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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2013 1:30pm-2:00pm EST

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among americans of when they will be subjected to tracking possibly for months at a time or whether the government will first get a warrant this is the justice department's response more than one hundred pages of completely redacted material except for the title so to the question how when and why the government can track its citizens the f.b.i. responded with this takes a lot of ink to print out something like this some artistic souls may think of the painting black swear by live each we're certainly not sure of the artistic intentions of the u.s. justice department or the meanings they put into these black pages but for civil liberties advocates here this is what government secrecy looks like actually it was last month when president obama signed a bill that essentially allows the government to spy on anyone they want under some kind of a general warrant as opposed to an individual word in other words it allows the national security agency to vacuum up as much private communication as possible with something like
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a promise on the authorities part to be really careful about when and how they look at it but civil liberties advocates argue that the bill of rights is not about the government's promises of good intentions but about legal guarantees so president obama may be very convincing when he talks about individual freedoms we heard the words in his inaugural speech this monday but here is the f.b.i. version of that freedom useful professor of journalism chris of a judge who says not only official agencies eating away personal freedoms. the state of privacy for american citizens these days is quite tenuous and quite frightening because we are being assaulted in america on two lovell's one from our government which is collecting information which is spying on american citizens. apparently without any predicate or basic probable cause or specific facts on the other hand you have corporations spying on american citizens to find out what we buy when we buy it how much money we spend how much well who is in our family what
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our friends buy basically to take money from us so on one hand you have people taking freedom of the other hand you have people taking money so it's all based on a lack of privacy so it's a very scary situation here in america now. you know next explains why america's to to police it means arrests for activists yet freedom for finance is the threshold over which the u.s. government has passed in terms of tyranny has banned past they passed they when they got rid of habeas corpus they passed it when they went through at the end the way they passed it when they started to murder u.s. citizens extra traditionally they passed it with a bradford manning case that bradley manning said in case they passed it that they've already passed a threshold of terry so why are americans sitting there thumb up their bank talking about well if tyranny comes that's why i don't i find it hypocritical.
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next hour it's now twenty two twenty two thirty three mosco tom thanks for being with us with more news for you right after this break. what mystery is hidden deep the nice. visitors a north welcome here. traps laid for intruders. and the supernatural cannot arise from nowhere. can a human be possessed by the underwater spirit.
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. hello and welcome to the business program that this week my colleague katie pilbeam and i will be hosting from this beautiful swiss skiing resort town of davros the home of the world economic forum wednesday is the official start of the
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event and russia's prime minister dmitri medvedev will be one of the three heads of state along with germany's chancellor angela merkel and italy's prime minister mario monti to address the audience they'll share their ideas of how to move the global economy forward how to shifted out of its current crisis mode and one of the actually pretty hot topics this week is the currency wars we're talking about the various countries central banks actively managing their exchange rates meaning of course devaluing their currencies why would they want to do that because it makes their products more competitive on the international markets china has been keeping its currency artificially low for quite a while and i got plenty of competitive advantages from this now the japanese are trying to take advantage of the. ok an economy may see the negative affects of this
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policy according to a unit credit a ten percent rise in the euro's value would reduce your a zone as g.d.p. growth by zero point eight percent. when this competitive devaluation actually could affect the russian ruble or so some experts say here with me i have katie pilbeam who had an opportunity to speak with an expert on this today so what did he say while it was david gray from pricewaterhouse coopers russia and i really wanted to address a topic with him because he's taken the world by storm and he says that's the interesting enough but for the ruble i'm for russia it may demonstrate some resilience. i am looking for the rule to be relatively stable in the i think i don't see big drops in energy prices and i think a flat to moderate energy prices gives us
