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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2013 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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tonight at eleven seven more foreign hostages are reportedly killed in algeria as the military carries out the final botched attempt to free the remaining captives from islamic terrorists. most of. them successfully undergoes the first operation to try to save his eyesight after that acid attack it's been linked to his profession. david cameron is accused of fudging the political rival seizing on the extracts of his address on britain's future with the union which they say threatens the country's democracy.
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this is our. top story tonight from moscow the hostage crisis in algeria is apparently ended after four days but with further loss of life seven foreign civilians and eleven islamic terrorists were reportedly killed when the military launched an all day she's final raid to free the hostages held at a gas plant some are still unaccounted for tonight the militant said they took the captives in revenge for the french intervening in neighboring mali. reports from paris. what we have heard in the reports flying about that a number of the civilian hostages were executed by the islamic militants that were holding them hostage at the gas plant it's a very remote area where the gas plant is located so that's why the details are so hard to come by but from what we've also heard that the algerian army then in turn
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killed a number of the islamic militants so we've got an increasing amount of it looks like a dead civilian hostage is a very tragic turn of events it's a siege that actually has been going on since thursday it's been a standoff between the algerian army and the islamic militants who were trying to occupy this plant and. among the civilian hostages we know that there were bread americans japanese citizens know french citizens from what we know so the hostage takers have the hostage takers have said all along that this is a retaliation for the french intervention in mali now we've even heard one jihadist leader say that france is quote open the gates of hell unquote so it's a very worrying escalation to what started off as a military intervention just over a week ago the french government reportedly the french government ostensibly just
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responding to the mali government's request for help in driving out the islamic militants from the north of the country so it's definitely escalating a sense of unease definitely growing in france and looks like public opinion could really shift in relation to the mali intervention it's all come on the streets of paris but with an escalating military intervention in mali and an algerian hostage crisis in response to it french public opinion is predicted to turn against francois hollande pledged to help the mali government once he's really here but the enormity of what they may be taking on in mali. there may be a lot of questions then asked about his judgment and a lot of people who are supposedly supporting him now or may very quickly turn around and criticize it's already beginning to happen but we've spoken to provisions here who lament the fact that they weren't told in advance that the military offensive was set to take place meanwhile voices in the french media
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complain of a war with no pictures they say that there's a media blackout and accuse the government of making it intentional journalist surprising thing is that. we had no. recourse or information from. the day after this really started inform us of all that when you see what's happening what has happened in iraq or in afghanistan surely if you will if you read to the region and if he lasts long it's going to be a problem comparisons already being made to the usa as experience in iraq and afghanistan conflicts that were initially supported at home out of a sense of patriotism and support for the troops but it turned into lengthy and costly and deeply unpopular wars at home now if this mission creep becomes only driving out the terrorists as some ministers and even on themselves seem to
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be saying. that it's going to be a failure because you cannot drive out all the terrorists. and many soldiers die and there are attacks in paris then public opinion will shift the way it has done for other wars either was started by france or was started by them by the u.s. but nevertheless french president francois hollande remains committed to the french military offensive in mali making grand statements that the french intervention were intense and to legitimate authority in the country is restored but what many french people are beginning to wonder is just how long that might take and out what cost probably boyko r.t. paris. earlier i spoke with adam elliott cooper is associate editor of cease fire magazine he suggested france could have a vested interest in expanding its intervention in north africa i think the response that sponsors we hoping for probably be something along the lines of
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number one. increase military presence in the region france has likes to have a lot of military presence in its former colonies far more than britain and i think the second thing would be favorable terms of trade oil and natural resources why is france getting involved in mali why is it so interested in mali is there any connection here with the uranium we've got big uranium reserves france is obviously it just begs the question as approaches the question front is very heavily reliant on nuclear for its energy is it trying to protect its maybe future reserves is highly likely you radiate these francis or you and many people say it's a huge part of it's a huge factor in its economy and it's something that not only mildly but specifically niger and other parts where the tour of people reside. do you see it on top of. well as we just heard some analysts suggest africa's untapped natural resources could be the main reason attracting western powers to the continent is
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also being cited as a pretext for the intervention in mali too despite the country being considered among the world's poorest nations as it has plenty to offer when it comes to wealth that lies beneath let's take a look show way the african nation is indeed the continent's third largest producer of gold as you can see here it's a trails only south africa and gardner and there are some four cars as well which indicate it could move into first place in gold exports in the very near future so the graphs panning out energy is another of miley's economic trump cards with the radio deposits believed to number over five thousand tonnes france relies almost entirely of course on uranium as fuel for its nuclear power plants and it's believed paris is now i may be the mali deposits as well after its main source of uranium supply in these year was threatened by a major work force strikes there again let's take a look at the wall again meantime another key global player china has been turning its own sights of the continent with increasing investments there they go beijing
