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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2013 3:00am-3:30am EST

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in seeing from the streets of canada. joint operations room. demonstrators across egypt ignore president morsi as curfew after he implements a state of emergency in areas affected by fail riots. medical workers in bahrain claim they are constantly targeted by the authorities for treating protesters in a kingdom brive with anti-government sentiment. seized russian lawyer sergei magnitsky will be tried posthumously on tax evasion charges his death and attention sell more than three years ago strained relations between moscow and washington.
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watching r.t. coming to live from moscow i'm marina josh and welcome to the program protesters in egypt are out of the streets again despite a curfew imposed by president mohamed morsi as part of a state of emergency measures followed deadly demonstrations against the government and unrest following the handing down of death sentences to some participants of last year's football riots local reporter bill truman has the latest from the capital. president obama issued the state of emergency yesterday in three cities. it's been a they've seen the worst violence in the last three days he will say and carries a curfew between nine pm and six am to have already been called for protests to break this curfew starting at eight pm tonight they say in defiance of the president what this will mean on the ground is likely to be several street battles between security forces and protesters as they remain on the streets also according to egyptian emergency law security forces are now able to wrest citizens and detain
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them for up to thirty days without charges too like he did see a wave of arrests across those three cities as people of violent because he and clashed with police but the violence continues here in the capital as well security forces are firing tear gas at government protests as they have been all night in quite dramatic scenes takeouts is taking over the whole of downtime cairo leaving many to question whether the president may actually results to carry a curfew here in the capital as some have welcomed the move by the president to impose this state of emergency as he had been criticized for sitting on the fence how the opposition coalition the national salvation front is to maintain a stance against the president they are demanding that the cabinet resign the constitution be revoked and the national salvation government take over so it's unlikely that they will actually have dialogue with the president this point there's also protests planned today across the country in particular in the capital
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against the president who they see as illegitimate this is also marking the second anniversary of january twenty eighth one of the bloodiest days of the eighteenth they are praising. the protesters take to create for the first time really in this growing crisis is going to be a lot of pressure on the president to make this these dialogues work with the opposition and sort of the crisis across the country to report there so president morsi is looking for an answer to the violence and has asked the opposition to sit down for peace talks but political activists some flaws he says the muslim brotherhood led government will look to maintain the status quo unless factions from the entire political spectrum put pressure on them. alyse fear that people in the street. it challenges them a challenge that all thirty particularly in terms of going to situational amendment we are hearing all the time. in the muslim brotherhood i want to change the
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constitution and cesar's a constitution is a pistol over the globe. saw i think the more people exercise placed on them the more reactive positively under try to accommodate all political trends and all political factions within. political system i'm afraid that the muslim brotherhood would like to manipulate the state operators force of sake people speaking about this issue and we have to build a new democratic system build on. neutral state apparatus in egypt rather than a state operator serving one political party. or you are still in that period where bahrain the said by violent anti-government protests those in the medical field seem to be increasingly targeted by the authorities doctors say they're suffering severe riverview sion for treating injured protesters with the government investigating some of those allegations and let's hear saskia looks now at whether
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those helping others in the kingdom are the ones at risk not to dive was among a group of doctors who were trying to help the injured during a protest in bahrain she claims that after violently crushing the dissent the or turned their attention to her and her colleagues who were providing first aid they denied. health care to the patients and protesters. the doctors did not obey the orders for such. decided to punish those doctors i was taking place for ten days that i didn't know where it was. all that time i was blindfolded and handcuffed i was in a solitary confinement for back to twenty one days. and they would just open the door of the cell and beat me up. there was a member of the royal family who directly was responsible of my thought she she was
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beating me and she electrocuted me almost two dozen doctors were arrested back then this for the fuel the anger of the protesters and turned the hospitals grounds into the scene of another rally the sound money hospital is bahrain's leading medical institution and that's where most of the arrests have been made after those events it now looks like a fortress guarded heavily by the right police and not everybody can get in human rights activists say if you had suffered for speaking out against the regime and decided to come here for treatment you could make matters even worse for yourself anyone who was injured from the protests they cannot go to the hospital because they will be arrested beaten and taking to the jail last year many protester and in jail where torture insults and money are we have a story and the similar people and protest are being tortured and the jail but in my country protester were tortured and so. britain not
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a was charged with treason and sentenced to fifteen years in prison before being acquitted because of what she believed to be international pressure on bahrain's government the fate of many other doctors remains unclear the person who allegedly tortured not and others princes. has been officially charged by police she denies all allegations against her meanwhile the guy. woman stands resumed that the action of the hospital was the right thing to do. these doctors managed to control the emergency unit in the first floor of the hospital and started to perform political acts when a hospital is turned into a base for political ethnic work this is a real disaster we had an unbiased committee investigating the hospital condemn the acts of these doctors as. the case against one of the members of the world family may seem as an indication the bahrain's government has to the negative global
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reaction with the doctor scandal being far from the only torture accusation c.c.t.v. cameras have been installed at all prisons in a move to become more transparent according to the authorities but with protests in the gulf states still continuing and accusations of human rights violations intensifying the opposition is still wondering what happens in the places where the cameras cannot see lets you see reporting from the kingdom of bahrain. also had for you this hour here in r t the us to fans its record in the middle east al going secretary of state hillary clinton gets praise from president obama who says washington played a leading role in regime change in egypt and libya but remains hesitant on syria. and a big achievement for a small business find out how a centuries old zelig shop in britain is surviving the current financial troubles our report on that is coming up after the break.
