tv [untitled] January 22, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm EST
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claunch omar bin to washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture want to fix world poverty then tax the rich in just a moment i'll tell you about a shocking new report that shows how good the global oligarchy have it and how about the rest of us have and then i'll ask my politics panel just one put our billionaires in our economy anyway also with global temperatures expected to increase between five and ten degrees mankind could be facing extinction so we'll conservatives heed president obama's call and climate change and commit the united states to being a leader in the coming green energy revolution or will they sit on their hands as
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the waters rise and later republicans and gun nuts want you to think that the second amendment means the government can't place any restrictions on guns at all but there's a hidden history of the second amendment that you probably don't know about sure that we deliver it later in the show. you need to know this in a second inaugural speech yesterday president obama said these simple words speak directly to the major problem facing america today wealth inequality. we do not believe that in this come free freedom is reserved for the lucky or happiness for the few. unfortunately that's the case in america today as nearly fifty million of us live in poverty and just four hundred of us possess more wealth than half the rest of the nation more than one hundred fifty million people combined it's also
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the case around the world and this global wealth inequality is making it harder and harder to eradicate poverty according to a new oxfam report prepared for the davos world economic forum if you take just last year's profits of the world's one hundred wealthiest people alone and add them up you would have enough money to end poverty around the planet in two thousand and twelve the richest one hundred billionaires netted two hundred forty billion dollars in income that's enough to end world poverty not just once not just twice not just three times but four times over again the money that was just made by a hundred people in chess last year could end poverty for the entire world four times over as oxfam's chief executive barbara stocking said in a world where even basic resources such as land and water are increasingly scarce we cannot afford to concentrate assets in the hands of a few and leave the many to struggle over what's left. now here in america we can't
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tell of the nations how they should treat their billionaires but we can start by setting an example of our own for the good of society and for those who are the victims of unfettered corporate capitalism i believe we must bring back the upper income tax rates that actually sustain a healthy middle class during the republican presidency of dwight eisenhower that's a ninety one percent marginal income to a tax rate on the top when you take immediate action to day to wipe out poverty and get consumer demand back in our economy by rolling back the reagan tax cuts for billionaires so any income over nine hundred ninety nine million dollars actually over a one million dollars is taxed at ninety one percent that way it can be funneled back through our economy rather than just sit in mitt romney's swiss bank account president obama said happiness shouldn't be reserved for the few well then let's do something about it let's have a serious discussion about redistribution of wealth joining me now for
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a big picture politics panel is chris allman conservative commentator and activist richard follower progressive strategist and host of the richard fowler show and neil munro white house correspondent over at the daily caller so chris let me just lay it out chris you look like you're you want to grab this what what good are billionaires anyway well they're not really good for anything other than creating jobs so that other people can get wealthy i mean put away your magic wand you can't possibly believe this you are just bent one trillion dollars last year on wealth redistribution programs for means tested not social security not medicare one trillion dollars here say until hundred forty million dollars were robbed billion but we spent one trillion i mean come on so then what all how many more million people are going to be out of jobs and in poverty under your plan more than half of the people living on planet earth right now live on less than two dollars a day so you know that's it doesn't take a lot of money to end world we're talking about
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a really. grinding desperate people dying in poverty and yet that two hundred forty billion dollars would do the work trillion dollars the united states in one year and you think two hundred forty billion dollars is going to me it's just ludicrous i mean you can rob it amy and you can rob the rich and and employ a lot more people and have more people in poverty and that's what's going to happen with your plan richard but the question here what's wrong with dwight eisenhower in the republic i mean i think the question here is that these people who are so rich they continue to get richer every year that get the wealth gap increased in this country and yet still we haven't seen the jobs where the jobs of these people are creating because i missed them when i will be and this is the barack obama administration where unemployment is increasing along with the death and the deficit let's not worry about it i got a compromise deal let's not snatch all the money for the rich folks like snatch it from the rich foundations like oh i dunno harvard forward they've got too much money you could take some of that too and redistribute what percentage you want you
