tv [untitled] January 23, 2013 4:00am-4:30am EST
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david cameron says he will give the british people the chance to exit the if europe doesn't go through a major changes and get some power back. russia's foreign minister lives fine could be bones that shape twenty twelve in creating turmoil into our wild and africa wild warning against using the un security council to justify foreign interventions also. bring these revenge it is not so great britain or the uk so group. online video footage showing muslims enforcing the own shari'a law is in london threaten to escalate it see the ethnic tensions. to the question how when and why the government can track its citizens the f.b.i.
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responded with it's so our u.s. civil liberties group demanding to know exactly how americans are being monitored and receive a blank reply leaving them ever more in the dark. you're watching us here live from moscow it's good to have you whether it's. now the u.k.'s prime minister is threatening to leave the european union apart pledging to give the british people a vote on whether to leave if brussels doesn't agree to some major changes that will happen only if his party wins the next election and the landmark speech david cameron hit out at the union's ever closer integration saying it should recognise the diversity of its members and not a snuff it out and for more now joined by aussies andrew farmer hello there andrea
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so what were the highlights of this long awaited speech of david cameron that. well essentially he did pledge to offer the british public a referendum on whether to stay in the european union if the conservatives win the next election he also promised to try and renegotiate britain's terms of membership with e.u. because he says now that a lot has changed since the e.u. with formed central to it now is to ensure prosperity he says that britain believes that the single market is crucial but believes that meant much of the bureaucracy within europe actually hampers its member states he did mention for example the working time directive that prevents certain member states from determining how long their workers should work each week and he says that having this in flexibility actually makes europe pretty inflexible at the moment and it is crucial that he's able now to go to brussels and say that look we do need to change she
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also cited the fact that other countries around the world such as asia's china north america are surging ahead and that britain does actually and europe does actually to change in order to stem any loss of business for each did actually mention that europe share of world output was expected to fall by a third over the next two decades so he's really trying to emphasize the fact that things need to change in europe at the moment there are a lot of one size fits all policies he believes and he says that that is not conducive to growth and particularly given the economic crisis that is affected europe at the moment things do need to change he also mentioned that there's a growing feeling of disillusionment within britain because people feel that the whole process of the european union is not democratic they have no real say in the policies that are created from brussels and he also believes that that should change but he also tried to stress that look britain is not the black sheep in all
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of this it shouldn't be condemned for trying to be open and saying that we should look to see if we can do things differently and he's now i hope that he will go to brussels and say this is. what we want we believe it is for the good of all members within the e.u. . but did warn that if they. did warn that if these changes are not made that britain could actually head forward to get to europe so a clear statement from him changes need to be made that if they're not made britain could leave you and you also said that would be a one way ticket to i would briefly our britain's e.u. partners likely to react on that well. david cameron is answering questions now no doubt we'll get reaction from other members during the course of the day but certainly those the interviewed yesterday said it's unfair that britain could actually cherry pick which policies it wants to be involved in within the european union and the rest of europe and other european members are unlikely to sanction
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what david cameron wants are you to be able to say ok i will be happy to take part in this economic policy but would prefer not to be part of this social policy for example so they believe that britain's hopes will be dashed when they go to brussels with this proposed ok thank you very much farmer reporting there live from london. the u.s. has begun airlifting french troops to extending its support for the intervention by its nato ally it comes as a libyan based is let's are accused of helping those responsible for a deadly hostage siege in algeria and the target which was in response to the french operation and andy morgan an expert in west africa says paris has underestimated the size of the fallout from its eventual. this is a very strange and very diverse and very kind of collide scoffing coalition of people you have the hard core of the al-qaeda in the islamic magreb fighters now
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they are very very hardened desert fighters they've been out there for almost a decade they know the region very very well you know the desert is that absolutely home you also have the rebels who basically decided to put their faith in a yeah garley is this islamist leader this strongman who's basically seduced a lot of to ari into joining his islamist cause now they'll also be at home they know the desert that's their territory their super desert fighters they specialize in this kind of hit and run guerrilla tactics cell strike very fast and then dealt disappear into the desert possibly even over the borders and we know that the attack on javelin this town about four hundred kilometers northeast of bamako was launched from across the border in march saying that will be a huge problem for the for the for the kind of france and its allies. and later