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oh. you know sometimes you see a story. it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear sees some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom hard luck comes the big picture. she good laboratory curbeam was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which on fortunately doesn't give
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a darn about anything to nj mission to teach creation why it should care about humans in the world this is why you should care what you only. welcome back you're watching our team and a posthumous trial would take place for the seized russian lawyer sergei magnitsky is charged with tax evasion investigation against him was closed after he died a brit trial the tension of amber two thousand and nine was later reopened the circumstances of his death sparked criticism in the us affecting relations between moscow and washington r.t. to corpus going off as the details. officially this is the first post most trial in russia's history but it seems this is not so much about city magnitsky anymore but about his former employer william browder who used to be the head of the year russian office of hermitage capital investment fund the prosecution believes that
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the fund was around twenty million dollars short give or take in its taxes and since most of these q was it account he was directly responsible for dealing with taxes that suspected that he submitted fake receipts while mr browder may have authorized that if he was detained then william browder managed to leave russia to the u.k. he's a british citizen and london has been refusing to actually buy him what monday's himself claimed that he had revealed a massive corruption seem involving senior russian officials but unfortunately he died in that pretrial detention center before and either him or the authorities could prove their claims also the circumstances of his death and officially he died from heart problems the investigation into that he did not reveal any violations from your stories while he was held in this pretrial detention center nevertheless
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in the west of human needs he is largely viewed specially in the states as the victim of various human rights violations and the so-called magnitsky act passed recently by i may be a lawmaker is it gives the green light to sanctioning a russian official suspected very in the us of being connected to the violations of human rights according to russia's prime minister dmitry needed of this not only a political politicized case but also this act of goes against all international laws and norms. but i want that each country has the right to deny any country's citizen an entry visa to his territory. this is something normal but it's something that corresponds with international conventions without having to explain the reasons for the united states could and still can bring hibiki any russian officials or entrance to america in the same way they can examine their accounts or
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whatever else they have in america this is exactly what russia can do as well but when it becomes a public campaign with congress saying it will draw up a list of individuals who have been involved in a crime what do you think it is if not an extra judicial execution of the convicts these individuals without any trial or prosecution but each so that no one talks about it so the magnitsky act only started in the u.s. moscow warns that we will view it as an unfriendly act and that will build we mass of response and russian lawmakers did pass a law a sort of the russian blacklist which also sanctions american citizens different categories of those connected to why lesions of human rights like connected to the go on to animal prison or to the violation of the rights of russian citizens and then fall that was of the general battle for all americans to adopt russian children due to the many cases of the violations of their rights
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sometimes of even that first by i mean it was viewed as part of russia's response to the london ski act but now. the prime minister has said again that although the general adoption was on the way an emotional week caused by them on the ski act defacto and legally these things are not connected well dimitri medvedev also spoke about the conflict in syria he says unless the country starts a reconciliatory process it will face and less civil war moscow remains neutral while maintaining that foreign intervention should be ruled out but the prime minister did say time is not on president assad side. i think there are fewer chances for him to stay with every new day every week and every month but let me repeat it is up to the syrian people to make a decision not up to russia the united states or any other state in iraq now the
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main task is to launch a national reconciliation process we should think about the future just for instance if the opposition which by the way you know it has been formed outside of syria comes to power which what is it going to do with its members will exterminate representatives of other islamic movements another confessional are already doing this that's why there are two options either it will be a protest of a national reconciliation and you held under the control of the international community or and civil war and there is no in-between well you can see the boy interview with prime minister dmitry medvedev on our website r.t. dot com. you know while u.s. president barack obama and secretary of state hillary clinton have the same of their foreign policy record in the middle east both appeared in the joint televised interview as america's top diplomat prepares to step down responding to critics who urged the sysfs of action in the region obama side of egypt and libya as examples
