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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2013 8:30pm-9:00pm EST

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weekend i'm looking forward to the debate and for now have a great night in a great weekend we'll see you right back here on monday. download the official publication to yourself choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television just doesn't matter now with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere.
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hello and welcome to technology update despite our five senses not everything is quite what meets the eye this episode looks to shed some light on devices they give us a glimpse i was hiding just out of sight. remember the earth was the center of the universe until copernicus and galileo came along man's origins were unknown before darwin changed everything and the notion that there was something smaller than an atom was nearly unthinkable until ernest rutherford. even today the quest to gaze
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beneath the surface just goes on and on. recently we took a peek through the glass walls of school clothes hypercube. fifteen hundred clever ideas. project. project. going on. to show off the latest developments. of the country's. taken home one of the top competitors from.
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the. electronic nose. spectrometer. device can help police save lives help stem the flow. of drugs and other chemicals in the. equipment. such machinery out into the field.
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technology. evil doers. sniffer dogs have been used for this purpose for a long time now. they're great at explosive detection but they have one major disadvantage a dog is really only able to work a maximum of thirty minutes before a rest they can resume work only after six to eight hours. a dog isn't able to tell you. it's found it can only signal that something is there by raising a poor or giving some other sign but then it's up to the explosive. very often putting their own lives at risk to do so also every dog is different simply. contrast. exactly. according to the.
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charge in the. opposite direction. by knowing how. to pass a fixed distance. field spectrometers can identify what's in the air around. the. data base of known compounds the ones in the system so far have been selected for their usefulness in the field of both the programmers here and. can add to
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recognize. exist many of those have one significant drawback. traditionally these devices have relied on radioactive substances to ionize molecules we started off with that same principle in mind but then thought. compounds to something less harmful and eventually we decided to use the. charge for ionization purposes that is absolutely safe and is capable of detecting any kind of substance actually we didn't invent it we just made it really compact so now it's a portable device an added new functionality to operate is to use it effectively and the failed. so far these developers have delivered more than two hundred of their cattle. at the moment they're undergoing certification with russia's interior ministry if and when they get the all clear orders from the country's biggest security agencies could start rolling in drug runners and potential terrorists and
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the only thing we ought to worry about but in reality the most dangerous things might be hiding in the food and drinks to put in our own bodies so with that in mind we've come to this region institute to take a closer look at the molecular makeup of things not obvious to the naked eye. here at the institute of solid state physics scientists have developed a compact that we here at technology update hope would help us get to the bottom of some of the longest running popular soda brands have got to admit that i had delusions of unlocking secrets and discovering known reported ingredients to my apparently untrained mind. spectroscope developed here was the best way to get the answers that we were looking for. now in theory there's a wide array of potential methods of analysis each possessing its own benefits and shortcomings for example liquid. exceptionally precise. and
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expensive then there's mass spectrometry which also carries a pretty hefty price tag. infrared spectrum scopes can be less expensive but demand a complex sample prep work and mostly excludes gas samples then there are traditional chemical analyses applications of which are more limited and require extensive training in many cases though spectroscopy is the best just not for investigating dark colors so does. the school contains a coloring agent whose luminescence spectrum is too intense for us to observe any individual molecule vibrations that we would usually need to register in order to identify the composition of the substance in question in short the spectrum of the coloring agent makes it impossible to observe any spectra of the combinational scattering which would be otherwise visible. but just because our idea was less than successful doesn't mean that there inspector are five thirty two as it's called on the market can't perform
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a litany of other tests to help massage my wounded pride maksim here show that a soda free from dark colorings heals the results we were looking for the three main peaks correspond to water sugar and set your gas it is thank you. well this is the voice can be used for nonscientific purposes but he's for practical tasks as for example in the analysis of gemstones it's always interesting to know what impurities the gemstone has because they help us to find out more about the stone itself like to identify its origin. it sheaves this by creating and investigating what's called the roman scattering when a correctly tuned laser beam hits the molecules they become excited and begin to vibrate that scatters or refracts the laser light had a slightly altered wavelength the device is internal c.c.d. sensor measures the shift of the wavelength those alterations are then compared against the system's database of rom and shifts in terms of gyms it allows anyone operating the inspector five thirty two to tell if they're looking at
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a fake or something much more precious. one of the achievements we take pride in is the high spatial resolution of our devices. this becomes especially apparent when the device is attached to a microscope. with a resolution of around one micro meter you can obtain an individual ion spectrum every square my current of the surface. this enables us to present ourselves as a major player on the serious scientific research device market. one of our latest achievements is measuring graphing. only devices such as ours can identify a layer of graphing which is this thin as one atom grows on the substrate material . so. the inspector team manages all this by
