tv [untitled] January 23, 2013 7:00am-7:30am EST
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with worldwide thank you for joining us today. has been promised a referendum on the e.u. although it's subject to prime minister david cameron's political fortunes in the next election finally delivering his long awaited speech prime minister to win a special deal for the u.k. from brussels while blasting the blocks nothing out diversity. in london to bring us up to date on this. really did come through with this whole referendum idea than. he did he really raised the stakes today and that is because as you said he did pledge to hold a referendum on whether britain should be able to leave the e.u. if the conservatives win the next general election in twenty fifteen and then he
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went on to warn that it was likely that britain could head for the exit if he was unable to renegotiate britain's terms of membership with brussels what it effectively he wants is that brussels hands more power back to westminster so the u.k. has more control over its own policies particularly economic ones he said that countries will be coming as weaker because of the current situation with the european union and the euro zone crisis and the fact that countries did not have great control over their own economic policies so he wasn't mincing his words today he also went on to say that the british public felt disillusioned with the european union and felt disappointed with the lack of apparently democracy and they can't ability from all the directives that get handed to other member states from brussels so what are you saying to a lot of people did sound quite confrontational but he was also trying to stress the fact that look please don't denounce britain for having nation you style of
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thinking should be encouraged and he believes that with this he might be able to make europe a better place. to certainly the speech has been in the making for what because we know what her but i guess at the end of the day there was no avoiding the major issues at hand. or not really because david cameron has been put under a lot of pressure from euro skeptics from within his own party over the last few months they've encouraged him to take this stance and he has done but also within the government he's in a coalition government with the liberal democrats who are against this stance of what is said and what he's done is probably we've a quite a clever political path in the sense that he's saying ok i'll please the euro skeptics i'll agree to hold a referendum but only if the conservatives can win the next general election but you know there has been a lot of criticism to this particularly from member states france and germany have come out and said this is actually quite dangerous to suggest that you might even
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leave the e.u. and it is wrong to think that member states should be able to cherry pick their own policies so it is confrontational it has to some driven a wedge of big wage between britain and the european states at the moment but david cameron is certain from what he said today in his speech that he's actually doing the right thing all right artie is under a farm with a live in london thank you. for the commenting on at the speech in question tory m.p. david campbell bannerman so is britain's stance may serve as an example to other european states. it's not just britain that wants more flexibility and more control by nation states a lot of countries like the vacuum for the czech republic but they get. the. the danish a lot of these countries do want more flexibility within the european union and i think actually this is a trendsetter and i think it's right of the prime minister to hold out for this to
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get a better europe it's too inflexible too rigid too undemocratic at the what. is the latest nato country to step up support for the french intervention ongoing in mali increasing number of our team up on the african islamists some experts believe france may have bitten off a bit more than it can chew opinions on that are coming your way in just a few minutes. from now though the swiss sky resort of davos buzzing with business right now after the annual world economic forum kicked off there today and the prestige gathering is even more important for russia this year which is warming up to host the next g. twenty summit we'll talk more on the power of davos agreement and the handshake deals we're now joined live by our g.'s katie bill being from our team this is a katie good to see you moments ago i was watching the russian prime minister medvedev address there very interesting covering a broad spectrum of all sorts of economic issues although saying at the end of the
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day russia's economic health is very very good i do talk about the focus of the gathering this year and just how important it is for the russian leadership. n.d.a. well the overall theme is definitely stirring a grave in terms of the european sovereign debt crisis also the u.s. fiscal cliff is at the forefront of people's minds here today and as far as russia is concerned indeed we've just had the prime minister on the stage now talking about how russia fares in all of this and the domestic maybe this is. scenarios that were compiled by the palace today including the former finance minister alexei could today as well as her mcgrath the head of spag as well these scenarios include how the price of oil will affect russia so if it remains high will this mean the institutional reforms don't happen because complacency will come into play if prices go down what that means for russia considering it so your energy is dependent as well is that there was
