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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2013 8:00am-8:30am EST

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egypt where clashes continue to rage protesters against the government and. the french military machine. here's the european country. david cameron finally holding a referendum on breaking away. just
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in time for the weekly with the role received highlighting the week's top headlines now. in cairo. tear gas canisters are being thrown back and forth by police government protesters on the fourth consecutive day of street violence in egypt so far at least forty one people have been killed and the deadliest clashes shook the city of portside eed that's where crowds infuriated by the death sentences handed down over a football stadium riot to try to storm a prison his true with an update from the capital. here in the capital there are clashes raging between protesters and security forces on they call me on key areas near government buildings this is just a tear gas in the air here in downtown cairo rocks have also been exchanged security have upped their presence around the government buildings as the focus of
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the anger here the protesters is very much against morsi ministration they say that so the president is not going to just admit he can't run the country and he hasn't listened to their demands to the unrest here is still continuing it's very tense to put saeed as well as the situation in egypt really descends into a bit of a crisis president mahmoud morsi counseled his travel plans yesterday and met with his national defense council to discuss the deepening crisis across the country and one of the upshot of this meeting was that they may consider an emergency status we don't know the details of what that would actually mean but of course here in egypt they lived under most state of emergency for thirty years in a bark which led to protests being banned and censorship being legalized something people would really be very angry with and want to avoid to get to see if the situation continues on the streets of cairo imports i need and we see further deaths and they may resort to emergency status but here we don't actually know what's going on quite yet of course a lot of i'm going towards the president this started just at the end of last year
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when he pushed through what was very seen as an unpopular constitution drafted by an islamist dominated constituent assembly people also say that he has not made any of the changes that were called for during the joiners of the five i believe two years ago so he's really lost quite a lot of legitimacy on the streets at the moment we're seeing a very restive undivided egypt and i mean was gunfire has been reported at the funerals of some of those killed on saturday in port side of violence there has fled there again after people became enraged at the capital punishment verdict delivered to twenty one defendants accused of taking part in a stadium massacre last year gyptian schuman rights activist helmi says people won't be. why the government's questionable attempt at serving justice. to people of course. many of them think that. the people who were convicted were actually scapegoats for the actual criminals. who are supposed to be. like you know christians in the ministry of interior or in the military who are in power
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when the courts i think are happened and so many people think that that was that was an i just decision to. use twenty first people and and you've been made scapegoats for the other big person indeed to many faiths who should be in jail and should be convicted on the other side where the the ultrix and larry in their supporters here in cairo i think after you know after more than ten months protists thing and calling for a just sit and wait for the martyrs like the verdict was the beginning of the process of serving justice for their markets from all to larry and this is part of the the polarization that egypt is going through can squad some time now it feels like the the government is trying to you know like. this is the second and
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a great solution their chance to show people that they're actually doing something to get justice served but this is not a convincing for for many people. turn our attention now to mali where the french intervention force is continuing its advance helping the local unelected government beat back islamic militants several french are allies including britain and the us are also providing support for the military offensive the coalition and now finds itself fighting the same sort of people that helped to bring to power in libya as are his pony boy reports from paris. which you have a very. good piece you wanted freedom you want an economic progress france great britain europe will always stand by the libyan people of course. but a regional crisis probably wasn't what mr sarkozy anticipated when he was spearheading the military operation to topple moammar gadhafi although the former
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french president can't say that he hadn't been warned personally i play a significant role in establishing peace in those regions of africa should the situation in libya be unstable al qaeda will establish its rule bin laden will return and libya will be another afghanistan the terrorists will flood to europe cut to paris and almost two years later markets after his words could well be ringing in the years of need what i saw was the successor francois hollande having just sent troops to mali france's new leader could well be learning that every action has a reaction. secu so not only did the french intervention in libya not help the democratic process which is what they said they were after but if actively opened up the floodgates for weapons stockpiles and fighters to leave the country and go solve the border this is no more to mali where the recently deployed french military were reportedly stunned by the technologically advanced weapons that are