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employing a thirty make a whopping laser that emits a five hundred thirty two nanometer wavelength the c.c.d. sensor is designed to work at room temperature and has been specially designed to suppress other physical processes like raleigh scattering that can interfere. that means the resulting analysis is just as accurate as anything else out there on the market and does it in a matter of seconds and it's automatic recognition software alerts us to what's right in front of our noses put a knowable without specialized equipment even at places as idyllic as moscow's patriarch's pond their hidden dangers all around and the first set of protecting yourself against them is knowing the potential risks. to the plane they're actually radioactive particles everywhere they come from the sun space and many naturally occurring objects to drive the point home discretion dosimeter developer showed elevated radioactivity from a simple statue we can measure the radiation right now background radiation is pretty low so ciro point zero eight but it will gradually go up. to ideal for that
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extremely compact personal dosimeter and you just saw was spurred on by the nuclear disaster in fukushima japan while the immediate threats to those in the vicinity were clear right away the experience has left many people concerned about extraordinary and every day radiation. looking for a way to give people more peace of mind this moscow based innovator got to work designing his own smartphone powered dosimeter the device can help people better understand the risks that simply aren't visible for example the paint used in this old compass still emits radioactive particles that are easily measurable but the right equipment. right now we already have a whole line of software products and devices for various smartphones. cell phones laptops books with varying levels of complexity on the market from
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simpler and less expensive models to more sophisticated versions. but of course the idea of checking radiation levels is far from a new one ever since people understood the risk of radioactivity there's been the trusty but often cumbersome a geiger counter to measure it the device is characteristic clicking sound has long let the user know if the plate of food in front of him or her is safe to eat each audible click is an incoming radioactive particle being ionized since its introduction models have become more portable and is simply taking that tradition into the future in the. next version of our meter. which we're calling conductor version. we're also working on a totally new generation of the device which will employ a grapheme based sensor. at the moment though those plans are just that plans on
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paper to make the technological leap the company needs new investments which could be coming in the very near future at the end of january the company expects to hear back from about a sizable grant that could give them the resources they need to move those next generation radiation detectors from paper to the production line. the companies anxious to get that going because according to certain estimations there dosimeters could be a major so. we can see fairly high demand across the world. especially in southeast asia and japan recently we ordered a marketing research report from a japanese company basically based on very calculations they believe that if these devices were launched on the japanese market today in the first month we would sell around forty to fifty thousand of them and over the course of a year sales would total some five hundred thousand. from that point
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the market would stabilize and show its true capacity. overall. the japanese market . ready to accept some three to six million devices per year. of well annual global demand. and again this is according to the marketing research report that would likely be around ten to fifteen million devices. and as a wise man once said knowing is half the battle. enables users to note on a unified map where they found increased levels of radiation that could then in theory be used to inform government agencies or interested citizens with a handful of accidents ingrained in our collective memories that information is of concern to people all over the globe presently there are some one hundred seventy five million living within seventy five kilometers of major nuclear reactors of course everyone's hoping for fully safe operations but now your own dosimeter is
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never more than an arm's length away. here's mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a dollar. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country music stars are you know what kind of my terrorist cells in your neighborhood all want to give us a to feature a sunday on limbaugh and the christian. kids usually. you know the corporate media distracts us from what you and i should care about because they're profit driven industry that sells us and facials to garbage he calls it breaking news i'm happy martin and we're going to break this that.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harmon welcome to the big picture. welcome back to technology update identifying external threats is one thing but no
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profession is more to gain by period beneath the surface than medicine with each new advances scientists are leveling the playing field. again seemingly unseeable. since we can really only observe the consequences or symptoms of most illnesses doctors have always had to rely on reading between the lines they can often only narrow in on our ailments by process of elimination on the back of many giant leaps forward in the past century now have a greater arsenal at their disposal. for example they can bombard our bodies with harmless ultrasonic waves showing the image in real time of their high frequency poses are good for monitoring pregnancies as well as blood flow in their radioactive isotopes which allow doctors to target specific organs often to check for cancer magnetic fields have also been mastered to keep an eye on soft tissues like the brain injured tendons but the granddaddy of them all is the x. ray which has been giving doctors
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a glimpse into our bones and lungs for more than one hundred years. to take they've discovered nearly by accident has highlighted how gaining new insight into what was previously out of reach a major david in the technique revolutionized many diagnosis process with oversize film images becoming a standard sight in hospitals everywhere but that's all in the past digital is the name of the game now armed with nearly instantaneous results doctors can see right away if they successfully snap the needed pic properly. apparat it make modern day technicians work almost as clicking a mouse. if we compare the latest x. ray equipment with previous models but of course the first big difference is the ability to refine an archive of the images digitally. additionally it's increased the quantity as well as the quality of diagnoses. and in russia.
