tv [untitled] January 17, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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the french intervention in mali faces the consequences as more than thirty foreign workers kidnapped in retaliation at a gas field in neighboring algeria are reportedly killed during a rescue mission. britain e.u. membership as the prime minister plays his hand to reign in brussels with business leaders warn of disaster if his bluff is called. he speaks exclusively to the mastermind of the current public outrage in pakistan who promises a revolution which have nothing in common with the arab spring political reshuffles
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. plus a dream job made in china an american worker risks classified data for an easy life and facebook time by outsourcing his day's work to the east until it was caught up by chance. international news and comment online on screen around the world this is. thirty five foreign hostages held captive at a gas field in algeria have reportedly been killed in the operation to free them fifteen of the captors are also thought to have died some people apparently still being held the local media suggest algerian forces attacked a convoy of kidnappers and kept is from the air innocence first attacked the complex on wednesday killing at least two of the staff and seizing dozens hostage takers with the money. an end to the french led combat action against insurgents in
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neighboring mali and their operation has intensified french troops are now on the ground in support of a heavy air campaign against al qaeda linked groups also receive logistical support from its nato allies while the e.u. is preparing to send hundreds of military personnel to train the modern army. chief political analyst patrick henderson joins me now live from beirut to discuss the process of the mission and the rising threat of retaliation attacks patrick several dozen farmworkers were reportedly killed in algeria why has this happened now and who is most to blame do you think well in the mainstream media will tell you in the short term the the islamic the islamic magreb is to blame for this. with regards to the hostage situation but what france and what your other news computers like the b.b.c.
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or neglecting to tell the world is that the al qaeda in the islamic magreb is working closely with the libyan islamic fighting group for whom france intervened on behalf of the nato this intervention with the bombing in libya in their gallant raid of two thousand and eleven so libya's becoming an al-qaeda playground and that is mostly down to western sponsored al-qaeda playground if you look back just in the last twelve months so what now patrick how do you deal with the consequence of what you see as a mistake with that libyan intervention how do you deal with it france is saying that they're trying to prevent mali becoming a terrorist state so you've got to do something haven't you and isn't the military operation the right thing to do. well it's really what's really unusual but really disturbing right now is that without any question without any really debate in foreign policy circles countries one of the united states the u.k.
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and france are now militarily active in the african theater in a very deep fashion and this is very disturbing you know what you see here is it's not politically tenable for the u.s. or for british to intervene directly militarily so they've had france come in and run point on this operation yet the u.s. is offering technical support and the u.k. is offering errs air transport support for this operation what we're seeing bill is the world police here and what they're doing is protecting corporate interests in africa there's a british franco a gold mining industry in a country like mali and they're protecting them and this is a direct reflection of stated foreign policy directives in u.s. africa documents that's african central command directive and their purpose of african was to evict china's influence from the current event and if the british and the french are only offering in a twenty eight split to mali for their goal business i'm sure china would probably
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offer a better deal and give them infrastructure so this is about keeping china out of africa in the larger scope of what the people there in itself the people now they've been seeking self-determination for decades what role are they playing here because obviously there are lots of islamist extremists coming in from mali and not all of this is necessarily homegrown or is it all the two arcs now in some ways joining up with these extremists. well you know you only have to look at the last the late the late days of the overthrow of the cook off the regime in libya and the tourists were were effectively allied with moammar gadhafi regime there was a recognized gadhafi and perhaps gave safe haven to his son saif for a brief period of time before he was turned back over to the new government in libya now the there are again we have this self-determination issue with
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a group of people that cross over many different border if you can you can also look compare the toerags to the say the kurds in central asia in the middle east there are people without the sort of nation state but what we definitely have is we have western. intelligence and western military intelligence operations that are intermingled with some of these al qaeda groups particularly the ones out of libya and also this one out of algeria and the west is not happy without your stance with libya because they took an opposition to nato as operation libya because algeria felt that it would become a hotbed for islamic extremism and that's exactly what happened so there are people in like the book in its institute think tanks in washington that would want to see the under-rated government collapse so maybe i'll juries next on the list in terms of destabilization in the fourth central planning of the war and patrick thank you
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very much indeed to political analyst patrick henningsen joining me live from favorite thanks and we spoke to u.k. based political analysts downplays breath and he says that the french intervention is a result of failed western strategy in africa. see what happened since the execution of gadhafi and the destruction of libya is that the west armed and funded may quit . the these death squads effectively in libya the flow of weapons and fighters. across the region which was again playing into the program of the west to destabilize the region and they ended up in northern mali the hope was that after libya algeria would forward this destabilization spread to algeria and this hasn't happened the rebels have made their base in northern mali and now what we've seen in recent weeks is that the insurgency is starting to spread south into southern mali so france and britain think no no no this is not the idea at all so now
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they're bombing mali to try and bomb the rebels back into it but i think what we're seeing with the attack the hostage taking as actually played into the west's hands on this is creating good propaganda for for the west to win over the support of their own populations and saying look at these look at these terrorists we have to do away with them we have to put more effort into the war is worth it because look at the alternative look at these crazy terrorists so if this hostage taking is creating the kind of propaganda we're going to see a lot more to justify a long drawn out intervention. and you can check out more opinions and analysis on the reasons and possible repercussions of the war in mali at all t. dot com one of the experts we've been talking to believes that france is revealing an imperial approach the region and that the african state will suffer the consequences but it's not what you think of this and other views we've gathered leave your feedback in the comments section of the website dot com.