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today also he's peaceful ever lost his guess whether intervention in mali is part of a bigger campaign against islam and what lessons could be learned from previous attempts to find tara all that and more in cross talk when r.t. . u.s. military intervention in mali still another example of the worst overall war against islam ever been one instance where an outside intervention in the name of fighting terrorism has ever produced peace stability and democracy and with the lessons of blowback ever be learned. and also the french intervention in mali and tackling radical islam in the region were also among the topics and dressed by russia's foreign minister during his q. and a session today and in a few minutes we'll look in greater detail at what sergei lavrov said about the challenges facing the global community and of course don't forget you can also watch the news conference in full called. to mind have been
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arrested in the u.k. for being part of a vigilante group calling themselves muslim patrick patrol video footage shows youths harassing people telling them they have entered an islamic area and should obey sharia law. first tells us even though muslim leaders in london condemns the group is still causing a lot of anger. an islamic vigilante group that's what they call themselves a small number of people who were going up to members of the public in areas of london and confronting them saying that they were implementing shari'a law and that this was a muslim area and they were demanding people throw away their alcohol they were insulting to women telling them to cover up this got uploaded on cd tens of thousands of people saw it the original video got to me was the police investigation started but once again you know that goes around so it's still on you tube right now and again tens of thousands of hits so a lot of concern here i think because obviously it's gone viral said speak
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a lot of people are saying this very threatening behavior from a small group of the certainly causing a lot of concern here that that's going to stir up tension one of the people in the video said that this is c.k. it's not a miss america as a shari'a law but obviously we've seen that this is a debate the really does inflaming tensions and causes a lot of control of the city and i think the muslim community core c.-k. really have come out to condemn what this small groups done and to try to distance themselves from of the east london mosque saying that it was designed to stoke up tension so that there's very much an emphasis on distancing themselves from that type of behavior because certainly this is part of a why did debate in the area of london where the police think that this video was filmed in east london is an area that see this argument come up a number of times over the past couple of years with fundamentalist leaks in these areas making a lot of noise about wanting to relaunch implemented in the end it is
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a very touchy subject for a lot of people as we said very threatening behavior in those videos and as a muslim community here in the case being you know very very trying to highlight is that this is a very small group but of course as it has gone around the internet a lot of people seeing this and say this small great taking these five threatening actions obviously having a much wider impact. and on elsie dot com we're asking you what the actions of this so-called muslim patrol will lead to and there are some options here on the screen you can see them so the first one is a rise in religious tensions in the u.k. also you have to choose an increase in a muslim fundamentalism also reprisals in vigilantism from groups like the national front and the last one the last option is growing discord in mixed london communities and let's now take a look at how you have been voting so far and right now most of you believe there will be more discord in mixed communities then london next comes
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a rise in religious tensions followed by fears of nationalist vigilantes and a small number of youth saying that an increase in muslim fundamentalism is inevitable that so just to do go home to have your say if you still haven't. the world's major decision makers are having their annual joining in this way ski resort of doubles russia's prime minister dmitry medvedev is opening this year's world economic forum and that's a head over g. twenty summit hosted by russia next month and pay to build them from business news
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in davos with. the late. ahead of the g. twenty meeting that will take place and simply to russia this year of course hosted by president vladimir putin we have private assertively medvedev here in davos switzerland the economic forum he's going to be going on to the stays today we've got lots of furry foreign people in the audience of course we're less than fifty heads of state and he's going to be talking about the role of the russian economy and in particular talking about uncertainties and scenarios that face the russian economy this year including the price of oil also institutional reform the pace of that of course he'll be talking about the g. twenty summit taking place in september this year in st petersburg and also talking about the general debate of how to spur growth along with the international monetary fund christine legarde all only agenda today and i'm going to be providing