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technology. recently they showed. they produced a range of high tech equipment all of it focused on getting past the barriers that nature's created. based in st petersburg the company is certainly no newcomer to the russian medical tech scene it was started in the late one nine hundred eighty s. by a team of engineers responsible for the first camera developed in the soviet union over the years and decades electron has slowly but surely improved and expanded the products it offers to the medical profession by the company's calculations it currently accounts for about twenty five percent of the markets in which it operates. at this point one of its main offerings is an entire set of x. ray machinery for doctors that need to get a peek on the inside accuracy in which clarity most important which requires electrons to take certain precautions. so obviously. these are
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a whole number of tests objects that allow us to evaluate farias image parameters like this one which shows us the resolution that is the smallest objects you can see in a human body for example this test object is a specially made lead plate and has pairs of lines a different intervals within the space of one millimeter judging by how many line pairs we see we can figure out what the smallest element we can x. ray in the human body is there are also these objects that have varying densities which we used to conduct contrast sensitivity checks and there exists a great variety of such tests. in addition to offering traditional simple static snapshots these are equipped with a linear x. ray technology that allows easier scanning of nobility impaired patients and also enables technicians to focus in on one spot in particular by moving the detector along with the x. ray tube linear x.
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rays minimize background image interference the next generation of technology that's been adopted the world over including a lot of russian hospitals the. use it as well is computed tomography it involves scanning the patient's body to produce some more graphic images or slices of specific areas of the body then these individual layers of put together and can be looked at from any number of angles and certain parameters can be measured these cross-sectional images are used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes so that the doctor can get a full picture of the patient's condition but getting that three d. computed toma graph or c.t. image isn't so easy the circular scan only captures an area about twenty five millimeters wide so if the dark needs to check on a large section of the body it can take dozens of spins around. the world over there are really only a handful of companies that are capable of producing a quick look like this given the complexity and cost to develop it it should be no
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great surprise that here electron has teamed up with philips. this is the first full cycle innovative partnership of its kind in russia and usually the russian side provided some fifteen percent of the components for the most part this included things like service aleutians and associated software but today a contribution has risen to thirty percent and we are in the process of increasing it to as much as fifty percent. in other words we're gradually replacing foreign components with russian made ones. to the most. in two thousand and twelve. more than five hundred of their kids to hospitals and clinics around the country additionally electronic exports its equipment to thirty various nations across the globe however these. aren't the only
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. investigators out there and some cases. is just what the doctor ordered which takes us to the physical institute in addition to the nuclear physicist peace laureate. researchers that received prizes in physics this institute just lose its historical importance stretching all the way back to the days of peter the great but at the moment the hottest topics hollowed halls is work on a revolutionary kind of magnetic resonance imaging machine. much like the computer . scanners. at the structures of. electromagnetic radiation exceptionally powerful magnets to redirect the hydrogen atoms in our bodies and eventually give a detailed account of the internal. what we do
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here is considered a priority for the limited physical institutes that is currently the biggest medical project being developed by the russian academy of sciences. actively supported by the ministry of industry and trade. provided a grant to stimulate and implement this project. was a table for the patient. but the real heart is. around the human. field that makes the hole in. the primary. which eliminates resistance as only. a liquid he. doesn't actually get. it just.
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such a construction has numerous advantages the first among them are economic for one thing by cutting pricey helium out of the equation or at least significantly reducing it these images are much cheaper to produce than operate in russia the liquefied gas costs around twenty five dollars per liter which adds seventy five to one hundred thousand dollars to the initial price what's more. anytime soon. making the more helium. then there's the fact that monitoring and maintaining several leaders of super cold liquid helium requires specially trained staff and separating the cooling unit from the complex set of coils are useful benefit this kind of m.r.i. machine is very small and highly compact you need as little as nine square metres of space to install it's one of the big m.r.i. can take up to forty. the hospitals and clinics this is important as it's difficult
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to totally reconfigure a launch area. the institute is currently about halfway to the finish line with these cutting edge. they've already finished. machines designed for skin like arms and legs with that feather in their cap. the team's effort has been focused on getting a full body. scanner ready for production. they should have completed in about two to three years' time. so hopefully the whole team is open your eyes to a world of possibilities once you start looking beyond what's there at first glance but that's all for this revealing edition of technology update we'll see you next time and enjoy the ride.
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news today violence is once again flared up the film these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are the day. her.


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