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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2013 9:00pm-9:30pm EST

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free. three stooges free. download free blown live video for your media project free medio don carty dot com . you live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous bad luck i got so. i mean. i know that i'm sitting seems really messed up. in the old very slow motion leopoldo the. worst you're going to go right down to the. radio guy and four minutes from me. i want. to give you never seen anything like this i'm told.
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go welcome a break in the set since it is a big day isn't just a few moments we're going to get an exclusive interview with kim dotcom and for those of you don't know him dot com is and you're the lowdown he's an entrepreneur and tech genius who founded it make it upload a website had one hundred eighty million registered users make it was popular file storage network in the world if you go to the web sites domain now this is what you'll see that's right the web site's been shut down by the u.s. government to shut it down it also meant that every single user pain into the service had their data seized but it didn't stop there they then attempted to extradite him on charges of criminal conspiracy money laundering and copyright infringement of an example the amount of government overreach in this case can dot com as a german citizen who lives in new zealand that didn't prevent their all out which aren't are they raided his home and seize assets and of course yeah i botched their investigation every step of the. way leaving the heavily contentious case pending
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marty's andrew blake just returned to new zealand where he sat down with can help he was also present at the tycoons mansion for the launch of his brand new web site now simply called mega and check this out within twenty four hours of its launch it's all one million users sign up so the talk about this launch and the u.s. government's crusade against can dot com i'm joined now by our to a producer andrew blake hi oh hi. this wasn't any old launch i mean this is a huge extravagant party tell us about it well i've actually never been to any sort of internet launch party before i don't know about you know all future nerds so this is the first one for me. kim dot com but a few hundred people over to his house around town thirty miles outside of auckland new zealand so little town called coatesville it's actually the most valuable property in the whole country but he had a couple hundred people come over they gathered for a press conference but in typical kim dotcom fashion everything was very much larger than life going to be recreated the raid for blood here and go exactly when
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the f.b.i. grabbed f.b.i. grabbed the new zealand authorities showed up at his house on helicopters jump down off the roof of the tried to find him arrested him hauled him off to prison recreated the whole thing with armed guards running through the crowd pirate just like no answers dressed as a cia agents or they were dancers dressed as f.b.i. agents but then there was also just like. sexy f.b.i. agents like this you know disguised with guns and sunglasses running around so i mean i'm thinking the original raid from a year earlier probably wasn't as entertaining but it's nice that can actually crack a joke. and here it is it is on. spies you know this is a very a it's a very a different press conference from what i'm used to but you know when when kate was actually up there he made a bunch of really powerful statements about what's up with with mega upload you know it's up with the new project mega and he definitely. put
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a serious head on it for a little bit it wasn't all just funny. there's actually you know a very good reason for him to be putting together this presser to actually explain this new project which he thinks might revolutionize the way that we use the internet of course and you know that's what i love about can dot com is he still has a sense of humor this fight this insane and this insanity against him from the u.s. government he's still just hilarious i mean there is a loving life. and i heard you took a helicopter ride around the property i mean that's so awesome let's talk about the new site ok yes is it the same concept as megaupload is it just a storage site yeah essentially i mean mega upload was one of the most popular websites in the world for pretty much it's the whole existence and you know you said millions and millions and millions of people used to log on you uploaded files you got a link you sent to someone that person downloaded a file off some really easy way to send a really large files u.s. government didn't really like it though they said well people can take large files that they don't own and send it to other people who don't own them and then they
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can illegally download it kim dot com and a lot of other people there will tell you that it was used very very very legitimately by a very very large group of people but megaupload is gone the f.b.i. a sea state it's been over a year now with a site like we saw that screenshot is just sitting there on available seized by the f.b.i. what mega does is it's another way of taking files putting them online sharing them with others however everything that you do goes through layers of encryption so that there's no way or if there's not an easy way to see what it is you're exactly doing what kind of files you're sharing what kind of files what the what the metadata says what the internal data says all of that stuff so that people conducting surveillance on you know your online communications can't necessarily see what's happening you can just take a file put it on line send it to someone if they have the key they can see the file done like it's just a nice way of being private which with the internet really should be people should be able to use it to communicate and communicate privately how absolutely and i think it's a. they you know you sat down and cannot count as i mentioned before to talk
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specifically about this case against him let's hear a bit of that ok you know we're going to play it right that. president obama and the obama administration were colluding with movie companies in order to orchestrate this giant arrest here in new zealand is this kind of give and take relationship between washington and hollywood although you say it is or are you just the exception does this really exist well i mean you have to look at the players behind this case ok the driving force of course is chris dodd the chairman of a and he was a senator for a long time and he is according to joe biden joe biden's best friend and. the state attorney that is in charge of this case has