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britain's prime minister is using his nation's membership of the e.u. as bait as he looks to call of concessions out of brussels in a much hyped speech but the balancing act is hazardous euro skeptics fear that david cameron won't go far enough with his demands while euro kratz say he's gone too far already there's reports he risks upsetting everybody. when the prime minister first became leader of the conservative party he said the biggest problem was that they spent far too much of their time banging on about europe i see glad those days are over i. think countdowns as the prime
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minister prepares to deliver a landmark speech on europe but with warring factions in his own policy growing euro skeptic sentiment in the u.k. and his increasingly unimpressed european counterparts to pay and the pressure result is the struggling right now on this issue up till now i think he has he hasn't given us a clear message a clear point on the e.u. and the u.k.'s relationship with it i think has been for a number of factors whether it be the world economy whether be the economy or whether it be his own backbenchers so widely expected that the prime minister will pledge a major european treaty with vision included in that would be a clawing back of how it's the british in key areas. that british membership in the e.u. would then be put to the country's citizens in a referendum to the next general election he really painted himself into
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a corner where he's got to have a referendum after an election and he will try a skillful politician if he is to paper over the cracks to give a bit to them. and say that we now are looking for europe to make a response to our proper requests that it will be a very. confident speech until you actually analyze it and you see that he's asking for the e.u. to behave in a way that there's not a hope in hell they will do that with this speech under such scrutiny maybe david camm going to get some inspiration i know the conservative leader he's relationship with the e.u. was often straying. to try to suppress mission and concentrate power of the center of a european congress would be hard. and would jeopardize the objectives to a tree in margaret thatcher's memorable speech she set herself against the european
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superstate exercising and need dominance from brussels yuri skeptics often forget is that margaret search of balance those warnings with a staunch defense of britain's place at the heart of. the truth is though that these days and that speech will be a hard sell it's growing and. sentiment it's uncertain whether he'll even be able to please those within his party rest of us sidelines we can't believe it because this is going on this sort of fear for angry family squabble all out in the open i mean. the tory party with so much riding on this speech he tries to please everyone i think david cameron the very real risk of pleasing no one is to. say the time has come for the big europe speech delayed so many times already it's been nicknamed the tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow speech and it's now expected you
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get some more surf. london. stay tuned to r.t. this friday as we bring you our special coverage of david cameron's big speech on europe. i guess don's government is reportedly agreed to the demands of a far brand cleric in return for ending a mass sit in of tens of thousands of his supporters around parliament the prime minister is understood to be meeting dr to hear well company who's called on the government to resign earlier he had issued the government with an ultimatum to start negotiating with him threatening further action the political chaos in the country is also deepened after the government clashed with a top called order to arrest the prime minister over a corruption case was refused officials have accused the judiciary and the military of a conspiracy r.t. has talked exclusively to the protest leader who told us exactly what he means by a revolution. when i see evolution we should keep in your mind in egypt
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in tunis in libya and all these countries the. media the dictatorship for years and years for a long time. and the people stood up against that in iran there was it when eric to rule of shan shah the people stood up against their. party stanek is bit different there is no one else rude neither monadic nor a military dictatorship here is electoral authority did twenty billion is electoral dictatorship true democracy does not exist in this society neither in political field nor in social feed nor in economic democracy so this is a lot less and less total chaos and anarchy in this country government is totally dysfunctional. saw this is the single nation single country in the whole muslim world and in nuclear capability and if the same situation continues there could be a very big disaster if we come to the level of collapse so our of this martin
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movement is anti corruption to educate our society from corruption and this is need of the whole muslim world. and old third world and developing muslim countries the have to get to the end of corruption and corrupt leaders. the pac national is for room lobbying group says that these protests herald the unraveling of the existing political system what we're basically seeing is that the democratic system of the country is in the throes of the final stages of collapse collapse under under the weight of its own corruption collapse under the weight of its own incompetence so it's a major development it's important to remember that these demonstrations may not leave immediately to change or the immediate collapse the fall of the government itself but the process has a started it's a failed democratic system it's a small clique of elite politicians who are intermarried interrelated to each other