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a focus on regional differentiation in other words because russia is such a vaso country getting it more in an even kill in terms of competitiveness and attractiveness to invest is why somebody interesting was that the audience which is full of some of the world's most influential see how awful leaders want to see make is where they were asked what they wanted to mostly from russia and seventy seven point seven sure presidents to be voted for good governance and went bad better have got up on the stage we said he agrees with that that's what needs to happen moving forward twenty thirty and beyond so i'm going to be here all day were a i'm going to be really monitoring the situation and i'll be back six thirty and eight thirty g.m.t. when it's over the counter sarkozy very good i was giving a very close watch on the opening address there at the forum and certainly he was saying the russian economy health is looking good he did agree with you know what you were saying about the russian economy being dependent on oil markets he said
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yes but it won't collapse since it continues to be diversified ok looking forward to getting more from you from the annual economic forum in davos so yourself. wife and mother were the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu may have won the general election but he's done so only by the skin of his teeth defying almost all predictions the biggest winners were to the center with concern over house prices seemingly trumping nuclear threats as artie's policy reports it may leave netanyahu desperate enough to turn to the extreme right for help. the voting here might be in secret but what's no secret is the result there was never really any doubt that prime minister netanyahu would win another term in office but the knot on paper isn't matched by the anger on the street. that initially we know that netanyahu brought about a deficit of thirty nine billion dollars he's going to cut the welfare social
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education and health budgets this is what the next four years will look like. and he meant to be part of an american i'm scared to death and really it'll be a disaster quite simply it's going to rob us of the chance to fulfill true zionism here in israel. netanyahu whose hands will be tied trying to keep a lid on domestic anger half of his radios are more concerned about the economy then making peace with the palestinians or dealing with iran's nuclear ambitions but it's precisely these issues that see is wrong on the coalition course with the international community. continuing to build new settlements. daily not weekly. this is really a very powerful signal to the palestinians to the. community that is not willing to move for the long the road of two state settlement this settlement was founded nearly thirty years ago by just fifteen families it's since grown fifty
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fold at a rate of about one hundred families a year for the world to tell me that if i'm going to build a summer home for one and i have kilometer of course in my house is an obstacle to peace is absurd the facts are such that jews came back to their land the facts are such that we as a population are growing i am not willing to walk from our house for what. for what peace netanyahu has vowed that the days of uprooting jews are behind he needs the support of the settlers and right wing parties if his coalition is to succeed a gamble american president barack obama has reportedly warned will lead the country down the path of isolation it's no secret netanyahu and obama don't see eye to eye and not just on what's happening within israel's borders i think the issue of iran will come back to that they will it will not surprise i think anyone in
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israel if we'll see an israeli attack during the next year or two for netanyahu is seen as a critical threat there is a and to these and may bring him to postpone. the issue the palestinian issue and so now begins the obvious task of coalition building it could take weeks of bargaining a negotiation before the final makeup of the new government is declared if netanyahu stays true to the polls he could be on course to give israel the most to hard line government in its history policy archie television. talk more about what's in store for netanyahu in our joint gideon levy columnist of the israeli newspaper ha'aretz it's a pleasure to see you today thanks for coming on so a narrow win for netanyahu or getting eleven fewer seats this time around it do you think he's now going to have to see it seek a more hard line coalition despite that. you know he will
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try to have as moderators possible a coalition which will be as moderate is possible he wants to show different face to the world and he will try as he did last time to have a government which will be as broad as possible and i guess he will succeed even though it will be much harder this time for he certainly he certainly got more work ahead of him and certainly with the issue of let's discuss one of the big ones middle east peace in the settlement policy netanyahu is valid not to back down from the settlement policy of building israeli communities of what is supposed to be palestinian land is anything going to change in that regard depending on where what the final coalition looks like do you think. unfortunately notes the whole campaign of this election was about nothing they really. were not discussed at all and so we also unfortunately saw the coming government of
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his. very little was the core issues above all they will look at the peace with the palestinians not as long as the turn you now is the prime minister who does not believe in peace with the palestinians who just struggle to get another. and to survive in his office the last four years proved any though so as you say as you as you say the israeli settlements will continue to be built on what is supposed to be a palestinian land the whole two state solution essentially goes out the window right now let's talk about one of the big stories certainly that of iran the issue of preventing iran from getting a nuclear weapon certainly we saw his big speech months ago at the u.n. in new york it's another netanyahu policy even to the point of military action if we're going to see such actions you think during his term will it go from saber rattling and rhetoric to something more concrete with iran and its alleged nuclear program. make no mistake an attorney i always very
