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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2013 6:30am-7:00am EST

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not just some comfort conspiracy theory but this actually happened but the u.s. justice department wants to extradite you a german citizen living in new zealand operating a business in hong kong they want to extra you back to the u.s. now is that even possible well see that is a very interesting question because the extradition law the extradition treaty in new zealand doesn't really allow extradition for copyright so what they did they threw some extra charges on top and one of them is rocketeer ring where they basically say we are a mafia organisation and we set up our internet business to basically be an auger nies crime network that was set up and structured the way it was just to do criminal copyright infringement and anyone who has ever used mega uploads any idea about how that website worked knows immediately that it's total nonsense but they
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needed to chop that on in order to have even a chance for extradition but in our opinion you see all of that i think was secondary the primary goal was to take down mega upload and this draw it completely that was their mission and that's why the whole thing in hong kong for example they called it operation takedown speaking of internet freedom is the e.c. that the new program is fully encrypted and you're touting it as its encrypted program so that people want to use it do you think this is even necessary that right now people need encryption on the internet how is that even possible that nothing seems safe nowadays from prying eyes i think it's important for the internet that there's more encryption because what i have learned since i got dragged into this case is a lot about privacy and. uses about the government spying on people you know the
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u.s. government invests a lot of money in spy clouds massive data centers with you know hundreds of thousands of hard drives storing data and what they are storing as basically any communication that for versus through u.s. networks and that means they're not spying on individuals based on a warrant any more they just spy on everybody permanently all the time and what that means for you and anybody is if you are ever a target of any kind of investigation or someone has a political agenda against you they can use all that data go through it with the with the comb and find the things even though you think you have nothing to hide and done nothing wrong they will find something that they can nail you with and that's why it's wrong to have these kinds of privacy the abuses and i decided to create a solution that over time is going to encrypt more and more of the internet so we
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start with files would then move to e-mail with them to move to voice over ip communication and our a.p.i. is available to any third party developer to also create their own two worlds and my goal is within the next five year five years i want to encrypt half of the internet you know just. reestablish a balance between a person an individual and the state because right now we are living very close to this vision of george all and i think it's not the right way you know it's a wrong path that the government's on thinking that they can spy on everybody something a lot of people have been wondering about is the case of an injury video they were a client that uploaded material on to make upload that was then targeted by the justice department long before maybe upload it was. ever taken down justice
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department is looking into ninja video and you actually cooperate with them and people want to know how is this the guy who is incredibly against washington you know hates hates everything that they've done to him how is the same guy also helping out the justice department before which came down people think is a real one well let me explain to you how this worked ok i was a good corporate citizen my company was abiding to the laws if we get a search warrant or we get in requests by the government to assist in an investigation we will comply and we have always complied and that is the right thing to do because of someone uploads child pornography if someone uploads terrorist stuff or anything that you know is a serious crime of course we are there to help you know this is our obligation and
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i am not for copyright infringement people need to understand that i'm against copyright infringement ok but i'm also against copyright extremism and i'm against a business model the one from hollywood that encourages piracy mega upload is not responsible for the piracy problem you see it's the hollywood studios that release a movie in the us and then six months later in other parts of the world and everyone knows that movie is out there the fans of a particular actress want to have it right now but they are not giving them any opportunity to get access to that content even though they are willing to pay and they are looking for alternatives on the internet and then they find them see they are trying to make me responsible for their lack of ability to adopt to a new reality where. it is the internet you know where everything happens now it
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doesn't happen three months later imagine you go to wikipedia you want to find something research an article in tehran come back in three months you will give it to you then ok if you find another site where you can get that right now that's where you go right so it's really their business model that is responsible for this issue and if they don't adopt they will be left behind on the side of the road of history like many others that haven't adopted in the past you see and what about your skeptics who point out this big playboy lifestyle and this giant elaborate house and they say that he's not worried about internet freedoms he is just more concerned with protecting his profits well let me be clear i'm a businessman ok i started mega upload as a business to make money and i wanted to list the company i'm an entertainer all right i'm not. my hero he was selfless he is completely the
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opposite of me but i'm a businessman i'm driven by the success of achieving something in the business world ok that's not a crime there's nothing wrong with that i'm not successful because people have used mega upload for copyright infringement and what everyone needs to understand there has been mess if amounts of legitimate uses they're on mega upload you know you don't believe that fifty million users a day are all just transferring piracy that's wrong it's a dual use technology just like the internet you can go to any i screen right now anyone who connects customers to the internet and if they are on this to you and you ask them the question how much of your traffic is peer to peer piracy anyone who will tell you less than fifty percent is lying to your face this is a problem of the internet and not meg upload a year ago exactly. right here. the government came in in the arrested here they