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guys you nice progress if you want ten percent of it fifteen percent for the big one here just a very simple question i mean genuinely i genuinely meant that if we had the only three decades in the two hundred thirty year history of this country and we had sustained g.d.p. growth above three point two percent we're and i don't think it's any coincidence that all the three decades of the top income tax rate was ninety one percent it was the fifty's the sixty's in the seventy's maybe a relation to that but i can saw that and let's not want to go back to it was good enough for dwight eisenhower richard nixon it's good enough for me but the problem if you take all that money there would be no money the following year to take so you're giving everybody around the world. what it's about are not sure at all you all want or you know talk about what i don't know if you're let's talk about economics here what we know about economics is something called money multiplier some things i think sometimes republicans forget about it you would have dollar into the economy that creates four dollars on the out there because my one dollar goes to pay for something the person who gets that money they pay somebody and that
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. pay somebody and that person pays with the money that equate with the money it's able to do you know what i'm the person who made it up what do you know when the government and economic theory also tells you that when the government decides to spend money it's actually cheaper for the government spend money than for the people that's for for for rich people's money because they can put it without a marginal propensity to save money when stuff but you know even even more important than that is that i'm not suggesting that the government should tax people in order to spend that money what you know because taxes do two things one is they generate revenue the other is they change behavior if you look at the wealth of wealthy people in the fifty's sixty's and seventy's what you see is that very rarely did they take over a million dollars year of the businesses instead they paid their employees well so you had up with the middle class that's well paid and that's generating demand in the economy chris what's not to like about eisenhower nixon seventy one percent tax rate what's it well look at what's happening in france now with a seventy five percent tax rate it's not as though it's legal and you know roger it . is now we are one cranky billionaire and you know there's an accident to life and
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you know what you take ninety one percent and those people starve along the line there's no money to do that in america so that's something that poor people in france have a longer life expectancy to be willfully you can't you don't have the power to matter how nice and noble or progress you are you actually live a can't do there about america i want to go but there are a bunch of them is that we want to go over and over again it's very clear with the american people are the american people are with the president there with progressives we saw that and then we saw the november's election they rejected paul ryan on face they rejected other tea party maniacs like alan west and they kicked their ideals of how we saw this country out of watching you know what richard rejection is reagan's forty nine to one that was a rejection of his opponent and a victory obama won in iowa state obama is i'm only going to reject in this country is the way to say he chris was clearly an old problem and eisenhower were the only two presidents in the last hundred years to win the presidency back to back with
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fifty one percent they were the only. why i sit here talking like it's ninety nine percent of americans who have that who. don't know ok well are they in fact you guys have opened this up perfectly to segue into the president's inaugural address first here's what ronald reagan said about government in his inaugural address. the government is not the solution to our problem government is the problem. from time to time we've been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by so rule that government by an elite group is ship eerier to government for by. and of the people ok now here's obama talking about a we society. together we determined that a modern economy requires railroads and highways to speed travel and commerce schools and colleges to train our workers. together we discovered that a free market only thrives when there are rules to ensure competition and fair play
