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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2013 1:30pm-2:00pm EST

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complete. knows and a happy family. or self-expression. that seems so true to. one little. child. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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deadly rivals for decades. if a good fifteen thousand people killing each other in any other country there would be diplomats there would be a lot of. self-imposed outcomes from society i will cut myself a model attack my brother understand my gone. immediately. going to leave basically attack the cause of my anger and my frustration. got upgraded into the dome. to. violent gangs in us history. it's just all model to look at your.
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colors matching the national slack. with this country. when it chooses and in the gym as. they are made in america on the t.v. . hello you watching business on r t welcome to the program germany may soon bring its foreign gold reserves home caving in to years of public pressure the move could help restore confidence domestically but the timing could hardly be coincidental just weeks before the united states hits the so-called debt ceiling the failure to
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lift at higher threatens the stability of the world's largest economy a correspondent in germany peter all of our has all the details. well just a couple of months after the bundesbank told us that the vast majority of german gold reserves being placed abroad was in the best interest of everyone it seems they bring a huge chunk of it back over here to germany now by twenty twenty almost seven hundred tons of german gold reserves will be brought into the vaults of the banks in frankfurt now that gold is being taken out of paris and out of new york where it has been stationed along with the gold it's also in london now all of the gold that have been placed in paris will be taken out and brought the frankfurt and huge portions of what is in new york as well right now the reasons they've been given for this is the it's in terms of paris well it's not really needed to be there
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anymore it was placed there during the cold war of course that's security threat isn't an issue anymore also they say this well in times of need say if they needed to get foreign currency quickly it's no point having it in paris france and germany because both have the euro some eyebrows have been raised about why this is taking place now though over ten years it's been since since france and germany have had the single currency and with regards to the united states they're saying that it's just best to have it all have some of it in new york of course for the foreign currency exchange but they want to have more of it back in germany some doom mongers have suggested though that this can be showing a slight lack of state in the current economic situation in the united states right now however it seems though that there has been a political leaning placed on the bundesbank with this decision there was a huge internet campaign here in germany called bring of gold home they were saying
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that in fact that the bundesbank didn't know exactly how much gold they hired or exactly where it was being kept in these foreign countries the politicians have heard that of course we're in an election year here and it seems that they've heeded that message and told the bundesbank bring that gold home. since twenty thirteen is an election year in germany many see the move as being politically motivated for the titians specs to jump on the on that issue when the report came out and they said it it's going to list the spying it's not in physical control of the gold that they don't even have proper prove where the gold is located and so on and by doing this i think they put a lot of pressure on the on the spying that they had to justify themselves and so on i think this is what happened now the bonus plan basically tries to. make sure show to the public they're actually acting properly and that's the whole story. and let's quickly run through the markets just see where we stand this wednesday on
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wall street it's a mixed picture investors are sitting on the sidelines despite some pretty upbeat earnings reports from j.p. morgan chase and goldman sachs boy is one of the main losers dragging the dow down after a several incidences with its latest aircraft seventy seven dreamliner raised concerns about its safety over in europe shares were struggling for direction after the world bank cut its forecast for global growth to foot sea finished the day a quarter percent down the dax managed to actually stay above the line and of the currencies the euro we came to the dollar and here as you seeing the russian ruble finished the day mixed to the currency basket and here in moscow equities traded in sympathy with the global markets r.t.s. and day down about a third of a percent the my six finished the trading session also down.
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and with a less than a week to the start of the world economic forum and down both russia has gathered its own bright minds and power brokers to discuss the ever changing global economy and of course russia's place in it that's on the political over brings us the latest from the gaidar form and moscow. russia of course one week of privatization and the global integration or the main points and we trim a bit of speech here at the gaidar forum one of the key speakers the head of the world bank's development prospects on the market says hey skeptic but the prime minister's message to the subjects that struck me most was still was increased openness to the rules the prime minister into science in the last. in his speech when he talked about the regional both rationing he said that it's not just chile for yourselves but it has to be an open close race and ultimately you want to
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integrate also more with europe want to integrate the surface of the pacific and you want to be come farther afield so that when will the growth come from the forecasts of global growth since just of those two percent. apart from the crisis year two thousand and nine the lowest in ten years has a lot to do with the problem still in july countries that continue with low growth in europe we actually for she in other contraction next next year there was disappointment in the united states especially in the sewage water the construction of investments very much linked to the uncertain situation around to fiscal position that was the disappointment in japan it spills over to the to the developing countries i think in general what do you see that for rochelle show itself in countries are still performing some of their growth much faster than
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anyone in the country but no longer at the level of before the crisis. inverse should be expected to see in the sense that it's only harmful but it was years before the crisis cold developing and emerging countries to come together we expect will find five percent that is much less than the seven percent growth rate in there so that means that many of those funds go huge until we are no it seems all the lower growth trajectory and that is why. the focus should be much more now on the stimulating to supply side the p.c. part of the future by destroying the so interested in its focus on innovation. the global financial downturn has been a blessing for a famous fashion designer doing dolce and gabbana they've joined the ranks of the world's richest that's according to the bloomberg billionaire and x. the money could all chance to find a bottom mated to the list for the first time thanks to the rise in global demand
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for a luxury goods according to some estimates the luxury market last year reached two hundred seventy five billion dollars it's been growing at least ten percent annually for the past three years. and that's all the latest from the business desk i'm back in just under two hours and coming up after a very short break our t. speaks to a former legal adviser to the palestinian negotiating team about peace prospects leadership and holding a week israeli government accountable. to the ever. left nothing to live.