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a stable ruble so i think the ruble will tend to attract sideways this year and b if you think about the level of volatility we've experienced in the past even two thousand and twelve was a relatively stable year by historic standards and i think will happen and price waterhouse coopers they've also just released that business of a full roster and it's actually quite optimistic just looking through it why more upbeat than last year i would say for me to say but i wanted to ask david gray as well how he felt rushed out was on course to get to that twentieth place in the world bank poll what's right because that's something that president putin is really stressing he really wants russia to achieve that indeed he twenty eighteen that is his goal and i wanted to know if we were on track to achieve that and what needs to be drawn in twenty thirty. but i think two thousand and thirteen is a very important year if we don't see significant progress in two thousand and
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thirty then it's going to be an almighty uphill struggle to reach that target of getting into the top twenty i think we have seen progress and people are perhaps slower to recognise the progress that is taking place in terms of greater attention around. procurement practices in both regional governments and national governments these are positive trends which will have a positive impact in terms of people's perceptions around corruption and bribery in the russian economy but there's perhaps a lag in perception behind reality and so we hope that perception begins to catch up with reality in two thousand and thirteen and the government delivers on its rhetoric around wanting to fight corruption because that government has to lead in this. and it's a. big year for russia of course because moscow plays host to the g. twenty meeting we've got twenty of the most powerful influential leaders heading to the country. russia is getting set to host the g
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twenty meeting of the world's biggest economies and later this year russian president vladimir putin will lead the proceedings and in his words he intends to make affective use of his presidency of the meeting to address russia's long term national goals and strengthen its position in global economic governance know one thing that will be similar to his davos switzerland is of course the participants the grendel of the final economic world. and now let's do a quick run through the markets here in europe are traders didn't see a lot of reasons for optimism the indices close the in the red in moscow both the r.t.s. and the my six and their day in the negative territory as well and on the currency market what we saw is the ruble on tuesday strengthening to the u.s. dollar as well as to the euro and that's all the latest from the business team over
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the next few days will be bringing you all the latest from the world economic forum here in switzerland. georgian president how saakashvili military police have been accused by prosecutors of using a very unusual weapon to control members of the government a weapon so unusual that history great villains wouldn't even touch it that weapon was almost sexuality the georgian prosecutor's office claims a network of gay spies was set up to seduce certain politicians in order to surveil them and blackmail them the gay spies would tempt men in the government into going back to their apartments which were filled with hidden cameras and microphones to
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record information and create a not safe for work video to be used to put pressure on these officials this is truly one of the most unique and kind of gross weapons of political intrigue i've ever heard of i mean how many men in georgia politics could possibly fall into the spy trap you know if he actually did implement this scheme and it actually worked than machiavelli and von bismarck could have a thing or two to learn from president saakashvili but that's just my opinion. i'm here with some investors from england. i'm here to show new clients most of my poverty in this area and you know jewish boy. no exception ok same distinct solution to carry some of. those thoughts you're so beautiful all of us and all.
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what mystery is hidden deep beneath. visitors welcome here. traps laid for intruders. and the
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supernatural can arise from nowhere. can human be possessed by the water spirit. mistress of the cave on. again i'm kevin owen gay rights campaigners here moscow have rallied against the so-called gay propaganda law being considered in russia but their public kissing campaign tactics lead to trouble and he has been off got the story. several dozen gay rights activists trade staging a kissing flash mob in moscow right outside the city duma but were interrupted by a group of radical orthodox christians who didn't hesitate to use their fists as you can see to stop them as a result several people were injured including some journalists the police did detain the attackers the protesters said that the rally was against
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a draft law banning gay propaganda in the city it's really not clear from this draft what propaganda is so they're afraid they're going to have to go underground it's fair to say that it's a tendency in russia for such rallies to end in skirmishes with radical n.t.v. rights activists but it's not something which only happens in russia just recently we have seen several members of the ukrainian women's group firman attacked in paris by radical anti gay rights activists of the girls at some point even had to run from with the angry crowd and the police had to step in to evacuate them to safety you go. hundreds of thousands of people gathered to watch barack barber's inauguration speech after was sworn in as u.s. president for a second term budget to support democracy was the world we hear why many experts believe more bombs could fall as the u.s.