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been joe biden's personal counsel while he was a senator right and also worked as an anti-piracy you know manager for the b.s.a. business office or c. asian which is basically like the m.p.a. but for software companies so and also the timing is very interesting you know. the election time. fundraisers in hollywood set for february march april and you know they had to be some kind of plan b. and turn it to force. because the president certainly was aware and his team in the white house was aware if they don't have anything to give at those fundraisers to those guys in hollywood were eager to have more control over the internet he wouldn't probably raise that much and you know hollywood is a very important contributor to bomb us campaign. not just with money but
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also was the media support you know they control a lot of media celebrity endorsements and all that so you know i'm sure the election plays an important role the relationships of the people that are in charge of this case play a important role and of course we have facts that we want to present at our extradition hearing that will short some more detail about this and that this is not just some comfort conspiracy theory but this actually happened the u.s. justice department wants to extradite you a german citizen living in new zealand operating a business in hong kong they want to extra you back to the u.s. now is that even possible well see that is a very interesting question because the extradition law the extradition treaty in new zealand doesn't really allow extradition for copyright so what they did they threw some extra charges on top and one of them is racketeering where they
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basically say we are a mafia organization and we set up our internet business to basically be an organized crime network that was set up and structured the way it was just to do criminal copyright infringement and anyone who has ever used any idea about how that website worked knows immediately that it is total nonsense but they needed to chop that on in order to have even a chance for extradition but in our opinion you see all of that i think was secondary the primary goal was to take down mega upload and this draw it completely that was their mission and that's why the whole thing in hong kong for example they called it operation takedown and i think everything that's happening now they're trying on the fly dr to rainham for and found a way to. the case they probably came here and thought we will find something that
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these guys have done something wrong because in the indictment if you actually you know read that it's more like a press release there's nothing in this. you know that is has any merits but when the when the raid happened one year ago today it got a lot of people talking people talking about the internet and it got a lot of people talking about about you can dot com. but it was a lot of talking in not so much action because here it is a year later and this case is still happening now back up earlier this month we saw aaron swartz a online information activists passed away it was only in his mid twenty's and it got a lot of people talking so much so that members of congress have actually asked for updates to federal computer laws so that so that this doesn't happen again now we're seeing people talking once more but what's it actually going to take for people to get up and start doing actual action what's it going to take to get
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people to actually do something well our case is going to be one that will have much more attention down the road because it is a crucial case for internet freedom and i think more and more people realize that and the government is quite exposed here because they really went in was completely prosecutorial abuse and overreach and ignoring due process ignoring our rights spying on us illegal search warrants illegal restraining orders illegal spying going to the whole picture when you look at it shows that this was an urgent mission done in a rush to take them down i want them to go and it was a political decision to do that and the execution was extremely poor and the case is. extremely poor because that is something they thought they can worry about
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later it was all about the take down that sent a strong message to hollywood that we are on their side i mean let me give you one example of how crazy this is we have a church who said please show us your evidence about your allegations show us that these guys were setting up some kind of organized crime network so of course that's what the extradition will focus on primarily they're using the organized crime treaty to get us extradited ok so the u.s. appealed that and said no we don't want to show you what we have and then they appealed to the high court and the high court then said well we want to see it and they just keep appealing it all the way to the court of appeals and to the supreme court and what does that tell you you know if you only want to show your cards show us what you would have you know if you have such
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a strong case and you're seriously interested about getting someone extradited why waste all this time just show your hand you know and they don't have anything because we haven't done anything wrong we were law abiding we were a good corporate citizen and they knew that the time they came to do this it's bad faith it's malicious they just want to take us down. he said it will have more with and you're blake in his experience you can dot com after the break if you like we see so far go to our you tube channel if you dot coms are breaking the subscribe button on hulu as well good accomplished breaking the set you're going to like our facebook page at facebook dot com slash breaking the send if you want about what i'm doing when i'm not on air follow me on the twitter verse at abby martin north and your break next and later a look at the crossroads between politics and comedy which really can't.
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hold. its technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future covered. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you
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glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know what i'm charged welcome to the big picture. he used to use you. tube.