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coverage in the business world to at six thirty g.m.t. . there was a lot of talk about democracy and individual freedoms and president obama's inaugural speech this week but is the privacy of millions of americans that maybe mars steps rant a civil liberties group in the u.s. has demanded to know exactly what techniques the f.b.i. uses to track its citizen citizens but as always he's going to come explains the reply raised more questions than answers. everybody knows that the f.b.i. uses all sorts of tracking devices on cars cell phones and whatnot everything that can carry g.p.s. the american civil liberties union filed the request under the freedom of information act asking for the justice department to review the f.b.i.'s guidelines their internal memos as to how and under what circumstances they track people as of now there is no clear understanding among americans of when they will be subjected to tracking possibly for months at a time or whether the government will first get
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a warrant this is the justice department's response more than one hundred pages of completely redacted material except for the title so to the question how when and why the government can track its citizens the f.b.i. responded with this takes a lot of ink to print out something like this some artistic souls may think of the painting black squares by live each we're certainly not sure of the artistic intentions of the u.s. justice department or the meanings they put into these black pages but for civil liberties advocates here this is what government secrecy looks like actually it was last month when president obama signed a bill that essentially allows the government to spy on anyone they want under some kind of a general warrant as opposed to an individual warrant in other words it allows the national security agency to vacuum up as much private communication as possible with something like a promise on the authorities part to be really careful about when and how they look
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at it but civil liberties advocates argue that the bill of rights is not about the government's promises of good intentions but about legal guarantees so president obama may be very convincing when he talks about individual freedoms we heard the words in his inaugural speech this monday. but here is the f.b.i. version of their freedom. the high profile internet freedom activities who took his life earlier this month after he was prosecuted for alleged hacking could have had close links to weaken leaks they whistleblowing group came forward with surprise revelations on araa schwarz and on its twitter feed they have published their publish several sentiments suggesting the late activist actually assisted them and one of their tweets also says that it communicated would we collect founder julian assange for several years and they believe he used to be their source of information so the us to go into his activities saw him threatened with up to thirty five years behind bars and for more on the case of our shorts on he spoke
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exclusively to internet entrepreneur kim dot com now fighting extradition to the u.s. over piracy charges so the founder of the mega upload and mega services and internet freedom told us the chase will shortz was nothing but politics aaron schwartz i mean he stopped. with his fords he stops over and he became the target political target ok and that's why all these things happened to him there's no reason the bore. course behind going after a young like that in the fashion that it's political and you can see the full interview with their game dot com here on r.t. this thursday now the martin is breaking the set and will be back with more stories for you after this short break.
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what mystery is hidden deep the nice. visitors are not welcome here. traps are laid for intruders. and the supernatural can arise from nowhere. can a human be possessed by the underwater spirit. mistress of the cave on auntie. mission and free credit case should be free. for charges three. three. three. three.
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a real stress that the wild is going through an unprecedented transition period with current events it was shaping up it's come up on the globe and also using orchestra then calling it a foreign key and i session here gore so well aisha's dominators of a press conference that. will of course one of the issues talked about at the very start of this conference was the conflict in syria and according to russia's foreign minister it's been going on for around two years now but there's still no evident after it from the international community to get its sides to put their weapons down actually said go off said that the one sided approach seen by most western states is only encouraging the rebels to gauge in more violence which will use to more bloodshed another issue or actually another conflict also talked about its conference is france led military intervention in mali and russia's chief diplomat said that what's happening there now is actually a consequence to how many western states dealt with other conflicts in the region
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for instance the weapons gurly used by islamists in the fight against government forces other scene weapons which were supplied to libyan rebels by western states but of course it's not only about libya syria and mali according to the foreign minister the whole region is a trouble spot and the lack of a unified approach by the international community and double standards are only worsening the situation where terrorist groups including al qaeda which are beginning to gain more and more influence now the foreign minister also mentioned iran saying that it is a very very important player in the region and any military attack on it will lead to. severe consequences. to set up brought up several times by the media with a slump in russia u.s. relations calls by america's not nice characters because adoption bond that followed so how did the foreign minister replied. well absolutely