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of where are his administration played a leading role in aiding the regime change amid accusations of a u.s. retreat to the president's former leaving leader colonel gadhafi quote probably does not agree with that assessment of both obama and clinton admits the conflict in syria should be handled carefully with the president hasn't on whether intervention would help resolve the crisis journalist and anti-war activist don de bar says clinton's reign as secretary of state has been a failure. look at the condition of the world right now and know that hillary clinton has been active active for four years the really disheartening thing about the show which is what it was shown on sixty minutes exclusively in the states was they spent an awful lot of time trying to explain to people how these two former primary campaign two thousand and eight adversaries could work together for four years and barack obama saying if it wasn't for hillary clinton we wouldn't
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have achieved success in libya the fact that this country free which was bombed for eight months by nato by the u.s. and its allies with thousands of people dying many homes and the infrastructure that was built up in the last forty years being devastated in the form of the people shouldn't surprise anyone that clinton avoided the actual testimony in so everyone else that that's the vibe which is what any witness wants to do because then you can't be contradicted by any subsequent testimony and at this point in time she's leaving with glasses we were reminded several times that are consequence of the brain injury she suffered that didn't allow her to testify and now she's being you know patted on the back by obama forest success in libya that she still has an account for the failure of its pretties it's it's like washington teenagers . and r.t. dot com right now iran bans or oil exports to the u s despite
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a fag to blog already for bids any imports from tehran find out what's behind iran's tit for tat response war details on our website are also on line for you today holocaust remembrance day italy's prime minister silvio berlusconi causes an outbreak suggesting the country's former dictator muscling did well despite his anti-semitic loss find out more on r.t. dot com. it is easy to. you to.
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download the official all to publication she is so full choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your celebration of it well it just doesn't go so now with your mobile device so you can watch your t.v. anytime anywhere. now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world families in brazil are mourning the loved ones killed by a deadly nightclub fire at least two hundred thirty three people died in santa maria after a firework led by a band performing on stage caused a massive blaze the flame swept through the crowd a venue filling the air with smoke magic victims and for them to choke on deadly fumes or were crushed as panicking party goers stampeded to the exit some witnesses claim that security guards attempted to keep the only exit of the club shut until they were overpowered. french led forces in mali have secured the airport of
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timbuktu one of the major northern towns offered by by islam this fire is for the last year but they are yet to fully root out what they call al qaida linked militants from the area meanwhile the offensive is causing collateral damage claiming the lives of innocent civilians and two weeks ago french helicopter attacks and caught or killed at least twelve residents of a nearby village france has faced accusations that campaign is actually a return to its colonial past to secure a mali's natural resources. the former israeli prime minister has shown signs of brain activity after being in a coma for seven years the eighty four year old suffered a stroke in two thousand and six during recent scans his responses were heightened after being shown pictures of his family and hearing recordings of his son's however the responses don't indicate ron is likely to for recover and he remains in a deep coma. over one hundred thousand people flooded the streets
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of paris in support of the bill allowing gay marriage and adoption by same sex couples demonstrators wave barriers proclaiming equality is not a threat draft law dubbed marriage for everyone has been high on president francois lon's agenda ever since his election the issue has bitterly divided the nation the french government will start debating the bill on tuesday and it's predicted to easily pass the socialist dominated parliament. the search for survivors of sunday's russian fishing boat accident in the sea of japan is still ongoing with at least eight crew members confirmed dead the vessel named chance one of the one encountered severe inclement weather by didn't sanden s. a west signal prior to capsizing and there were thirty crewmembers on board including nineteen russians fifteen people have now been rescued emergency services are now looking for the seven people who remain missing is not known what caused the accident. despite recent forecasts the u.k.
