tv [untitled] January 27, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EST
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egypt's president mohamed morsi imposes emergency law in three cities which have seen deadly rioting in recent days. the french military machine rolls over islamic militants in mali amid fears the country could it be seeking to recolonize its former territory. and britain's prime minister david cameron finally commits to holding a referendum on breaking away from the e.u. sparking a new wave of criticism both at home and abroad. broadcasting
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live from our studios in moscow recapping week's top stories this is r.t. with the week. as violent unrest rages on in egypt president mohamed morsi has declared a state of emergency in the cities of port saïd suez and israeli are going to the days of former leader hosni mubarak that's after a massive march and portside a u. turn bloody leaving four people dead and hundreds injured correspondent bill true is in cairo where she's come under clouds of tear gas amid mass protests in a televised press statement from president mohamed morsi so if he's we decided to take us in the eye here is a cautious continue in cairo. president wanted most he declared a state of emergency for thirty days according to the constitution with that means is that it basically protests will be security forces who have the right to arrest. protesters without charge i mean in addition censorship may be legalized across the street from these three cities the misfeature president mohammed morsi
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also said that because you course these cities after nine pm and six am and he also called for dialogue with the opposition things that just escalated to a great extent here in cairo and the clashes continue between anti government protesters and security forces who were firing an excessive amount take us to the point where even at this right it's almost impossible to breathe but i've just seen people running costs past me many are unconscious people carrying are injured protesters back into the square it's a safety of course that continues to be violence across the country in serious for example where the army has been deployed as one is the continued bloody scenes in port science which have seen dozens killed and hundreds injured leaving many to question you know how this is going to end with a state of emergency in place this will also mean to be a lot of arrests and possible unrest between security full forces and protesters in the next few days. bill true in cairo for our team now. journalist and
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a middle east expert says the people of egypt have grown increasingly disillusioned with the politics of the muslim muslim brotherhood. we want you for them to be a good chance. at the last resort or for most of the people who are out in the streets to the people in egypt now to realize that. religion and politics should not be mixed clearly and some. would use islam and religion to get the support of the people and once the are in the would in a very very differently from what the have been promising us bark to one of the reasons of their anger you are seeing to the industry to egypt and americans want some risk ability to insure and secure their interests in egypt but now the leader
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of the united states nor morsi himself much say and what's happening today the people of egypt who are back in the street. or the regime elsewhere in africa the french intervention force is continuing its advance in mali helping of the local unelected government to beat back islamic militants several french allies including britain and the u.s. are also providing support for the military offensive but some experts warn the campaign most of to recolonize the african country as me if notion of reports from pears. the french have died had known today a military operation in mali but the discussion is still ongoing as to exactly why the western nation has put boots on african soil again costing money and people's lives. official rhetoric remains in line with the mantra of the war on terrorism but some statements suggest another layer of france's defense minister has declared
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total reconquest of mali is the main goal with the president echoing french troops twenty five hundred so far who remain in the region for as long as necessary they're attempting to militarize huge sections of africa so that they will to monopolize access to the city to the resources that are there with english to become specifically i mean relations do it to states i know we seeing it problems in other parts of the european union through european union troops actually being used i mean some of the money conflict as well which has been relatively rare in the past the gold and especially the iranian deposits make the country very attractive nearly eighty percent of all france's energy generated by almost sixty nuclear power plants is dependent on african reigning in. french companies must go on the offensive and fight the growing influence of rival china for stake in africa's increasingly competitive markets all this is neocolonialism but with
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a simpler role france is far from the only nation to have and defended its interests in africa the french have intervened around fifty times in africa in the last fifty years since official decolonization protectin regimes from rebels likened to booty to central african republic or fighting regimes like in libya france is always driven by its own economic or geopolitical interests this time is no different i like to call the colonize asian wasn't actually over apart from economic there is also strategic importance this part of africa opens routes to the red sea and the middle east britain and france have for centuries fought over it before it's like a remake but with many others involved but that doesn't mean the round mutual interests here. if you ask people in mali you'd be surprised they were waiting for somebody to save them because their army is not equipped to train to oppose these militants but it was necessary to intervene in mali people see this operation as
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a liberation they hardly wanted to live under islamicists mess they had that is a philosopher in the former to metion embassador to unesco his view on the positive impact for the people of mali is that it is actually a colonial throwback. it's ok if you want to come you resources put then it's logical that locals profit as well those riches go to improve their lives after but that's not the case this way is wild a kind of slavery mali him on the richest international resources in africa yet remains one of the poorest nations in the world for many years there's been in paris was the headquarters of the country's ministry of colonies the body which administered french territories overseas today that ministry no longer exists and former. french colonies are independent but someone got along no ideas i would just quote of history and history may be repeating. now team from paris.