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devoted to this issue and he believes almost in a religious way that he's here to say the state of israel in the jewish people from the danger of iranian bomb. but he will have. more difficult this time because at least on this topic he will find fewer partners who would support it because i think that this kind of adventure without the minister of defense old barak will support the then we'll look most probably in the coming government in ateneo we find himself more isolated but mr levy i'm sort of joking but we're going to hold a strike on iran i'm sort of jump in but this is something barack obama has been very much against he's been warning netanyahu do not go off to iran however obama is now back in the white house for his final four years he's got nothing to worry about being reelected could he finally support israel for
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a strike on iran. this was exactly the next point that i wanted to mention namely that barack obama. no doubt that he would not let this happen and i don't believe i conned full see an israeli government going full such a strategic strike without the support of the united states this is really far beyond any image a nation but you know it doesn't. so i wouldn't exclude because that's. about it but the chances are much smaller now because the new government. and the old new president in the white house and i could be a cauldron of stuffy as reading a newspaper ha'aretz thanks so much for coming on out to you today thank you. thank you i will it's good have you with us here in our jordan now holds its first
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thank you joining us here at all to you today canada is considering extending its commitment to the french intervention in mali including sending in troops for just the cold support that's after the u.s. italy and the u.k. also boosted their backing for the operation and the morgan an expert on west africa believes pirates clearly underestimated the size of the task in mali this is
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a very strange and very diverse and very kind of collide skopec coalition of people you have the hard core of the al qaeda and the islamic the great fighters now they are very very hard to fight has been out there for almost a decade they know the region very very well you know the desert is that absolutely home you also have the rebels who basically decided to put their faith in a jihad i garley is this islamist leader this strong man he's basically suggests a lot of to ari into joining his islamist cause now they'll be at home they know the desert that's their territory their soup doesn't fight says they specialize in . this kind of hit and run the real attack terror cell strike very fast and then dealt disappear into the desert possibly even over the borders and we know that the attack on this town about four hundred kilometers northeast of bamako was launched
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from across the border remarks saying that will be a huge problem for the for the for the kind of france so it's our allies. now jordanians are heading to the polls in early parliamentary elections announced by the king in response to two years of arab spring protests and this is the first time the prime minister will not be appointed by royal decree of the monarch will only consult the parliament over its choice but a chorus of critical voices says the country is as far from real change as ever and they claim the government is likely to rig the ballot or the vote has been boycotted by the muslim brotherhood a move that had broad support an incumbent prime minister abdullah and sort of things to brotherhood has chosen the wrong way to achieve its goals. the muslim brotherhood is a party that has been part of the national political process for a long time since the one nine hundred forty s. it has been actively involved in the political and social affairs of the country it is run for parliament and has been represented in legislatures since the one nine
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hundred fifty s. they are not hostile towards the country or its current leadership but this time they initiated a boycott demanding a change in the election laws and the constitution to better suit them if you opt for a boycott why would anyone change the rule for you in the future he would stay just the same it's a catch twenty two they should have participated in the election and in force the change they are asking for. and you can watch of the full interview with the prime minister of jordan showing after two hundred g.m.t. . now police in the u.k. have arrested two men who are said to be part of a vigilante group calling themselves the muslim patrol clips posted on you tube showed the youths walking around east london confronting people and telling them to obey shari'a law muslim organisations in the area have condemned their actions
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because aunty sara for the reports is simmering this can happen on the streets of the british capital in the first players. and islamic long secret that's what they call themselves a small number of people who were growing up to members of the public. and confronting them saying that they were implementing the whole this was a muslim area and they were demanding people throw away the alcohol they were insulting to women telling them to cover up this they don't see tens of thousands of people so in the original video the police investigation started but once again you know that goes around so it's still on you tube right now and again tens of thousands of hits one of the people in the video said this is. there's a serious little bit of this thing we've seen that. pensions and causes a lot of control and i think the medicine community corsi came really. want this.