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in the hands of their adversaries nobody seems to think that perhaps organized groups come from somewhere other than mali it seems they came across the nearby libyan border libya is as i say central to all this problem because all the plot of weapons it's been produced by the collapse of the darfur region but also by the complete failure to establish any kind of real state you have essentially all talk rating in different parts of libya and you have across much of this hour a situation where people have arguments where very little civic sense so bribery and corruption order grabs is common place gadhafi was bitter opponent all right it was ahmed groups whatever his faults and they now have the ability to use the chaos in libya to provide a basis the first effects for immediate hostage crisis in algeria said to be in retaliation for the french offensive in mali has already claimed the lives of dozens of civilians taken captive i'm frightened of terrorism but this is always
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been a problem for france whether it's iraq or sarkozy. i'm french i was born here and live here my culture is french my origins are there and i was there is like another country telling me. you know we're scared of anything that threatens us. france's global allies are showing signs of being sucked into the mali conflict british prime minister david cameron has already acknowledged that battling radical insurgency in the region could take decades rather than months and all this so that france can remedy the knock on effects from its libyan intervention. r t paris. and in the meantime france has stepped up security measures at home fearing reprisal attacks from islamists who have vowed to avenge the mali intervention dozens of foreign hostages were killed when terrorists seized a gas plant in algeria last week
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a middle east expert tariq ali things further retribution strikes will likely be focused enough i don't think europe is under threat from any terrorist group but one mind already said that there was the phrase war against terrorism is a day to be united states will abandon the sort of ironic that the french imo taking it up the french intervention which is many people in the south a lot because they're completely desperate but if this intervention goes on it'll get worse and worse because these guys are going to fight back and then you will have probably small groups of people taking rangers resawing algeria and incidentally the role of the french played in algeria bice helping in encouraging the government to stop an election midway has also left an impact on that can increase and is no doubt it will be stabilized as well. ten minutes past the hour moscow time this is our duty of the outgoing u.s.
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secretary of state has admitted the arab spring revolts which washington supported only there to a rise of extremism and shattered security in the region clinton testified before lawmakers about last year's attack on the american consulate in libya which saw four u.s. diplomats killed she took responsibility for failures that led to the assault while stressing that washington should continue to exert its influence across the arab world and in the meantime u.s. senator john kerry is expected to take over from clinton but some analysts doubt a new face will end up overhauling u.s. foreign policy. but the clinton legacy is pretty much i think the legacy of american wars and a counterterrorism policy that has usurped the usual prerogatives of the state department what hillary clinton did which was more important than anything else during her four years as secretary of state was to be part of the coalition the
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phalanx if you will of pro-war people which really left to president obama no choice but to go along with the forty thousand troops that the military was demanding that mcchrystal is demanding for afghanistan john kerry will not be able to fundamentally change the course of u.s. foreign policy which is again set in motion a set in stone if you will because of the power that the cia and the military really wield over the direction of u.s. relations with so much of the of the world particularly the middle east and now increasingly in africa as well that there is very little chance that john kerry will challenge any of the fundamental directions of u.s. policy such as for example the drone war in pakistan. ordo still to come here and he may have held on to his job but he failed to convince his voters the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu clinched
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a majority in the country's parliament by only a narrow margin but now he's struggling to form a stable coalition. and the british prime minister's opponents get rather hot under the collar as david cameron pledges to hold a referendum on the country's possible e.u. exit though only if his party wins the next election a story just ahead. more
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news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are today. are over the top stories of today and of the week this is the weekly on the with me role reese who should live in moscow. the annual world economic forum in davos switzerland was certainly shaken up by a speech this week by british prime minister david cameron. farm reports the long
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anticipated address future relations with the e.u. has certainly ruffled a few feathers at home as well. british prime minister david cameron has threatened to redraw the map of europe his pledge to hold a referendum on whether the u.k. should remain in the e.u. if they can says win the next election in twenty fifteen basically he wants more powers returned from brussels to westminster and will try to renegotiate britain's terms of membership but he has warned that he is not successful then the u.k. would probably vote to head towards the exit i was his long awaited european speech indicted he plays many of the euro skeptics within his tory party there are many dieties u.k. business leaders for example say that even talking about an exit at this stage will create uncertainty and could scare away tension investors germany's chancellor angela merkel has said that perhaps a compromise is needed but other e.u. members are less sympathetic denmark says that the e.u.