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. together we resolved that a great nation must care for the vulnerable and protect its people from life's worst hazards and misfortune preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action. for the american people could no more meet the demands of today's world by acting alone been american soldiers could have met the forces of fascism or communism with muskets and malicious republicans knew what those words meant here was charles krauthammer going nuts. this was really. and i think what's most interesting is that obama basically is declaring the end of reaganism in the speech remember he once said that ronald reagan was historically consequential in a way that bill clinton was not and what obama may do is that obama had changed the . course of the country in one thousand nine hundred eighty one it is you know if
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you will address where the two minutes reagan had to clear the government is not the solution government is the problem today's inaugural address was a rebuke to the entire idea this speech today was an ode to big government it was so and by the way i agree with krauthammer that. i never thought i'd say that so as president obama going to end the reagan revolution because his plan is fundamentally selfish he thinks we means the government is going to run the lives for everybody else he left out families and kompany individuals from his. role and i think i really think that was right but i think that was the direction of what we need is the president who can say we are you know all those present managed to bump up on employment while spending six trillion dollars and i think he's going to run a daycare center. on employment go down with the president so
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let's talk about the. back to the unemployment go down like i said the american people this is what they voted for they voted for four more years of policies that work on struggling on middle class and are working class and that's the president talked about whether you like it or not do you think that this might be the end of the reagan era and the beginning of you know this. flip back to something more like the f.d.r. eisenhower era. among the people or among president obama in america in american political discourse absolutely not so you think that we've got people at the reagan revolution is going to remain intact i think the freedom agenda is going to remain intact and that the american people are going to wake up and say you know what actually government is part of the problem so security takes away our freedom. and i think it's medicare time to take some of the. characters were if no insurance very nice examples socialist government he's going to take care of your old age but he's going to run obamacare and if you want obama can't same way he runs everything
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else there won't be the money what you saw this speech was is a gigantic shriek of squirrel squirrel squirrel economy's going down the tubes and he's going to talk about rights for gays and he's going to talk about climate change we will pick up that conversation in fact with that right after this more with our with our big picture politics panel after the break. let me let me respond or don't let me ask you a question. on this is what we're having the debate we have our night. to do this right it's about staying there to get your interest rate will be and i think we can talk about surveillance. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything
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you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom hartman welcome to the big picture. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a donor. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about money you sir are a fool you know what kind of my terrorist cells in your neighborhood all want to give us a to feature isn't he a liberal and the christian public you. can see your beliefs of others. you know this group are going to distract us from what you and i should care about because they're profit driven industry that sells a sensationalistic garbage he calls it breaking news i'm having martin and we're
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going to break that. if. welcome back to the big picture politics panel joining me chris solomon conservative commentator and activist richard follower progress strategist host of the richard colless show and neil munro white house correspondent at the daily caller let's talk a climate change here's what the president had to say on tuesday. we will respond to the threat of climate change knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires and crippling drought and more powerful storms
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the path towards sustainable energy sources will be long and sometimes difficult but america cannot resist this transition we must lead it. we cannot see other nations the technology that will power new jobs and new industries we must claim it's promise there is both a carrot stick here the carrot is a whole new economy the stick is the permian extinction were two hundred fifty million years ago raising the temperature of the planet five degrees through volcanic activity caused the methane hydrate crystals in the oceans to turn to sort of and raise the planet by another five degrees that ten degree increase in temperature killed off ninety five percent of all life on the planet richard do you think that the president's going to be successful in doing anything about this oh i do think you plan to makes us feel i think his number one problem going to be first of all those who don't believe in science that think there is no such thing as global warming even though we have hurricane katrina superstorm sandy and go on and on and on about a laundry list of weather that we haven't even in d.c.