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claims it's poured as much as nine point three billion u.s. dollars into the region from between two thousand and five and twenty ten but u.s. sources say that figure could actually be as high as forty four billion dollars and it's expected to grow to so then mali clearly a country of vast unexplored wealth and investment opportunities which experts say foreign powers may be prepared to fight for. we've got more updates an expert analysis on the crisis in north africa as well on our website r.t. dot com for you now let's take a look at some other news the artistic director of the historic bolshoi theater successfully undergone an initial operation to save his sight following a gruesome acid attack in central moscow but doctors say it's still too early to predict whether surrogate filin will fully manage to regain his vision the latest on this sad story from within a culture never. doctors say desegregate billing is in a satisfactory condition and currently he is that one of moscow's burn center he
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has already been questioned why the investigators after he underwent an eye surgery now the doctors say there is going to take them up to seven days to determine whether the surgery was successful the artistic director of the bolshoi theatre suffered c.v.s. degree burns to face and his eyes a top top and a late on thursday as thirty filling was coming back home and on identifying to man wearing a mask through a bolt of right into his face there is also a street surveillance video that captured the exact moment all this on a down to five man would quickly leaving the scene apart from the beauty of the art of done so the world of the big valley is tough and since they're first down steps the law i've done some involves our recent hours of punishing trainings and we have seen dogs in the oscar winning movie black swan college in life all the
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professional ballets full of infighting and intrigue disturbingly for the people of the ball surely theatre events have taking a sinister and dramatic twist those are gay filling became the artistic director all the ball surely just in march twenty elegant still some of his colleagues say that most the average thing at the theatre was dependent upon his decisions on your show the hard people promoted them and distributes the roles decides who gets to go on tours abroad compiles the rehearsal schedules and so forth he's the head of the collective who influences every decision within the company and his opinion carries a lot of joint surrogate feelings also known for his passion towards contemporary performances and he introduced them on the stage of the bolshoi and now some of his . colics believes that perhaps the disapproval of his actions might have been one
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of the reasons behind this attack me in this book that we've been having a lot of contemporary performances recently which maybe somebody didn't agree with them but others really did people receive multiple rules for the productions somebody that nobody should be reacting to something they don't like with such inhumane cruelty so far at the investigators believe the primary reason behind this attack is billons professional activity. promise david cameron used the hostage crisis in algeria to delays announcement of britain's future with the e.u. and that is deeply damaging according to the leader of the u.k. independence party despite the pm cancelling friday speech some extracts were released ukip leader nigel farage explained to sarah firth the dangers that lie between the lines. due to the ongoing hostage crisis in algeria involving a number of british nationals amongst others the prime minister had to postpone that long awaited for speech on europe but nonetheless some extracts of what he was
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expected to say in that speech have been revealed to us more about that we're outside you are a powerhouse in london to talk to the leader of the u.k. independence party nigel for us the party that says we're better off out the nigel and some of the excerpts are revealed quite a positive thing to that it does surprise you well positive in the sense of you know he's using euro skeptic language to pursue a euro far agenda she exactly what harold wilson did forty years ago this speech is happening because of the rise of you get on the rise of you could has led to massive discontent on the back benches in the house of commons and amongst the conservative party in the whole country that's what he's responding to so that's why he talked tough and says we must renegotiate but the reality of what he says if you read the subtext is that the e.u. is very good for us but it serves our interests and i will promise i promise god to do my best over the next five years to do everything i can to keep britain a member of that unions this issue is a key constitutional issue it isn't even about economics it's about who governs
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britain it's about are we dependent nation as a democracy and determine their own future or not and i want to referendum now more of a promise because i want to ask there's a lot of concern that if a person left the this is massively affect our relationships our trade relationships certainly have a hit on the economy as a result of that what do you say to those concerns a classic scare tactics always employed by the status quo whether they're defending slavery all the called laws or e.u. membership you know transparent everybody with a whole series of shocks you know three million british jobs would be lost if we left the european union really really we import massively more from the e.u. than we sell to them would mislead is stop selling cars. we have the e.u. well i think we all know the answer and you think that britain should be looking to trade outside well you know what i'm saying is this that europe is aging europe as a percentage of the world economy is now below
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a fifth and falling quite sharply it is gripped by eurozone crisis which is likely because of their fanaticism to keep it together to last for up to a decade and yeah ok europe is thirty eight percent of our overseas exports and it's an important market place but the rest of the world is more important to us and we're impotent because we're stuck inside this old fashioned nineteenth century concept of a customs union we cannot make our own trade deals anywhere else in the world let's have a free trade deal with europe like the swiss do and let's reengage with the rest of the world we've always see this latest postponement to take understandable reasons they don't see seen a number of delays already what do you think about that the fact that this is such a huge issue and we just had a. you know i've been waiting for years for this speech another couple weeks doesn't matter too much thank you very much for joining us niger for us and the clear information about when exactly that big speech in europe will be delivered there someone is that it could be as early as next week and of course the latest place payment making that big speech on europe no less controversial. nigel farage
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at the front of the audience than this month's time for the fun and frolic so christmas and new year. you know that's the magic of the russian winter song clip right there exists and. i can tell you one thing very exhilarated right now that's what would for it it's a pit for me for all christians which means a freezing cold water on a correspondent some solo cleansing but just. how britain's flourishing slave trade to be correct human trafficking is on the rise despite efforts to stop the exploitation of immigrants again the reports about that just ahead. mission. critical three. four three.