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is not a self-service buffet where members can cherry pick the legislation that happens speaking said the e.u. would simply become a mess so while david cameron appears to solve any internal squabbles within his own party particularly appeasing those euro skeptics it also appears that he is driving a wedge between britain and other e.u. member states and the farmer for london. and the european parliament member and deputy leader of the u.k. independence party poll not all he says the province has once again just trying to delay solving the long standing issue. the point is that renegotiation is going to be nigh on impossible we've had. the president of the european council you've had a man well but also you've had a shawl tuesday president of the european parliament you've had the prime minister you the list can go on of all of these people who are saying that britain cannot cherry pick this is an attempt by cameron to kick this issue with the long grass
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we're talking about a referendum five years down the line and it's all dependent on whether he wins the next general election or not and we know that if you look at the polls today it's showing quite clearly that cameron will struggle to win the election so i do think that this is an attempt to kick it into the long grass and quite frankly this man has lived before and referendums he gave as a cast and out and say that we had a referendum on our membership of lisbon he went back on that referendum pledge so i don't think he can be trusted on this issue. or let's get into the antiwar dot they very quickly now some of the global headlines for you in brief starting with brazil where at least one hundred eighty people have been killed in a massive fire that flared up in a nightclub in the southern part of the country the tragedy took place after a band that was forming in the club started launching fireworks off stage however they set fire to the insulation of foam in the ceiling and there were about two thousand people inside at the time police and medics are still removing bodies from
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the scene which will say the final death toll could easily pass two hundred. thousands of rallied in washington calling for improvements to gun control nationwide among the participants the residents of newtown connecticut an elementary school massacre last month left twenty six dead and president obama has unveiled the most sweeping proposals for curbing gun violence in two decades including a ban on military style assault weapons and background checks for the presence of divided nation with about half of americans assisting it's their right to bear arms without restrictions. a roadside bomb has killed at least ten policemen in afghanistan in the southern province of kandahar detonated next to a police truck just as officers had finished a fusing get another explosive device is the third such attack in the past twenty four hours which in total have now claimed the lives of more than twenty people.
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israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu won the country's parliamentary election this week but he did suffer a serious setback the results gave his right wing likud party the narrowest of victories with just thirty one out of one hundred twenty seats now and yahoo will have to struggle to form a broad and stable coalition to govern israel that will be a challenge as other right wing and orthodox religious parties one half the seats in parliament however a broad based government might be more in tune with the obama administration's agenda holding off any israeli attack. and iran has nuclear facilities jamal abdi from the national iranian american council says brute force must give way to tough diplomacy. i don't see. a lot of interest in the white house right now to to push netanyahu on the issue of settlements and and on peace talks so i don't know that there's necessarily going to be the same friction points that sort of marked the beginning of obama's term and netanyahu his
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term last time i really see the only source of friction that you know might be pursued by both parties is this issue of iran and i think it's really it's a matter of will netanyahu sort of stand down and allow the u.s. approach which is involve sanctions but supposedly is going to also involve tough diplomacy at some point in time i think the wise move right now is to allow that to play out so that we can actually resolve this netanyahu is not going to have as easy a time to sort of go the international community into this position of sort of you know it's either netanyahu is way you know you're either the u.s. and europe do what israel wants or israel will take matters into its own hands you've seen sort of the isolation that's resulted from. palestinian push for statehood at the u.n. and you see you've seen how netanyahu support for mitt romney really backfired on him so i think that he has
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a lot less sort of political capital internationally. well the prospects of palestinian statehood will be another important issue for the israeli prime minister the peace deal is now deadlocked with netanyahu saying that more settled homes will be built in is. actor and director nimrod came rather well known for his prank videos and decided to take and rather an orthodox look at the israeli expansion. my name is no more than israeli citizen living here among. you one housing crisis at all time high the thing is there is another one in jerusalem but i can also live among our allies and i think i can get them much better deal with the wise over the. i will in my lead to me would like to see the flood to buy i'm here with some investors from england. we want to invest in this area because i'm hearing the property value might go up he's been told that one flat is one million shekels his father's flat in the building
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that this whole new area called zero eight and the one begins after those heels despite a few haters in the us almost only political parties support the building and selling of charming flats on palestinian land the latest talks he won east of jerusalem hello i'm here to show a new client wants to buy property in this area is a big you want investor understand it's the only building currently built but if i can show him more. hills mall outposts. and no one except. two state solution who cares as long as the properties cheap is a jew man living i want to cash in on my jewishness and like be in touch with my roots. so it's all jewish yeah yeah any non jewish parts because.