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done to try and distance themselves from the east london must say that it was designed to stoke up tension so there's very much this is on distancing themselves from that type of behavior but certainly this is part of what why did the base in the area of london where the police think that this video was filmed in east london is an area that see this argument come up a number of times in the past couple of years with fundamentalists in these areas making a lot of noise about one thing sure a lot implemented and it is a very touchy subject for a lot of people as he said very threatening behavior in these videos. all these are sort of reporting now the bloody civil standoff in syria will see no resolution as long as rebels overwhelmingly supported by some foreign powers stick to the idea of regime change that's according to russia's foreign minister sort of summed up the key diplomatic ups and downs of the past you want it's going off as more of what else the country's top diplomat had to say during the broad q.
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and a session. one of the issues talked about said the very start of this conference was the conflict in syria and according to russia's foreign minister it's been going on for around two years now but there's still no evidence after it from the international community to get its sides to put their weapons down actually. said that the a one sided approach seen by most western states is only encouraging the rebels to gauge in more violence which will use to more bloodshed another issue or actually another conflict also talked about its conference is france led military intervention in mali and russia she diplomat said that what's happening there now is actually a consequence to how many western states dealt with other conflicts in the region for instance the weapons clearly used by islamists in the fight against government forces other scene weapons which were supplied to libyan rebels by western states but of course it's not only about libya syria and mali according to the foreign
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minister the whole region is a trouble spot and the lack of a unified approach by the international community and double standards are only worsening the situation where terrorist groups including al qaeda are beginning to gain more and more influence now the foreign minister also mentioned iran saying that it is a very very important player in the region and any military attack on it will lead to severe consequences. and iran's foreign minister has said that he wants talks on his country's nuclear program to be held in cairo egypt importantly welcome the from tehran and the other six nations involved in the talks including russia china and the u.s. all say they want dialogue to begin again and world powers are calling for on iran's nuclear program and the islamic state wants its right to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes to be recognized. and how did i come on as i've said that britain's prince harry lacks respect after compared fighting in
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a war zone with playing computer games. one afghan m.p. joined the criticism saying the comments of handed the islamist group a propaganda victory the third in line to the british throne has recently returned from a stint in afghanistan as a helicopter pilot with nato forces. yemen indicate that al qaeda is deputy leader in the country and one of saudi arabia's most wanted men has died according to the site intelligence group monitoring terrorism. was declared dead by another prominent jihadist he reportedly passed away from injuries sustained during a u.s. drone strike in december. a high profile internet freedom activist who took his life earlier this month after he was prosecuted for alleged hacking could have had close links to wiki leaks other whistle blowing group came forward with surprise revelations on aaron swartz on his twitter feed wiki leaks has published several statements suggesting the late activist assisted one of the tweets says schwartz
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communicated with the wiki leaks founder julian assange for several years and is strongly to believed to be a source of information the investigation into his activities so he threatened with up to thirty five years behind bars. why for more on the case of aaron swartz so we spoke exclusively to internet entrepreneur kim dot com he's now fighting extradition to the u.s. over piracy charges the founder of the maker upload a mega services backer of internet freedom told us the chase going off to schwartz was nothing but politics aaron schwartz i mean he stopped sopa with his efforts he stopped so when he became a target a political target ok and that's why all these things happened to him there is no reasonable. course behind it going after a young junior like that in the fashion they did it's political. well you can see
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the interview in full with kim dotcom that'll be here or not see this thursday i next though it's obvious autons breaking a set and i hope to see. there are twelve cities in the united states in which half of the people with hiv aids lives within a year of a diagnosis of each anything over six to two percent of those species are diagnosed with a specific problem that frankly is substantially preventable it was like the big elephant in the room and nobody wanted to talk about it there were really good public health campaigns if people really focused on this problem you certainly should be able have a lot less h i feel a lot less human suffering. wealthy british style sun it's sometimes that's right on. target.
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market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on our. choose your language. we could go into federal custody until someone. chooses to use the consensus to. choose the opinions that immigrate to. choose the stories that impact the life choose the access to. you live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous i had lunch i got so
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many i mean. i know that i'm still really really messed up. in the old story so personally apologize it's. worse if you're going to. lie down through the. radio guy and for minestrone. what clothes were about to give you never seen anything like this until a. little. shallow moment i mean martin and this is breaking in the sets so today marks the fortieth anniversary of one of the most important and controversial supreme court decisions of the twentieth century roe v wade that's right on january twenty second back in one thousand nine hundred seventy three it was declared that all laws prohibiting abortion violate a woman's cause.
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