had that have underestimated how slow the recovery will be across the region i mean we're talking about a complete structural change in how these economies work you know removing and reforming energy subsidies and food subsidies changing the way the government deal with businesses and and laws and constitutions and i think we're going to see is several years the of the hard slog i think it's not going to be as smooth as we saw in two thousand and eleven things are going to be difficult for the region for some time i think as many are saying is just going to a case of small steps and perhaps perhaps small steps of optimism included as well though some people now are arguing of course that the revolutions have left countries like libya now economically dependent on the very western powers who
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helped force the regime change doesn't this put the country in a bit of a viral position at the end of the day. well i think libya is actually quite a spectacular exception because oil is very important to libya i mean oil output is actually returning to crease of all war level so libya economically speaking is doing much better than the rest of the region and also the western powers that you talk about didn't necessarily for certain businesses and contracts to be signed with. their respective countries actually it's more welcoming of an inclusiveness of the west you know libya hadn't seen that openness to the rest of the world until now i mean the other month cinnabon a desert shot opened up in libya and everyone loved it so it's a completely new wave of working and i think things are looking up for libya i was
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looking out for libya but i want to see how the rest of the region pans out for the holy middle east economist analyst and journalist a great pleasure to have you on our to today thank you thanks. let's get into now the r.t. world of able get you some global news in brief and now the u.k. is house of lords is set to back a motion to transfer powers to hold a referendum on independence to scotland's parliament the lower house approves the move on tuesday which would allow the country the vote on whether it wants to remain part of the u.k. the scottish government plans to hold the referendum in the autumn of next year. well two people have been confirmed dead after a helicopter crash in central london nine others were injured when one reportedly was wonderfully excuse me still in a state of critical condition the chopper clipped a crane of a skyscraper currently under construction fishes are investigating if it strayed
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from the correct flight path. at least seventeen people have been killed in two suicide bomb attacks near the headquarters of the kurdish democratic party in the iraqi city of course a cork officials said more than one hundred were also wounded that number like the to grow and no one has claimed responsibility for the blasts although were taxed by insurgents are still frequent in iraq but the country pressured by ethnic and sectarian divides. now israeli police have arrested more than a dozen palestinian protesters when they attempted to return to a camp in the west bank last week dozens of demonstrators constructed a tent camp on an area that israel has marked for new settlements which was then cleared by security forces protesters announced they want to create a village that israel's decision to go ahead with its plan to build new settler homes in the west bank has been widely condemned and is illegal under international law. oh well later in the day on our team we talked to
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a former legal adviser to the palestinian negotiating team he says there's no chance of success for the middle east peace process under the current israeli leadership. turfing there's a crisis of leadership but there's a bigger crisis of leadership in among the israelis we have an israeli prime minister who go to extreme lengths to continue to build and expand israeli settlements who doesn't want to confront the settler movement who simply wants to head israel down the path of war and is willing to go to extreme lengths to get himself reelected including attacking gaza. well now it is less than a week until we find out whether netanyahu was reelected as israel holds a snap parliamentary election on tuesday the situation in the middle east heavily dependent on the outcome the whole world will be watching the vote very closely trying not to miss azziz special coverage how will tension with to run develop
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settlement expansion isolate can there be peace with gaza what's next in relations with america will listen you know who survive his snuff election on january twenty second. israel decides what arts you. yes i do stay with us for that if you can just a moment after the break peter lavelle and cross talk. choose
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your language. of choice we can without any financial plan today still some. choose to use the consensus you. choose to give the news that invigorating to. choose the stories that in high life choose the access to your office. deadly rivals some decades. it's good fifteen people killing each other in any other country there will be diplomats there will be
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but this country uses violence when it reaches and then it legitimizes the violence . made in america on the oxy. hello and welcome to the con i'm in two thousand and thirteen what are its strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats is the russian economy becoming more or less competitive is the pace of reform on track and is russia prepared to withstand external shocks. to cross out the prospects of the russian economy in two thousand and thirteen i'm joined by my guest in moscow jacob no he's the chief economist at morgan stanley an heiress he's the.
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