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shut down your website and they put you behind bars and they they froze your assets you know it's been a year. but the one thing that also happened that day was members of the hacking group anonymous they retaliated so to speak they were in response they went in they took down the websites for the f.b.i. . for the motion picture association of america for the department of justice for the recording industry association of america all of these organizations were all shut down by anonymous in response to what they did to you these are people you never met did you ever thank them in how did you actually take that how did you respond to their reaction well it's the. kind of virtual protest you know i think it's not a good idea to shop on websites and i've been a heck of myself i understand why they're doing it and how they're doing it but i
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think there are better ways to protest where you you know organize yourself in a group and do petitions and actually you know e-mail congressmen e-mail your local politicians let them know about what you don't like organize your movement rather than attacking i mean they had a sense of. understanding for for them because you know everyone has stored so much data on make up a lot and when all of a sudden a site like that disappears and billions of taken offline the majority of them. perfectly legitimate you to understand one thing fifty percent of all files that were ever uploaded to mega upload have not even been downloaded it wants. you know that clearly show was the non infringing use people just wanted to store their stuff on our side and of course they were outraged when that disappeared and the
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government said we don't give that here we don't give a damn about you people we don't care that you have your personal documents there because we have our agenda and we're going to take over the internet and you know the white house was supporting sorba and only when the masses came together and aaron schwartz i mean he stopped sopa with his efforts he stops open he became a target a political target ok and that's why all these things happened to him there is no reasonable. cause behind the going after a young genius like that in the fashion they did it's political because the white house wanted so but they promised it to hollywood and they failed and they couldn't go ahead because the white house was afraid if they keep pushing hard and they keep
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pushing it forward that the people who oppose it are not going to vote for obama in the reelection campaign you see so it's all a game to them really and we are all the little puppets that they think they can kick around so we need to organize they need me to it needs to be a movement that identifies these things and fights that not was shutting down websites but with real protest and especially most importantly don't vote for the guys that are against internet freedom anyone who voted for sopa you should have a close look at that guy do i want to give him my vote next time around because that's the only language politicians understand is your vote.
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right wing t.v. host glenn beck is going to build his own utopia beck plans to put together a massive social experiment building his own city which will be totally independent from the evil grasp of government and the outside world where residents will have to learn how to survive on their own make their old things and grow their own food the future city called independence usa will be based on libertarian principles with hints of iran flavor there will be no handouts and no help for the self-sufficiency minded residents but back may need some help himself because building the city could cost about two billion dollars the thing is that commentators about politics like glenn beck and horse truly have a very easy job and it's easy to point out what is wrong with society but it is another thing entirely to try to change it and i want to salute clint beck for actually doing something and putting his money where his ideological mouth is now
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why would i want to live in the i know rand paradise of independence usa under the rule of lord back no no i wouldn't taking marching orders from a tiny portly man known for crying on camera doesn't suit me but if you're a hardcore libertarian here is your chance to make all of your dreams come true but that's just my opinion. today. again fleda. these are the images. from the streets in canada. operations rule the day you get.
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oh the colin soloway. live. good speech. she gave. her. list. i wish i. lived a little bit balmy so good luck. mother lists. and i'm a. little my mind i'm a little. funny
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the new bush will the hidden truth about hillary clinton coming up live war crimes mainstream media can't mention. the benghazi ambassador's very cable television show and that infamous cackle explain. her mrs clinton's role in last. to crowing over. yes we came we saw he died the head of the state department has made america more hated and gets it in the world for some nations even more than. hillary clinton calls mubarak a friend of the family enraged egyptians hose shoes both tools and so motos
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a bullet proof call on to a monica lewinsky. she was missing through asia. africa i'm i n flag burning in europe the us mainstream paints her as global you told real service show the opposite new york journalism professor jeff cohen how does that happen fox has a right wing outlet and the other mark liberal al they all maintain this fiction about how well regarded the united states is throughout the world so to point out that you know in many parts of the world were feared and hated and were feared and hated not necessarily because we have freedom of speech within the us they were feared and hated because we propped up dictators how the systematically being lloyd to damage america or internal society is falling apart you know we have state after state in our fifty states to earn and debt and cities are going bankrupt and our