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three. three. two three. old freeboard video for your media project a free media. for the. science technology innovation. developments from around russia. the future coverage. we cover though in. the consensus to. choose the opinions that you. choose to stories could impact. choose. to.
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i guess thought that up to twenty seven million people in the world today according to some form or other of slavery or about eight hundred thousand of being trafficked across borders every year what might surprise you is that one magnet for people exploiting others for sex or forced labor is great britain or smith investigates i wasn't allowed out i wasn't allowed to do anything i was the one to lure the claim. looking after the children. but i wasn't even allowed to take the kids to school i was locked inside the house when i was nowhere in the door side it sounds like something from an eighteenth century workhouse but it's britain today so it was trafficked to this country aged twelve now nineteen she's still too afraid to talk about her experience but the fact that she's played here by an actor doesn't make her horrific story any less real i was getting beaten
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by then. i was slapped and right i kept getting the right. things i was like a slave never a time i kept playing i kept trying to clean myself up and i kept getting called and she was shouting asking me to keep playing even in the house is clean i still have to keep clean. eventually sarah's female employer threw her out of the house aged just fourteen with no way of contacting relatives at home she lived on the streets for nine months begging until she eventually found help through pat an international group campaigning against child trafficking it's a story that all too common and it's not just about domestic slavery according to experts many people are trafficked to work on cannabis farms in the u.k. and they're often kept in a perpetual cycle of debt or through fear of repercussions for their families but
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another sector that says is rife with trafficking victims particularly from asia is high street nail bars so next time you go for a manicure pedicure ask yourself who serving you and is the skull on their cell figures from the into departmental ministerial group on human trafficking show it's risen by thirty three percent compared to last year and victims come from all over the world africa europe and the far east. more than two. thousand victims there's a retreat. victims say they were just ten percent. twenty. trafficked into this country. first for organized criminal gangs is the second most profitable thing to drugs and a lot less chance of getting caught that rice could be because more cases of being reported but chloe seta who works with trafficking victims including sara says it's
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partly down to a lack of police awareness only eight cases of trafficking were successfully prosecuted last year trafficking is seen not just in the u.k. but worldwide as a low risk high profit crime so those criminals who might have previously been smuggling drugs arms. may now be looking to also children and people because a child can be recycled a human can be recycled the drugs that they have a one off crime so there's a number of ways that are controlled and once that happens they are literally sort of assigned to the traffic and hospital on time unless the authorities do something to intervene antony steen founder of a parliamentary group on trafficking is leading the biggest ever conference on the subject held in britain slavery is. a modern day slavery is alive and well and ten times the size of what it was when it was abolished two hundred years ago but prosecution relies heavily on hearsay evidence and testimony and huge numbers of
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victims like sarah never want to talk about their experiences again laura smith r.t. london. the world news headlines now this hour government of blown up an important one in yemen the blast from those who support the plan that might cause serious damage and halted all transportation in the southern subway province the pipeline operated by the korean national oil company transfers crude oil to export terminals in the gulf of aden al qaeda which the government blames for the blast is frequently attacked oil routes since the ousting of yemen's president veteran president as it was. early last year. activists in syria say fierce battles have been fought between rebels and soldiers in the country's northeast opposition fighters are said to be trying to lay siege to two army bases and block roads that supply that this is a u.n. delegation visits war ravaged towns and villages to try to assess the need for humanitarian aid diplomatic efforts to create
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a unity government have so far failed when the almost two year conflict now that's killed more than sixty thousand. update on venezuelan president hugo chavez he's reportedly been moved from a hospital in cuba where he was receiving cancer treatment to a secret location is rumored now to be in a bunker the specially built for former cuban leader fidel castro it's apparently to avoid leaks to the media about chavez's health and in preparation for him to return home yelling leave is not been seen since his latest comes to surgery in mid december and later mr inauguration ceremony dramatic pictures a close call for labor bulgaria's ethnic turkish party wow you skate the sasa nation when a man jumped up on the stage pointed a gun at the politicians said no shots were fired the twenty five year old tac was immediately wrestled to the ground by guards and part of it the man was also wanted to knives as well probably chairman of the dog and maybe resigned to another one.