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through family marriages and so forth and they're divided into using different parties to sort of divide the cake and of course indulge in massive corruption i think in the in the seventy year history of modern pakistan we've seen the most corrupt government ever in this short history of ours. and head to our poll on whether you think we're seeing something similar to the arab spring there in pakistan here are the options for you were asking well is this a military plot to seize power or could it be a western conspiracy western interests here to overthrow what they see as an uncooperative an unfriendly regime yet could it be that pakistan is about enough of the corruption that is endemic in their political system or the protests will die out once the media frenzy itself has died out let's take a quick look now at how you are reacting to these suggestions at the moment and we can see that the majority fifty three percent of you think that currently western
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powers of plotting to remove an unfriendly regime a fifth believes that mass protests are the result of pakistan is being fed up with corruption we can see they're all almost an equal number there seventeen percent saying that the protesters will soon give in and we can see that a little eleven percent so far think it's the country's military striving to grab the reins of the government good to hear from you head to dot com if you haven't had your say i'll be back with more news after this short break stay with us. with. some. of. the great. cheer.
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news continues now watching you tube videos while picking up a good salary and getting good performance reviews an impossible dream for the world's a desk jockeys apart from one enterprising american he secretly outsources days work at multiple companies to china and reports he almost got away with it. you may already know that outsourcing is very popular in american companies outsource manufacturing to places like china they outsource services including call centers to places like india american companies outsource jobs all the time but some americans took outsourcing to a whole new level by getting someone in china or elsewhere to work under their name and credentials one of america's largest broadband and telecommunications companies were why is it most recently caught one software developer doing exactly that someone they refer to as bob paid a software consulting firm in china less than one fifth of his six figure salary to do his job but bob gave them all the codes necessary to access the critical
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infrastructure company's internal system so while the chinese were ransacking the internal system of a critical infrastructure company in the us bob devoted his work time to facebook read it. and cat videos seriously his browsing history revealed that's what filled bob's typical workday apparently bob had the same scam going across multiple companies earning several hundred thousand dollars a year and only paying the chinese consulting firm about fifty thousand and you only had one of the companies he reportedly received excellent performance reviews for the last several years in a row even being hailed the best software developer in the building it was a sweet deal for bob which is apparently not his real name until the reason revealed the breach by accident when they received a request from a us company asking for help in understanding anomalistic to what he was witnessing in his private network and open an active connection from shane young china we here
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in the us constantly complain about chinese hackers but apparently with employees like bob when he texts. israel has issued two hundred tenders for new hells ing in the west bank settlement watchdog group has issued a report saying the government is deliberately using construction in vital areas to undermine the creation of a palestinian state and many israeli settlers feel this isn't about giving them new homes any more every four hundred is wary about unpacking again he's already been forced to move twice first from the israeli settlement of in the sinai peninsula and then twenty three years later from the settlement of gaza in a move television hoped would inspire peace both times his government had encouraged him to put down roots in the settlements and both times his government forced him out there's a good argument that my government betrayed me it betrayed the people it sent to settle the land and build their lives there but it's a mistake a mistake that should be fixed. but first evian the thousands of other former gaza
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settlers need to fix their lives a group of them live here in central israel in small temporary structures they built with the own money so last the government didn't do what it was supposed to do didn't rehabilitator swe have no roof over our heads. so when prime minister benjamin netanyahu announces the approval of thousands of new city units the settler movement while police can't help but feel suspicious that they are merely being used as chess pieces in the government's political game the it's obvious to everyone that all of a sudden there is approval of big construction plans what does that mean that i'm supposed to vote for netanyahu or someone else i'd be happy rather to have a prime minister who will approve construction in any part of israel. tamera brain works for property development group in a neighborhood in east jerusalem that has passed the pre nine hundred sixty seven green line construction here is controversial but the waiting list of hopeful