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france has stepped up security measures at home fearing reprisals attacks from islamists who have vowed to avenge the mali intervention dozens of foreign hostages were killed when terrorists seize a gas plant in algeria last week middle east experts to wreak ali thanks for the retribution strikes are likely to be carried out in africa. i don't think europe is under threat from any terrorist group obama had already said that the phrase war against terrorism is a dated and the united states will abandon it and sort of ironic that the french are now taking it up the french intervention which is many people in the south applaud because they're completely desperate but if this intervention goes on it'll get worse and worse because these guys are going to fight back and then you will have probably small groups of people taking revenge as we saw in algeria and incidentally the role of the french played in algeria bice helping in encouraging
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the government to stop an election made way has also left an impact on that concrete so there's no doubt it will be stabilized and as well. the outgoing u.s. secretary of state has admitted that the arab spring revolts which washington primarily backed lead to a rise of extremism and have shattered security in the region hillary clinton testified before lawmakers about last year's attack on the american consulate in libya which saw four u.s. diplomats killed she took responsibility for failures that led to the assault while stressing that washington should continue to exert its influence across the arab world u.s. senator john kerry is expected to take over from clinton but some analysts doubt a new face will overhaul u.s. foreign policy. or the clinton legacy is pretty much i think the legacy of american wars and a counterterrorism policy that has usurped the usual prerogatives of the state department what hillary clinton did which was more important than anything else
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during her four years as secretary of state was to be part of the coalition for failing to if you will of pro-war people which really left to president obama no choice but to go along with the forty thousand troops that the military was demanding it. mcchrystal is demanding for afghanistan john kerry will not be able to fundamentally change the course of u.s. foreign policy which is again set in motion a set in stone if you will because of the power that the cia and the military really wield over the direction of u.s. relations with so much of the of the world particularly the middle east and now increasingly in africa as well that there is very little chance that john kerry will challenge any of the fundamental directions of u.s. policy such as for example the drone war in pakistan. coming up here on our t.v.
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he may have hung on to his job but he failed to convince the his voters. israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu clinched a majority in the country's a parliament by a narrow margin and is now struggling to form a stable coalition died after a short break. there are twelve cities in the united states in which half of the people with hiv aids lives with. this is a problem that. is substantially preventable it was like the big elephant in the room and nobody wanted to talk about they were really good public health campaigns people were really focused on this problem you certainly should be able to have a lot less h.v. a lot less human suffering.
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you're on a plane a train or automobile this is r t we're glad that you're with us now prime minister dmitri medvedev has criticized washington's move to sanction a number of russian officials for alleged crimes which no court has found them guilty of speaking to c.n.n. of the russian premier said the magnitsky bill passed on capitol hill falls outside
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of international law and only aggravates relations between russia and the us. i mean. each country has the right to deny any country's citizen an entry visa to his territory this is something normal but it's something that corresponds with international conventions without having to explain the reasons for it i mean the united states could and still can prohibit any russian officials entrance to america the same way they can examine their accounts or whatever else they have in america this is exactly what russia can do as well but when it becomes a public campaign with congress saying it will draw up a list of individuals who have been involved in a crime what do you think it is if not an extra judicial execution that convicts these individuals without any trial or prosecution but each of them. dmitri medvedev also spoke out on the twenty two month syrian crisis which shows no signs of abating moscow has stressed it does not support any side in the conflict while
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maintaining that foreign intervention should be completely ruled out but the premier did say time is not on president assad side. you know i think there are fewer chances for him to stay on with every new day every week and every month but let me repeat it is up to the syrian people to make a decision not up to russia the united states or any other state now the main task is to launch a national reconciliation process we should think about the future for instance if the opposition which by the way has been formed outside of syria comes to power what is it going to do with its members will exterminate representatives of other islamic movements and other confessional they are already doing this and that's why there are two options either it will be a process of national reconciliation held under the control of the international community or an endless civil war and there is no in-between. and you can
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get more of dimitri medvedev interview on our team dot com. and also there online for you in search of a better life one jobless frenchman of mockingly offers himself for sale on the amazon web site log on to find out if the plan paid off dividends. plus prosecutors in romania seem to be hitting a dead end as they set free another group of suspects from an october aren't theft at the rotterdam museum the full story on our website are two dot com.