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last week it was seventy degrees outside in the middle of winter all part of global warming all part of real climate change happening in this country the president acknowledged it and now it's time for republicans to do the same after they acknowledge that we've got to find a way to fix it one way to start is by possibly ratifying kyoto we can go on and on about what we can do to cap carbon the decade old i mean exactly now is that was back when we were thinking maybe two three degrees and we were looking at you know three hundred eighty parts per million now we're looking at four or five degrees neal do you do you not believe the climate science you know i do not believe any group and scientists have some evidence for example salivation water is interesting at the same time the progress is you're saying trust us we've messed up the nations we're going to state industry. now let's control the world's climate he has zero public trust in asking for such a while if you. need to figure out how many we're going to tear and we come up with zero public trust the american people clearly trust fifty one percent of the trust the president to be our last run in the world's weather joy and you have given him
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no actually did it he talked about what. he didn't run on it he did romney he's going to melt your snowman. he was in control for the first two years of the democratic congress and he never brought anything up this is a talking point to make people like you feel good no he had no intention of doing anything plus i believe the scientists who said that if we eliminated all carbon emissions we would not be able to stop climate change as you just said the climate sometimes changes that are on its own what we need to do is figure out how we're going to deal with it and i think that we don't have faith that this president knows how to do. here is not going to do when the japanese are going to may or may not happen you'll notice this president is against the natural gas fracking business which is would use the amount of carbon output in this country normally he wishes he's against that. and that your guess is we are going to be the skies are actually reducing the carbon output faster than the progress is so much
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in the business are these the business are these the business guys that want to you know drilling and more the business doesn't want to drill off the coast of florida about as if you want to save the planet really sort of her way i mean you know the date how this is i think go ahead we would have always down to is what we saw from the president's speech yesterday was a true real progressive agenda that will move this country forward that's a good voted for and i think that's what he's going to provide now the question is what will happen when john boehner the congress we've already seen the republicans cave on the debt ceiling debate by extending it for three months the question is will they continue to cave and take their medicine realize that they lost in november and if they don't moderate as a party that they're going to lose money. on something that you almost have a gun to their head they lost they better capitulate and give this president everything he wants that's outrageous we live in a democracy but nowhere how does the of the president what he wants only to bring the bill to the floor every time you bring the bill before the bill passes the fact that you don't bring the bill to the floor or you decided to sign in about the u.s. or you know i'm not talking about the house of representatives most of the
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president's policies would pass the house we're going to if there was a true a real up and down vote the problem is that john boehner doesn't even read it or how do you have a debt ceiling that. we're going to look to the floor past how much money the senate democrats want to spend on climate change we don't know because they haven't had it but i get it for you are you going to even tell us how much they want guys want to see they were being raised build a liberal you dollars the oil they want to we already know but here's here's this you know since we're asking rhetorical questions which president was it who put cap and trade on the table to do away with sulfur dioxide emissions to radically reduce sulfur dioxide emissions and it worked and sulfur dioxide went down which president wasn't that brought that forward it was george herbert walker bush this is a republic cap and trade was just just like obamacare was a heritage foundation proposal and it worked why can't we do that with carbon emission given conservatives make mistakes too and so does the economy but damn it progresses want to control carbon economy we do and americans are. we know
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he in the speech he talked about this is going to be a long and hard road yet and he did his best to disguise how hard that was by not talking gas prices are cylinder american. troops were not agree with everything is a lot of that is that the republican the fence now it's the living room where the slugger is insulin or the company that they took apart the cylinder is the company that the president pumped up with five hundred thirty five million of our money and it's appeared and so on the side of the company the. point is they're talking about us and they're talking about their land and i'm thinking almost babies that that failed program can't actually do what they just just one very quick question do you guys don't believe in climate change or you don't believe that this is going to i'm actually going all the time ok but you don't you don't ok it's what you do when you disagree with the i.p.c.c. i'm curious if you think that all of the republicans in the house and i know all the freshman republicans last time disagree with you disagree they don't trust and