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buyers is overflowing i think the government of never know realizes the most important for them now is to give the settlers what they want because the constituency of likud party of party is the far right and they're playing into their hands and unfortunately not in the hands of the general public interest but could these new city units be bashed on in the future like what happened to the settlements in gaza and you meet yes there is the center amount of thirteen but you know when we created this country when we established. four years ago there was even a greater level of uncertainty that we are not cheap on the table we are probing communities with fourth generation israelis that were born and we are here at this stage and for as long as the governments on this side of the settlement abate
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they're staying at least for now but a showdown is inevitable israel says that settlements are an issue to be discussed during negotiations but palestinians say they won't hold peace talks while israel builds on land they want for a future state policy r.t. tel aviv well the settlements issue would of course be one of the main decision drivers when israelis had to the polls in less than a week for a snap parliamentary election join r.t. on voting day that's january the twenty second for our special coverage. how will. isolate can there be peace with gaza what's next in relations with america. who survive his snuff election on january twenty second. israel's. russia has worn a currency world war is looming for the global economy and concerns were sparked by japan's move to lower the value of the yen in pursuit of better exports fears of
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a massive chain reaction and other nations do the same. as the story. an economy not so far away actually the global economy is on the verge of a currency war allow me to paint a quick picture for you in japan where the newly elected prime minister has been pushing for a more aggressive central bank policy has been dropping the yen went down by eleven percent since december meanwhile in europe the euro is rising and that's right despite the debt and eurozone crisis austerity measures and so on the euro grew by seven percent in the last six months and experts say europe has fired the first shell e.u. financial of tories warned the rise of the euro is threatening the economy so it is possible it will be deliberately dropped meanwhile across the atlantic the united states has been printing blocks for the last five years to support of markets but it also makes the dollars cheaper in washington has been looking over the shoulder and china which holds the majority of u.s. foreign debt and b.g.
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is also accused of holding back the u. one the reason why they do that is the one currency is dropped the export becomes cheaper making the country more competitive obviously that's not greeted with applause by its competitors other countries which we tallied by dropping the very currencies so it's like a domino effect and the last time a major currency war happened was during the great depression in the one nine hundred thirty s. which resulted in a slowdown of international trade and all the support of the lead up to wald war too but that's not all if we exported become cheaper imports become more expensive so ordinary citizens can buy less imported goods and traveling abroad traveling abroad rather becomes more expensive that leads to public disapproval unrest and so on that's why russia which only cheers the g twenty is so worried and it's very likely will see a major skirmish when the groups financial ministers meeting next month in moscow. that brings you up to date with a moment here on r.t.
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i'll be back with a new team with more for you in just over half an hour from now in the meantime blub chilling gang wars in the city of angels that after a short break. congress' approval rating has hit an all time low never has american record history been so disappointed with the lawmaking body the united states even former arkansas governor mike huckabee said that their approval ratings are just barely above a pedophile so i guess that's good news for the disgusting pedophiles out there so you won't be the most hated group in america anymore but i don't think this statistic reflects the quality of government but so much the quality of the governed in some small country with a hard to pronounce name if the government became that unpopular the country would simply collapse but no matter how many wars congress gets involved in and no matter
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how many jobs are shipped overseas or no matter how much the american dream gets stamped out everyone still rallies around obama and votes democrat and republican this popularity rating doesn't show how effective the government is it shows how arrogant they are because they seem to have no fear whatsoever of not getting reelected or being punished in any way for their bad behavior so you know congress i have to save us keep up the good work go for one percent popularity and maybe someone will actually do something about you but that's just my opinion.
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my little brother was going to school six in the morning and you got him is going to. so you got there was of a sick of his world be up that early in the morning just you know i'm saying to do something like that. we've been burying i want to offer a while congress and we've actually out at the funeral when another one of our weight gets killed at the funeral and then. so as we live amongst each other there might be one street it might be one gas station the service to with three different gangs when i get to the gas station i have to find out what are your intentions with me while i'm pumping gas so i cannot turn my back and allow you to shoot me or hit me in the back of it i have to look you in your eyes and see your intentions and when i look in your eyes i'm looking to see if you will feel wolf and i'm a wolf then we need to come to some sort of agreement so we can both get out.
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