tv [untitled] January 23, 2013 4:00pm-4:30pm EST
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and. until we do a better job communicating our values and building relationships we're going to be faced with this level of instability and if that's money we've all been waiting for hillary clinton heads to capitol hill to account for her agency's actions during and after the attack in benghazi libya it was a morning filled with drama but did anything actually come from the discussion and will question more. plus u.s. trade representative ron kirk has announced his plans to step down from his post next month what this means for the transpacific partnership negotiations and american trade coming up. they think they and pursue this and get away with this.
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because the society is not on the side everyone who uses the internet knows what's going on here they don't like what's going on r.j. explosive he is the man known for creating a mega havoc on the internet now kim dotcom is launching a new internet venture are to travel to new zealand for a one on one with this elusive businessman we'll have that interview ahead. it is wednesday january twenty third four pm in washington d.c. i'm christine frees out and you're watching our t.v. . let's begin this hour with the big story out of washington today the testimony of secretary of state hillary clinton on capitol hill about the september eleventh two thousand and twelve attacks on the consulate in benghazi libya now you might remember four americans were killed in those attacks including u.s.
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ambassador christopher stevens and as i have said many times i take responsibility and nobody is more committed to getting this right i am determined to leave the state department and our country safer stronger and more secure and there are several interesting aspects of today's hearing and clothing the timing now as we know secretary of clinton was unable to testify last month due to illness but several lawmakers have been calling for her to testify many months ago before even the november election and said they were told they'd have to wait after the election after the inauguration is that actually until what would be one of secretary of clinton's final days in her post and as a result many lawmakers took the opportunity to sing her praises we thank you we thank you for your outstanding and dedicated service to this nation. and we are proud of you i think we all do respect the tremendous amount of hard work that
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you've put forth over the last four years you probably traveled more than any secretary of state in and history man of secure terry you have represented our country with tremendous strength and poise i want to start by just thanking you for your remarkable leadership secretary of state one of many stops in the million miles that you've traveled well as times the questioning did get a little more serious legitimate points raised including by illinois senator dick durbin. i do want to make one point for the record here about whether the american people are told everything right away in the right way so that they can be fully informed and i'd like to refer to five words for them to reflect on their rocky weapons of mass destruction we were told by every level of government here there were rocky weapons of mass destruction the justify a war the invasion of the united states we're still searching for those weapons.
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kind of an interesting response if you take a look at senator mccain's a face secretary of clinton sort of nodding and smiling seemed to be a new amused by the notion that libya and iraq could possibly be compared here now there are other examples of what became a heated hearing at times lawmakers repeatedly questioned secretary of clinton about one of the major issues here the question of security wasn't good enough why weren't requests for more security met with any action here was one exchange following that line of questioning. with specific security requests they didn't come to me i had no knowledge of them had i been president at the time and i found that you did not read the cables from benghazi you did not read the cables from bester stevens i would have relieved you of your post i think it's inexcusable. the question of whether the blame alternately lies with secretary of clinton the nation's top diplomat remains unresolved but benghazi won't be her only legacy take
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a look at this pew poll of other countries views of the united states it's clear that the u.s. has risen in the esteem of most countries since the end of the bush era however the final column there on the right shows that the hype and the promise of the obama administration may have overshadowed the reality in many regions of the world so will this hearing today result in any meaningful changes or was it just an opportunity for grandstanding on capitol hill well we don't quite know the answer to that but as always for and keep you posted. well israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has won the general election but it was much closer than anyone expected define almost all predictions the biggest winners turned out to be people in the center illustrating that the economy things like concern over housing prices were seemingly far more important then nuclear threats on the issue of iran and as our policy reports it may leave netanyahu desperate enough to turn to the extreme right
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for help. the voting here might be in secret but what's no secret is the result there was never really any doubt that prime minister netanyahu would win in another term in office but the not on paper isn't matched by the end of the school. but that image and we know that netanyahu brought about a deficit of thirty nine billion dollars he's going to cut the welfare social education and health budgets this is what the next four years will look like you know any method any method but i'm scared to death i really am it will be a disaster very simply he's going to rob us of the chance to fulfill to zionism and israel. that i know whose hands will be tied trying to keep a lid on domestic anger half of his wages are more concerned about the economy than making peace with a passing in or dealing with iran's nuclear ambition but it's precisely these issues that the israel and the coalition with the international community.