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not. many people say he is not being constructive in the peace process but look how many settlements it constructed and helping. to build a new settlement. this is the future of israel i believe and i'm afraid that if i buy the house and i get a document saying it's mine some day palestinians can scum and say no it's not yours because i keep listening to that in the. you see. there's a chess frame too there's just one thing and. it's funny how those small actions had like international meaning. the moving of stones like monumentally. it's like messing with international law. is the most disputed area you never notice it just because people told us. but he says it is like a good place to build
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a new flat you think they'll be like because my friends want to be like to buy something before we even construct and i was coming up and. it says this is the fail stone being set for the new god willing of the one facing the holy capital of his i pay so much money for rent in london in the one in london and here. and in the big city thing is cheaper and more comfortable it all starts here so beautiful all of us is ours. you can look down and palestinians this is the new area being built up as if you want i just call this real estate it's called how dol three they said all the flats in this part of town and they say no it's a city sort of settlement and it will never be evacuated today selling more and more. of the city and all the bills are you should be jewish label. should.
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mean. i want to see an. agent to get to the all the legalities. of. you selling your house spain the chance that. i had like my house. well we did get a chance to catch up with the film's director that of
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a nimrod came he says if you want to live cheap uneasy in israel the disputed west bank areas and the place for you nobody really goes in get mindset of the settlers the religious ones and the not only just want to just come there for the deal and i mean they don't even think about politics for them it's just buying and selling and like they told me that if someone is going to a victim which they don't believe but if it was going to happen they're going to even make more money because the government would pay them compensation for them because if you buy flood over there you get huge discounts if you've got many kids even more discounts you don't even have to be religious easily states like actually de facto build another one for a state which is the settler jewish only west bank cities and if you just go there and you buy a flat you can sell it to they could reach jewish americans some of the people i talked to never going to i mean give up their house bill from like bin ninety is the heavily air like into the settlement of the entire west bank and they even told
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me that like jordan is also the kind of part of the jewish state just call and like the other ones are just like normally just people who used to live in these early election is all about social justice kind of the whole. the whole like housing prices so pretty much if you want to live cheap in this world that's the only option. but i certainly hope you can stay with us here on out see in just a minute or so we've got a special report as we investigate the deadly h.i.v. virus plaguing the african-american population in the united states this is not.
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wealthy british style it's not on. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my next concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report.
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many in the black community have long memories and today have a clear distrust for government run health agencies part of what drives it and you know community too is a historical perspective of disenfranchisement just kiki is very very much aware and life in our communities. how many communities are we're talking about and this is a conspiracy the government wanted to kill soft maybe we still have people who still have that mindset people don't like to say. that a government would make an effort to destroy people but black people have had a history. of tusky syphilis experiment that was carried on by the federal government for thirty years one thousand nine hundred to one thousand nine hundred seventy two and people said at that time this is
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a way to get rid of the black population so that's horrible to have to think about . and that kind of planning but we have an entire museum in washington d.c. called the holocaust memorial museum which ag maintain is the most important museum in the united states that everybody should go to that museum because it's not just about that death. six million people. it's about a government of intelligent people deciding to get rid of a population. they thought was a contaminant. to see adolf hitler use the term tear image in german animal people subfield. as he spoke about the so much interviewer through rich.


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