tv [untitled] January 25, 2013 8:00am-8:30am EST
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joins in with. pleasure to have you with us here on r.t. today. with your news from around the world. now hundreds of thousands of egyptians are expected to gather in cairo's iconic square. the beginning of the egyptian revolution however. instead they're holding rallies against the new government which the uprising helped to bring to power let's go to live to cairo now and speak to our. troops. joining us quickly on the program good to see you bella how big are the crowds. peaceful at the moment.
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at the moment said tens of thousands of people have flooded into egypt's tahrir square to maka the anniversary of the january twenty five seventy since however we have seen violent scenes already across our country to my right here just by some key government buildings like the cabinet building i caches continue between security forces and protesters and if you see in the last half an hour had reports of street battles happening in egypt second city alexandria between security forces and demonstrators now held two years off of the revolution two years after widespread protests in the square they finally get the islamists the government but apparently they're still not happy what is it truly those driving the people back out onto the streets. after any other two years ago people came to the streets of the right to put up with the injustice of the past about a crazy man here we are today i am people are back on the streets saying if the new
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changes since b.c.b. uprising if he doesn't even mean something like that before people have been going to me and we support population and now living under the poverty line if this isn't going to teach them is a point of contention here struck by mr meek a constituent assembly that is not representative of egypt or behind me it's a fine scene we're not going to retreat seems he will say he will not leave until president obama no see makes the changes they want. so this is not the last we're hearing of this true a correspondent there live in cairo thanks very much for that. a cia veteran and a man who oversaw the capture of al qaeda is third in command is facing nearly three years in jail during sentencing later today for leaking classified intelligence john kiriakou who was the first to blow the whistle on washington's torture program later revealing the name of an alleged torture at guantanamo bay he was convicted on a law which hasn't been used for twenty seven years earlier this week kiriakou
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explained why he was driven to speak out. i've never gained anything for what i've said publicly fact i've lost everything and i believe i was prosecuted not for what i did but for who i am a cia officer who said torture was wrong and ineffective and went against the grain i'm not naive i know that national security and intelligence and counterterrorism a very is a very tough arena i knew that there was a risk to what i was doing. but i also know that to be using another person and serializing human rights abuses under a legal paper is not the american way and it's not something that as americans we should be engaged in we are not a lowest common denominator country measuring what is right by what others do and the american way stands for something and that is not torture i never tortured anybody. but i'm heading to prison while the tortures of the lawyers are papered over it and the people who deceived and the man who destroyed the proof of the
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tapes will never face justice. while they are so few month sentence that's being talked about as part of a john kiriakou is plea deal but the judge could still refuse to settle that meaning that they could potentially be more jail time let's get details on this now and speak to ray mcgovern former cia officer now joining us here live on a pleasure to see you today sir the man we're talking about says he's being punished not for what he did but for who he is what are your thoughts here as well it's mostly for what he said. he's being punished out of range hypocrisy. look at the chronology here in two thousand and seven john kiriakou came out very loudly against torture as being not worthy of the united states and not efficient not a way to get information less than a year later two lawyers confirm that one's name would be obama and the others name
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was holder obama having become president eric holder another lawyer having become attorney general they shed order boarding is torture torture is illegal what happened well nothing happened to the torturers what is happening here is to the person who happened to agree with holder and obama and disagree with the previous president bush what did bush say well at his interview with matt lauer he said well you know i authorized i'm proud to have. authorized because the lawyer told me it was legal so i missed mcgovern are we talking about basically that it's the bearer of bad news that is used as a scapegoat here because ultimately as we all know post nine eleven security has been paramount for america i suppose some might argue can indeed afore afford to let former agents run loose with secrets. well the instructions were to get people to confess confess to i confessed to the existence of weapons of mass destruction
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in iraq jane fester the existence of operational ties between al qaeda and saddam hussein it was all a crock they had to make this stuff up and you can't get rid of liable information from torture but you know what torture works beautifully if you want unreliable information and so they kind rid of not only tires to not only weapons of mass destruction but ties between iraq and an al qaida and when we invaded you it is the u.k. and u.s. invaded iraq sixty nine percent of the people united states believed that they were a pretty operational ties between al qaeda and iraq and that saddam hussein had something to do with nine eleven it was a masterful propaganda performance on the part of the united states on the part of the u.k. now how did they do that well one of the ways was they tortured this one prisoner