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continuing to build new settlements. daily not with click. this is really a very powerful signal to the palestinians to the arab world and to the international community that is not willing to move for the long the road of to stay settlement this settlement was founded nearly thirty years ago by just fifteen families it's since grown fifty fold at a rate of about one hundred families a year for the world to tell me that if i'm going to build a summer hall want to have kilometer of course for my house is an obstacle to peace is absurd the facts are such that jews came back to their engines land the facts are such that we as a population are growing i am not willing to allow for what. for what piece
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on yahoo has vowed that the days of uprooting jews are behind he needs the support of the seculars and right wing parties if he's coalition is to succeed a gamble american president barack obama has reportedly warned will lead the country down the path of isolation it's no secret netanyahu and obama don't see eye to eye and not just on what's happening within israel's borders i think the issue for iraq will come back to that they wrote it will not surprise i think anyone in israel if we see an israeli at the the next year or two former receiving is critical with do is work into these and may bring him to postpone. the issue of the palestinian issue and so now begins the obvious task of coalition building it could take weeks of bargaining and negotiations before the final makeup of the new government is depleted if netanyahu stays true to the polls he could be on course to give israel the most hard line government in its history. of
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voters are also adding to the polls. in the elections taking place in jordan that's a power parliamentary parliamentary elections now it is being boycotted by the largest opposition party there the muslim brotherhood it's a first time the prime minister will be chosen and not appointed by the king but the opposition claims it's an intimidation campaign so all islamists are not fighting for votes they are promising mass street protests and as artie's losing half an hour reports it might well result in the kind of unrest the kingdom managed to avoid during the arab spring beneath the calm facade here in jordan is a simmering crisis the kingdom has remained relatively stable amid the wave of regimes falling in the arab spring wednesday's parliamentary elections are part of the reform efforts undertaken by the government in an attempt to quell popular dissatisfaction. i'm optimistic that our political system has taken
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a big step forward if a parliament wants to enjoy respect to the very first thing it needs is to be elected as a result of the fair election that's what our future parliament is going to be. but a balanced parliament is something that is highly i'm likely to come out of this election it's being boycotted by georgia's most powerful political movement the muslim brotherhood citing a new law that critics claim gives an unfair advantage to regime loyalists the islamists and their allies have branded the elections as worthless. one of the most likely why do people take part in this spectacle called the parliamentary elections elections the way they are now and all the petain in rules the way they are cannot be taken seriously they do not represent the people's will band in many mideast states up until the arab spring jordan's branch of the muslim brotherhood has been a licensed political party for decades but seeing a stone contemporaries come to power in egypt and tunisia it is now openly seeking
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a much larger role require the muslim one of. the muslim brotherhood to boycotting the elections because this lore is not in their interest but other parties are boycotting the elections because they will be held according to undemocratic law i'm on there to meet with king abdullah and says that he's serious about reform but there are other threats on the horizon. you know nothing. our main problem is the konami unemployment and inflation are rising at the same time that the cost of products is soaring there is considerable unrest among the population was the country has long struggled economically and relies heavily on age from western and gulf donors last november saw an eruption of violence nationwide protest for cuts in food and fuel subsidies and other conditions imposed by the i.m.f. the courtroom billion dollar and. another financial and political. cern is the flood of syrian refugees hundreds of thousands have fled to jordan with more
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pouring over the border every day there are worries that the syrian conflict may follow its people into the kingdom what islam is striving for more power a tough situation on the border and a dire economic crisis jordan is finding itself caught between a rock and a hard place due to the boycott the elections are unlikely to produce any meaningful change in the once stable kingdom looks to be in for a long period of uncertainty you see count one of our key amman jordan. while u.s. trade representative ron kirk has announced he'll be stepping down during his time in office ron kirk oversaw one of the most significant trade negotiations in recent history the trans-pacific partnership for t.p. pete now his office as manager surance that despite his just departure to p.p. negotiations will continue we want to talk more today about what they may entail
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but first a closer look at the transfer the pacific partnership itself there are currently and nine countries involved in negotiations at this time the united states of course plus australia brunei chile malaysia new zealand peru singapore and vietnam with mexico and canada also invited to participate and looking back to us as enter negotiations for a new t.v. back in march two thousand and eight when president bush was still in office so far there have been fifteen rounds of negotiations and looking ahead in about two months negotiations are scheduled to continue in singapore i want to take a look now at some of the implications of t.p. with the director of public knowledge global knowledge in initiative rashmi ragnar hi there rajni i and i know you've actually been present inside some of these t.p. hearings in the past you've given presentations about your concerns but a whole lot of people are pretty unaware of t.p.o. why do you think that is. i think it's primarily because the remans is secret
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meaning the negotiations have been behind closed doors public doesn't have access to the negotiating or even information and information about the kinds of things that are being negotiated i mean the public know that the u.s. p.r. only has information about the topic that wanted to but not really anything more than that what what is going to be the negotiation that i think that one of these and why the public the know both it and i think that is a really important point to bring up i mean this is something that really could have a major impact on trade as we know it in this country in the future and again it's done in secret we do want to outline i just a few of the things that the t.p. would actually do first of all it would link all the countries involved together in what would be designated a free trade zone now investor disputes could also be removed from u.s.