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the relations between moscow and washington were talked about just as well especially with the money recently in the us which basically gives the green light for sanctioning russian officials suspected of and well wishes of human rights and the ban for all americans to adopt russian children passed in moscow well the russian foreign minister reminded that this battle is partially caused by the fact that despite that there is an adoption agreement between moscow and washington russian officials were often not able to monitor what happens to kids after they're adopted and brought to the united states and this is despite the fact that there have been many cases of abuse and sometimes even deaths and also reminded that this adoption ban does not go against the u.n. convention on children's rights which was never signed by the united states that also added to that the united states i was not the only country which adopted
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russian children there are many other states especially in europe which still do so like italy where according to russian diplomats there have never been any cases of abuse or violence and no inadequate. experiences at all. of this kind of the evil many thanks indeed for that update. jordanians now are heading to the polls in a parliamentary election boycotted by the largest opposition party be a muslim brotherhood is the first time the prime minister will be chosen and not appointed by the king but the opposition claims it's an imitation campaign so while islamists are not fighting for votes that promising mass trade protests and this a couple of reports have may well result in the kind of unrest the kingdom managed to avoid during the arab spring. beneath the calm facade here in jordan as a simmering crisis the kingdom has remained relatively stable amid the wave of
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regimes falling in the arab spring wednesday's parliamentary elections are part of the reform efforts undertaken by the government in an attempt to quell popular dissatisfaction i'm optimistic that our political system has taken a big step forward if a parliament wants to enjoy respect the very first thing it needs is to be elected as a result of fair election that's what our future parliament is going to be. but a balanced parliament just something that is highly unlikely to come out of this election it's being boycotted by georgia's most powerful political movement the muslim brotherhood citing a new law that critics claim gives an unfair advantage to regime loyalists the islamists and their allies have branded the elections as worthless. one of the most like why do people take part in this spectacle called the parliamentary elections elections the way they are now and all the petain and rules the way they are cannot
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be taken seriously they do not represent the people's will band in many mideast states up until the arab spring jordan's branch of the muslim brotherhood has been a licensed political party for decades but seeing as own contemporaries come to power in egypt and tunisia it is now openly seeking a much larger role one muslim one of. the muslim brotherhood of boycotting the elections because this lore is not in their interest but all the parties are boycotting the elections because they will be held according to democratic law. there to meet with king abdullah and says that he's serious about reform but there are other threats on the horizon. our main problem is economic unemployment and inflation are rising at the same time that the cost of products is soaring there is considerable unrest among the population. the country has long struggled economically and relies heavily on age from western and
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gulf donors last november saw an eruption of violence nationwide protests over cuts in food and fuel subsidies one of the conditions imposed by the i.m.f. for a two billion dollar emergency loan another financial and political concern is the flood of syrian refugees hundreds of thousands have fled to jordan with more pouring over the border every day there are worries that the syrian conflict may follow its people into the kingdom what is with us. having for more power a tough situation on the border and a dire economic crisis jordan is finding itself caught between a rock and a hard place due to the boycott the elections are unlikely to produce any meaningful change in the once the stable kingdom looks to be in for a long period of uncertainty you see count one of our t. amman jordan. and has this accomplished by eason jordan and closely watching the
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vote and you can follow the updates in her twitter feed and in one of her latest messages she said the muslim brotherhood has warned that in a few days children will witness the home resulting from today's election and coming up after a short break it's our special report mysteries of the cave stay with us. well. out of sight but still on our minds radiation from the still exceeds the norm let's try to live smarter with smart phones you never know what some people are hiding things can't be sure to you proved guilty the molecular level learned that what the doctor ordered is often based on secrets under our skin let us shine the light on a kid in a world. we've got the future coverage. wealthy british
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so the project is called the mistress of basically she looks like the silhouette of a woman on the wall. of a spirit in the cave called the mistress of she lives there it's true she does exist and you'll get the chance to meet her. are you trying to scare me are you being serious you know i'm being serious. what's the show in the cave entrances. to be sure it's the longest gypsum crystal cave in the world. five kilometers long and it's the second longest water cave in europe. some say it might even become the longest of the earth. did i tell you that i'm.
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