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less serious matters how better to atone for the excesses of the holidays a naked plunge into ice cold water so right for some it is a perfectly for orthodox christians in a day than for a breathtaking dip in line with centuries old tradition if you can brave it correspondent peter all of has been enjoying the full experience let's take a look. winter temperatures commonly fall below minus fifteen celsius in the russian capital perfect conditions for a swim say this lot they are part of a group who refer to themselves as a walrus club and they believe in the health benefits of taking a few subzero laps here to show them i was quite prange khaled's all my life until i turned sixty eight when i took up i swimming and i've never had any kind of a cold since then you know as i was acquitted i used to have terrible back pain but it's gone now i'm healed and you were showing a natural course but after i took up i swimming i regained my flexibility i could even do a proper like split and that's how it works i recommended to everyone it's the only
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existing cure to all illnesses and maybe this isn't a new activity and the tradition of the russian orthodox church will ship is mark the feast of the with a late night submergence into the icy waters symbolizing the baptism of jesus to anyone thinking that they would like to give it a go i do have these woods from my own experience so when called. let's say i did provided that the first day put there are to play well to notion so the russian legs aren't cool tell you you're there exerts so. i could say i'm feeling very exhilarated right now. the head walrus at this swimming hole is bloody mia going to be nk and he's the chairman of the russian ice swimming and cold water treatment federation and insists that there are genuine medical benefits if your the main way i swimming works for you is through blood circulation driven by cold and struggling
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to stay warm your body contracts its blood vessels so there's less blood pumped around the system so where does the excess blood go it goes to the vital organs that is why it's good for the kidneys and liver they are constantly cleansed. blood to me has also trained thrill seekers who want to push the abilities of the human body to the limits. day of holds the record for time spent in icy water going in could. spend sixty minutes in there and i helped him get out of that condition when he could hardly talk he couldn't even say mama he couldn't walk his arms wouldn't move but thirty five minutes later he was recovered and could talk to the press. the russian ice swimming federation has one and a half million members across the country and blood to me it does his best to drum up more supports with his own personal guarantee for years for the little i jumped into a nice hole for the first time thirty four years ago i saw that people who did it are never sick and so i decided to give it a try now look at me fit as
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a butcher's dog. well it might not be everybody's idea of a good time but be it for health reasons all for spiritual reasons there's no shortage of people willing to take the plunge feature all of a. look we got online for you well from i see something to be given the cold shoulder as the u.k. foreign office says british veterans who said to the legendary arctic convoy to accept russian medals for their bravery show you've got some thoughts about that and read up about it from us online and kind of this comes currency called sleep as that new note sporting the country's national symbol of discovered by eagle eyed boston is showing the wrong kind of maple leaf more than two out of the. next with a unique look at the world finances let's catch up with max because he's waiting in
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the wings and on a road out international just a couple of minutes. wealthy british style.
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market. why don't what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger or a no holds barred look at the mobile financial headlines tune in to conjure reports on our. welcome to the kaiser report max kaiser hey you know the currency war is oh i'm going out the bottom of the first shots i've been fired in the war to end all wars the currency war stays here oh yeah max kaiser this is been the big story of the kaiser report for the past three or four years and the f.t.
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front pages the financial times or eads germany to shift fifty four thousand gold bars home one of the biggest shipments of yellow metal on record which inspired this front page on the financial times was this announcement on the deutsche bank website deutsche a boon to spanks new storage plan for germany's gold reserves by two thousand and twenty the bundesbank intends to store half of germany's gold reserves in its own vaults in germany the other half will remain a storage at its partner central banks in new york and london while germany has no partner central banks this is every man for himself and those with the most gold are going to win the currency war as we've been warning about now for years this is why the euro has been trading relatively well against the dollar because in the euro zone there are twelve thirteen thousand tons of gold versus the u.s. .


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