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to. the local market for a good review cover she made me feel like you're on the right. so right now welcome back our to our producer and your pledge to brief what we just saw the interview with can dot com so so the last thing he was saying was that he has the law on his side i mean there was no legal bounds for the government to go across the world and extradite him now does he have alongside here i mean i'm not a legal expert i don't but sure if you want to get out of that if you want me to almost write all that. and i'm not going to take any sides because i don't think that would be the journalistic thing to. you but let's look at this like you're a german citizen living in new zealand operating
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a website based in china being prosecuted by the united states government that's a little harsh when you go back and he said let's look at the players in this let's look at why this is happening in the movie industry the music industry doesn't like kim dotcom because they said mega upload was used to illegally distribute copyrighted files right motion picture association of america in the recording industry association of america the two big hollywood lobby groups ok. now the prosecutor that filed all these charges a felony mule mcbride he's a prosecutor in virginia and he is the one actually filed the indictment against dot com coincidentally neil mcbride is also b.f.s. with joe biden ok so we have this instant connection with the obama administration and the prosecutor now the other weird thing is this neil mcbride fellow he used to lobby for the software business association s.b.a. business software association he was a lobbyist ok he was a lobbyist who then became appointed by the obama administration remember when obama doesn't appoint. you might not really he said so yeah he says
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a lot of things doesn't mean so actually when obama first came in for the first two and three years four years ago he did that whole thing reason i am going to close that revolving door no more lobbyist no more lobbyist and you actually had to fit in a certain window where you couldn't lobby before by so many years and you can lobby by after and when they appointed neil mcbride the district attorney's office actually said it's ok he wasn't lobbying during that window so everything's fine he's going to be the district attorney he's going to file the charges and everything is fine everything's fine if you go when you look back right before this indictment was filed right before neil mcbride was actually appointed he actually was working for a lot of guys so it's a lie yeah pretty much so that's just one of many many many reasons this whole thing is garbage and another interesting fact about it that i just forgot to tell you remind me is that this was within days of so. yeah being blocked and then so it was almost like these lobbying groups in the entertainment industry the music
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industry they really were pushing hard for so but when that fell short the us government is almost like we need to do something we need to set an example of someone exactly know kim dotcom even said that the obama administration knew sopa the stop online privacy of piracy act rather it was going to fail and if that means hollywood is going to be pissed at the white house so what can you do he has to make an example out of someone who needs to prove to hollywood look i'm tough on copyright infringement i'll do something all all go to the other side of the country in arrest someone from another part of the world and so yeah so i'm still little jetlag you get the point here there's a whole lot of things here that just don't really seem to add up but really one big thing is it's been over a year now it's been over a year since this happened the u.s. still hasn't been able to extradite him in new zealand the case is falling apart on a local level and internationally it seems like every time came to dot com his lawyers go into court in the us and try to fight for him it's like every single time they can just like zero one more punch in the face of the government and it
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seems like the case is literally falling apart day by day but it's been over a year now he remains in new zealand he can't really go anywhere right now and he has a new site that they remind me of joining us on you know going to such great lengths to try to extradite someone who is not american citizen and and just adding on these extra charges of conspiracy i mean basically treating him like the mafia you know which is completely outrageous you know we're going to have more with you and more of the interview tomorrow well i can't have you i can't wait either andrew always thanks man. with the manufactured one for our corporate news cycle it's extremely rare to see someone breaking the set from within which is why i'm very excited for my next guest is someone was bold enough to go on talks news and call the network a festival of ignorance on top of that he's mastered the art of truth telling through comedy so joining me now from new york is leak camp comedian activist and
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creator of the movement and clarity viral web series lee awesome to have you on. a long time viewer first time we mandel hopefully you can be on more and more i mean here in d.c. painstakingly had to sit through this inaugural dog and pony show first of all why are we doing this huge ceremony to celebrate someone who's already been seated for four years. you know why we do it we've got to get together every four years so that we can all talk about the first lady's hair i mean this seems to be the one thing that came out of this inauguration was talk of her hair i mean i can't if she came out with your haircut i think the mainstream media might explode. exactly like a fashion show i mean the diamonds the glitz and glamour talking about the ball what they're wearing what how how clinton was look at look at kelly clarkson's but there were jeans you know and here you had a million people waving these tiny american flags that look like i mean they're all decked out in their their obama high figure and i couldn't help but think did these
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people forget what a bad president he's been for the last four years. yeah you know it's a nice little let's let's forget the past four years and let's try and pretend we're starting over again but one thing we did all agree on at the inauguration was apparently that no one can handle poetry anymore. you remember though blanco read a poem he was the first you know the he was gay and latino and it was a big moment for everything and instead you had all the republicans mainly sitting there snorting at him because they couldn't stand that there was a poet write it how dare you how dare you bring that in you know one thing that obama condemned in his speech which i thought was particularly interesting was the idea of perpetual war i mean leave are we living in the sun here and did i miss something as a perpetual war been perpetuated by obama. yeah yeah we've got the war thing go i think every war should come with a bomb by date you know like milk it's just like the moment they start of