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country spends one half of the national governments discretionary budget is spent time in the military we don't have a real debate in this country about where all the money is going you know why did countries throughout western europe have free medical care and free college education and we docked media gloss of the motor of chris stevens his colleague close to american sent to save him is a direct consequence of clinton grew old the region also a columnist in on the most so but even folks deliberately ignored the embassy's key cable to americans knew they were up. against a lack of host nation support no this is not yet new to you and i to our t.v. viewers this is not new to us we know that the same issue arises in afghanistan and in iraq the so-called generic occupied doesn't like to be occupied but of course as well i mean in the us both factions call them comedies they don't people who don't
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want to be occupied they're a jihadi roaming al qaida first time around was a blunder she admits we had helped to create the problem we're now fighting the big she does it again funding terrorists first in libya and now syria speaks international consultant agents obuchi well there's all this say to you hillary clinton herself admitted that yes we did create the taliban and we did create al qaeda what we have are really people have huge amounts of power we have no morality and on top of that many of them i'm not saying hillary but many of them are downright stupid in iraq troops would still be doing if obama hasn't overruled her staying on one of the honest on the d.c. inside the road this assessment of her approach i am concerned to the state department fully supported us nation building in afghanistan while knowing that attacks on u.s. troops were not an insurgency but a proxy war mounted by pakistan it took years longer than should have been
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necessary to secure a russian supply route to afghanistan that avoided pakistan state supported what it knew was a fundamentally flawed u.s. war plan in afghanistan and it did so because the nation building approach meant a greater role for the state department in the afghan war and advance a bigger congressionally mandated budget robert greenwald you're just back from pakistan on the assessment of hillary clinton in the region well i think that unfortunately hillary clinton has been a voice. so the harks for the escalation of the war in afghanistan it's a constant whole policy and belief on her part that doesn't seem to have changed it . all which is that no matter what the problem is there's a military solution well that's fundamentally wrong wrong and vietnam we've seen are growing in afghanistan we will see it wrong in pakistan but war obsession so she says writes hillary clinton one of america's all time worst secretaries well i
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would rank her pretty near the bottom of she's one of the worst there was genuine goodwill from russia's side when hillary came with a reset button well she let nato transit supplies to afghanistan and other major concessions then clinton weave through the olfa and changed tack. the academy of sciences how did leaders in most go interpret her change of mind they doubted states need to have an enemy it's a great way to express to the public opinion why the white people have to invest heavily into building new u.n. tbilisi. in children elevating them in a chain does she'll call bricks and walls all over the low as the top diplomat she's killed in the diplomatic cringe colleagues between stage qualities in africa she insults to strategic world partners at the same time and called china's trade with africa colonialist for those remembering fincher is of african slavery and the knicks ation by whites that's one insult to fall china's intention is different to
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that of europe which to date continues to attempt to influence african countries for its sole benefit. if i call for lawyer hillary clinton's a monster a vicious insinuation here she deliberately storks a voile muslim smear you said you take senator obama at his word that is not a logic you don't believe that is small and well operated on as you know right now there is nothing to base that on the summary remember awaits winds of sixty first president's wife to be subpoenaed moral behavior people surfacing she began talking of like plantation and after she lost a huge leap to obama of the presidential from on this assassination by the end she was so reckless mrs clinton was being booed even by the democrats you should always say everything you're saying if you're running for president so plentiful i'd have another speech saying at the polls in states she's bright enough animals to fly her
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to the moon second only to come to liza royce in new york times knows is fit and young go and the ego trips as they've been dubbed a wearing else her health. ballance. and her memory my group when you queried her sending u.s. soldiers into the wrong she gave of this strange chuckle any chance to respond i'm off to get duffy's moved up ahead. of i'm going to do with your visit. and even a strange smirk on ambassador stevens is highly recommend as he appropriate approach give us an insight into how mind i think it's i think it's nervous i think it's a nervous reaction to the ignorance that i my sense of it is she didn't even remember the vote and didn't know what i was talking about so therefore she didn't
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respond and absolutely cackle so let's get this straight she wants us soldiers in iran continue u.s. deaths in afghanistan syria and libya i'm doing wrong she call remember voting for war and no one is even questioning how i don't think anybody will raise that issue is that she is putting her career ahead of american soldiers live to space surprise you danielle but believe me this is not unusual our press it is is also sold out to the military destro complex and wall street the american media is sold out you know what about the new administration chuck i don't personally cover sation. would not invade iran or confidence the israeli invasion of iran and i have heard that statement from him personally jafar eyed leading independent news site w n d how much does mrs clinton
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control the mainstream media hillary invented the control of the media way back when she. it was first lady during bill clinton's administration she said well the problem with the internet and the internet was just getting started back in those days is that there are no gatekeepers think about that there are no gatekeepers she was gatekeepers in the pre-flood of information so for the room news even she knows where to go or the russians have opened up an english language network i've seen it in a few countries and it's quite instructive this is the truth seeker. yes.
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