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so. precious children. like. roger showed us. leave it. alone i. want. to. thank. you.
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with me now have diana buttu a lawyer and the formal legal advisor to the palestinian negotiating team diana thank you very much for joining us here on ars and i'd like to start with the united nations but that gave the palestinians upgraded status president abbas said that the vote was a turning point but was that have the rules of the game changed. one of the problems with the upgrading of the status is that it was done largely for symbolic reasons and not really for anything that is legal reasons i wish that it could be a turning point in the in other words i wish that what i would abandon the strategy of negotiations and listener goshi actions and instead start moving towards a legal strategy or trying to hold israel accountable or trying to get world support but he's not doing that and instead my fear is that this was largely
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a symbolic move designed to boost his own popularity of popularity that's been dropping but that it's really not going to change anything on the ground other than the signs but if anything could it be argued that it's backfired because since that announcement there have been at least five thousand settlement units that have been announced by the israeli government well the israelis would have built the settlements with or without the u.n. status it's the settlements are the one feature that has existed in this place since one thousand nine hundred sixty seven pretty much within two weeks of the start of israel's occupation in june of one hundred sixty seven settlements began and there's never really been a stop in settlement construction the israelis are always looking to an excuse and point to an excuse but they're not never really serious about it's always a question of just building and expanding settlers because they can always help them accountable and so going back to the un vote i wish that he would use this opportunity to change the rules of the game to so. i nod to the international
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criminal court and to start holding israel accountable for this settlement construction expansion these are war crimes i wish he would also go and declare this apartheid just in the same way that other south african leaders have declared this apartheid so why doesn't he in large part because he's heavily dependent on foreign aid. more than seventy percent of palestinian the day to day palestinian economy comes through the through pass through assistance from foreign donors and i think that he's afraid that there will be repercussions if he goes down that path the other problem is that he simply non-confrontational and really doesn't want to go down this path of actually having to bear the brunt of continuing to push forward for an end to israel's illegal activity is there almost a crisis in the palestinian leadership i mean you're talking about the shortcomings of a best but it's no secret that there is
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a huge rivalry between hamas and fatah and no unified leadership on that front either we've had a crisis of leadership for a very long period of time and so have the israelis on the palestinian side the crisis of leadership is that we don't have a leader who is willing to really stand up and try to unite palestinians together try to push for an end to israel's military occupation who will try to bring together and embolden palestinians and give them something to push for instead we've seen a leadership that is more interested in remaining in power both the leadership in the west bank stays in power without elections the leadership in the gaza strip is also there their term expired long ago and so in terms of the palestinians there's a crisis of leadership but there's a bigger crisis of leadership in among the israelis we have an israeli prime minister who go to extreme lengths to continue to build and expand israeli settlements who doesn't want to confront the settler movement who simply wants to
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have. israel down the path of war and is willing to go to extreme lengths to get himself reelected including attacking so and yet we go back to the un but the israeli point was that it was a unilateral move that should not have been undertaken rather that israelis and palestinians should so sort of on the negotiating table i remember hearing one of the israeli spokespeople saying that you can't make peace without actually recognizing your partner so why haven't the palestinians come forward to the negotiating table well let's talk about you know lateral measures in the first and former first unilateral measure was taken by israel continues to be taken by israel that's building expanding the illegal settlements they have never consulted the palestinians and said we want to build here we want to build there all the legal under international law so in terms of unilateralism it's always been the israelis have been pushing forward on the question of unilateral us and and it's for that very reason that palestinian negotiators now are not sitting down with the israelis because you can't continue to sit down and negotiate with the israelis while at the
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same time they're eating up the very land that you're supposed to be negotiating over that doesn't make sense what does make sense is to begin to put into place measures to hold israel accountable it's important to keep in mind that it's israel that's occupying the palestinians not the other way around and it will be israel that has to end its occupation not the other way around so for us to move forward now is the time that we have to see concrete unilateral concrete excuse me international measures to hold israel accountable do you think negotiations can still work between israelis and palestinians absolutely not i was a part of the negotiating team for a period of five years and the negotiations failed to in that period of time they failed before i was there and they failed after i left as well they failed for a number of reasons but primarily because we had two very unequal parties israel being the more powerful party and the palestinians being the weaker party and of the same time while negotiations were being conducted. israel is the more powerful