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courts and then there's a provision in which criminal sanctions for copyright infringement could be adopted and finally temporary reproductions of compu right of works without hobby right holders authorization would be treated as compu right infringement i know rationally this is an area that you are well versed in talk a little bit about the copyright chapter of this partnership and some of the major changes that could take place here. so i mean the secrecy of the agreement. is something that loose large or whatever chapter so anything we know about the copyright have to come from a draft even to us was over. in two thousand and eleven february so anything we say about it. draw from that captive and it's possible that the vision meetings and changed so having said that probably and i kept to the p.p.p. gen it's just one approach is to increase the scope and the copyright protection so
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that the movie company the recording industry to publish a book published at that others are going to have great amounts of control of news that of media and specially in the digital time that it would open to the penalties for benchmarks like you mentioned you know things like downloading the few songs go from being the so the wrong way and the copy i don't have to you do a criminal. criminal offense with the government comes back to you and to have to you in criminal court. and similarly the scope of the kinds of things that a party sees and take control all. during the day while and in a geisha spending or if you've been in decide if the court decided you're an infringer of the school to think that there can be increasing and then finally that are. that the autumn provisions. prevent people from circumventing the
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just the law breaking the r.m. for anybody even if you break it so that you can make lawful use of the work so my example if you want to it would be to one seems and exempt from a couple of movies to make a compilation show an example of how say the english language has evolved over time or how women were portrayed over time and sort of or something. that think like that would be difficult and you know that's the broad broad. outline of concerns we have with the copyright chapter i think that's really interesting can you talk a little bit about i mean i sort of touched upon it but a few more details on you know the impact of these changes and what they would be on the average american as you know the average resident of malaysia as well well i think the impact would be probably be greater than the average and that in malaysia . were several reasons but the p.p.p.
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. in broad terms for most of us provisions of the law but that i mean it follows one side of the u.s. law with. a strong set of protections to copyright owners rights and. my god that's not i mean it's not a picky consistency to a lot it's the changes to us law and that's evolving into for patients. in a manner that is. more productive that i can honest and less far less chill coniston sense of the public with this however other people he concludes were the choir would have to take their loss and they might not have the sense of the them to be has that the u.s. law has or the kinds of criminal actions and criminal levels kind of the law and so a malaysia out of vietnam would have to change the law to bring it in line the t.p.
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the other thing the other impact of the tepee is that what the law has said to rule was that the limits on the copyright owners ability to control you know this and these limits particularly t.s.a. has provision allows a lot of industries. and it allows a lot of creative uses that happen mash up that all the videos user generated content that get on you tube and other of that that form. he does not have such a. at least what we know that you would not provide with such a robot that the limit on you that i would be called as the public to to to. you we spoke and music another point that you really just want to get get one more question here because we're running out of time rush me but when i read about the t.v. piano as you mention you know so much of it is secret but over all what's written
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about the transpacific partnership a lot of it focuses on integration it's a globalized world after all it's important to form more regional and economic bonds with other countries what about this argument in terms of you know how effective this agreement might be. well i think you know you have to make the case that integration is less probably true that that are benefits to excite but how the particular that's a broad general point which doesn't need to the particular provision of particular have to the fact that you need integration does not mean that you need to copy that chapter that is only one sided only this or that i loved one tenth of me which mind you is not the same as the interests of smaller producers a lot of artists and then completely ignore the public interest and you have to tap to that is this is a both types of crime that the kind that requires
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a production in order to give people an incentive to create and the other side that that that. you know some amount flexibility to allowing the public to use less is important so you need so that's the case what it dictation does not it's not inconsistent with in the not mean that you need an agreement that who particular mock favorable to the public interest and the other thing which is which cuts across the punch up business not copied i specifically is that not a lot of analysis has won in what has been the p.p.p. and what are the benefits of the particular. particular. provision that are being adopted at least different chapters i think there's no discussion that the public if there has been any of that right. i think is a really good point and perhaps one sees negotiations kick back up in march we will hear a little more about it appreciate having you want to talk about it the russian ragnarok director of the public knowledge is global initiative. thank. i want to go now to