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a levy sent it to egypt where his flight he confessed that he sent people from al qaeda up to say that it was shane's iraq to receive instruction in explosives all right right it's all right rather murky so i think there's been some people in the past that have said that invading iraq for nine eleven is like invading mexico for the bombing of cole harbor john kerry i go there the man we're talking about here he he essentially when he comes out with this information about waterboarding and so on and so forth i suppose i should ask you where is the line between whistle blowing and that of leaking sensitive information is certainly seems a bit blurry. well kiriakou did not leak any sensitive information george bush did it so did eric holder it showed it will bomber water boarding is torture torture is a violation of all manner of international agreements so here you act as crime was speaking with the notion that torture was illegal and here is the cutest i suppose
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of having it in a fight were leaked to the press a person who is involved in torture now that person's name was already in the press he lives in northern virginia where i live i'd like to knock on his door and say do you think it's fair for you to have supervised the torture program and john kiriakou who is against torture going to jail i'd really like to do that matter of fact i may do that when i get home i'm in london right now when this has all the makings of a hollywood movie or certainly a conversation that requires him more time that we have available for us he went on to apologize for that remy goven a former cia officer thanks so much a great pleasure to have you want to talk to. another counterterrorism effort by the u.s. is also one of the microscope the u.n. has launched an inquiry into the legality of using drones world wide investigation comes amid rising concern that the flurry of what's dubbed the anti terrorist strikes is done little to protect civilians moreover rights activists suggest in
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pakistan alone over a quarter of those killed by cia drone attacks are innocent bystanders. going to as this report. what we have going on is a group of top notch international law specialist spearheaded by the un special rapporteur on human rights and counterterrorism launching this investigation into the drone attacks carried out by the united states in recent years they're going to be looking into the drone strikes taking place over somalia yemen of get a stand pakistan and the actions of israel when it comes to the occupied territories the group plans to look into from twenty to thirty specific strikes one of the areas they're going to concentrate on are the so-called double tap strikes where rescuers for example people running to save victims of a drone strike were attacked by a follow up or are people going to funerals this is been something that's been a big concern lately with dozens of people dying in those incidents so this is what they're going to look into this is something that's going to last
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a while they will look into the numbers of casualties the identities of casualties and really the legal liabilities that might follow and this is something that we're not really expecting any kind of legal serious accusations to come out of but one of the things they're looking into is whether or not work crime is a term that can be used a very strong term so this is something that we're going to have to find out when this report finally reveals in the months to come well is what prompted this investigation is of course growing concerns that the increased attacks killing civilians and children on the ground this is something that's been a big concern for years this is something that's causing huge anti-american sentiment in places like yemen specifically where recently in the latest drone strike two children were killed and we saw a group of countries russia china and pakistan addressed the u.n. human rights council and saying look we need to investigate this further so this investigation is now being launched and it's also you know the numbers really speaking for themselves one hundred seventy eight children died just in yemen in
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recent years eight hundred ninety one civilian since the year two thousand and four just in pakistan so this is something that needs to be addressed and the goal of this particular investigation is exactly that. he's an associate you're going to reporting now the world's movers and shakers a secret solution to the global financial abyss that the dark horse economic forum and while millions of dollars are being spent making the glitzy ski resort comfortable when all that's coming your way just a little bit later this hour. but for now north korea is warning of war saying it all attacks south korea if its neighbor takes part in fresh u.n. sanctions the ultimatum marks a third day of fiery rhetoric in pyongyang previously vowing more nuclear and ballistic tests let's get more perspective on the latest bird with james corbett editor of a japan and based in news website joining us live here on r.t. good to see you today so a third day of rhetoric from all sides now is there anything more to it do you
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think than just the usual saber rattling north koreans are very good at doing that . they are indeed aren't they and it almost seems like it's working on a schedule now as you might be able to remember that it was about three years ago that there was a similar missile test that caused a similar round of panic and it was about three years before that that there was a similar test so it almost seems to be working to a schedule and one is tempted to throw up one's hands and say that this is just history repeating here we go again except for the fact that in this case we have china actually voting with un security council resolution twenty eighty seven that is imposing some new some more sanctions on north korea and condemning their satellite launch last month and this is potentially interesting because right now of course china is in its leadership transition so this potentially means that china might be coming around a little bit and it might be more amenable to some sort of action on north korea because we might remember back in two thousand and ten they tried to block the last u.n. security council resolution so this is really it doesn't seem to be as you say