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it's a fair question trust why should the white know why should the country too. just a group of self interested scientists and political backers demanding to control the world's radix when they have the option of land when instead they could listen to billionaires who make billions on oil instead of yourself interested scientists that many times thousand bucks a year is also nationalize them but this is the valid and the program does want to do with those programs want to charge in our lives whether and yet and they and their response whenever people say show me the evidence trust us know these are americans we're talking about here they want a lot better than a couple of thoughts let's move on to election regain republicans a virginia took an outrageous step tuesday to rig that the next state senate elections and actually the entire state elections while the nation was focused on the inauguration republicans plastic passed legislation to read dog draw the state's congressional districts increase many of them are considered safe republican seats currently the virginia state senate is split twenty to twenty
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between republicans and democrats republicans were only able to sneak this legislation through because one of the democratic state senators was here in washington d.c. attending the president's inauguration thus giving the republicans a one vote advantage so every general public has reached the same conclusions republicans in pennsylvania florida was gods of michigan ohio but if you can't win an election legitimately rig it chris. well you know what gerrymandering the real problem and i don't think it's limited to republicans in this country i think both republicans and democrats there's always an gerrymandering this was a vote when one of the democrats wasn't around and nobody said we're going to hold a vote well somehow the other thirty nine people knew to be there and he didn't know to be there well this guy really now i've. forgotten his name but he's his name is senator marsh is a senator henry marsh is in his seventy's he is an icon of the civil rights movement and he was invited to be part of the president's inauguration for that
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purpose and so he was gone everybody else stayed home and watched it on t.v. or at least that that's what suddenly march thought but no they called they called into session this was this floozie think it's already nine other people managed to get. this is tough hard and you have to get up against can't claim to be innocent in this and the democrats who whenever they run into a majority problem to face a judge that force what you invent a new law it's a living constitution and the democratic congress to do this isn't this the same thing as the voter suppression idea laws if only so that when an election were going to visit to the role of a republican to do everything in their power to make sure the voting public is the smallest possible don't want to see minorities vote they don't want to see women vote they want to see seniors vote and they don't want to see latinos vote it's just that simple we've seen them do it in two thousand and twelve and if we think that they're not going to do it in twenty fourteen they were sadly mistaken republicans are talking about rejiggering how we allocate electoral votes with the big by congressional district because they know they've already mostly legislatures and they already know how the boundaries are going to come out and they will do everything they do well let's let's let's acknowledge this was
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a brilliant move i mean back in two thousand when the when the u.s. supreme court explicitly said of bush v gore that there is no constitutional individual explicated right to vote for president ited states the koch brothers and their buddies got together and said hey you know let's figure out how we can break the electoral vote how do we really like to take control of the traditionally blue swing states at the state level and when redistricting happens when the census of two thousand and ten happens and redistricting happens boom you know i was there in the conspiracy and you know who chaired their president obama and he was the guy who helped the republicans get a majority twenty ten i'm going to write what i think i can see it's only five i believe that is right you know i'm not going to defend what they did because you know what their politicians and politicians of both parties do they like the record so you don't suppressing the african-american vote absolutely not and i'm offended that you would even suggest that that republican would you want to go to that is more law so not a bad law i'm not sitting here calling no reason why i didn't i didn't qualify
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didn't you know do you think that african-americans i say i want to suppress the answer the final question to you is do you support limiting the number of early voting is yes i do but then you are suppressing the vote. well i always know i'm not i don't know why does why you did it will be why should you be really why because because sometimes when you don't even know all the facts until the last minute so why should we have a day we live going to have a mask to be of a national holiday to vote absolutely i support that one hundred percent we could agree there i think it should be enough to hold a vote but yeah i would only make you want to if you were agreeing with him on that voting are and on that. chris all the richard faller neil munro thank you all think it was. crazy alert the neanderthals next door in a story that sounds like something out of a hit movie dressing park
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a professor at the harvard medical school has announced his plans to reconstruct neanderthal d.n.a. and create in the end it's all baby and have not roamed our planet for thirty three thousand years professor george church says that his analysis of the neanderthal genetic code from samples of fossilized bones is complete enough to reconstruct that human predecessors d.n.a. the only catch is the church needs to find a woman who would be willing to become the world's first neanderthal baby surrogate mother the neanderthal d.n.a. would be implanted into stem cells which would in turn be implanted into cells from a human embryo that embryo would then be implanted into a surrogate mother so if her suppressor church gets his way the phrase years such a neanderthal could have a very different meaning future. after the break senate republican leader mitch mcconnell whipped up gun nuts in america with an outrageous e-mail to supporters this week that in just a moment will really make the gun nuts head explode by uncovering the secret
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