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a bomb by day and it doesn't matter if you're not done it's after that day you gotta stop just to be like milk it should be just over on a date but you do have to give the obama's vision credit for one thing they realized too many civilians were dying from drone aircraft attacks too many civilians dying so they did something about it they changed the definition of the word civilian. exactly now it's militant i mean that's when you can get high level defense officials coming out and saying no no civilians have died oh you mean all those military age males who are just dead oh no they're terrorists they're terrorists they're brown and they're dead so they must be terrorists right exactly and the problem is in a word you know they change it so that any military age male and target area is now a combatant but that's got to apply to us too so if you're a marine at an airport or something you thought you were just an overweight accountant sitting there you know working on one number two and love handle number seven but no you're a combatant. you mention your appearance on fox news the other but i really talking
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about it doesn't do it justice i want everyone to take a listen let's play that. clip and i can sense because sure what these phlox news is just a parade of propaganda. it's just a festival of ignorance. of million people who did not come on this is ridiculous what's the point of this this is a lot of. people who go out to go go hug me well i know you love your blue you know that and you know why you think it is wrong all to do yeah . i think and i think ok this is all right we're also talking about captain i love it tosses the captain kirk like you trojan horse men you go in there how the hell did you get on and how did they react after you said that. well they expected me to just play the game like most people you know they knew i was left winger but they thought i would just come on in and be nice and tell little jokes but i had no
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interest in that i mean with the amount of blood that's been shed over the various wars i wasn't going to be there monkey boy so i wimmin told the truth and telling truth in the fox news studio that that's like a bad smell they all freak out and make ugly faces. and the best part was that they did accidentally provide their own punchline by them throwing it there's something about the captain part of getting laid so but that's really serious that's way more serious than a million dead iraqis come on leave. i want to talk about the corporate news and what is it about this fake girlfriend stunt that gives the media such a hard on. yeah the tail thing you know what it really shows is just the lack of any effort to do any research into anything by the media this is a heisman trophy runner up and they can't figure out that he's dead girlfriend is made out of toothpicks and silly putty i mean she made wilson the volleyball in castaway look downright talkative it does it does like it's just
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a complete lack of any effort to do research i mean the lance armstrong thing this guy's been do you know seven tour de frances and they never research people it's not you know they love to call it the advanced you know doping scandal that's how they couldn't break the brake job in the story but he was picking up drugs in the parking lot of mcdonald's this is performance enhancing drugs anything that is gained or gathered at a mcdonald's not generally performance enhancing usually like you obesity diabetes so they should have known something was up but no our media does no research anymore on anything. one of my favorite things that i see. when you talk about advertising and television in general is gone totally downhill you've said that the average human spends fifteen years of their lives watching brainless television i mean think about all the advertising that's just melting our brains i mean what is that really doing to us. yeah it is true over an eighty year lifespan and these you
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know these old numbers these are five years ago over an eighty year life and fifteen and a half years of having our brains liquefied and sodomized and glorifying products and nonsense and it does it it completely you know it's it's how you end up with a country with the most anorexic people in the world and the most obese people in the world at the same time because people are selling these awful foods that aren't even food and at the same time making people feel horrible about their bodies and so it's completely screwing up you know totally ran like the fast food nation and everyone's just dying g.m. owes etc and then they're like you know you have acne you're not good enough you can't get you know you need a year of erectile dysfunction and restless legs and everyone's like yeah i think you know my legs kind of are breathless when i'm watching t.v. for eight hours in a row maybe i'll sell to take notes and go get popped pills but i can't let you go without asking you about the fortieth anniversary of cease fire in vietnam i mean do you see any similarities between the red scare and the war on terror or is it
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just me lee. yeah i think there is a similarity in that you've got to keep people afraid all of the time i mean the war on terror is you know twice as many people die from terrorist attacks in america each year so i tell you twice as many people die from peanut allergies are from terrorist attacks so you see where i'm headed with this point we need to work equally hard to protect ourselves from peanuts we need a peanut alert chart we need we need to do if someone leaves a bag of peanuts on attended we're going to blow that up we're going to drop marines into the planters compound or shoot mr peanut in the face all right and that goes to for anyone who wants to wear monocle and to top that if you want to dress like a pinata we will treat you like a. camp comedian there is really appreciate you coming on thanks. to marks the fortieth anniversary of the end of the vietnam war we went into vietnam because of communism the invisible bogeyman that they claim to destroy democracy as we know it that visible. well the man still exists today has taken on
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another form of terrorism so we finally learn from history's mistakes are we doomed to fear isms for the rest of time. the world. lead.


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