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a story you'll see only on r.t. kim dot com founder of the file sharing website mega upload had a pretty big party on his new zealand compound recently to celebrate the launch of his new site mega it was actually one year after mega upload at what was shut down by the government now r.j. america was invited to the party and decided to attend we sent our g. web producer andrew blake and he was able to sit down and speak to kim dotcom and he brings us this they com plane me for the actions of third parties here's internet pioneer kim dot com holding court in his mansion but in the last year he has faced an entirely different kind of trial one year ago exactly kim dotcom was here it is house and codes from new zealand when authorities came in on helicopters broke into the house arrested him for his assets shut down his website essentially put the rest of his life in jeopardy well for first few months ken was under house arrest which is usually quite difficult but then again when you have
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a hedge maze in your backyard i have measured the. might not be all that terrible but i'm sure you didn't do it until january twentieth two thousand and twelve dot com was at the guest house of his mansion the most expensive property in the country when local police conducted a high profile rest in cooperation with the f.b.i. the u.s. department of justice had just filed an indictment against dot com a german millionaire who changed his name from kim schmitz in two thousand and five and if they allege that the website he ran mega upload was a criminal enterprise a simple file sharing site mega upload allowed users to take large documents and send them around the world with ease the d.o.j. described the site differently though instead encourage widespread copyright infringement that had duped the movie and music industry out of half a billion dollars i'm not successful because people have used my gob load for copyright infringement and what everyone understand there has been mess if amounts of legitimate uses on mega upload you know you don't believe that fifty million
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with us today all just transferring piracy that's wrong a lot of people have used it to back up their data you know to send five acquitting to a friend so young artists have used it to get traction get downloads to get no one you know there was a lot of the chid him and he was on they got off a lot later this year the justice department will attempt to extradite dot com his associates to the united states where there they could be sentenced to decades in prison the extradition treaty in new zealand doesn't really allow extradition for copyright so what they did they threw some extra charges on top and one of them is rocketeer ring where they basically say we are a mafia organisation and we set up our internet business to basically be an auger crime network that was set up and structured the way it was just to do criminal copyright infringement one year after authorities came in with guns blazing dot com seems far from defeated new zealand officials have largely consider the raid on
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lawful in. he says the united state's case is falling apart day by day instead of just letting things pile up though dot com is determined to keep on going on the anniversary of his arrest in the seizure of mega upload dot com unveiled his newest endeavor mega here from his coatesville home nothing about kim dotcom is small not his bank account or his size or even his parties but when it comes to unveiling his new project it's not even big it's a mag when dot com launched the mag over the weekend two hundred fifty thousand users registered with the site in the first two hours something he says is unheard of for a startup he has built from scratch all facing extradition but when you're kim dot com things rarely seem to be out of reach a few hundred people flew in from around the globe to help launch mego with an elaborate party included indigenous dancers pyrotechnics a recreate of last year's raid and of course an explanation of what is new site is all about just like his last project mega allows users to upload files and easily
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share them with others after having his entire life investigated by international authorities though dot com says is the term to make sure that anyone that wants to do business on the internet can do without being brought under the looking-glass if they come to attack us. it's just going to backfire except we like the megaupload case that the shut down of our side backfired already message and it's just going to get worse for them if they think they can pursue this and get away with this they are wrong because the society is not on the side everyone who uses the internet knows what's going on here one year after his arrest dot com maintains his innocence and blames the justice department and obama administration for ruining his business and leaving over two hundred employees without jobs at the same time though he cautions others around the world about the unlawful surveillance he says he was subjected to during the f.b.i. investigation that's one of the main reasons in fact that is a new site mega encrypts everything privacy is
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a basic human rights. but it has become increasingly difficult to communicate privately when he wasn't entertaining guests with live entertainment complimentary cocktails and for this reporter a ride in a helicopter dot com uses party not just as a launching pad for mega but as a means to caution against what is becoming of the internet in the next five years dot com says he wants to have half of the web encrypted privacy is about much broader value. than just how you think things it's about the shoeman need for refuge from the eye of the community and hortons opening taking the balance of power between individuals and the state. mag op believes and your right to privacy also of course you're right the party. from coatesville new zealand andrew blake r t well that is going to do it for us
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for now but for more on the stories we covered go to youtube dot com slash r.t. america or check out our website our team dot com slash usa. what mystery is hidden deep the nice. visit to the north welcome here. traps laid for intruders. and the supernatural can arise from nowhere. can the human be possessed by the underwater spirit. mistress of the cave on odyssey.
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