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promises made at the world economic forum but no clear solutions offered. double's twenty thirty is. the world's most influential policymakers pack up their design a suit and head home at least me hair admiring the beauty of the swiss alps as you can see but also trying to look beyond them to walk out what exactly was achieved well first we had russian prime minister dmitri medvedev he spoke about the need to diversify the economy away from oil and crack on with structural reforms but you know we've heard that before that was something. we also had british leader david cameron he came here he had some tough words to say for tax avoiders but really the only topic people wanted to press him on here was the fact that he will be calling an e.u. referendum for the british public in twenty seven tabling business community here they felt that that was a gram of cheer and now this man and that it would do the economy no good already
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challenged and in a fragile situation with dismal growth figures just released europe was of course in the spotlight as predicted we had a european central bank president mario draghi he said the spending cuts are necessary austerity is the way forward and german chancellor angela merkel she agreed with him she reiterated that point and this really comes the same way that we've had process ongoing in greece we've had a backlash in germany as well as pains unemployment for the youth coming out at sixty percent we also have the prayers from the arab world they came together valiant to improve the future for the people in the region but no clear strategy on on how to do that so you know i can tell you there's been a lot of talking a lot of pledging a lot of promise saying but no clear cut poll that says by have a real fairing but the interesting conversations happened behind closed doors.
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r.t. doubles. now the annual world economic forum but was certainly shaken up by a speech this week by the british prime minister david cameron as artie's andrew farmer reports the long anticipated address on the ukase future relations with the e.u. has ruffled a few feathers at home as well british prime minister david cameron has threatened to redraw the map of europe his pledge to hold a referendum on whether the u.k. should remain in the e.u. if they can do is win the next election in twenty fifteen basically he wants more pounds return from brussels to westminster and will try to renegotiate britain's terms of membership but he has warned that he is not successful then the u.k. would probably buy to head towards the exit i was his long awaited european speech and dines at the place many of the euro skeptics within his tory party there are many dieties u.k. business leaders for example say that even talking about an exit at this stage will
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create uncertainty and could scare away tension investors germany's chancellor angela merkel has said that perhaps a compromise is needed but other e.u. members are less sympathetic than mark says the e.u. is not a self-service where members can cherry pick the legislation that happens speaking to said the e.u. would simply become a mess so while david cameron appears to solve any internal squabbles with the party to take a place in the euro skeptics it also pays that he's driving a wedge between britain and other e.u. member states under a farmer. london. european parliament member and a deputy leader of the u.k. independence party paul not all says that the prime minister is once again trying to delay solving the long standing issue. the point is that renegotiation is going to be nigh on impossible we've had. the presence of the european council you've had georgia a man well but also you've had a shawl to use the president of the european parliament you've had the dutch prime
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minister you the list can go on of all of these people who are saying that britain cannot cherry pick this is an attempt by cameron to kick this issue with the long grass we're talking about a referendum five years down the line and it's all dependent on whether he wins the next general election or not and we know that if you look at the polls today it's showing quite clearly that camera will struggle to win the election so i do think that this is an attempt to kick into the long grass and quite frankly this man has lied before and referendums he gave as a cast doubt and say that we were at a friend's and members. of lisbon he went back on that referendum pledge so i don't think he can be trusted on this issue. to some other international news in brief for for you a deadly nightclub fire has now claimed at least two hundred thirty three lives in santa maria brazil witnesses say a firework lit by the band performing caused the blaze the flames swept through the
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crowded venue in a flash filling the air with toxic smoke many victims reportedly choked on deadly fumes or were crushed as panicking party goers stampeded to the exit some witnesses claim that security guards attempted to keep the only exit of the club shot until they were overpowered the brazilian president has called for three days of mourning for the victims of the tragedy. over one hundred thousand people took to the streets in paris in support of a bill allowing gay marriage and adoption by same sex couples demonstrators waved at banners proclaiming equality is not a threat the draft law marriage for everyone has been high on president and president francois hollande agenda ever since his election issue has bitterly divided the nation and anti-gay march earlier this month together twice the amount of people then attending today's rally. a bus fell into a ravine in eastern portugal killing eleven people and injuring thirty two more some of the passengers were trapped inside the vehicle and had to be cut loose the