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a possible possible changing of the tides there or perhaps even a regional shift with china changing its position on this against north korea china supporting as you say these u.n. sanctions against north korea but what are your thoughts though on this promise from pyongyang of more nuclear tests in the past you and i have spoken here about say you've referred to south southeast asia as a boiling pot do you think it can actually fit in an atomic firing range of the western wall will allow that to go through i'm probably not and once again pyongyang is an absolute wild card in this whole situation and it really is just an irrational actor in the whole scene there it's been years now of carrots and sticks and neither of them seem to have any effect there seems to be periods of relative quiet and then periods of panic and threats and violence threats of violence and so far that has failed to materialize into into very much on the korean peninsula but of course it's always possible that some sort of some incident could come out of
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this i don't think anyone even the north koreans really want to see that but i think it is a way. of keeping focus on the region and keeping people coming back to the table with north korea but i don't think north korea is ultimately going to be the the actor that will have to be involved for a solution to this i think this is going to have to involve china to some point because they are the ones that are keeping north korea on an economically action a lifeline right you know so china certainly could be one of the one of the big slightly less visible players in this big old argument that goes all back and forth for example between washington and pyongyang you talk about a carrot and stick whenever we've seen that over sanctions also over aid as well going to north korea for years and years and years i must say though it is this last year that most of north korea shenanigans have been written down to kim jong un's need to prove himself do you think in any way that could be the case it certainly can i can see this is a period where he's trying to establish his rule over over north korea and it could be that type of rhetoric and we even saw
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a bizarre move last month where i think pyongyang was attempting to float the idea that they were open to talks with south korea on the idea of reunification and now suddenly they're turning around and threatening nuclear violence so again it's just a complete wildcard but it's interesting to note that the president elect of south korea who has just recently voted and is now saying that she is still willing to go ahead with the idea of talks with pyongyang and is still willing to to continue with emergency aid to to north korea so again it looks like a lot of people are still willing to come to the table with north korea it's just a question of whether or not that will ever amount to anything to japan. and can. russian flight where i wasn't just the plane that was flying fists as well business . in the skies even threatening to kill the pilots and force an emergency landing details on that story after a break. to
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the. out of sight but still on our minds still exceeds the norm let's try to live smarter with smartphones you never know what some people are hiding and can't be sure to you prove to the molecular level learned that what the doctor ordered is often based on secrets under our skin let us shine the light on a kid in the world. of. the future coverage. couldn't take three. three. three. three. three. three brown video for your media project free media r t v dot com.
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it's a pleasure having you with us this is artie and moscow i'm real reese who showed up a sad plight of the global economy fueled by europe's long running debt woes are all of this is being poured over this year's financial forum with a flash ski resort of davos but frankly just how much money is being spent to organize a gathering which is filled on the side with swish parties and lavished on as well as we said the right person i should say. marty's business house is joining me live to clear this up here and that's across over the aussies capability right now katie good to see you are we talking about any results being made here or we just talking
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about some champagne brunches where they all cluck each other on the back and say job well done. yes it is pretty much the latter that she really just a lot of congratulations on being monsters of the universe really well most of right powerful people swarming around in that design to see set up pretty much telling the average citizen of the well that they need to rein in their spending well they themselves you know they've got some pain this gloomy kind of pace but it seems to me while the ironic at any rate relieved by senses of the evils ago e.c.v. president money i did ok. he's been essentially putting his fellow leaders on the back because he says the economic situation in europe is actually much better than a year ago which quite a listen right now we've got protests so going and grace pains unemployment as a historical high is of a backlash in germany britain's just posted dismal growth figures so you know that great is a reality and all of us talk about money and how much davos is going to cost we're
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talking one hundred eighty five million dollars that's going to be spent here the davos forum which to school i body along with boris johnson as a constellation of egos involved in all chairs of our today show and i know sometimes he can be quite outlasts but in this is such an eye what i think i agree with boris. well one hundred five hundred eighty five million dollars for the dark force forum in davos switzerland i must say that is such an expensive bottle of champagne and do you know it could you will see you soon here on the program for now the founder of the band fall sharing service mega upload is anything but desperate as he's showing his new business plans with us here at our we did ask him a prosecution by the u.s. is going to meddle in his future is a preview of the interview coming up at fifteen thirty g.m.t. or you can watch your right now on the web site. i'm a businessman i'm driven by the success of achieving something in the business
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world ok that's not a crime there's nothing wrong with that the government is quite exposed here because the went in was completely prosecutorial abuse and overreach and ignoring due process ignoring our rights spying on us illegal search warrants illegal restraining orders illegal spying and i mean the whole war picture when you look at it shows that this was an urgent mission done in a rush to take them down i want them to go and it was a political decision to do that. i'll hold an airplane's it's often a dangerous mix and so it proved for one high rolling russian businessman he hit the headlines after a booze fuelled brawl at thirty thousand feet r.t.