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looks set to continue with its aggressive foreign policy that couple of minutes time. but next after two years of simmering and sometimes violent protests against corruption and inept authorities jordan is finally getting a parliamentary election the king called a vote to appease those demanding change but is r.t. to see catherine of no reports it threatens to push the country further into crisis . beneath the calm facade here in jordan is a simmering crisis the kingdom has remained relatively stable amid the wave of regimes falling in the arab spring wednesday's parliamentary elections are part of the reform efforts undertaken by the government in an attempt to quell popular dissatisfaction. i'm optimistic that our political system has taken a big step forward if a parliament wants to enjoy respect the very first thing it needs is to be elected as a result of the fair election that's what our future parliament is going to be but a balanced parliament is something that is highly i'm likely to come out of this
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election is being boycotted by georgia's most powerful political movement the muslim brotherhood citing a new law that critics claim gives an unfair advantage to regime loyalists the islamists and their allies have branded the elections as worthless. one of the most like why do people take part in the spectacle called the parliamentary elections elections the way they are now and all the petain in rules the way they are cannot be taken seriously they do not represent the people's will band in many mideast states up until the arab spring jordan's branch of the muslim brotherhood has been a licensed political party for decades but seeing as own contemporaries come to power in egypt and tunisia it is now openly seeking a much larger role for the one muslim one of. the muslim brotherhood of boycotting the elections because this lauri's not in their interest but other parties are boycotting the elections because they will be held according to undemocratic law
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i'm there to meet with king abdullah and says that he's serious about reform but there are other threats on the horizon. our main problem is the konami unemployment and inflation are rising at the same time that the cost of products is soaring there is considerable unrest among the population was the country has long struggled economically and relies heavily on age from western and gulf donors last november saw an eruption of violence nationwide protests over cuts in food and fuel subsidies and the conditions imposed by the i.m.f. the courtroom billion dollar emergency loan and other financial and political. ern is the flood of syrian refugees hundreds of thousands have fled to jordan with more pouring over the border every day there are worries that the syrian conflict may follow its people into the kingdom what islam is striving for more power
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a tough situation on the border and a dire economic crisis jordan is finding itself caught between a rock and a hard place due to the boycott the elections are among likely to produce any meaningful change in the one stable kingdom looks to be in for a long period of uncertainty you see count one of our key amman jordan. in all the big stories tonight car bombs have killed seventeen and left dozens injured in and around baghdad police report one of the blast ripped through the market in the north of iraq and careful around midday at least two soldiers were among those killed and twelve more wounded also earlier in the day a suicide car bombing targeting a checkpoint south of the city killed five wounded four to all of these. south african out thousands of protesters angry at plans to merge their region with a poor neighboring municipality have clashed with police officers fired rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse demonstrators in the third day of riots there at
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least three policemen have been injured more than one hundred eighty protesters arrested. a week of fighting between syrian rebels and members of the kurdish minority of left at least fifty six people dead in the northeast of the country is according to british based syrian observatory for human rights its report says the rebels used tanks and mortars against kurdish forces the kurds long denied autonomy of trying to use the unrest as a destruction to set up schools and cultural centers but are now coming under fire from anti regime fighters. under the private teachers have marched on the streets of the french capital against planned changes to extend their working week to five days although contact time will remain the same the school week will no run over five shorter days rather than four. longer ones eighty percent of teachers in paris one strike and most schools were closed the government says the new sheds will come into place in september. u.s. president barack obama has laid out his plans for his second term in the white type of sin
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a wide ranging speech touching on issues from the gratian reform to gay rights he placed a special emphasis on supporting democracy around the world benedict former leader of the libertarian party says this is a ministration the look set to continue to use military force to fulfill it say it's i think it's almost embarrassing you know as an american i have trouble keeping track of where our troops are these days where were intervening and so for me to try and predict where it's happening not to mention that there are secret operations going on around the world. do we have our troops in over one hundred countries and we must we intervene in the election processes in other places so there's not really any real. activity to do things other than militarily i'm a libertarian the way i'd like to see a sex other countries policies is by setting a good example of how other countries should act i don't want to force democracy or
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freedom at the point of a gun or air strikes and i don't want to impose that on other countries. that is headline news continues in full for moscow with me kevin zero in just minutes away stay with us. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom hard working with a big picture. the to. eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat
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feast. at least such. it's such a. place .
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because i. live.
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oh that. looks. good speech. you. wish. me good. luck. and. a little.
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