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party had the ability to change the rules of the game and to build and expand more israeli settlements sitting at the negotiating table it was always a question of power and without another party to balance out that imbalance of power negotiations will always fail and what's the alternative can it only be unilateral moves i think that the alternative is to begin to make this into a much more international issue by beginning to bring in international countries other countries around the world to hold israel accountable whether that's through sanctions whether that individual individuals boycotting israel whether that's through a question of divestment or whether it's through israel's isolation it's no longer going to be a case or able for the weak palestinians to stand up to a very strong nuclear power israel and to expect that those that the occupation is somehow going to end but we're hearing from the palestinian leadership that they are planning to launch an initiative to the new negotiations with the israelis so
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it doesn't seem as if they've completely given up on negotiations you know the definition of insanity i believe albert einstein said this is to do things over and over again and expect a different result palestinians have been negotiating with the israelis now for twenty years so i'm not sure that this meets the definition of insanity but i think it's pretty close the idea of going back to negotiations when we've seen what the outcome has been in the past to me seems futile i think instead this is a leadership that should start empowering palestinians it should start pushing for nonviolent resistance if start pushing for boycotts it should start pushing the world to sanction israel to isolate israel this is the type of leadership the palestinians need in these are the steps that will work you were a former advisor to the palestinian president mahmoud abbas did you quit because you lost faith in the goetia asians absolutely absolutely it was a. i went through a very deep crisis of faith when i began to see that the only strategy that was
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being adopted was one of negotiations in the face of countless countless. announcements of settlement expansion in the face of israel's construction of the wall. and the only position that the palestinian authority continued to adopt was to go back to more and more negotiations without any visions without without any sort of idea of what would happen if those negotiations failed i couldn't be part of that process any longer what the terms for peace be different now than they were when you were negotiating back in two thousand two thousand and five no they're precisely the same and one of the problems that we faced during the negotiations was that israel was unwilling to recognize the pluck ability of international law meaning that all of the territory that it occupied in one nine hundred sixty seven does not belong to israel the world has said this they said this in one thousand nine hundred sixty seven they've continued to repeat this every every year and yet every step of the way israel
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wanted to build and expand more and more settlements to be able to take more palestinian land in order to change the sound reason the borders if you if there is a real commitment to peace on the part of israel. recognize that it has to be part of the international community and recognize that in being part of the international community has to abide by international law it can't be above the law and palestinians can't be beneath it so the terms haven't changed at all what has changed is that over the course of the past forty five years there's now been cemented a mindset among israeli settlers that this land is there and the reason that this mindset has been cemented is that nobody has actually challenge the israeli settler movement to force them to get out rather than forcing them to get out the government provides them to incentives to move and that's where the problem lies if you were advising president of us today what advice would you give him the first
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thing i would say is move away from moves that are largely symbolic and start focusing on holding israel accountable i would encourage him to sign up to the international criminal court right away. to start pressing for the crime of apartheid to be challenged israel's crime of apartheid to be pushing for israel's isolation due to the fact that it's been building expanding settlements i would also be advising him that he should be empowering palestinians to go out and protest nonviolently and that he will be at the helm he will be leading the way not just sitting in a very fancy. office just across the street from where we're sitting right now and i would advise him as well that he should be pushing the international community to be isolating israel and that he should always at the same time be speaking very clearly in terms of. an end to israel's illegal activity and the reinstatement of palestinian rights do you think there's
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a real chance for peace between israelis and palestinians. in the short term no no i mean in the short term very pessimistic but in the long term i'm optimistic i'm pessimistic because i see that things aren't going to change but in the long term i feel that this is not going to be sustainable day in a blue thank you very much for joining us here on r.t. thank you my pleasure. wealthy british.
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market. is. what's really happening to the global economy with. global financial headlines kaiser report. good laboratory was able to build a new most sophisticated. dorna found anything tim's mission to teach me. this is why you should care only. rivals.
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people killing each other. country. from society. myself. and my frustration. that. to. us history. with matching the flag.
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but this country uses violence when it reaches and then it legitimizes the violence . made in america on the. ultimate. goal is. to cut. the speed. of her. and. wish. him. luck missile good.
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luck just send them out to the enemy. to come out and run a little. fifth. could be. left something to live. for precious children. rajiv shown to. leave it to. her. and.
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and. i am. and. live. live. live mission free play cribbage a should be free. for judges free. range minced free kick.


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