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if you're going to is going to joins us live here for this a tale of mild madness so it's good to see you today you know you go frankly we just can't send you anywhere without you getting in trouble can we. well you know every time something happens thankfully this is not about me this time actually this was an ordinary flight in the beginning to one of the most popular holiday destinations for many russians egypt so you can imagine passengers are sitting down in their seats visualizing themselves just being on the beach in a matter of hours of a bender a zen is suddenly interrupted by one of the passengers this guy he starts he had a little bit too much visit what what what what is going on here what happened this ecclesia started out when he started smoking in the laboratory he also was reported to attack one of the passengers so the staff tried calming down but instead he
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attacked one of the flight attendants there is going to while he's obviously using his hands there and he was threatening he was actually threatening threatening the whole plane saying how he's a deputy of the state how he's a former swat officer how he's a businessman all these things in just one he actually said that he could kill a person just with two fingers the flight attendant we have to give him credit for that and it's against the rules he didn't answer response to respond to his attacks so an actual flight didn't break out but while the man was threatening to kill everybody on the plane including the pilot and was seeing how he was going to land it personally himself onto the waters olds quite a disturbed passenger there he said so he said he was. the controls and the plane itself frankly i think i want to be on that plane with this guy's flying it i mean for goodness sake he's going absolutely bonkers there what is it that makes people
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go so bizarre up there in the skies or well it's hard to say it's hard to see could be different factors. poor upbringing or just the fear of flying in general but actually i do have to add that this guy when we landed the staff of the plane did pass him over to local police in egypt but he was actually traveling with his wife and his three year old daughter who he picked up and the police did detain him but let him go just in a matter of minutes without actually pressing any charges now russian police are waiting for this guy there actually enjoying the sun right now in egypt authorities are now waiting for him to come back since they do have this video evidence and well basically all the information from the witnesses including the person who shot this video but it really brings us to the question of how much alcohol should be served to passengers because this is hardly from hardly the only such incident there's the other one an actual flight on the plane when one of
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the one of the people was actually. almost suffocated in this fight here on this video it's quality isn't really good but actually it seems like half of the plane's passengers are involved in this brawl. sometimes the passengers do take the matter of. calming down these aggressive passengers in their own hands so there was this incident to go one. way when the that's how you do it that you do much that's the one hundred percent guarantee that the guy is going to is going to be quiet but it's not all bad this is an example of how fun going to happen on a plane this is a pillow fight on one of the. flights internet. flights we don't know if alcohol was involved in this but this is definitely far from the worst scenario which could happen well i suppose you've got to you know it's never too late for you to get
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your own private jet but i suppose i suppose where when you when you're crammed in there like sardines in a high pressure can i mean it doesn't take much booze to go over the top out of magic well i always try not to overdo it with alcohol but i mean some people do it from a set a standard of responsibility you go i mean i always always think that it's just about the person passes out if he's so afraid of flying and tried. going off many thanks indeed. all right well for now let's get back to the main hard news here islamists in northern mali have reportedly blown up a strategic bridge blocking easy access from the area to neighboring nigeria it's after france boosted its presence in north africa by deploying special forces to nigeria they are thought to be protecting you raney a mine is they're owned by a state company or the french sides in nigeria could become a target for african militants who have threatened revenge on pirates for the intervention in mali of both niger and mali a former french colony have natural resources the french energy sector is heavily
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dependent on blogger call shero told us that france is right to fear the regional repercussions of his actions. both son call and the groom son and an aide to start a group says been lots of suspense and coalitions and i think it's part of the not sure the dynamics of the politics and reason and i don't necessarily see the impact of the french intervention towards pushing them towards a political settlement because they might be able to control a certain part of the forces over there but they're definitely have unleashed on their forces that one hundred brigade gosh that's a gross west and i forgot the north south africa there was a certain. sort of presented an order does provide let's say for the last ten years which was able to contain the stain of intentions and amount to the bank stand to which things can go out of control but unfortunately that works that intervention
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in libya i think was very shortsighted and it was a push a mistake and wanted to have a wink and out and didn't even consider what was going to happen often was so i see this chain of events from under the title of the american consulate in benghazi to the hostage taking a nigerian on the further destabilize ation. are just a minute on the gizmos the gadgets on the gurus we're talking about technology update just around the bend. right wing t.v. host glenn beck is going to build his own utopia back plans to put together a massive social experiment building his own city which will be totally independent from the evil grasp of government and the outside world where residents will have to learn how to survive on their own make their own things and grow their own food
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the future city called independence usa will be based on libertarian principles with hints of iran flavor there will be no handouts and no help for the self-sufficiency minded residents but back may need some help himself because building the city could cost about two billion dollars the thing is that commentators about politics like glenn beck and you horse truly have a very easy job it is easy to point out what is wrong with society but it is another thing entirely to try to change it and i want to salute clint beck for actually doing something and putting his money where his ideological mouth is now why would i want to live in the i and rand paradise of independence usa under the rule of lord beck no no i wouldn't taking marching orders from a tiny portly man known for crying on camera doesn't suit me but if you're a hardcore libertarian here is your chance to make all of your dreams come true but that's just my opinion.
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