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bus was reportedly on around to a tourist location when the incident occurred the official reason of the crash is yet to be determined though it was raining heavily at the time of the tragedy. a roadside bomb has killed at least eight policemen and wounded several more in the southern afghan providence province of kandahar a group of police officers drove out to inspect an explosive package found in a residential neighborhood their truck hit another buried bomb on the way back it is the fourth such attack in the past two days which in total have claimed the lives of at least twenty four people. barack obama has been sworn into office this week officially beginning his second term as the u.s. president during his inauguration speech on capitol hill he once again pledged to promote world peace by supporting democracy but many still wonder if he will be any better at keeping his promises the second time around. he's escalated the wars in afghanistan he's escalated the drone attacks around the world so i'm certainly
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skeptical possibly now that he's in his second term he will stop and think about things but from what i've seen there's been no real activity towards drawing down our military you know as an american i have trouble keeping track of where our troops are these days where we're intervening and so for me to try and predict where it's happening not to mention that there are secret operations going on around the world. do we have our troops in over one hundred countries and we intervene in the election processes in other places so there's not really any real. activity to do things other than militarily i'm actually worried that other countries you know they see how we do things and they may. go you know go towards the opposite of freedom the opposite of democracy. israeli
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prime minister benyamin netanyahu won the country's parliamentary election this week but suffered a serious setback the results gave his right wing likud new block the narrowest of victories with just thirty one out of one hundred twenty seats now netanyahu will have to struggle to form a broad and stable coalition to govern israel that could be a challenge as other right wing and orthodox religious parties won half the seats in parliament and lists predict the focus for netanyahu will be bread and butter issues facing his game not foreign policy columnist for israel's ha'aretz newspaper gideon levy says the controversy over iran's nuclear program is unlikely to give him enough support. to tell you always very devoted to this issue and he believes almost in a religious way that he's here to say the state of israel in the jewish people from the danger of iranian bomb but he would have been. more difficult this time
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because at least on this topic he would find fewer partners who would support it because i think that this kind of adventure without the minister of defense and barak will support the then we'll look at most probably in the coming government the ten yo we find himself more easily to barack obama second. no doubt that he will not let this happen but you know it does not react all raising very racial terms so i wouldn't exclude the because that i was so devoted about it but sure the chances are much smaller now both because the new government the mystically and the old new president in the white house and after the break our t. takes an in-depth look at the impact of a child v aids on the african american community.
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rep or loopy fiasco actually caused a fiasco by singing a song highly critical of president obama ironically at a concert in honor of his second inauguration according to the huffington post he was thrown off stage by security for insulting the dear leader the sounds really bad like something out of one thousand nine hundred four were thugs come out of nowhere the second you say something out of line about the party. to the song loop it was sunny had been going on for thirty minutes at that point this rant was more like a hip hop filibuster stopping the whole show and dragging on and on and on the so i think security just wanted to silence him in general not silence his anti obama
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opinions so you know loopy next time when you want to bring up obama's drone usage or total disregard for the constitution then keep it under three minutes and everything will be just fine but that's just my opinion. warmly. oh. that's the start of this strange new disease affecting healthy young americans looks like this a period between the first outbreak of aids summer nine hundred eighty one and
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ninety five not only were people coming down was aids and dying and so forth but nobody knew who had it or who didn't now more than thirty years since its arrival the face of aids looks like this but the social stigma of this disease lingers persons get educated but in the back of their mind h.i.v. may still be a little dirty secret the biggest part of this little secret is its growth across black america has gotten a hold in the african-american community it's it's it's it's right here and that's spreading out that way right in the african-american community a collective silence has enabled it to spread across gender and sexual orientation african-americans tend to have sex with african-americans it's black men and black men usually it's black men and black women usually.
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