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could be sliding into another recession but some small businesses are managing to weather the financial storms and it's selfless actions of some that are helping one local shop survive and its ongoing battle against supermarket giants boyko went along to meet the volunteers and find out more it's older than buckingham palace and tower bridge and its been a local store in the hosts of rural east england for three hundred and seventy year is visitors who stumble across the it's hearing a village shop in this remote region of norfolk say that it's like an oasis in the middle of the desert. it was faced with going out of business and till twenty five villages stepped in raise five thousand pounds to keep it open and offered to walk there for free i couldn't live in this village without. the community nature of the village which is the free workforce allows it to stay open and
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breakeven i think people are happy in their lives by working for free. to come in and do something knowing that your contribution has a meaning or purpose isn't ours it's just heritage and we've got to make sure it does continue for the next generation volunteers who run the say that there are two secrets to success locally sourced produce means that propping up the local economy take for example your free range eggs delivered from a nearby village there's a second recess secret alerts the famous chocolate biscuits customers travel far and wide for this homemade treat but even with volunteers staying open is hard the onslaught of major national chains has immense buying power it tempts shoppers with food sold for next to nothing has killed off thousands of independent british shops leaving ghost villages and now wake up against supermarkets and we all use
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supermarkets but to be able to have a local store which does local produce and it's something where you can chat to people you meet everybody the gossip goes on in here is amazing it would be dreadful if we did it because once you lose something like this you can never get it back again and they're not alone in getting together to save their small shop from extinction there are three hundred other community stores in some of the u.k.'s most rural pockets winning customers by knowing that retail means detail so operating in really difficult economic times but they're really punching above their weight community shops are offering something. very often quite different from what a supermarket is. offering for example they offer cafes they're offering postal services they're offering somewhere to go in and talk to your neighbors and your friends and if working for free is what it takes to keep that it's hearing him shop open and so be it but i enjoy you know should stay with it i really do it's the
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kind of spirit that could see this tiny stall whether the was just and hopefully stay open for another three hundred he is a party boy see north norfolk u.k. well after the break heads artie's for its was half an hour of sporting action from russia and around the world is coming right up. wealthy british style. sometimes. markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars
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a report on. the first baby steps are joint. folds and bones are not a big deal. but they can cause terrible trauma. for children can be broken by bare touch. and only the will of life can make. i'm source way. fragile people on our team. hello and thank you for joining make a cartridge for the r t sport show half an hour of sporting action from russia and around the world coming up and here's just a taste of it. the dream makers builders work around the clock to finish spots at
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moscow's new world class stadium the first to ground the capital club been called home in almost one hundred years. while the general legendary coach i thought in a scene aims to repeat history by once again leaving tesco basketball club to glory in the year only. and scar tissue scars in petersburg stay top of the k h l but their star forward picks up a three match ban for brawling with just seven regular season matches to go in the title race. but first one of the most successful and popular football teams in soviet and russian history is spartak moscow box despite the club's prestigious ninety year history the writer wants have never had their own ground until now confident but top off reports on a dream that's been almost a century in the making. the first stone of the future spartak stadium was laid in
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june two thousand and seven but their original project was changed and building didn't actually start until three years later the four hundred million dollars brought it includes a forty five thousand seat a football stadium and a twelve thousand capacity indoor beach construction work continues twenty four seventh's and the ground is sheffield to host its first matches in march twenty fourth team writes of the year one of those numbers according we're working flat out and even the russian winter can't stop us the actual building of the stadium should be finished by the end of this year so far tak it will be able to play their first home game in the second part of next season on their very own turf last september spark ducks stadium was included on fee for the least of four arenas to hold world cup matches in twenty eighteen but for millions of red and white fans around the country the future ground has already become special it's hard to imagine but throughout their ninety year history at spartak the best supported and
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most successful side in the country have never had their own steady and while there are still five more years to go before they eagerly awaited world cup comes to russia for spartak fans the long held dream of having their own grown will finally come true next year. the football club was founded in one thousand twenty two and toyed with two names before finally becoming sport uk in one nine hundred thirty five the four stars tim brothers were famous members of their early teams and it was the eldest nikolai who proposed the name inspired by the legendary bloody terror in slave spartacus this side quickly established themselves as saudi at heavyweight winning three championships before the second world war however only on the moscow clocks were backed by government agencies and had their own standings the nama whether police and says the army is one.


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